[Page 137, Volume 2]
Photomontage Dr. A. H. {Abraham Chomet} |
[Page 138, Volume 2]
Matzeiva tombstone on the grave of the great Rabbi (HaRav HaGaon) Meir Arak, zsl Photograph. Bergman, 1966 |
[Page 139, Volume 2]
Matzeiva tombstone on the grave of the Rabbi, R' Leibishl Halberstam, zsl |
[Page 140, Volume 2]
Matzeiva tombstone of R' Hermann Merz, zl | Matzeiva tombstone of R' Meyer Eckstein, zl | |||
[Page 141, Volume 2]
Matzeiva tombstone of R' Ascher Shwanenfeld, zl (18311896) | Matzeiva tombstone of R' Shlomo Zalmen Shwanenfeld, zl, son of R. Ascher Shwanenfeld, zl, who died in 5681 (1921) | |||
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