We Remember Lest the World Forget

Produced by Memories of the Minsk Ghetto
Minsk Charitable Public Organisation - GILF

(Minsk, Belarus)



Translated by
Michael Hornsby Ph.D., D.Litt.
Rostyslav Kanibolotskyi M.Sc.
Iuliia Kuznetsova B.A.
Edited by Hilda Bronstein Ph.D. and Bett Demby

Hard Cover, 10” by 7”,
268 pages with all images from of the original book

Available from for $33.00

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.

The original book in Russian was published by MINSK I.P. LOGVINOV PUBLISHERS 2012
Editors of the Russian version were: Maya Krapina, Tamara Kurdadze,
Yakov Murakhovskiy, Frieda Reizman and Vladimir Trachtenberg.


Translation was facilitated by The Together Plan, UK Charity



These moving personal testimonies of Minsk Ghetto survivors are published here in English translation for the first time. This is a book of some significance, for it opens a window on the rarely told story of the Holocaust in Belarus, in particular the unique history of the Minsk Ghetto. Between 1941 and 1943, approximately 80,000 Jews lived in or passed through that place of terror; as a result of starvation and repeated brutal pogroms, most did not survive. A few were helped by brave Byelorussian locals, who risked their own lives to save them. Others, many of them mere children like the narrators of these stories, managed to escape to the partisans living in the nearby forests. Having reached the relative safety of partisan camps, some even returned to Minsk to rescue their families and neighbours. Several of their dangerous missions are described within the pages of this powerful book. These stories which recount the memories of the Minsk Ghetto survivors are a testimony to the extraordinary power and resilience of the human spirit.


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