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We shall remember our brothers and sisters, the members of our congregation, that fell sanctifying the name. 
Many of those were destroyed and are gone – and we don't know their names.
Let their names also be included in these pages – and may this be the memorial stone on their unknown graves.

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - K - L - M - N - O - P - R - S - T - V - W - Y - Z

Adlerstein Tzluvka , and her husband
Adlerstein, Mordechai, his wife and their child
Adlerstein, Ruchel nee Przepiurka, and her children Feivel, Sura, Miriam, Esther
Adlerstein, Shalom Meir, Sura, his wife, and their five children
Adlerstein, Shmuel, Rivka, his wife, and their sons Menasha and Yerachmiel
Adlerstein, Yechiel, his wife and their two children
Akerman Avigdor, his wife and two children
Akerman Feiga Leah and her daughter Alta
Akerman Mendel and his wife
Akerman Yenta Gittle
Akerman Yitzchak, and his wife
Albeling Dina and her son Arieh
Albeling Yisrael, his wife Feika nee Bergman, and the daughter Esther and the son
Album Chaim Yosef, his wife and their children Velvel and Leibel
Album Shlomo Meir, his wife Tzarnah nee Goldfarb, and their children Rivka and Tzvi.
Album Yecheil
Altshuld Yaakov, his wife Sura Gittle
Altshuld Yehuda, his wife Gitle and their son Yechiel
Ashkenazi Yaakov, his wife Sura Ruchel nee Pasmenter and their daughters Golda and Chayale
Avraham Ber, his wife, his mother-in-law Bila Rivka, and her family (family name unknown)
Mordechai Izack, Dovid Leib, Chaim Reuven Alpha  Index
Bahrav Tzvi, Rivkah his wife and their children Yosef-Dovid, Avraham, Aryeh, Tzipora
Bass Chava
Bass Iticha Meir, and his family
Bass Primet
Bass Shimon, Ruchel his wife, and Dovid their son
Bass Yosef, Pessel his wife, and Leib their son
Baumer Alter and his family, 9 souls
Baumer Alter, his wife and 5 children
Baumer Avraham and his family, 8 souls
Baumer Avraham, Duba his wife and their children Esther and Yaakov-Shomo
Baumer Avraham, Esther-Mindel his wife and their children Moshe and Ateli
Baumer Avraham-Chana and his family, 9 souls
Baumer Micahel, and his children Yitchak, Yaakov-Shlomo, Chana and Ruchel
Baumer Mordechai, Esther his wife, Yehuda, their son
Baumer Shlomo, Sima his wife, and their children Yitzkak and Alter
Baumer Yaakov, Miriam his wife and the children Lea, Esther, Bracha, Sholmo-Pesach, Yisrael-Chaim and Shmuel
Baumer Yitzchak and his family, 8 souls
Baumer Zelif, his wife and their 2 children
Baumgarten Avraham, and Feye his wife nee Goldfarb
Baumgarten Yaakov and Freida his wife, nee Bilevski, and their son
Beliweis Esther and her family
Bergman Alter, his wife Sura and their daughter Golda
Bergman Avraham, his wife Malka nee Kagan and their children
Bergman Avraham-Issar, his wife Chaya-Tova, and their children Elta, Itzik and Duba
Bergman Chaim-Yosef and his wife and their children Moshe, Laibel, Chana
Bergman Chai-Tova daugher of Alter, her husband and their son
Bergman Chaya-Leah
Bergman Fishel, his wife Henya and their children Feiga, Mottel, Dovid, Chaim, Chava
Bergman Golda and her son Zalman
Bergman Herschel, his wife Lea and their daughters Yednta and Bluma
Bergman Sheyndel
Bergman Yaakov, his wife and their daughter Ruchel
Berman Dovid and his wife
Bermson Dovid
Bialistozky Dovid and his family
Biaylistock Dovid and his wife
Biaylistock Shlomo, his wife Esther nee Przepiurka and their child
Biaylistock Yisrael, his wife Maila nee Freeman
Biderman Moshe-Mordechai and his wife Sura-Rivkeh, their daughter Gittel
Blecher Yehudah, his wife and their four children
Blechman Leah, Bracha, Yocheved
Blechman Shmuel-Leib, his wife Sura and their children Yisrael and Gittel
Blechman Yaakov, his wife Faige, and their son Yosef
Blumberg Chaim Leib
Blumberg Etta and her husbaND
Blumberg Fishel, his wife and their four children
Blumberg Herschel and his wife Yenta nee Blecher
Blumberg Hersch-Leib and his wife Breindel
Blumberg Moshe, his wife Bluma nee Rezwkuyat and their children Chaya, Herch-Lazar and Yisrael
Blumberg Rika
Blumberg Yehoshua, his wife Cahna and their daughter Surka
Blumenfeld Feeiga, Beila, Ruchel
Blumenfeld Yisrael, his wife Ribka and their six children
Blumenkranz Aharon-Faivel and his family
Blumenkranz Baruch, his wife Sura and their children Sura, Hinde, Tziporah, Tzvia, Tzvi Yehuda, Chaya-Beila, Elta, Ruchel, Shayna.
Blumenkranz Chaim-Yosef, his wife Gittel, and their children Zindel,Chana, Rivka,Nashka
Blumenkranz Herschel
Blunfeld Boaz and his children Yosef, Leaqn, Duba, Chaika Shlomo
Bonde Chaim, his wife Raizel nee Rotberd and their children
Bonde Moshe, Etel his wife and their children Tzvi and Chana
Bonde Shlomo, Chava his wife and their 2 children
Bonde Smuel, Feige his wife, and their children Mirka, Ruchel, Yehudis, Fruma, Moshe and Reuven
Bonde Tzvi, Bracha, his wife and their children Chana, Moshe and Yitzchak
Bonde Yitzchak, his wife and 5 children
Bornstein Avraham, Freida his wife and their sons Moshe, Yaakov and Yosef
Bornstein Mindel and her husband
Bornstein Mordechai, Pessah his wife and Hadassah, their daughter
Bornstein Royzel, Leibl, Sura, Berl, Herschel, Helka, Avraham, Velvel, Gittel
Bornstein Ruchel and her daughters Etka and Leah
Bornstein Yaakov and his family
Bornstein Yitzchak, his wife Sura nee Mandelboim and their children
Botzin Betzalel and his children Chana and Shmuel
Botzin Chaya
Botzin Eliezer
Botzin Mordechia-Yosef and his wife Chaya
Boym Benyamin, Esther his wife and their 3 daughters
Brau Mendel, his wife Brindel nee Marovka and their children
Brau Moshe, his wife Mindel nee Fingold and their daughter Zvia
Braunrot Simcha, his wife nee Levinshtein, and their children.
Braverman Chana and her children
Braverman Reuven, his wife Sheyndel and their son Shimon
Bronshtein Mordechai, his wife Bracha and their children Chaya, Moshe-Aharon, Shmuel, Rivka-Zeisel
Brotshtein Avraham, his daughter Menucha, and the family
Brotshtein Yaakov, his wife Royza and their children Etka, Michal, Yona, Gittel, Sura, Avraham, and Yisrael Alpha  Index
Chamylz Avraham-Alter, his wife Ruchel and their daughter Chaya-Gittel
Chamylz Moshe'ke his wife Mindel nee Feingold and their children Shlomo, and Chaya
Chamylz Ruchel, Chaya-Gittel, Zelda, Royze.
Chamylz Shlomo, his wife Sura-Feya, and their sons Moshe-Tuvya and Itzil
Chamylz Yechiel, his wife Feige and their children Malka, Chayua, Elka
Chamylz Yoel and his family
Chayzon Yosef, his wife Chaya and their children Moshe, Dovid, Shmuel, Reizel, Freidel, Eitka Alpha  Index
Dovzinsky Pinchas Leib and his wife
Droblas Aharon
Droblas Chana
Droblas Moshe Alpha  Index
Eizedkat Smuel, his wife Malka and their children Sura, Shlomo, Reizel, Gittle
Eizensar Yaakov Dovid, his wife Bela Rivka and their children Ruchel and Leibel
Eizman Beinam, his wife Gittle nee Meinmar, and their children
Esther Chalehleh (family name unknown) and her sons Shimcha and his family, 
Yishayhu and his family, Meir and his family; her daughters Ruichel and her family, Beila, Chana, Ruchel Alpha  Index
Farbiarge Shmuel, his wife Feige nee Borshtein
Farbiarge Yisrael, his wife Tziril and their daughter Freida
Farbiearge Chaim, Elta
Feirtag Aharon, his wife Bin'che nee Przepiurka and their children Mottel, Chaya, Sura
Feirtag Chanoch, his wife and family
Feirtag Yosaeef, his wife Duba and their daughters Rivka and Naomi
Feishbein Leibel, Sura, Yehudis, Arehey
Felchtman Eliezer and his family
Feller Choneh, his wife Chana-Perl nee Pahpiyorka
Feller Shmuel, his wife Royze nee Feingold
Feller, Yenta
Felner Efraim, Feiga, Tzvi
Fergman Dovid, his wife Nechuma nee Segalik and their children Moshe and Esther
Fergman Efraim and his wife
Fergman Feivel and his family
Fergman Yitzchak and his wife Sura nee Shpilman
Figorah Shmuel, Simah, Yaakov, Zerach, Batya
Figorah Yudel, Avraham, Batya, Yitzchak, Shmuel, Nussan
Figovah Avraham and his family
Figovah Meir, his wive Tzvia and their children Basha, Freida
Fingold Aryeh-Velvel, his wife Faige
Fingold Avraham, his wife Bracha and his daughter Ruchel
Fingold Meir-Ovadiya, his wife Rivka and their children.
Fingold Simcha, his wife Chana'che and their daughter Ruchel
Fingold Yisrael, his wife Gittel
Fingold Yisrael-Moseh and his wife nee Shkorka
Fingold Yosef Eliezer, his wife Freida-Rivka nee Wegman and their daughters Mindel Leah'che
Finik Avraham, his wife Tova of the family of Yosef Mendelboim
Finkelshtein Aharon-Yaakov, his wife Esther, their son Shmuel and their daughter
Finkelshtein Gershon-Eliezer, his wife Bela and their son Pesach
Finkelshtein Hindeh, her husband Michael
Finkelshtein Nussan, his wife Malka and their children Esther, Chaya, Golda, Aharon-Hirsch, Sura
Finkelshtein Yakov-Areyeh, his wife Chana nee Gorodchky and their children Rivka, Brina, Sura, Miriam
Finzilber Zeev and his wife
Flamm Shlomo, his wife Feige nee Shlezinger, their daughter Bracha
Flamm Yaakov and his family
Freiman Chaim, his wife Tova
Freiman Efraim, Feiga-Rivka
Freiman Efraim, his wife Esther-Malka
Freiman Leibka, his wife Leika
Freiman Tuvya, his wife Duba and their children Reuven, Tova, Ruchel, Yenta, Chava, Chana
Freiman Yaakov, his wife and their two children
Freiman Yoel, Avraham, Yosef, Esther
Freiman Yoske, his wife Chava nee Zukerman and their two children
Fridman Moshe and his wife Rivka and their children Berl, Erika, Herschel, Gittel Alpha  Index
Ganz and his wife Milka nee Greiber and their child
Gedengold Shmuel and his family
Gedlovich Leibel and his wife Beila
Giltzer Avraham,his wife Grina and their daughter Gittel Razel
Giltzer Lipa and his wife Lea
Giltzer Yetta and her children Lean, Micha and Zeev
Gingold Chaya and her daughter Bracha
Ginzburg Yehuda and Chaya
Glassman Nachman and his family
Glassman Simcha
Glassman Yaakov and his family
Glicksberg Chaya Shlomys
Goldberg Avraham
Goldberg Chana daughter of Feiga-Leah
Goldberg Leibel and his wife Sura
Goldberg Moshe
Goldberg Sura Esther and her husband Yaakov
Goldberg Yosef, his wife Sura-Leah, and their children Sascha and Duba
Goldblat Benyamin, his wife Gittel and their children Yakov, Feiga, Feika, Miriam
Goldfarb Nechuma
Goldman Avraham Eliezer, his wife Maleh and their children Bracha, Duba, Yaakov, Mottel, Breina-Tze
Goldman Herschel, his wife Chana-Leah and their children Freiyda,
Breina-Tze, Avraham, Shlomo, Fishel
Goldman Yaakov, his wife Feiga and their children
Goldstein Avraham-Issar son of Reuven and his wife Rela and their children
Goldstein Benyamin son of Shimon and his family
Goldstein Brindel daughter of Reuven
Goldstein Chaim and his wife Sasha
Goldstein Chaim son of Reuven, his wife Rivka nee Saperstein 
and their children Roza and Simcha
Goldstein Chava daughter of Reuven
Goldstein Dovid son of Reuven and his wife Chaya-Tze son of Benyamin
and their children Eidel and Ovadia
Goldstein Feiga daughter of Reuven and her husband Yosef and their son
Goldstein Maleh daughter of Avraham-Issar and her husband Aharon
Goldstein Moshe son of Reuven, his wife Chana-Rivka nee Bondner
Goldstein Moshe, his wife Rivka and their daughter Zeissel
Goldstein Shmuel Chaim son of Avraham-Issar, his wife Gittel nee Mendelbaum
and their five children
Goldstein Yechiel son of Reuven, his wife Feiga Lea and their five children
Gordon Hersch-Eliezer and his fiancee Chay-tze of the Przepiurka family
Gorkey Eliezer and his wife Chaya Milka
Gorman Masha and her husband
Gorman Moshe, his wife and their children
Gorman Yosef, his wife Naomi
Gothelf Chana of Nachman Mendelboim's family
and her children Chava and Herschel
Grabiya Noach and his family
Grabiya Shmuel and his wife Devorah
Granet Yitzchak and his mother
Greenberg Moshe, his wife Gittel and their children Chaya-tze, Zuyndel, Feiga, Yoel, Royshka, Esther, Shlomo and Yitzchak
Greenberg Shmuel Chaim, his wife Frandel, and their children Tzvi, Shabtain, Zeev, Yosef
Greenberg Shmuel, his wife Chaya and their children Esther, Moshe, Breindel
Greenfeld Efraim Paltiel, Yetta Reizel,
Greiber Chaya (Feibeshes)
Gringold Esther and her daughters Yetka, Chaya
Grodzyzki Yosef, his wife Lea and their two children
Grontro Moshe and his family
Grontro Zelig
Grushka Becha nee Finkelstein and her daughter
Gutman Eliezer his wife Tova and their children Yaakov Ruchel Chana
Gvertz Beirish and his family, Leah Ruchel, Tzipa Beila and Yisrael
Gziben Baruch, his wife Sura Yehudis nee Lazbink and their children Yisrael, Nec hama, Pesya,Chaya, Meir
Gzibinresh Mattiyahu, his wife Tziril and their children Chanoch, Yehudis, Shmuel, Yaakov, Eliezer, Yova, Chaya
Gzibinresh Tavi, his wife Lea and their children Nechuma Miriam, Chaya, Zeev
Gzinda Leibel, his wife Rivka nee Shdelinsky and their child
Gzinda, Yisrael, his wife Freida nee Laufer and their children Alpha  Index
Halbershtadt Shmuel, his wife Feiga-Gitel nee Goldfarb and their daughters Hinde and Mindel
Henelraz Etka and her duagher Leba and the family
Hochberg Chaim, Chaya, Ruchel, Shlomo, Tovia
Hochberg Gedalyahu, Malka, Freida
Hochberg Herschel, Hinde, Sura, Chaya, Rivka, Esther
Hochberg Moshe-Aharon, his wife and their five children
Hochberg Yisrael, his wife and their seven children
Holland Berel (Berik) his wife Mirel nee Bronstein, and their children
Holland Mendel, his wife Gittel nee Marovka and their children Chaim, Simcha 
Kafoby Basha, her husband Benyamin and their son
Kafoby Chaya, her husband and their children
Kafoby Elater-Chaim, his wife Ruchel and 11 children
Kafoby Hersch-Leiv
Kafoby Meir and his family
Kafoby Muttel, his wife Chava
Kafoby Shlomo, his wife Tziril and their son
Kafoby Yaakov, his wife Rivka and their children
Kagan Yenta, Devorah, Avraham, Sima
Kalnichraj Alter-Ben-Tzion, his wife Feye-Rivka nee Oskola and their children Golda, Michael, Yenta, Mordechai
Kalnichraj Ceila, her daughers Tirtza, her husband and their two children, Michala and her husband
Kaminkovsky Alter, his wife and the family
Kaminkovsky Meir and his family
Kaor Yaakov, Yisrael, Mordechai
Kaplan Herschel, and Yehuda and their family
Karda Yechiel, his wife Rivka nee Karfik and their children Yitzchak, Moshe, Beila
Karpel Eliezer, his wife Yetta, their son Moshe and their daughter
Katz Chaim-Itzel and his family
Katz Herschel and his family
Kendel Yosef and his wife Feige nee Przepiurka and their child
Keniksman Perl, Avraham, Ahaon, Chana, Shlomo
Kesselman Yechiel and the family
Kishke Chaim, his wife Duba and their 8 children
Kitshkovsky Mendel, his wife and two daughters, Bracha, Leiba,
and her husband Yechiel and their children Shmuel, Aharon, Moshe
Kitshkovsky Pinchas, his wife Chaya nee Gorodizky, and their children Rivka and Chava
Kitshkovsky Yechiel, Yisrael-Chaim
Klein Mendel, his wife and their daugher Chume and her family
Kochan Leib-Dovid, his wife Miriam and their son Shlomo
Kochan Moshe, his wife Sura-Leah and their daugher and their son Noach
Kochan Noach his wife Yenta nee Bergman
Kochan Shlomo, his wife Chaya nee Goldfarb, and their sons Yeheil and Tzvi
Kokovka Mordechai, his wife and their children Meir, Elka
Kokovka Zevulun, his wife and their children
Koni Berl-Dovid, his wife Gittel and their daughter Beila
Kornfeld Chaim-Eliyahu, his wife Chaya and their children
Koronah Mendel, his wife Chana, and their children Reuven-Yosef, Aryeh, Lib'che
Kortzhtansky Alter, his wife Gita, nee Bergman, and their daughter Alta
Koshitz Itzke, his wife Rivka and their daughter Devorah
Koslovsky Yehoshua, his wife and their children
Koyatik Shlomo
Koyatik Yaakov and his wife
Kozak Hanuch and his wife
Kozlovsky Meir-Asher The Rav and his wife Tzeril and their family
Kramaj Avraham, his wife Esther nee Greenberg and their daughter Perl
Kraus Yisrael, his wife Chana and their children
Kreizlman and his wife
Kroizman and his wife
Kroshevsky Yosef and his family
Krunovitzky Baruch, his wife Henya and their children Leibel, Itta, Shmuel
Kurzik Fishel, his wife Tova and their children
Kurzik Hersch-Leizer, his sister Naaka Alpha  Index
Lass Chaim-Eliyahu, his wife Leiba
Lass Yitzchak
Laufer Avraham-Yitzchak and his family
Laufer Duba, his husband Chaim, and their 8 children
Laufer Mordechai
Laufer Pinchas and his family
Laufer Pinnchas and his familyu
Laufer Royze and her husband
Laufer Shlomo and his wife
Laufer Shlomo, his wife Etkah and their children Yisrael, Esther, Leah, Royze
Laufer Shmuel, his wife Chava, and their children Ruchel, Ericka, Shimon
Laufer Yisrael-Yehuda, his wife and their children
Laufer Yoel, Esther, Shlomo, Sheindel, Bracha
Laufman Baurch, his wife Yitka nee Morgenshtern, their daughter Mackla
Laufman Leah-ze and her husband
Laufman Yaakov, his wife Chaya nee Bass, their daughter Bila
Laufman, Eliezer, his wife Duba
Leiber Dovid-ze, his wife Bila nee Mendelbaum and their children
Lerman Herschel and his family
Lerman Nachman and his family
Lerman Shepsel, his wife and their daughter Chana
Lerman Shlomo, his wife Devorah, their daughter Chaya
Lerman Shmuel, his wife and their son
Lerner Leibel, his wife Tova and their children Sura, Ruchel, Royzel, Shlomo, Eliezer
Lev Avraham, his wife Leah nee Bronshtein and their children Ruchel, Chava, Herschel
Lev Yaakov-Moshe, his wife Necha, and their daughter Sirka
Levertovsky Chaim-Velvel, his wife Malah nee Mazor and their children
Levertovsky Gershon, Royze, Avraham, Rivka
Levertovsky Royze and her children
Levin Aharon, Dovid, Moshe, Yisrael, Yechiel, Yonasan, Chaya
Levin Malka and Zluva
Levin Mordechai, his wife Sheindel and their children Yosef, Chana, Yaakov
Leviner Dovid and his wife Chaya
Lezbnick Avraham, his wife Leah-Elka and their children Devorfah, Breindel, Herschel
Lezbnick Meir-Yechiel and his wife
Lezbnick Shmuel and his family
Lichtenshtein Yaakov, his wife Sirka nee Freeman
Lichtmeir Motke and his family
Litra Dovid-Leib, his wife and his daughter Ruchel
Lofteh Feitel, his wife Esther
Lofteh Nachum, Yehosua-Dovid, Moshe, Perl, Chaya
Lofteh Tzvi, his wife Esther, and their children Malka, Ruchel, Simah
Lofteh Yitzchak, his wife Naomi, their son Moshe
Loumis Getzel, his wife Chana and their children
Loumis Yaakov, his wife Miriam
Lovelsky Shlomo, his wife Esther nee Perl, their son Yaakov-Dovid Alpha  Index
Maas Aharon-Noach and his family
Maas Dovid, his wife Chava and their children Yisrael, Duba and the family
Maas Elka-Leah and her family
Mazor Beila-Leiba
Mazor Rivka
Mazor Reuven, his wife Golda and their daughters Malkah and Maliya
Mazor Yitzchak, his wife and their sons Yechiel, Tzmach
Mazor Leibel, his wife Sura nee Feigovi
Muntziz Yitzchak, Esther, Zeev
Muntziz Shmuel, his wife Ruchel and their daughters Chava, Sura, Perl, Sheindel and her husband
Muntziz Noach and his wife Glicka
Muntziz Chika and his family
Muntziz Chena, his wife and their three children
Morgenshtern, Yaakov-Mendel (the last Rabbi of Wengrow) and his children Yocheved and Leah
Morgenshtern Chana and her daughter Reizele
Morgenshtern Baruch, his wife Ruchel and their children Yitzchak-Eliyahu, Naftali,
Bluma, Beila, Ruchama
Mitgalitzer, Chanich
Meidenboim Moshje and his wife Miriam
Meidenboim Yisrael-Leib and his wife Chava
Meidenboim Dovid, his wife Sura, and their daughter Miriam
Meidenboim Leah, Michael, Miriam, Tzippa, Dovid, Sura
Meidenboim Simcha, his wife Chaya-Ruchel, and their children Yosef, Miriam, Esther
Meidenboim Berl, his wife Leah, and their children Maachel, Miriam, Tzippa
Meinmer Beiresh, his wife Rika nee Blumenfeld, and their four children
Meinmer Shimon, his wife Chan-ze nee Bondeh
Meinmer Eliyahu, his wife Sura-Devorah nee Tornheim, Akiva-Meir, Nechuma, Esther, Yehudah, Yisrael, Beila, Feiga
Meilberg Simcha, his wife Chava-Roza nee Hochberg, and their children Yitzchak, Rivka, Chaya
Milinsky Yisrael-Hirsch, his wife Chana, and thir daughter Sheindel
Miller Lippa, his wife Elta nee Wirnick
Miller Leibel, his wife Naomi nee Klantzriz, and their son Yekutiel
Miller Mottel, and his children Yaakov, Berl, Menashe, Ruchel, Leah
Miller Chana
Miller Yosef
Miller Dovid, his wife, their daughter Sheindel and the family
Mendizitzky Menachem and his wife and family
Mendizitzky Beyresh son of Menachem and his family
Mendizitzky Yisrael-Yaakov son of Menachem and his family
Mendizitzky Esther daughter of Menachem and her family
Mendizitzky Chana, daugher of Menachem and her family
Mendizitzky Yehoshuah, son of Menachem and his family
Mendizitzky Beiresh, Feigeh Leah, Mordechai, Blumah, Yechiel, Tovah, Dovid, Fruma, Rivka
Mendelboim Avraham Nachman's, his wife Shayna-Chaya nee Feingold
Mendelboim Yudel son of Reb Avraham, his wife Esther and their children
Mendelboim Yaakov son of Reb Yudel, his wife and their children
Mendelboim Tzadok, son of Reb Avraham, his wife Esther and their children
Mendelboim Zelig and his wife Tzvia
Mendelboim Yaakov-Yehoshuah, his wife Matal nee Eizenberg and their son Meir-Shalom
Mendelboim Leah
Mendelboim Miriam
Mendelboim Yoel, his wife Esther and their children Yehudah, Shlomo, Gittel
Mendelboim Feiga and her son Moshe-Gedalyahu
Mendelboim Chana
Mendelboim Shaul'ka, his wife Miriam nee Shapira and their children
Mendelboim Mordechai, his wife and their children
Mendelboim Miriam
Mendelboim Tzippa and her family
Mendelboim Chaim, his wife Zeisel
Mendelboim Feige
Mendelboim Leah
Mendelboim Ziskind, Simcha-Binam, Yenta, Tzippa
Mendelboim Eliyahu son of Zelig, his wife Tzipporah, and their children
Mendelboim Moshe, his wife Devorah nee Neiman, and their children
Mendelboim Yaakov, Avraham, Aryeh
Mendelboim Herschel-Tzvi, son of Reb Nachman, his wife Royze,
and their sons Shmuel,Yaakov and the family
Mendelboim Mendel, son of Reb Herschel, his wife Rivka and their children
Mendelboim Chayaka daugher of Herschel and her husband and their children
Mendelboim Yosef son of Reb Nachman, his wife Sheindel-Leah nee Finkelshtein, and their children Sura, Tzippa, Chayale, Chava, Tova, Eita, Yitzchak
Mendelboim Shmuel son of Reb Yosef, his wife Rivka nee Halberstein, daugher of Rabbi Mastock, and their children Feigele, Mindele,Moshe-Baruch
Marovka Chayale and her son Mottel
Marovka Shlomo and his family
Marovka Dovid and his family
Markosfeld Moshe, his wife Bultze nee Mendelboim and their children
Markosfeld Moshe son of Mendel and his family
Markosfeld Leah-Bracha daughter of Mendel Alpha  Index
Nortman Yosef, his wife Tova and their children Simah, Feige, Henya, Moshe, Ezrah
Nortman Meir, his wife Yosepha, and their children Sheindel and Velvele
Nortman Yisrael-Leib and his sister Beila-Roza
Nussblat Noach and his children Shlomo, Yaakov, Bela, Rivka, Ether
Nussblat Mutka and his family
Nussblat Herschka and his family
Nadelman Pinchas, his wife Henya and their 6 children
Nadelman Sura and her husband and their daughter
Neuymark Azriel and his 3 children
Neuymark Dov
Neymark Zalman, his wife Sura nee Mandelboim and their children Feigel, Mindel, Moshe,
Niviskikoyt Yisrael-Chaim
Niviskikoyt Yaakov, his wife Sura and their children Zelig, Beila
Niviskikoyt Herzka, his wife Devorah, and their chilren Tzadok, Freida, Pesach
Niviskikoyt Yechiel, his wife Esther nee Freidman, and their children
Niviskikoyt Yitzchak, his wife Mirla, and their children
Neiman Yonah-Izik, his wife and their daughter
Neiman Dovid-Izik, his wife Sheindel and their son Mottel and their daughter and the family
Neiman Avraham Moshe, his wife Sura, their daighters Leah, Chanaze
Neiman Herschel (Tzvi), his wife Yetka nee Zolti, and their children Sura, Chaim-Dovid, Gittel, Shimon-Shalom, Chaya-Rivka
Neiman Moshe-Yosef, his wife Roze-Yetka nee Taybloom and their children Bracha, Rafael
Neyher Yaakov, Freida and Baruch
Neyman Yeheil, his wife Haya-Sura, and their children Leah, Yosef, Michala,
Mottel, and 2 more children
Nefirstick Dovid and his family
Nefirstick Shepsel and his wife
Nefirstick Hirsch-Yechiel, his wife Devorah nee Freeman and their son Chaim 
Ornstein Mottel, his wife Tzippa nee Feingold, and their children Simcha and Yenta
Ornstein Moshe, his wife Yentel, and their two children
Ornstein Simcha, his wife and their two children
Ornstein Chana Ruchel and her husband
Ornstein Pinchas, his wife Malca mee Feingold, and their children Nussan, Yentel, Avraham, Meir
Alpha  Index
Paff Shifra, Moshe, Avraham-Yosef, Mindel, Yetta, Tzvi
Pahpiyorka Yisrael, his wife Chava nee Mendelboim, and their children Mindele and Moshe
Pahspiyorka Yechiel son of Hillel and his wife Pua and their children Mordechai, and Rivka
Pai Zolta, her husband Mattasiyahu and their children
Pai, Dovid and his wife Bracha and their children Pesach, Hindel
Parnet Chaim, his wife and their daughter
Parvada Pertz, his wife Rivka and their children Itil, Shlomo, Yaakov
Przepiurka Alta (daugher of Shlomo and Breindil) and her husband Avraham 
and their son Reuven
Przepiurka Avraham (son of Pinchas) and his wife Feiga nee Bergman
Przepiurka Avraham son of Hillel, his wife Rozshka, and their children Aharon and Miriam
Przepiurka Benyamin, his wife Etka
Przepiurka Chaya'che (daughter of Shlomo and Briendil) and her finance S. Eliezer Gordon
Przepiurka Feiga (daugher of Shlomo and Breindil) and her husband Yosef and their child
Przepiurka Kalman, his wife Chaya
Przepiurka Menachem, his wife Miriam nee Shlezinger, and their children Sheindel, Leah, Yosef
Przepiurka Mendel (son of Pinchas) and his wife Esther nee Finevasky
and their children Zelig and Yitzchak
Przepiurka Moshe (son of Pinchas) and his wife Chaya nee Finevasky 
and their children Esther, Fishel, Bul'che, Zelik, Yitka
Przepiurka Nachman-Shimon, his wife Sheindel
Przepiurka Perl (daughter of Pinchas) and her husband Moshe and ther children, a son and a daughter
Przepiurka Pinchas (son of Itche-Feivel), his wife Ruchel daughter or Hersch-Fishel 
and their son Fishel
Przepiurka Reuven, his wife nee Meinmar, and their 8 children
Przepiurka Shlomo (son of Pinchas) and his wife Briendil daughter of Reuven Goldshtein
Przepiurka Shlomo, his wife Pesiya and their children Henya, Yehudis
Przepiurka Sura (daughter of Pinchas) and her son Yitzchak
Przepiurka Yaakov, his wife Feiga and their son Moshe
Przepiurka Yitzchak, his wife Hadassah nee Bonde, and their daughter Fruma
Przepiurka Yosef (son of Pinchas) and his wife Malka nee Gorodzky and their children Chaya'che, Yaakov, Sura
Pashspiyorka Moshe, his wife Sima nee Kapovi, and their son Kila
Passass Aryeh-Leib, his wife Bracha and their son Avraham
Passass The Rav Nussan Tzvi
Passmenter Avraham-Yitzchak, his wife Michla, toiva, Hinda, Hersch-Shlomo, Rivka, Ruchel Aharon, Herschel, Moshe, Golda, Hersch-Leib, Shmuel, Yona
Passmenter Moshe (Fishele) and his family
Passmenter Moshe, his wife Etka
Pastolsky Shalom, his wife Sura-Golda, and their children Shmuel, Yitzchak
Pastolsky Yosef, his wife Esther, Yisrael Chaim
Perkal Chana
Perkal Efraim and his wife
Perkal Yeshayahu, his wife and their children
Perl Dovid, his wife Rivka and their children Yaakov-Yosef Malka
Perlah Liba nee Tikolxkyh and her son Yaakov-Dovid
Perlmutter the Rav Efraim
Pomerantz Menashe, his wife Chava and their children Yosef, Dovid and two daughters
Popiolik Yaakov
Pormansky Tzvi, his wife and their children
Ptak Alter and his family
Ptak Avraham, his wife Mirka nee Maas and their son
Ptak Hersch-Izak and his family
Ptak Moshe, and the grandchildren Benny, Leah Yaakov,Chaya, Esther, Odes, Tovah, Itta
Ptak Nussan and his wife Chana'che nee Shzgilchik
Ptak Orka, his son Leibel
Ptak Welah, his wife Chaya
Ptak Yitzchak, and his son Pesach
Ptak Zerach, Tavham, Chava
Poznansky Yehiel, Shalom, Bela Alpha  Index
Ravinsky Ettel, and her two daughters
Ravinsky Ettel, Roza, Yehoshua, Chana
Ravinsky Yitzchak and his wife and their their daughters
Reichembach Meir-Aharon and his family
Reichenbach Moshe-Yosef, hiw wife Gittel nee Oskola and their children Chava and Sarah
Reichenbach Yisrael and his family
Reichik Yosef-Dovid, his wife Ruchel and their children
Reinhertz Meir, Chana, Leiba
Reizman Yaakov, his wife Dina their daughter Ruchama and two sons
Rekanat Herschel, his wife Leah-Bracha nee Markosfeld, and their daughters Beila,
Leiba and two more children
Ribak Chaim-Tzvi
Ribak Hindel-Rivka, nee Giltzer
Rivke Getzel, his wife Chaya-Esther
Rosenbaum Moshe, his wife and their child
Rosenbaum Pesach, his wife Esther and their children Freida, Avraham, Yehuda, Zelda, Yisrael, Moshe, Sura-Yetta, Chanoch, Muttel
Rosenbaum Yosef, his wife and their daughter
Rosenbaum, Dovid, Pinchas, Yocheved and the family
Rosenberg Simcha, Ruchel and Moshe
Rosenblum Dovid and Leah
Royzin Avraham his wife Sarah nee Neuman and their daughter
Rozen Yisrael-Yitzchak, his wife Royza nee Rdominsky and their son Shlomo
Rozinsky Mordechai-Yosef, Michala, Leau, Naftuli, Rivka, Chana, Hinda, Bracha, Yocheved
Rozinsky Yehuda
Rozovikoit Chaim-Eli, his wife Sheindel nee Freeman, and their children Freida and Mordechai
Rozovikoit Moshe, his wife Roza-Beil and their son Zalman Alpha  Index
Sapershtein Sarah-Rivka
Savar Aharon and his family
Savar Avraham and his family
Savar Itzshe and his family
Savar Mottel and his family
Schultz Hirsch-Itzik, his wife Fesha-Tova
Schultz Simcha, his wife nee Shapira
Schwartz Aharon, Nechuma, Pessiya, Chaim Arieya and Leah
Schwartzberg Avraham, his wife Elta nee Przepiurka and their son Reuven
Schwartzberg Avraham, his wife Leah and their son Yehoshua
Schwartzberg Herschel
Schwartzberg Itzi'a son of Yosef
Schwartzberg Mendel, his wife nee Wallershtein and their children
Schwartzberg Moshe, his wife Ittel and their two children
Schwartzberg Shmuel-Leib, his wife Ruchel nee Rozbekoit
Schwartzberg Velvel, his wife Ruchama nee Leviner and their children Feige, Bluma, Henya
Schwartzberg Yaakov his wife and their children
Schwartzberg Yosef and his wife and their sons Moshe and Herschel and their daughter Rivka
Sedovnick Aharon-Yaakov and his family
Sedovnick Moshek, his wife Bila nee Finkelstein, and their children Nachman, Yisrael, Mindel
Sedovnick Yaakov and his family
Sedovnick Yehoshuah, his wife Feika nee Lichtmeir, and their children Yosef, Maria, Chashya
Segal Alter, Batiya, Noach, Chaim, Moshe, Mendel
Segalik Efraim-Baruch, his wife Elta-Mirl and their children Meir-Shalom, 
Chaim-Shimcha, Yaakov-Hirsch
Segalik Levi-Yitzchak, his wife Yehudis nee Koskovsky
Segalik Mendel and his family
Sendel Choneh and his wife and their daughter
Serbnick Chana
Serbnickamin Choneh, his wife Simah and Shmuel
Serbnickamin Shmuel and his family
Serbnickamin Sura-Gittel, Malka, Avraham, Chana
Shapira Beer-Wolf, his wife Tzipa nee Mendelboim and their children Foygele,
Mindele, Aharon-Mendel
Shapira, Yosef-Dovid, his wife Paska and their children Sura, Tziril, Yaakov, Feige
Shdelinsky Baruch, his children Yosef and Elka
Shdelinsky Chaya-Brindel and her two children
Shdelinsky Moshe, his wife Sheindel and their daughter Rivka
Shdelinsky Shmuel, his wife Shoshana, and their children Yeshayhu, Hersel, Yosef, Zeisel
Shdelinsky Yaakov-Yitzchak, his wife Luba and their children Reizel, Yosef, Yeshayhu, Ruchel, Fruma, Chava
Shdelinsky Yosef, his wife Chaya nee Shwartzberg and their child
Sheinman Moshe-Aharon and his wife
Shidlovitz Yitzchak-Shu"b, his wife Finkel
Shikirka Menachem-Mendel, Feiga, Av raham, Chana, Yehuda, Sura, Fruma, Tzluva,
Shlezinger Aharon and his wife Hinde
Shlezinger Avraham-Yechekizhu, his wife Henya nee Boimgarten
Shlezinger Bunche, Shlomo, Yisrael
Shlezinger Dovid, his wife and their three children
Shlezinger Leibel, his wife and two children
Shlezinger Shlomo and his wife
Shneidover Meir-Leib his wife Esther nee Paspiyorka and their daughter Sheindel
Shneidover Yeshiyahu, his wife Esther-Ruchel, and their children Mindel, Yaakov,
Avraham, Berl, Shmuel, Leibel, Duba
Shneidover Yisrael-Hirsch and his family
Shochman Leib-Dovid, his wife Pessiya
Shochman Moshe, his wife and their five children
Shokuk Chaim, his wife Shusha
Shpeigelman Iitsha, and his family
Shpeilman Avraham-Chaim, his wife Chana-Ruchel
Shpeilman Hanzel, his wife Golda nee Wallershtein, and their children Noach, Ruchel,
Menachem, Foygele
Shpeilman Itsha, his wife Ruchel nee Grower and their children Feivel, Gittel, Freidel,
Yehoshua, Bluma
Shpeilman Leibish and his family
Shpeilman Moshe, his wife Tova and their children Rivka, Kalman, Sura
Shpeilman Zinvil, his wife Perl nee Tayblum and their children
Shteinberg Avraham, Yaakov, Itz'ka and their families
Shteinberg Chaim-Leib, his wife Chaya nee Rotman and the family
Shteinberg Moshe'ka, his wife Fruma nee Neiman, and their children Mottel, Malka, Leibel, Avraham and Tzvi
Shteinberg Pinchas and his family
Shteinberg Shmuel, his wife Brina and their children Avigdor and Perl
Shteinberg Shmuel-Chaim, his wife Chaya-Beila and their children Meir-Leib, Chava and more children
Shteinberg Simcha, his wife Ruchel nee Solovtitzky and their children
Shteinklepper Mattasiyahu, his wife and their child
Shtern Shmuel-Chaim
Shtichmeister Aharon-Noach, his wife Esther nee Feller, and their children
Shu"b Avraham-Yudel and his wife
Skibenbisky Yitzchak, his wife and their children
Skrofka Aharon, his wife Maala nee Goldshtein and their daughter Ruchel
Skrofka Herschel, his wife and their children
Skrofka Ruchel and her family
Slotzky Nussan, his wife, and their children
Slovetitzky Chanoch and his family
Slovetitzky Shlomo and his family
Smititzky Eliyah-Noach, his wfie Chana nee Pasmenter, their son Yaakov-Mendel
Smolensky Yosef, Chava and the family
Socknick Yaakov and his famikly
Sokolov Hanoch and his family
Sokolov Moshe-Aharon and his family
Sokolov Yitchak, his wife Sura, and their children
Solresh Avraham, his wife Chay-ze nee Kapovy and their 6 children
Sosna, Esther and her family
Sovkat Yisrael and Reizel Alpha  Index
Tabachnik Chaya and her family
Tabachnik Hadassah and her family
Tabachnik Pesach, his wife Reizka nee Greenberg
Tabachnik Reuven and his family
Tabachnik Shlomo and his wife Liba
Tabachnik Velvel, his wife nee Shteinberg, and their children
Techursh Esther
Tefer Shmuel and his family
Teitlbaum Chana and her children Chava, Moshe, Meir, Tzvi
Temborin Tuvya, his wife Sheindel, and their children
Tendichirz Chaim, his wife Feige, and their children Yaakov, Gittel
Tendichirz Leibel, his wife Bracha and their children Asher, Moshe-Chaim, Chanoch
Tendichirz Reuven, his wife Hindeh and their children Gittel, Leibush, Yenta, Sura
Tennenbaum Yehoshua-Wolf, his wife and their daughters
Teyblum Aharon, his wife Chaya-Rivka
Teyblum Yisrael-Leibush, his wife Esther and their children Mela, Hinda, Chana
Teyblum Yosef, his wife Gishe, and their children Chava, Machla, Meir, Avraham, Esther, Leah
Tick Royze nee Rekanat and her children Wolf-Meir, Yaakov, Breyna, Leah,
Tikulsky Yaakov
Tornheim Bela and her daughter
Tornheim Dov-Beirish and his family
Tornheim Elimelech and his family
Tornheim Leah Alpha  Index
Vlecher Alter, and his wife Leah 
Walershtein Yosef, his wife Sheindel daughter of Rav Nachman Mandelbaum
Walk Noach and his wife Sura
Wallman Chaim, Elta-Chana, Yoel, Malka, Reizel, Leibel
Wallman Ruchel, Breina, Batya and Yaakov
Wallman Yoekel-Dovid, Smuel, Rivka, Malka, Yaakov, Moshe
Walpmark Esther-Chana, and her two children
Wegman Aharon, his wife Chinka and their son Moshe
Wegman Yaakov, his wife and their children
Wegman Yisrael and his brother Avraham
Weidenbaum Yosef, Chaya-Menucha and their children
Weinberg Efraim, his wife and their five children
Weinberg Elta-Mikla
Weinberg Yisrael-Nussan and his wife Ethel-Reizel
Weinberg Yosef, his wife and their five children
Weinbrum Berel and his family
Weinbrum Rivka and her family
Weingarten Tzvi and his wife
Weingarten Yosef and his wife
Weinreb Yisrael-Shmuel, Duba, Yitchak-Eliyahu, Mordechai, Chana, Gittel
Weintraub Avraham-Yehoshua, his wife Lea nee Zablodovitz and their daughters Sheindel and Meital.
Weintraub Nussan and his wife
Weintraub Roiza nee Slobtitzky and her children Herschel, Yitzchak, Suraleh
Weirnick Tzvi, his wife and their five children
Weirnick Yitzchak and his family
Weisblach Avraham-Yosef, his wife Chava, and their children Chana-Ruchel, Royze, Reuven, Yaakov, Yehuda
Weisbort Yisrael-Mendel, his wife and their children Shlomo-Leib and Reuven
Weishniya Alter, Ruchel, Yechiel-Meir, Herschel-Tzvi
Weishniya Gedalyahu, his wife and their children
Weishniya Yitzchak
Weisman Avraham, his wife Gittel, and their children Yosef, Rafael, Miriam, Yechiel
Weiss Mendel, his wife Feiga, and their daughters Malka, Michtze, Eita
Weiss Shomo and his wife Perl
Welovski Yitzchak, his wife Sura and their daughters Henya and Golda
Welovsky Yosef, his wife and their children.
Wenger Mordechai and his family
Wenger Shmuel and his family
Wenger Yitchak and his family
Wengrovsky Leibel, his wife and their children
Wengrovsky Yosef, his wife Sheina-Gittel, and their children Chana,
Herschel, Chaim, Benyamin Leah
Werner Yitzchak, Moshe, Dovid, Chana, Surka, Shmuel, Berl
Werom Chaim, his wife and their daughter
Werom Yitzchak, Yaffa and their mother
Wexberg Yisrael, his wife Sura and their children Nerta, Leibel, Ita, and their families Alpha  Index
Yablonka Mottel, his wife and their children
Yadlin Chaim and his family
Yagleh Moshe, his wife and their children
Yefka Gimpel, Peretz, Breyna
Yellin Shlomo-Gedalyahu, his wife Esther Malka, and their children Yosef, Rivka, Beila, Liba, Meir-Shlomo
Yellin Yenta-Naomi
Yelovsky Yitzchak, Sura, Henya, Golda
Yentzmin Areyeh, his wife Chaya
Yentzmin Avraham, his wife Ruchel and their children Zalman, Mordechai, Feige
Yentzmin Chaim, his wife Chana and their sons Aharon and Pinchas
Yentzmin Moshe, his wife Esther, and their children Malka, Yitzchak, Rivka
Yentzmin Moshe, his wife Sima and their daughters Freida and Ruchel
Yentzmin Shlomo, his wife Gittel, the daughter Beila
Yeskolka Aharon and his wife Yaffa
Yeskolka Alter, his wife Pessia, and their children Anshel, Chana, Menucha
Yeskolka Avraham, Pinchas, Perl, Henya,
Yeskolka Ben-Tzion, hi wife Esther and their children Herschel, Chava
Yeskolka Esther
Yeskolka Herschel
Yeskolka Nota, his wife Leah and Mendeli
Yeskolka Penya, his wife Perl nee Nurtman, and their daughter
Yeskolka Tova and her children
Yeskolka Yitzchak, his wife Tzipporah, and their children Chasida, Nechuma, Sura
Yeskolsky Yisrael and his brothers Nota son of Anshel
Yigbeler Eidel Alpha  Index
Zabokliztky Dovid and his wife Rivka
Zabolitzky Yaakov, Yocheved, Breina
Zagon Alter his wife and their children
Zagon Avraham-Herzka, his wife Devorah and their children Yisrael and Ruchel
Zagon Moshe, his wife Sura and their children
Zagon Yisrael-Yitzchak, and his wife Tova
Zagon Yitchak, his wife Esther nee Shlezinger and their three children
Zagon Yitzchak, his wife Feige and thie children Moshe, Yeshayahu, Rivka, Chaya-Sura, Esther-Ruchel
Zelizer Aryeh-Leib, his wife Chayale nee Yosef Mandelbaum, Aharon, Feigele
Zelizer Izak, his wife and their children
Zelniker Moshe-Mendel, his wife Rivka and their children Ruchel, Chana, Simcha, Yenta, Sheindel
Zelzman Yaakov, his wife Sura-Mindel nee Bondy and their children Yitzchak and Fruma
Zentelofer Yehoshua, Sura, Chaytze, Yaakov, Pessia
Zentker Simcha, his wife Leah nee Teyblum
Zibitza Avraham, his wife Bracha nee Akerman
Zibitza Baruch and his wife Leah
Zibitza Eliyahu, his wife Lica and their daughers Chaya and Sura
Zibitza Esther and her children Beinish, Shifra, Pinchas Chaya-Feiga
Zibitza Michael and his wife Rivka
Zibitza Nauchum, his wife Golda and their daughter Royza
Zibitza Tziporah, her son Avraham and his family
Zibitza Yitzchak-Meir, his weife Sheyna-Freida, and their children Devorah, Asher,Shmuel
Zibitza Yosef and his wife Sura
Zibulaj Chaim, his wife Reizl nee Teyblum
Zibulaj Eliezer and his wife Beila
Zibulaj, Areyeh-Leib, his wife Dina and their daughters, Gittel and Necha
Zilberbnegal Nachman and his sons Yisrael-Chaim and Benyamin
Zilberman Moshe, his wife Tzvia and their children
Zilberman Yechezkel, his wife Yitka nee Lias and their children
Zilbernage Eliezer and his wife.
Zilbernagel Chaim-Leib, his wife Ruchel (or Rakel) (spelling is chaf not chet) nee Mandelbaum, and their daughters Yenta and Feiga
Zilbernegal Ahlomo, his wife and their son Yisrael
Zilbershtein Bunim
Zilbershtein Eliezer, his wife Lana and their children Rivka-Ruchel, Chana-Beila, Bumin, Feiga, Levy, Yehudis, Avraham, Yisrael
Zilbershtein Esther-Menucha
Zilbershtein Henya-Reizel
Zilbershtein Meir
Zilbershtein Miriam-Bracha
Zilbershtein Moshe
Zilbershtein Moshe, his wife Devorah, and their children Rivka and Avraham
Zilbershtein Shlomo, his wife Freida and their children Alter, Esther, Yetta, Yosefa, Aharon, Etiel, Mattaiyahu (mattes)
Ziman Mordechai, his wife Gittel nee Mendelbaum, and their two sons Emanuel and Moshe
Zimer Simcha, his wife and their daughters Freida and Esther
Zipnick Gershon, his wife Esther nee Arzintzer
Zipnick Shmuel Yehudah, his wife Elta, and their children
Zipsky Chava, Chaim, Yaakov, Mendel
Zivnitz Sura-Helka nee Virnick and her children Yitzchak, Perl, Ruchel, Chaya, Moshe, Yossele
Zloti Avraham-Yitzchak, his wife Elta-Hadassah nee Teiblum and their son Yisrael-Dovid
Zlotovisky Mordechai, Yehaiel, Sura, Roza, Menya, Ruchel, Bultshe
Zlotovitz Shlomo Zalman and his family
Zukerman, Arahmchik and his wife Reizel
Zukerman, Keibel, his wife and their children
Zukerman, Shmuel-Yitchak and his wife
Zukerman, Yechiel and his wife
Zumer Chaim-Yosef, his wife and their son Betzalel
Zumer Shlomo, Tova-Leah, Shmuel
Zumer Yitchak, his wife Yetta daugther of Yosef Mendelbaum
Zunshtein Bunam, his wife Ruchel nee Feingold Alpha  Index


The Martyrs of Wengrow who were Memorialized
by the Wengrow Community of Argentina 

Altman Pesach and his wife Alta-Gittel and their children Henya, Chana, Shmuel, Tziril, Ruchel, Brina, Baruch, Aharon
Blumberg Chaim-Leib and his family
Blumberg Hersch-Leib and Breindel
Blumberg Rika
Eizenberg Chaya and her husband Velvel and their children
Eizenberg Miriam and her husban Yitzchak and Rubel
Eizenberg Temma-Royzel and her husband Yaakov
Felman – the family
Freidman Feige-Malka and the children, Chana and her husband Rafael, Elta, Ruchel, Gittel
Gura Mottel, Dina, Ruchel, Esther and the children
Laufer Velvel, Mottel
Laufer Yosef and his family
Milberg Chava and Leibel and their five children
Milberg Herschel and Freida
Milberg Leah
Milberg Velvel and Esther
Milberg Yaakov-Mendel and his family
Mintzkarsh Yoel, Yosef, Herschel, Noach and their family
Nivisky Ruchel
Przepiurka Chana, Chaya, Malka
Przepiurka Herschel, Moshe
Przepiurka Hersch-Feivel and the children
Przepiurka Hindel
Przepiurka Miriam and Freidel
Przepiurka Miriam and her husband
Przepiurka Royza and the children Esther and Monish
Przepiurka Yaakov and Duba
Przepiurka Yaakov, Sura, Basha
Passmenter Herschel and Malka and their children Yitzchak, Tova, Chaika
Platner Devorah and her children Feiga, Gittel, Chava, Freidel, Tzvia, Mordechai, Reuven
Popovsky Herschel and his wife
Radoshinsky Aharon-Dovid and his wife Esther-Rivka
Radoshinsky Alter-Yaakov-Shlomo and his family
Shdelinsky Herschel and his family
Shteinberg Mendel and his family
Shteinberg Shimon and his family
Shtern Shmuel-Chaim
Tolpin Yitzchak and his family
Welovsky Benyamin and his wife Bracha
Wenger Yitzchak and his family
Wishnivsky Mottel, his wife, and his sister Chaya
Wishnivsky Yona, his wife and their children
Wishniya Meir, Ruchel – brother and sister
  Alpha  Index

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