[Page 142, Volume 2]
Matzeiva tombstone of R' Henryk Soldinger, zl 5629 5682 (18691922) |
Matzeiva tombstone of R' Simcha Keller, zl died 5696 (1936) |
Photograph. Bergman, 1966 |
[Page 143, Volume 2]
Matzeiva tombstone of Rivka (Regina) Komet (Chomet), zl 5624 5688 (18641928) |
Matzeiva tombstone of R' Shlomo (Salomon) Komet (Chomet), zl 56185693 (18581933) |
Photograph. Dr. A.H. (Abraham Chomet), 1947 |
[Page 144, Volume 2]
Matzeiva tombstone of Dr. Emil Mutz, zl died 5684 (1924) and memorial plaque in memory of his brother Mgr. Leon Mutz, who died in Lwow, 1940 |
Matzeiva tombstone on the kever of the Rabbi of Bielska, R' Menahem Hillel, zl | |||
Photograph. Bergman, 1966 |
[Page 145, Volume 2]
Matzeiva tombstone of Dr. Emil Wieder, zl and Dr. Maksymilian Rosenbusch, zl who were murdered by the Nazis in the Holocaust |
Matzeiva tombstone of Mgr. Henryk Shpielman, zl, who died in 1945 |
[Page 146, Volume 2]
The main entrance to the New Synagogue (der nayer shul) from the front on Nowa Street |
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