Community of Wegrow, Memorial book
(Węgrów, Poland)

52°24' / 22°01'

Translation of Kehilat Wegrow; sefer zikaron

Edited by: M. Tamari

Written by: Former residents of Wegrow in Israel

Published in Tel Aviv, 1961




Project Coordinator and Translator

Susan Kahana


This is a translation from: Kehilat Wegrow; sefer zikaron; Community of Wegrow;
Memorial book, ed. M. Tamari. Tel Aviv, former residents of Wegrow in Israel, 1961

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Wegrow

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Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.

Wengrow and History
Nissan Slotzky: History of the Jewish Settlement in Wengrow X
List of the Rabbis of Wengrow 28
Book of the Religious Court Judges 33
Meir Steinberg: In the Old Beis-HaMidrash in 1904 47
Yaakov Virnick: An Eye for an Eye 48
Pesach Teshapov: Father's House 48
Moshe Caspi: Figures from the days of WWI 50
Yaakov Kamylz: Wengrow was, and Isn't 53
Mattatyahu Mendlbaum: Gives Charity and Does Good 55
Tzvi Tzelniker: The Eve of the Holocaust 59
Malka Visbkach: Concentration Camp 60
Rothstein: Mass Grave 61
A.P.: Rabbi Morgenstern sanctifies G-d's name 62
R. Mendlbaum: In Hiding 62
Dr. Hillel Zydman: "Good Neighbors" as Beasts of Prey 53
Ephraim Przepiurka: The way Wengrow was destroyed upon its inhabitants 64
Shmuel Reizman: The Revolt in Treblinka 66
Yerachmiel Zolti:Wengrow in Ruins 69
Sarah Kaplan: Merciful Jews 70
S.L. Shneiderman: A Jewish Mother Fights for her daughter 71
A.P.: Collection of Testimony 72
Documents from the Holocaust Period 75-78
Shlomo Zablodovitz: Customs and Ceremonies, Joy and Mourning 81
Shmuel-Chaim Yellin: Religious Education 86
Zablodovitz: Religious Communal Experience 90
Shmuel Gorky: The Cemetery 91
Simcha Mandelbauim: A New Wind Blows in Wengrow 92
Moshe Caspi: Drama Circle 95
David Paspiyorka: My Hometown 96
David Albershtadt: Wengrow, as I'll remember her 101
Shlomo Zivnitz: Learned Men 102
Yosef Leshitz: The beginnings of Religious Zionism 105
Aharon Reizman: Hebrew School "Tarbut" and Evening classes in Hebrew 107
Zev Amir (Mandelboim) Labor Unions 110
Rabbi Shmuel Weiss ztz”l - Yisrael-Yitzchak Weiss 115
The Holy Rabbi Yaakov Mendel Morgenstern ztz”l 116
The teacher Natan Tzvi Pasis ztz”l 117
Reb Avraham Yellin z”l – Shoshan Schneider (Yellin) 118
Reb David Izak Niman z”l – Aharon Reizman 119
Aharon Reizman z”l – S. Zablonovitz 120
Mendel Holander z”l - S. Zablonovitz 120
David Golfarb z”l – S. Zablonovitz 121
Yeheil Meir Reisman z”l – Aharon Reisman 122
Avraham ben Hillel Paspiyorka z”l 123
Mendel Paspiyorka z”l 124
Reb Yaakov Reisman Dina Resiman A.Y. Weintraub,M. Zyman z”l 125
A Virnick, P. Weintraub-Feigenbaum Y.A. Feingold z”l 127
A. Zilberstein – Folk Art 131
Zev Yellin: From Generation to Generation 137
Shlomo Yiskolkah z”l – A. Perlmujter S. Levi A.S. Avraham 138
David Pomerantz z”l – Yosef M 140
Yisrael Leshitz z”l 140


1. Holy and Secular is an expression borrowed from the Havdalah Service which ends the Sabbath. The concept is that Sabbath is holier than any other time, although all aspects of Jewish life are considered to be Holy. The idea of this footnote is borrowed from Jerrold Landau
The exact translation is somewhere between dynasty and continuity of generations, but the meaning within this context is that each generation faces its own deaths, in the ghettos, or on the battlefields. Back

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
Emerita Yizkor Book Project Manager, Joyce Field z”l
Contact person for this translation Susan Kahana
This web page created by Carol Monosson Edan

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Updated 13 Dec 2013 by LA

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