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Index of names (cont.)

Name Page
Nun      return  
Novakhovitsh, Merkl 269
Novik [Navik?], P. [F?] 487
Naumov, Sh. Y. 391
Nozick, Avrohom Yitzhok 60, 62, 180
Nozick, Gitl 423
Nozick, Dveyra 523
Nozick, Hillel (The Torah Scribe) 43, 191, 314
Nozick, Z'ev 423
Nozick, Yeysef 422
Nokha [Nakha] (Teacher of Religious School) 294
Nota Hirsh 31939
Nankin-Aklyansky [Nonkin-Eklyansky?], Avner 199
Nankin-Aklyansky, Reb Yankev Tsvi 199
Neyakh [Noah] 59, 185, 351, 484
Neyakh Eliyohu (The Ritual Slaughterer) 422, 423, 425
Neyakh son of Dovid, The Rabbi 22
Neyakh the Parsi [Noah The Persian--nom de plume] 245
Nokha [Nakha] (The Ritual Slaughterer) 45, 128
Nokhum [Nahum] Berl 423
Nokhem Borukh's 198
Nokhum (The Cobbler) 190, 430
Nokhum Hrozover [from Hrozov] 434, 435
Nokhum The Synagogue Sexton 101
Nakhumovitsh, Shmuel 15, 16
Nekhoma (The Hardware Storekeeper) 297
Nakhmen 420
Nakhmen, Rabbi Yeysef 431
Nakhmanovitsh, Reb Sender 89
Nakhmanovitsh, Fruma Leya 432
Nahmani, Shimshon (Nakhmenovitsh) 48, 56, 77, 89, 91, 92, 95, 119, 122, 123, 260, 261, 262, 274, 309, 310, 311, 395, 413, 414, 415, 416, 431, 432, 443, 521
Nahmani, Sonia 414, 415
Notalevitsh [Netalevitsh?], Rabbi Hayim ben Tsion 84
Newman, Beyla 525
Newman, Dov 525
Newman, Hillel 525
Neiburg 288
Col. 2: 536
Neiburg [Nayburg], Ayzik 411
Naidus, Leyb [writer] 278
Nayman, Dr. 151
Nymark [Neimark, Naymark], Aryey Leyb 46
Nymark, Reb Leyb (The Religious Judge) 139, 273, 274, 277, 318, 359, 365, 418, 419
Nymark, Meysha 439
Neikrug [Naykrug] 42
Neikrug, Shleyma 430
Neikrug, Shleyma (Noy) 62
Neikrug, Shmuel Yeysef 290, 291
Nisn [Nissan] (The Cantor) 31
Nisenzon, Ahron 395
Nisenzon, Dovid 281
Nikolai 72, 110, 286, 342, 425, 479, 481
Nikolai (The First) 86
Nikolai Alexandrovitsh 3140
Nikolai Nikolayevitsh 71
Nikolsky 429
Neshin, Tsira 525
Naftoli Tsvi [great-grandson of the famous Reb Moishe Isserles] 140
NeTSiV [title of Reb Naftoli Tsvi Hersh Leyb Berlin, head of Volozhin Yeshiva] [See also Ha-NeTSiV] 353
Nekritsh The Shopkeeper 240, 268
Nekritsh, Yeyna [Yona] 45, 351
Nekritsh-Shilo [Shelo, Slav, Shalev], Ezriyel (The Teacher) 78, 245
Nekritsh, Ezriyel 62, 63, 64, 65, 67, 69, 285, 300
Nosn [Natan] Torah Scribe 368
Nosn Nota, Reb, The Rabbi 272
Samekh       return  
Sadovsky 442
Sadovsky, Borukh Kalmen 465
Sadovsky, Velvl 443
Sadovsky, Folya 441, 443
Savitz [Savitsh, Savage] 499
Sotski Semko [Gentile Landowner [typo corrected]] 482
Soloveyev [Soloviev] 346, 347
Soloveichik [world-esteemed rabbinic family] [See also "Yasha Ber..." and the three entries which follow Sokholitsky in next column] 281, 286, 288
Salamyak [Solomiak?] 42, 116, 300, 374, 402
Salant, Rabbi Zundl 419
Salant, Rabbi Yeysef Zundl [a leader of the influential Musar Ethical Movement] 81, 83, 85, 87, 88
Salanter, Rabbi Yisroel [Israel Lipkin, prime founder of the Musar Movement, see above] [See also under Yisroel…]  
Salop (The "Writer" – "actually more of a cardplayer than a writer") Sanin [Sonin?] 286, 295, 48
Santsikha, The [possibly Christian nun, or similar role] 471
Sonin [Kapulya Partizan] 487
Sofieho [Safiyeho? Polish count] 346
Sakolsky, Issakhar Ber 33
Svyetoslav 16
Svirnovsky [Sabirnovsky?], Yisroel Ahron 78
Segal, Avrohom Yitzhok 22
Col. 3: 536
Segal, Hayim 46
Segal, Yeruham [incorrectly listed as "Yitzhok in index] 523
Segal, Rivka 523
Sadovsky, Yehuda Leyb [See also first entries of this letter heading] 41, 47, 48, 52, 299
Sadovsky, Shabsa 239
Sadovsky, Sora 239
Sverzhinsky [Nezvizh family] 334
Sokholitsky, Yitzhok 111
Soloveichik, Rabbi Yitzhok Z'ev [See also Soloveichik near top of this letter heading] 37
Soloveichik, Meyir 46, 308
Soloveichik, Rabbi Meysha 37
Seyfer [Soyfer?], Tsvi 126
Stalin 69, 120
Stanislavikha 290
Starasta 199
Starasta, [Rabbi] Ely 199
Stifakov [Adherent of Jewish Enlightenment] 284
Stefan 269
Starobinsky, Mordkha 239
Strogatsh, Meysha 292
Strelets [Strelits] 447
Strelits, Reb Shimon 212
Simon 289
Simon, Binyomin 379
Silitsky 73
Simbol, Yeysef 175
Simbol, Shleyma 175, 257
Simval, Henya 298
Simval, Yehudis 175, 298, 367
Simval, Reyzl 298
Simonsko [antisemite] 141
Sineysky [Sinaisky], Dr. 309
Singalovsky, Dr. Ahron 47, 48, 56, 107, 299, 329
Sinigovko, Berl 53, 340
Sinitsky 64
Sinitsky, Hayim 65
Sirotowitz, Ahron 523
Sirotowitz, Shleyma 523
Sirapinowicz, Jan 19
Sirota, Gershon 275
Sirkin, Dveyra 315
Sirkin, Yoyl 315
Slabodsky 289
Slobkin [Salovkin? Sluvkin?], Yitzhok Zelig 213
Samuel, Rabbi 483
Smol [Small], Hana 232
Smol, Yitzhok Aizik 217
Smol, Yitzhok Ha-Levi 232
Smolenskin, Peretz 157, 159, 18942
Smidovits[h] [Shmidovitsh?] 74, 75
Smith, Adam 105, 391
Smelkinson, Aaron 514
Smelkinson, Esther 514
Smelkinson, Asher Yoel 514
Smelkinson, Benjamin 514
Smelkinson, Gitel 514
Smelkinson, Chincka [Hinka] 514
Smelkinson, Chananya 514
Smelkinson, Chashka 514
Col. 4: 536
Smelkinson, Yitzchak Isaac 514
Smelkinson, Morris 514
Smelkinson, Michael 514
Smelkinson, Mordecai Leib 514
Smelkinson, Nissel 514
Smelkinson, Peretz 514
Smelkinson, Ralph 514
Sandomirsky, Rabbi Asher 77, 87, 89, 90, 111, 113, 140
Segalovitsh [Sagalowitz] 190, 191, 430
Segalovitsh, Eliyezer 523
Segalovitsh, Dovid 429
Segalovitsh, Haya Brayna 523
Segalovitsh, Nokhuml Idl 423
Segalovitsh, Shimon 429, 430
Saadya, Rabbi 127, 350
Senderovsky, Yisroel 464
Seyferovitsh [Soferovitsh, Seferovitsh = "child of the Torah Scribe"] 516, 517
Seyferovitsh, Hayim (The Torah Scribe) 516, 517
Seyferovitsh, Sonya 516
Sfiridonov [Sapiridonov? Christian doctor]  
Spector, Yitzhok Elkhonon [See Yitzhok Elkhanan]  
Sifra (Ish Yehudi [="A Jewish Man"; nom de plume of Yehuda Leib Rabinovich]) 488
Skakolsky, Yehuda 64, 65, 67, 69, 300
Skakolsky, Rabbi Shimon Tsvi 190, 431
Sakovitsh [Sakovits? Skovitsh?], Avrohom 132
Sklar, Shmuel [See also Shklyar] 525
Ayin      return  
Ebin [Evin?] 281
Ebin, Asher 241
Ebin, Binyomin 12, 13, 9743
Eberl, Meysha Yekhiel [reference not found on this page] 29
Edel 499
Eyzer [Oyzer], Reb Shabsa [Shabtai], Rabbi [See Shabsa] 437
Ezriyel 382
Etya 423
Elyotka [The Thief] 294, 295
Elyasberg, Shmuel 483
Elyashberg [Elyasberg] 26
Eleys [Alace?], Herbert 515
Enzil, Rabbi Asher 272
Enzil, Rabbi Yehuda Leyb 34, 272
Eplboim [Applebaum], B. 388
Efron 267, 295, 357
Efron (Editor of the Russian Encyclopedia) 16
Efron, Itka 70, 74
Efron, Yeysef Dov-Ber 70, 74, 343
Efron, Maysl [ = Moshe, Meysha] [See next entry] 118
Efron, Meysha [See previous entry] 89, 375
Efron, Fayvl 62, 64, 65, 70, 119
Epshteyn [Epstein] 94
Epshteyn, Rabbi Avrohom 19
Epshteyn, Avrohom-Borukh 420
Epshteyn, Rabbi Aryeh-Leyb 34, 272
Epshteyn, Basha (Graysukh) 432
Epshteyn, Beynish 432
Epshteyn, Binyomin 23
Epshteyn (The Flour Storekeeper) 420
Epshteyn, Rabbi Hayim Fishl 431, 432, 433
Epshteyn, Rabbi Yudl 272
Epshteyn, Yankev Ha-Leyvi 19
Epshteyn, Leybl 414
Epshteyn Leybl's [offspring of Leybl Epshteyn] 414
Epshteyn, Molly 379
Epshteyn, Mikhl 429
Epshteyn, Nosn Nota 524
Epshteyn, Sasha 300
Epshteyn, Rabbi Menahem Mendl 81
Epshteyn (The Firefighter) 276
Epshteyn (The Dentist) 281
Epshteyn, Sholem 2644
Epshteyn, Shmuel'ka 431
[Eshman, Rabbi] 276
Pey and Fey       return  
Fogelman, Dr. Eliyezer L. 331
Podlipsky [See also entries following Pevzner] 296
Podlipsky, Shmariyahu 455
Pavlovitsh, Alexandr 479
Patt, Yankev 319, 322
Polyatshek [Folyatshek?], Rabbi Shleyma 427, 428
Polyak [Folyak?] 190, 240, 241, 468
Polyak, Yankl 117
Polyak, Yankev Meyir 258, 526
Polyak, M. 30
Paleyev [Foleyev?], Hana 197
Paleyev, Yisroel 197
Paleyev, Rabbi Meysha Ahron 82, 197, 198
Ponyatovski [17 C. Christian landowner] 270
Fanya 456
Fanya Liba's 427
Post, Dovid 519
Postow [Postov], Borukh 281, 523
Postow, Golda 523
Popok [Pofok? Pofak?], Rabbi Pinkhes 101
Papirna, Avrohom Yankev 152, 247, 388, 389, 476
Pfaffenlohle [Duchess] 193
Pappenkort, Willy [Nazi] 146, 387
Patseyak [Fotseyek?], Yehuda Leyb 23
Pakin, Faytl 455
Porton, Zalmen 515, 516
Porton, Meysha Mordkha 31
Porton, Fanya 515, 516
Fortman, Khvala 523
Pevzner, Zelda 242
Podlipsky, Sholem [See also entries near top of this letter heading] 75
Podlipsky, Shmuel 75
Poznyak, Yasha 45
Potopush [Fotofush? Putopush?] (Governor) 29
Polyak [Folyak?], Mikhl [See seventh entry of this letter heading] 178, 260
Polyak, Mina 172
Polyak, Nokhm 26045
Col. 2: 537
Polyak, Reb Tsvi Hirsh 103
Polyak, Rokhl 117
Polyak, Rokhl Golda 258
Polyak, Shevakh 260
Polyakov [Poliakoff] 132
Pullman [Fullman?] 436
Pullman, Yeysef 30
Pullman, Reuv'ka 434
Popoff 145, 380
Fortman, Eliyezer 234, 235
Fortman, Rabbi Zelig 110, 217, 234, 466
Fortman, Rabbi Yisroel Tankhum 232, 234, 466
Fortman, Rabbi Shimshon 230, 232, 233, 523
Pursov 151
Pushkin 493
Petlyura [Simon Petlyura, antisemitic nationalist] 68, 141
Pietkevitsh [Gentile lawyer] 68
Fialko 441
Fialko, Hayim Hirsh 445
Fialko, Hayim Herts 523
Fialko, Malka 445
Fialko, Etl Itka 523
Feygl Stisha's 97, 100
Faygenberg [Feygenberg], Ber 220
Faygenberg, Yeheyshua 220
Faygenberg, Yankev 220
Faygenberg, Yitzhok 220
Feygenberg, Rokhl (Imri) [writer] 11, 220, 221, 224, 274, 394
Faygenberg (Epshteyn), Sora 220, 223
Feyga's, Yeysef 214
Feivishowitz [Fayvishovitsh], Meysha 523
Feivishowitz, Elka 523
Fayvl 423
Fayvl (The Synagogue Sexton) 277
Fayvl (Hrozover [from Hrozov]) 189, 429
Faytl 447
Faytlson 279
Pehmer [Peymer], Alta Elka 341
Pehmer, Hayim Avrohom 336, 343
Pehmer, Rabbi Yosela (The First) 9, 12, 21, 26, 27, 28, 31, 32, 35, 36, 37, 54, 86, 122, 152, 230, 272, 274,316, 323, 336, 353, 483
Pehmer, Rabbi Yosela (The Second) 35, 38, 39, 40, 78, 80, 85, 114, 272, 274, 336, 338, 339, 340, 34346
Pehmer (Behmer), Yisroel 21, 26, 54, 152, 153, 352
Pehmer, Rabbi Meir 30, 37, 38, 39, 40, 86, 87, 130, 155, 255, 256, 272, 274, 324, 436, 499, 513
Pehmer Melamed [possibly Pehmer, Torah Teacher], Motya 60, 300, 341, 344, 414, 416
Col. 3: 537
Pehmer, Meysha 38
Pehmer, Feygl 37
Pehmer, Rivka 37
Fayn [Fein, Fine] 339
Faynberg [Feinberg, Fineberg] 42, 47, 59, 279, 299, 337
Faynberg, Itsha 300
Faynberg, Dr. 45, 309
Feinberg, Isaac [Faynberg, Yitzhok] 256, 257, 513
Feinberg [Faynberg], Feygl 525
Feinstein [Faynshteyn], Rabbi Ahron Ha-Levi 81, 230
Feinstein, Reb Eliyohu 198, 230, 247
Feinstein, Reb Dov Ber 231
Feinstein, Rabbi Dovid 231, 236, 463
Feinstein, Hana 235, 239
Feinstein, Yekhiel Mikhl 232, 234
Feinstein, Rabbi Moishe [pre-eminent world rabbinic authority] 216, 217
Feinstein, Sima [written: Shima; wife of R' Moishe Feinstein] 232
Feiss [Fayss], Boris 523
Feiss, Hinda 523
Peysakhovitsh, Yoska [Yoshka] [See also entry after Peysakh, next column] 16
Peysha [Peysa] (The Religious Judge) 273, 274
Pilsudski [Polish nationalist politician]  
Pintshuk, Shleyma 464
Pinya (Rasayer [from Rasaya?] ) 440
Pines, D. 256
Pinsky, Dovid 418
Pinsker, Y. L. 25
Finkel, Avrohom 507
Finkel, Rabbi Eliyezer Yehuda 233, 428
Finkel, Yehuda Leyb 56
Finkel, Leya 507
Finkel, Meyir 459
Finkel, Rabbi Nota Hirsh 87
Finkelstein [Finkelshteyn] 45
Finkelstein, Basya 245
Finkelstein, Zakharia 46
Finkelstein, Zelig 525
Finkelstein, Mordkha 245, 421, 52547
Finkelstein, Meysha Gershon 208
Finkelstein, Sora 208
Pinka [The Bathhouse Attendant] 480, 481
Pisarevitsh [lit. "The Writer's Son"], Shmuel 465
Pissetski, Gershon 513
Pissetski, Moshe Reuben 513
Pissetski Rivin, Shimka 513
Pissetski, Shifra 513
Pickholtz [Pickoltz, Pikholtz] Rokhl 146
Pikolski (The Christian Priest) 19
Ficus [Picus?], Avrohom 191
Fish 196, 440
Fish, Meysha 486
Fishl, Reb 81
Fishel, Harry 138, 212
Fishkin-Horn, Nosn 89, 314, 315
Fishka (The Lame) 388
Col. 4: 537
Fleysher [Fleischer, Flaysher], Leya 387
Fleyshtshik [Fleyshtsik], Hashka 368, 369
Fleyshtshik, Meysha 257
Fleyshtshik, Elya 368, 369
Fleyshtshik, Shimon Leyb 257, 368, 369
Fleyshtshik, Sora Reyzl 368
Plyeva [The Dictator] 401
Panitshkovsky [Pantshkovsky? Fantshikovsky?] 42
Peysakh Ahron 27
Peysakh ben Shmuel 194
Peysakh the Melamed [Teacher of Religious School] 288, 460, 462
Peysakh the Head of the Yeshiva 165, 166, 274
Peysakhovitsh, Rabbi Hayim [See also entry after Feiss, previous column] 468, 240
Pasumanik [Pasmanik? Pesamanik? Fesmanik? Fismanik?], Avrohom 233, 236
Pasumanik, Brayna Rokhl 239
Pasumanik, Dr. D. 60
Pasumanik, Mordkha 233
Peskin 75
Feder, Yankev 239
Petkun 331
Petrik [Christian family] 282
Feller, Yisroel 315, 317
Pessela 364, 366
Pekker, Elya [See 48] 487
Perovskaya, Sofia 322
Perlin, Avrohom Meysha 198, 441
Perlin, Yehudis 441
Perkal 295
Peshin [Peyshin? Peysin?], Rabbi Avrohom Ahron 185
Pesha 343
Pekker, Zusha [See also entries eight above this one] 62
Pekker, Roza 250, 477
Fradl 474
Frokovnik [Prokovnik?] 276
Frank, Helena 392
Frank, Rabbi Fayvl 85
Frank, Rabbi Tsvi Peysakh 84, 231
Prass [Frass?], Meysha Mordkha 252
Prokop 208
Frumkin, Sh. 429
Fruskin [Froskin? Pruskin?], Rabbi 85
Frid [Freed, Fried] 468
Frid Ber 240
Frid-Rabkin 468
Fridland 29, 46
Fridman, Hayim Yoshya 89, 117
Fridman, Shmuel 117
Freyda-Haya Liba's 442
Frankman, Leyba 422
Prilutsky, Neyakh [Polish Parliamentary Deputy] 339
Perlman, Yehuda Leyb 199
Perlman, Rabbi Yerukhem Leyb 231
Perlman, Reb Yisroel 192
Frankl [Frankel], Asher Zelig 19
Frankl, Mikhl 247, 393
Perapontov [Parafontov? Ferfontov? Family of Russian Orthodox priest] 73
Peretz, Y. L. [one of the "fathers of Yiddish literature"] 44, 136, 389, 408

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