We Remember Lest the World Forget

Produced by

Memories of the Minsk Ghetto
Minsk Charitable Public Organisation - GILF



Translated by
Michael Hornsby Ph.D., D.Litt.
Rostyslav Kanibolotskyi M.Sc.
Iuliia Kuznetsova B.A.
Edited by Hilda Bronstein Ph.D. and Bett Demby

The original book in Russian was published

Editors of the Russian version were: Maya Krapina, Tamara Kurdadze,
Yakov Murakhovskiy, Frieda Reizman and Vladimir Trachtenberg.


Translation was facilitated by The Together Plan, UK Charity




Our sincere appreciation to The Together Plan for permission to
place his book on the JewishGen web site.


This is the book: We Remember Lest the World Forget
Produced by Memories of the Minsk Ghetto

Purchase details for a printed copy of this book can be found at http://www.jewishgen.org/yizkor/ybip/YBIP_Minsk.html


We Remember Lest the World Forget
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Updated 15 Oct 2018 by LA