Translator's caveat |
Page |
Introduction |
The Book Committee of the Sokolka Organization in Israel Ester Miszkinski and David Yardeni |
9 |
Foreword |
11 |
On Your Destruction Sokółka |
David Yardeni |
13 |
Words from Haifa (for the Remembrance Day |
Abraham Donski |
15 |
List of Contents |
17 |
Chronicles of the Jews of Sokółka |
M.S. Geshuri |
21 |
Chapter I: In the Dim Light of History |
Chapter II: Sokółka, offspring of Grodno |
Chapter III: The Chronicles and Evolution of Sokółka |
Chapter IV: Sokółka and the County under the Russian Government |
Chapter V: Rabbis and the Rabbinate in Sokółka |
Chapter VI: The Population of Sokółka, the Town and the Surroundings |
Chapter VII: Peace Reigns between the Hassidim and the Mitnagdim in Sokółka |
Chapter VIII: Sokółka in the eyes of visitors |
Chapter IX: The Zionist Movement in Sokółka |
Chapter X: The Odelsk Community |
A) The Rabbis of Sokolka |
M. Cinowicz |
55 |
Rabbi Ephraim Fischel |
Rabbi Avraham Ha-Cohen |
Rabbi Joseph (Yossele) |
Rabbi Ze'ev Wolf Weizćcker |
Rabbi Ya'acov Moshe Margolin |
Rabbi Shraga Feivel Sarna |
Rabbi Tsvi Hirsch Direktor |
Rabbi Shmuel Goldin and his son Rabbi Haim |
Rabbi Moshe Yehuda Rabinowitz |
Rabbi Yitzhak Ha-Levy Schuster |
B) The Distinguished Persons of Sokolka |
M. Cinowicz |
73 |
Rabbi Meyer Marcus |
Rabbi Shimshon Katzenellenbogen |
Rabbi Shmuel and his son Avraham |
Sokółka Mirrored in the Hebrew Press |
79 |
The Holy Community of Sokola |
Dawid Yardeni |
97 |
The Kuryły River |
Market Day |
Medical Assistance |
The Modest Folk |
Educational Institutions and the “Tarbut” School |
Synagogues |
Shabbat in Sokółka |
The Days of Awe |
Erev Pessach |
The Bakers - Little Pasca and Ud'keh the Baker |
Weddings |
The Fire Brigade |
The First World War |
David Yardeni |
123 |
1. The Separation |
2. The Retreat of the Russian Army |
3. The Capture of Sokółka by the German Army |
4. The Community Council Elections |
5. German Schools |
6. The Drama Society |
7. The End of German Domination |
8. The Polish Capture of Sokółka |
9. The Polish Army Advances into Russian Territory |
10. The Capture of Sokółka in 1919 by the Russian Communist Army |
11. The Russian Army Retreats |
12. The Balfour Declaration |
13. A Profile of Yisrael Lipczer |
My Town |
Meyer Kaplan |
151 |
Memories |
Avraham Shuali |
152 |
Sokółka in the year 1933 |
David Yardeni |
165 |
Ulitzki (The Street) |
Yitzhak Kunsht –Amnoti |
167 |
The Journey to Palestine |
Gedaliah Weismann |
168 |
The Final Examinations of the Pedagogical Course in Grodno |
M. Tzinowitz |
169 |
“On me and on my neck” |
Benjamin Even |
171 |
Lag B'Omer in the Forest of Buchwałów |
Tova Putzkover (Gittel Kunsht) |
175 |
Snippets of Memories |
Yitzhak Benjamin Even |
175 |
Musings and Memories |
Ya'acov Wohlgill |
177 |
To My Family |
Chaya Shaked |
179 |
A Page of Memories from My Childhood During World War One |
Bezalel Dunski |
184 |
In the Twilight Hours |
Menachem Zaharoni |
186 |
Memory of Kolonia Izaaka |
Menuchah Shmilovitz (née Eckstein) |
191 |
Where are you my Shtetl? |
Reuwen Mendelberg |
195 |
Moshe Mishkinski |
195 |
Mulling over Memories of Sokółka |
Benjamin Dombrowski |
209 |
The Shteibl of the Kotzk Hassidim |
Yekutiel Chinski |
211 |
The “Suburb” |
The “Suburb” |
219 |
In those far-off days… |
Eda Levine-Gershoni |
219 |
Motel'eh the Water-carrier |
Gedaliyahu Weismann |
220 |
The Gentile Houses' Fires |
Gedaliyahu Weismann |
221 |
Two Who Were an Excellent Example for Us All |
Gedaliyahu Weismann |
221 |
What is the “Tarbut” School? |
Avraham Chinski |
222 |
The “Tarbut” School |
Shalom Zamir |
229 |
The teacher Nathaniel Kaplan |
The teacher Benjamin Lazdan |
Summer Camp in the Forests of Buchbolowa and Szyszki |
Sleds |
Organ Grinders |
Military Maneuvers |
Drunkenness |
Nahum the Crazy |
Demonstrations and Marches |
Contempt |
“The Siege and the Battle” |
Theft in the Name of Heaven |
Our Shtetl |
Moshe Menaszewicz |
255 |
Sokółka in Ordinary Days and Holidays (Recorded by Tsvi Nafkha) |
Haya Leah Kaplan |
257 |
Moshe Ze'ev Even (Rabbi Moshe Walwel Stein) |
Benjamin Even (Stein) |
269 |
My Mother, Rachel (Z”L) |
Benjamin Even (Stein) |
269 |
Haim Leib Reiskind |
271 |
Our Siblings Schachna and Sarah Krannt |
Rivka Krannt-ben Haim and Golda Krannt-Gilbowski |
273 |
Dr. Ben-Zion Gilbowski |
Yehuda Gilboa (Gilbowski) |
275 |
Altear the Gabbai (the Treasurer of the Synagogue) |
Gedaliah Weismann |
275 |
The Korekt Family |
Hanna Korekt-Margalit |
276 |
An Unlikely Couple |
Yitzhak Even |
277 |
Kalman ben Yehezkiel Tarlowitz |
Haya Tarlowitz |
279 |
Meyer Tarlowitz |
Ben Zion Pomerantz |
279 |
Nahum Dov Kundst |
Benny Kundst (Amanuti) |
280 |
The Teachers of Sokółka |
Gedaliahu Weisman |
281 |
“Der Deretchiner Melamud” |
The teacher Yosef Haim |
Der Shtabiner Melamud |
The Kantor Family |
283 |
Avraham Kantor |
Pnina Kantor (née Wilanski) |
On Rabbi Shimshon Katzenellenbogen |
Mordecai Bonim z”l |
287 |
Rabbi Haim Meyer Schmul |
T. Yardeni |
289 |
Talmudists and Men of the Torah |
M. T. Tsinnowitz |
289 |
Rabbi Eliyahu and his son-in-law Rabbi Hillel Moshe Gelbstein |
The First Cooperative Factory Processing Leather |
Rabbi Haim Berl Stein |
Esther Mishkinski (great-granddaughter) |
292 |
Haya Efrati |
Esther Reiskind |
292 |
In Memory of Leah Perlstein z”l |
Itca |
295 |
In Memory of Leah Perlstein z”l |
Pnina Saperstein |
298 |
Nathaniel Kaplan z”l |
Meyer Kaplan |
299 |
My Sister Hai'inta |
Zippora Schmidt-Weisbol |
299 |
Mascha Chinski |
300 |
The “Freiheit” Movement |
Avraham Fuchs-Shuali |
305 |
The Fire Brigade |
Yitzhak Even |
306 |
“Leinat Tsedek” |
Baruch Hayot (Lavendik) |
309 |
“Young Zionists”, “Kadima”, “He-halutz” |
Avraham Chinski (Yitzhak Even) |
311 |
Libraries in town |
Avraham Chinski and Baruch Hayut |
319 |
“Leinat Ha-Tsedek” |
Hinda Galkin (Trasches) |
321 |
Zionist Youth Movements |
Shalom Zamir |
321 |
The First Hebrew School in Sokółka |
Nahum Kundst |
323 |
Memories of the “Heder M'tukan” |
Avraham Chinski |
324 |
Sokółka as a Center of Learning |
326 |
Musings, (10th of Tevet) |
Moshe Monaschwitz |
337 |
Yizkor |
Moshe Monaschwitz |
338 |
Poem of Grief about the Destroyed Sokółka |
Nachum Dow Kunst-Amanuti |
341 |
The German Invasion of Sokółka |
Sonia Miller (Wohlgil) |
342 |
Sokółka Under the Nazi Yoke |
Aleksander Kantorowski |
343 |
The First Occupation |
The Second German Occupation 1941 |
The Last Days of Jewish Sokółka (Testimony of Tsvi Nafkha-Kowalski August 21st 1946) |
Chaja Lea Kaplan |
346 |
In the Ghetto (Testimony taken in February 10th 1960) |
Benjamin Kotler |
354 |
Sokółka – Without Jews (Visit in Sokółka at 1944) |
Nissan Tichoczynski, attorney |
355 |
A memorial candle for my parents (z”l) |
Tzifra Heiman |
369 |
To the Memory of my Entire Family |
Yehudit Pazniak-Parzina |
373 |
Rabbi Baruch Tsvi ben Shalom Halevi (z”l) “Sat”m” |
Y. Zamir |
374 |
Avraham Yardeni (z”l) |
376 |
Yizkor |
Abraham Zak (Buenos Aires) |
381 |
To Remember the Martyrs of Sokolka |
Mosze Monaszewicz |
385 |
The Dates of Sokolka |
393 |
The History of Sokolka |
M. Sh. Geshori |
397 |
Sokolka by the End of the 17th Century |
Z. Hanik |
407 |
Sokolka in the First World War |
Y. Szlajmkowicz |
413 |
Sokolka in the Light of the Newspapers |
Y. Cinowicz |
425 |
R' Yehoshua Cwi SARNA 1881, 1889 |
Szmuel ZONENSZAJN 1882 |
Yecheskel SIDRANSKI 1883 |
Lajb PODOLSKI 1884 |
Michael LIPSZYC 1884, 1888 |
Ger Toshav 1887 |
Sokolka of My Youth |
M. Hakohen Sinai |
433 |
The Gaon and Zadik R' Yosele ztz”l |
M. Sh. Geshori |
437 |
MEMOIRS (Yiddish) |
My Memories about Sokolka |
Mosze Miszkinski |
449 |
My Sokolka |
Ben-Zion Hassid |
457 |
A Poem |
Mosze Monaszewicz (Moshele Malach) |
465 |
Episodes |
Ester Miszkinski |
473 |
Sokolka in the Expulsion |
Moshele Kremer (Brazil) |
477 |
Memories about Sokolka |
Abraham Fridberg |
481 |
Memoirs |
Rachel Dunski (Kaya Halpern) |
487 |
The Past of Sokolka |
Abraham Stanislawski |
489 |
IMAGES (Yiddish) |
Becalel TERKEL |
497 |
The Feldcher (aid-man) Chaim SZMUKLER |
Israel Szmukler |
499 |
My Brother Iczel |
Riwl Szapira-Melcberg |
501 |
Extermination |
Rachel Malski-Tykocinski |
513 |
The Kelbasin Lager |
Symcha Lazar |
523 |
Testimony |
Bracha Friedman-Barawik |
525 |
Testimony |
Icchak Kotler |
531 |
Memorial Candle |
Ester Holcman |
533 |
Survival during the War Times |
Abraham – Aleksander Kantorowski |
537 |
Diary of Suffering and Pain (1943) |
From German: M. Turek |
543 |
Icchak GOLDSTEIN - Fighter in the Warsaw Ghetto Revolt |
Meilech Neustadt |
547 |
MISCELLANEOUS (Yiddish & Hebrew) |
Sokolkers in America |
553 |
Sokolkers in Israel |
Ben-Zion Hassid |
565 |
Messiah in Dream and in Life (a Ballad of the Old Home) Father! I searched for it in the map of world, your hometown Sokolka, but I have not found it… |
Mosze Monaszewicz |
569 |
“Di Kolonye Izaaka” |
Sarah Chinski |
577 |
To the Memory of the Odelsk Martyrs |
Itka Broida |
583 |
The People of Sokolka in Israel – The Founding of Kfar Malal |
Gedaliyahu Weismann |
587 |
Protocols of the Community Committee of Sokolka in 8 January – 22 October 1919 (Hebrew Yiddish) |
593 |
“Elections Campaign” to the Community Committee (“Vaad Hakahal”) |
697 |
List of People From Sokolka in Israel Today (As of 1968) |
721 |
List of People From Sokolka in the Diaspora |
739 |
People From Sokolka Who Died in Israel |
745 |
List of the Martyrs - Necrology |
751 |
R' Moshe Lajb and His Wife |
769 |
Tombstone in Shoah Cellar Mount Zion Jerusalem |
771 |
Seven Trees in the Forest of the Martyrs Jerusalem |
773 |
Errors List |
775 |
Introduction in English |
778 |