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[Herszel Worcelman died in the Warsaw ghetto] |
Najmłodszy Jecheskele Brawerman(syn Cywji. Monse Iglicki-syn Rouvena Iglickiego i Brawerman. Wszyscy zginęli w Treblince [The Worselman family. The upper row: Szmul, son of Meilech Worcelman died in Treblinka. The youngest Jecheskele Brawerman (son of Cwija)] |
[Jecheskele Braweman. Died in Treblinka] |
zamordowana przez Niemców w Paryżu [Morjam Rojzman the only daughter of Rochele Perkal. Murdered by the Germans in Paris] |
[Izaak Meir Herbst. Died on 28th April 1934] |
Zginął z żoną i 6-ro dziećmi w Treblince [Dawid Lejb Hochgelertner.Lived in Żelechów. Killed with his wife and 6 children in Treblinka] |
[Fajga Goldsztajn-Guberek murdered in Treblinka] |
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Updated 10 Sep 2010 by LA