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Index of Names, Listed Alphabetically

Slutsk Yizkor Book

Transcribed into English by Paul Micheikin Pascal

Transcriber's preface:

The Index of Names in the Slutsk Yizkor Book integrated Yiddish spellings and Hebrew spellings, with no obvious criterion as to which spelling to use where. Included were names which the transcriber found frankly difficult to transcribe, because vowels, considered to be understood by the reader of Hebrew, were omitted from the index, and often from the body of the text as well. There were no other contextual clues for the names, as there are with ordinary words within sentences, except where a name spelled in Hebrew in the index was spelled in Yiddish in the body of the book (Yiddish does use vowels).

At times, the same name occurring more than once in the text was spelled differently in each case, and different again in its spelling in the index. (Ironically, this sometimes helped to decode the pronunciation.)

In this transcription, the system used was a YIVO model, modified to conform with the local Yiddish dialect. Thus Meysha = Moyshe = Moshe, and Yeysef = Yoysef =Yosef. (In these examples, the first spelling represents local pronunciation; the second, YIVO standard Yiddish pronunciation, and the third, modern Hebrew pronunciation).

The Meysha example above alludes to a second modification the transcriber made on the YIVO system, on the advice of Yiddish linguist, Prof. Dovid Katz (of Oxford, Yale, and in the Yiddish seat at the University of Vilnius), namely: words ending with a short E sound were usually rendered with the letter A. This sacrifice of absolute accuracy was a lesser of two evils, for the YIVO practice of rendering the short E sound with the letter E often creates confusion in English-speakers who are accustomed to English rules of spelling.

In English a final E usually has a much different function than YIVO has given it. (In any case, this use of A is not original with the transcriber; note, for example, these familiar Yiddish names: “Golda” instead of “Golde”, “Dina” instead of “Dine”, etc. The last vowel in each of these names is properly pronounced as a short E.) Other anomolies: the common name normally rendered in English as Jacob and in modern Hebrew as Yaakov, was pronounced in Jewish Eastern Europe as Yanke v, the “N” deriving originally from a nasalization. The name appears frequently in this index. Another common name known otherwise as Mordecai, Mordechai, or Mordekhai, is rendered here as Mordkha, according to its folk pronunciation. Itshe, Ayzl, and Ayzik were popular variants of Yitzhok or Isaac.

Transcription of the gutteral sounds was of necessity inconsistent, i.e., it depended on context and on popular familiarity with the name in question. Surnames, indeed all names, of Hebrew origin were rendered in their Ashkenazi, or Eastern European, pronunciation, not in modern Israeli pronunciation (e.g., Efros not Efrat), unless it was clear that the name in question was acquired after arriving in Israel.

Inasmuch as the transcriber tried to remain faithful in his spelling to how the individuals of the index would themselves have pronounced their names, he also departed from this custom if the name appeared in English somewhere in the Yizkor Book. The same is true if the individual was so well known that his/her name was commonly spelled a certain way in other authoritative texts (usually Encyclopedia Judaica).

In most cases, once this was discovered, it was applied to all instances of the same name.

Readers should be aware of other conventions in this transcription. If a comma is not present after a surname, it indicates that it is not in fact a surname. Several entries were first (given) names, often followed by a parent's first name and/or title (in the possessive), e.g., Itshe Nota's, or Rivka Reb Isserka's. Please also note that, where possible alternate spellings or pronunciations are suggested by the transcriber – in square brackets – after a name, they are usually only provided once; if the same name occurs repeatedly in that column, the spelling or pronunciation aid is not repeated.

The same is true if the transcriber is suggesting that the reader check out another entry related to the one the reader is currently studying (e.g., “Razovsky: See also Grazovsky” is stated only after the first occurrence of Razovsky.) Round parentheses ( ), incidently, are simply transcribed from the original index; square brackets [ ] always indicate an insertion by the transcriber. Where the transcriber found errors in the index, whether typographical or factual, he tried to correct them using corroborative evidence from the text or outside sources, and indicated the correction.

Hopefully, the transcriber has not made too many errors of his own. He takes full responsibility for that possibility.

Finally, please note that while the names listed here are supposedly “alphabetical”, this is not a straightforward matter. To start with, as alluded to earlier the list seems to include many individuals who are placed alphabetically in the list by their first (given) names, not their surnames (sometimes there was no surname at all, in fact). This was retained in the transcription for the sake of faithfulness to the book.

Secondly, adjectives – which can at times be an integral part of the name beyond merely modifying it – usuallytake a different word order in English, Yiddish, and Hebrew.

Thirdly, the Yizkor Book's alphabetical listing follows the Hebrew/Yiddish alphabet, not the English/Roman one, and this order was retained in the transcription.

These three facts have profound consequences on potential name searche s. For example, because the letter “Alef” is itself silent, it depends for a sound on the vowel-symbol beneath it or the letter following it. This means, for example, that a name listed under “Alef” could begin with any of the following possible sounds: short or long A, short or long E, long I, long O, long U, and so on. It means also, that a Hebrew spelling of a name will place it in a different position from the Yiddish spelling of the same name. “Rabinovitsh”, for example, is found in two completely different places in the index; this is “correct”, ironically, given that one spelling is in Yiddish and the other in Hebrew.

Researchers who are seeking a particular name, but who are unfamiliar with the rules and pronunciation of Hebrew and/or Yiddish, would be best to look at every name under a given initial letter heading. If the name sought after begins with a vowel, the should look under “Alef” and “Ayin” as well as under the expected initial letter. In any case, readers of this transcription should be wary of using transcription spelling for other than pronunciation purposes.

The transcriber has discovered a number of names within the body of the text which did not appear in the Yizkor Book index. Where this was noticed, the missing names were inserted into the transcribed index below, inside square brackets. Unfortunately, one suspects that there may be more such omissions, and the inevitable inference is that, as thorough as the original index was, it was not 100% complete. – PP


Alef       Bet        Gimel       Dalet     Hey        
Vav     Zayin      Het           Tet        Yod         
Khaf    Lamed     Mem       Nun      Samekh   
Ayin    Pey          Tsadek    Kuf       Reysh      
Shin       Tav    

[Page 529]

Name Pages
Alef       return 529
Abarsky 217
Avigdor Reb 349, 351
Avaclidus (Classical author) 138
Avrohom the Rabbi 358
Avrohom Borukh the Rabbi 133
Old Avrohom the Rabbi 237
Avrohom Yitzhok (The Nezvizher Preacher) 358
Avrohom Yankev (the Hunchback) 65
Avrom Noyekh [Noah] the Shoemaker 215
Avrohom (from Sfilovitsh) 455
Avrohom Shaya 431
Avrohom (The Shammes of the Burial Society) 80
Avrem'l the Hosid (hasid) 192, 431
Avrem'l the Lame 388
Avrem'l (The Tax Collector [on Kosher Meat]) 129
Avrem'l of Frivish (or Privish) 465
Avrem'l the Rabbi 134
Abramovits, Binyomin 23
Abramovitsh (of the Zionist Youth Orgn.) 24
Abramsky, I. D. 92, 395
Abramsky, Yekhezkl the Rabbi 12, 40, 84, 117, 272, 274, 308, 313, 314, 317, 395
Abramtsi [Avramtsi, Avromtse?] 405
Aginsky [Eginsky?] 276
Agranoff, Yokheved (Khinitsh) 181
Agranoff, Gershon 181
Adler, Dr. 151
Adler, I. N. 171, 235, 520
Adler, Yeshai 91
Adler, Nosn [Natan] 307
Adler, Rabbi R. N. 100
Adam the Kohen [i.e., Levite priest] 225
Ahron the Writer 447
Aronovitsh, Aryey Leib 140
Aronovitsh, Arke 469
Ahronzon, Reb Menahem-Mendl 140
Uzdan [Oozdan] (Uzdansky, Dveyra-Basha) 508, 522
Uzdan (Yuzdan) Dovid 260, 429, 430, 431, 508, 518, 520
Uzdan (Uzdensky) Nesoniel Tsvi 508, 522
Utshapofsky [Utshafofsky?] 3014
Ukhtomski (the Baron) 401
Ulgradovitsh [Ulagardovitsh? Ulgrodovitsh?] Vladimir 16
Osovsky, Yehuda Zev 206, 218
Osovsky, Feyga 206, 218
Ostrovsky 75
Ostrovsky, Avrohom 237
Ostrovsky (White Russian cultural activist) 286
Ostrovsky, Dr. Binyomin 56
Ostrovsky, Gershon 97
Ostrovsky (the Wealthy One) 281
Ostrovsky, Chaim 219
Ostrovsky, Tsvi 211
Ostrovsky, Krayna 97
Ussishkin 177, 361
Oytser, Misha 146, 387
Uri Nossn, Rabbi 124, 125
Ahad Ha-Am 25, 328
Etinger 177, 256
Ivanov, Dmitri Ivanovitsh 72, 79, 284
Itshe Borker 368
Itshe “The Columnist” 469
Itshe Gita's 252, 496, 515
Itshe Dovid's 290
Itshe (The Wagon-Driver) 235, 423
Itshe (The Hosid [Hasid] ) 98
Itshe (The Preacher) 496, 497, 498, 499
Itshe (The Butcher) 422
Itshe (The Doctor) 215, 447
Itshe (The Tailor) 424
Itshe Leyb 423
Itshe Nota's (The Teacher of Religious School) 117, 293, 517
Itshe Nyek 331
Itshe Rosha's 429
Eiger, Rabbi Akiva 427
Eydlman 119
Ayzik 424
Ayzl (The Klezmer-Player) 45, 277
Ayzntson, Yankev Elya 455
Ayznshtat, Ben-Tsiyen 97, 140
Ayznshtam, Akiva 510
Ayznshtam, Feygl 510
Ayznshteyn, Isroel 395
Aynhorn, Dovid 278
Ayolo, Mota 41, 290, 295
Ayolo, Malka (Gluskin) 42, 180
Ayolo, Stisia (Goldberg) (sic) 48, 55, 56, 78-100
Ilyer, Rabbi Menashe 153, 483
Immerman, Reb Neyekh [Noah] 172
Immerman, Nehemya (Head of the Yeshiva) 58, 76, 77, 81, 105, 115, 164, 274, 283, 317,375, 503
Immerman, Mesl 282
Iskolsky , Rabbi Yankev 224, 411
Iskolsky, Grunya [in the text: Gruna] 224
Isser (Community Leader) 247
Isser (The Crazy One) 293, 294
Isser'l, Reb 360, 361, 486
Isserlin, Rabbi 29
Isserlin, Avrohom 315
Isserlin, Rabbi Yeheyshua Isser 29, 30, 31, 32, 96, 97, 100
Isserlin, Rabbi Yeyna (Reb Yeyna [Yoyna] Slutsker) 21, 27, 35, 100, 315, 316, 317
Isserlin, Reb Mordkha [Mordekhai] 128, 139
Isserlin, Reb Shokhna 9, 100, 103
Isserlish, Reb Meysha 315
Isser'ke (The Wealthy One) 9, 58, 77, 81, 105, 111, 315, 317, 352
Isser'ke's (Synagogue) 96, 97, 100, 274, 279
Issersh [possibly Isserish], Rabbi Avrohom 22
Isserlish, Shokhna 9, 21, 27, 499
Itskovits[h], Shmula 271
Itskovits, Rukhoma 115
Itamar Ben-Avi 119
Algerdov 476
Alterman, Eliyohu 53, 60, 69, 75, 95, 120, 121, 260, 262, 300, 310, 346, 503, 504, 518, 519, 520
Alterman, Yehuda Leyb 503, 522
Alterman, Minka 121
Alterman, Reuven 77, 115, 120, 121, 408, 503
Alterman, Rivka 503, 522
Alterman, Sora (Kleynman [q. v.]) 503, 504, 519, 521
Alta (Yankl dem Blindn's [daughter of Yankl the Blind]) 458
Alter Mannes 458
Alter Salanter 492
Eily Hinda's 462
Eily Yessela's, Reb 198, 199
Eily Meysha, Reb 124, 125
Elya 404, 405
Elya Dovid's 290
Eliyohu B'Reb Chaim Leyb 283
Eliyohu, Reb (Head of the Rabbinic Court of Pruzhin) 81, 463
Eliyohu (The Klezmer-Player) 366
Eliyohu Leyb (The Butcher) 439
Eliyezer Lipa 417
Eliyashev 295
Eliyashev, Yitzhok 178
Eliyashev, Tille 178
Aleksander, Rabbi 140
Aleksander (Olelko) 16
Alexander II 31, 100
Aleksandroni, Sh. 188
Alkabets, Shlomo 329
Elkona (The Shoemaker) 424
Olshansky, Chaim Berl 364
Andreyev 286
Antukulsky 190, 492
Osofsky, Morris 411, 412, 418
Astakhov, Artemi Andreyevitsh 29, 31
Osterman [Asterman? Esterman?] 239
Asaf, Avrohom 396
Asaf, Alta 185, 420
Asaf, Chaim 218
Asaf, Hana 446, 448, 206
Asaf, Tsvi 205, 214, 260, 261, 262, 396; 521
Asaf, Rabbi Prof. Simkha (Asavsky [Osovsky?] ) 11, 77, 107, 185, 205, 207, 208, 218, 260, 274, 394, 420, 447, 448
Ester (The Milkmaid) 118
Oppenheym [Oppenhaym? Ofinheym? Oppenheim], Rabbi Tsvi Yankev 81, 139
Affelman, Rabbi 185, 420
Affelsin, Chaim Meysha 60, 62, 280, 300
Efrayim, Rabbi 198
Efros, Bera 42, 57, 295
Efros, Mirela 274
Efros, Misha 26, 65, 181
Efros, Tsvi Hirsh 30
Efros, Rivka 57
Efros, Rokhl 57
Epshteyn, Dr. (Eye Doctor) 59
Epshteyn, Rabbi 85, 188
Epshteyn, Avrohom (Abba Arikha) 9, 12, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 55, 56, 75, 77, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 107, 108, 119, 134, 136, 154, 162, 171, 274, 283, 299, 310, 389, 402
Epshteyn, Avrohom (son of Meysha [Moishe] Yekhiyel) 47, 53, 56, 299
Epshteyn, Avrohom Borukh 185
Epshteyn, Alter 470
Epshteyn, Dr. Eliyohu 510
Epshteyn, Efroyim 219
Epshteyn, Dveyra 59
Epshteyn, Dunia 59, 282, 300
Epshteyn, Zalmen 11, 204, 219, 221, 222, 224, 274, 393, 389
Epshteyn, Chaim 455

[Page 530]

Name Pages
Epshteyn, Chaim Fishl 191
Epshteyn, Yitzhok 11, 219, 221, 222, 224, 274, 389, 393
Epshteyn, Lila 510
Epshteyn, Mikhl 190
Epshteyn, Menahem-Mendl (Reb Mendele) 81
Epshteyn, Reb Meysha 213
Epshteyn, Reb Meysha Mordkha 113
Epshteyn, Nokhum 201, 220, 223, 224
Epshteyn, Nosn Nota 524
Epshteyn, Sasha 59
Epshteyn, Feyga Beyla 220, 223
Epshteyn, Tsvi Yankev 206
Epshteyn, Rivka 514
Epshteyn, Reb Shmuel 190
Akko [Oka, Oko, Akka], Reb Nakhmen 28
Oksenfeld, 308
Aronovitsh, Avrohom 269
Aronzon, Yeysef [Ahonzon/Aronzon: See also Column 1 of this page] 120
Aronzon, Keyla 372
Artshik (the Wagon Driver) 438, 465, 467
Artshik (the Saloon Keeper) 298
Aryey 231
Aryey Leyb, Rabbi 34, 272
Aryey Leyb (Head of the Rabbinical Court) 19
Aryey Leyb (from Kovno) 39
Aryey's 190, 429, 430
Ornboym [Arnboym, Arnbaum], Fanya 60, 115, 300
Ornshteyn [Arnshteyn], Rabbi Tsvi Hirsh 315
Ora (the Saloon Keeper) 4308
Ora (the Ritual Slaughterer) 45
Ora Khrinover [Ora from Khrinov] 190
Artsibashev 48, 300
Artse (The Teacher of Religious School) 467
Arkovitsh 190, 430
Asch, Sholem 242
Eshkol, Levi 521
Eshkol, Elisheva (Elka Kaplan) 71
Eshman, Avinoam  
Beyz (Bet)       return
Bakacycz [Bakatsitsh], Jan 270
Baron, Dveyra 11
Badkhn, Meir 519
Badkhn, Elka Dveyra 522
Badkhn, Simkha Leyb 522
Bogoslavski, Jan [monastery] 429
Bodnits, Eliyohu 440
Buzhanka [Major] 250, 249
Botnitsky 169
Boyarsky 285
Bukhbinder (Bonen) 414
Bukharin 69
Bulhak [General Bulak-Balachowicz] 242, 338, 339, 437
Bunim, Rabbi Simkha 35, 272
Bunin 280
Bunin, Dr. Avrohom L. 260, 379, 412, 413, 414
Bunin, Haya 522
Bunin, Lyata 304
Bunin, Lipman 522
Bunin, Marusha 414
Bunin, Sora 522
Bussel [Boosl], Yitzhok 522
Bussel [Boosl], Rokhl 522
Buslavsky, Leyba 42
Bokshitsky 45
Borovsky, Shmuel 431
Borodeyev [Red Army] 454
Borokhov, Ber 48
Borukhovitsh, Mayzl 375
Borukhovitsh, Malka 37, 59
Boris 302
Burshteyn (the Teacher of Religious School) 508
Bezborodko, Dovid 504, 505, 506
Bezborodko, Yeysef 504, 505
Bezborodko, Yeysef-Ahron 505
Bezborodko, Masha Leya 504
Bezborodko, Perl 504
Bezborodko, Tsvi Hillel 30, 504
Bezborodko (Tsuker), Sora 504, 505
Betnshteyn (the Market-stall Keeper) 19
Bialik, Chaim Nahman 14, 75, 108, 119, 136, 173, 218, 327, 390, 392, 418, 448, 458
Beylin, Shmaryohu 47, 257, 299
Beylis 70, 90
Beynshteyn, Rabbi Yekhiyel Mikhl 217
Bildzhikevitsh, Dr. 293
Biller, Ilan 174
Biller, Nekhama (Shpilkin) 174, 375, 414
Biller, Pitkhiya 174
Binshtok, Leyb 388
Bistritsky (Agmon) 60
Birg, Nakhmen [corrected from “Yoyl”, as per “Errata” page 531, 53, 75
Beit-Tsvi (Baskin) 396
Bloch, Yeysef Leyb [prominent yeshiva head and lecturer] 199
Blumenfeld, L. 392
Blumshteyn, Alta 48
Blumshteyn 56
Belzer, Rabbi Shleyma 84
Balachowicz [See also Bulak] 141, 437, 448
Blake, William 187
Balashov [Red Army] 343, 344
Ben-Eliyahu 414
Binyomin (the Lunatic) 130, 132, 156, 311
Binyomin (Luletsnik) 209
Binyomin Volf, Rabbi 33
Binyomin B'Reb Chaim Leyb 283
Ben-Ami 91, 136
Ben-Porat, Moshe 483
Ben Peysakh, Yitzhok Yankev 27
Ben Tsvi, Sh. (Rotgun [Retgon, Ratgun]) 245
Bassin, Louie 411
Baskin (Tsvi family) Tsvi 64, 119, 174
Baskin, Krayna (Maharshak [q.v.] ) 17410
Baskin, Shabse [Shabtai] (Tsvi family) 62, 63, 64, 174
Baal Ha-Tanya [Chabad Rebbe], 127
Belco Rihar 471
Baal Shem Tov, Isroel 11, 98, 101, 124, 125, 349, 350, 351
Bentsha (the Blacksmith) 424
Ber 483
Berl (the Wagon Driver) 488
Berl (the Miller) 423
Berl Khasha's 228, 318
Berl (from Kutshin) 423
Berl Faytl [or Paytl, Peytl] 215
Berka Hazn [Hazan, the Cantor] 477
Betsalel B'Reb Shleyma (the Preacher) 19, 33, 272
Bacalyar (the Lawyer) 295
Becker, Ahron Borukh 180, 361
Becker, Berl 362
Becker, Hayela 361
Becker, Nokhum 362
Becker, Shaya Leyzer 361, 362
Becker, Sora'le 361
Berg, Sylvia 411, 412
Bargin [Bregin, Bergin] 74
Bergman [Bregman], Rokha'le  
Berger 119, 240, 242
Berger (the Teacher) 77, 92, 300
Berger (the Teacher's Son) 287
Berger, Yitzhok (from Minsk) 48
Berger, Yitzhok (from Kopulya) 246
Berger, Leyb 91, 240, 468
Berditshevsky, Mikha Yeysef 77
Barhon, Itsik Mikhoel [Mikhl] 281
Barhon, Alter 287
Barhon, Yeysef 278, 280
Barhon, Isroel 44, 276, 280, 281, 288
Barhon, Meysha 59, 287
Barhon, Nokhum Dan (The Head of the Yeshiva)  
Barhon, Riva 280
Barhon, Shaya Yova 280
Barhon, Shmaryohu 59, 60, 78, 282, 300, 396
Brodotsky, Yitzhok Tsvi 139
Brodesky 132, 500
Brodetsky, Berl 239
Brodetsky, Dov Ber 233
Broyda, Reb Nokhum Chaim 134
Broyda, Dr. 104
Broyda, Reb Chaim Meysha 388
Broyds 157, 158
Borukh, Rabbi 22
Borukh Ber, Reb 106, 112, 317
Borukh Ha-Cohen 21
Borukh Rosha's [See also Rosha, Rosha's] 498
Borukh's [See also Sholem Borukh's, under Shin, page 540] 429
Bronshteyn (the Druggist) 42
Bronshteyn, H. 23
Bronshteyn (Appointed Rabbi) 281, 301
Brooks, Reb Nokhum 443
Bryant, William Cullen 187
Brayna 485
Brayna Reyzl 96
Brokhes 295
Berlin, Rabbi Meir 84, 501
Berlin, Naftoli Tsvi 500
Brandstaedter [Mordecai David Brandstaedter, Galician Hebrew writer, social critic, and Zionist] 158
Barenfeld, Shimon 153
Barents [Brents? Brenetz?], H. 235
Barents, Mordkha 239
Brener 14
Berenshteyn 256
Berenshteyn, Yankev Naftoli Hertz 103
Berenshteyn, Isroel 152
Berenshteyn, Leyzer 243
Berenshteyn, Shoel [Shaul] 241, 244
Berenshteyn (Shapiro), Shimon 233
Barsky, Akiva 14
Brevde 375
Berkovitsh, Avrohom-Itshe 417
Berkovitsh, Itshe 487
Berkovitsh, Isser 417, 418
Berkovitsh, Elkhonon 417
Berkovitsh, Borukh 417, 418
Berkovitsh, Basya 417, 418
Berkovitsh, Berl (Tshipeleyer) [from the village of Tshipeley] 417
Berkovitsh, Dvossi 417, 418
Berkovitsh, Yankl 458
Berkovitsh, I. D. [son-in-law of writer Sholem Aleichem, and author in his own right] 12, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 55, 56, 59, 77, 91, 92, 93, 94, 107, 136, 157, 162, 165, 168, 260, 266, 274, 289, 292, 298, 299, 301, 328, 329, 392, 404, 406, 417, 418, 521
Berkovitsh, Yitzhok 436
Berkovitsh, Lipa 136
Berkovitsh, Ezriel Zelig 136
Berkovitsh, Feygl 417, 418
Berkovitsh, R. 330
Berkovitsh, Reuven Leyb 417, 418
Bershadsky 15
Bashevkin 75
Bas-Sheva 90
Gimel      return  
Gavizniansky, Reb Elya Yesela's 443
Galanson 144
Ganyandsky [Ganyanedsky?], I. 257
Garadnitsky, Yankl 470
Garatsikov, Hertzl 240, 468

[Page 531]

Name Pages
Goren (Garen, Garin), Mordkha Lipa 24, 273, 275, 297, 307, 310, 371, 395, 445, 519
Goren (Garen, Garin), Rabbi Meir 522
Goren (Garen, Garin), Tsesha 522
Gorfinkel, Yudl 199
Gabbai, Lipa Yon-Teff [Yom-Tov] 60, 300
Gabbai, Meysha 69, 282, 295, 300
Gabbai, Sheyna 297
Gvursky [Giborsky? Spelled with ” R” in the text. In index itself, written with “N”, as Givonsky] (Inspector) 92
Gavriela 70, 285
Gedalia, Reb 10, 106, 126
Gedalia Ha-Cohen 106
Goviziniansky [Guviziniansky? Gubiziniansky?], Reb Eliyohu (Elya Yesla's) 197
Gogin-Logi, Princess 195, 440
Gvosdov [Gwosdoff], Shmuel Yeysef 522
Gotlober [Gotloyber], Avrohom Ber 25, 388
Gutsayt (the Teacher) 59, 77, 92, 93, 119, 284, 300
Gutsayt, Chaim Mikhl 308, 372, 513
Gutsayt, Yasha 60, 300
Gutsayt, Leybush 24, 26, 42, 59, l15, 116, 132, 144, 279, 300, 337, 372, 376, 408, 472
Gutsayt, Nokhum 452
Gold, Rabbi Zev 247, 500, 501
Gold, Rabbi Dr. Refoel Tsvi 247, 499, 500
Goldos, Peretz 418
Goldblum, Fayvl 522
Goldberg, Rabbi Meysha-Issakhar 46, 76, 110, 140, 199, 366
Goldberg, Eyli 484
Goldberg, B. 23
Goldberg, Rabbi Chaim Zev-Volf 113
Goldberg, Yeysef 48, 91
Goldberg, Yankev 373
Goldberg, Isroel Noyekh 60, 282, 300
Goldberg, Meir 441
Goldberg, Sam 519
Goldberg, Reb Pinkhes 252
Goldvasser, Reb Yeheyshua Menahem 500
Goldman, 196, 440
Golda 429
Goldshteyn, Dr. Alexander 60
Gonta [Cossack General] 141
Gur (Grozovsky), Yehuda 11, 131, 134, 178, 189, 245, 274, 293, 389
Gorovitsh [Gurvitsh? Gorvitsh? Gorovitz? Gurovitsh? Gurovitz?] 185, 420
Gorovitsh, Leyb 464
Gordin, Rabbi Eliyezer 206
Gordon, Dovid 153
Gordon, Y. L. 100, 151
Gordon, Yankev 274
Gordon, Mikhl 308
Gordin 286
Gorokhovitsh 278
Gibayansky [Giveyansky?], Rabbi Yeysef 35, 36
Giventer, Itka 525
Geiger [Gayger] 153
Giltshik [in the text: Giltshik, Lyova] 200, 249, 486, 487
Gindelovitsh, Gershon 145, 379
Gindelovitsh, Refoel 145, 379
Gindelovitsh, Shleyma 145, 379
Ginzburg, Basya 245
Ginzburg, Shoel [Shaul] 79
Gintzburg, Yuzl 150
Gintzburg, Yeysef 21
Gintzburg, Rabbi Naftoli Hertz 33, 80, 272
Girs [Giras] (Governor) 436
Gelbord [Gelbrod, Gelbard], Rabbi Gershon Meysha [Moishe] 198
Gluskin, Eliyezer 99
Gluskin, Zev 55, 96, 99, 100, 177
Glinik 185, 196, 420, 440
Gallinson [also spelled Gallanson in text] 382
Gallinson, Yankev 522
Gallinson, Sora 522
Glinski, Prince Mikhail 16, 186, 426
Gleb 16
Gelfant, Moness 424
Gelfant, Riva Leah 424
Jamal Pasha 173
Genakhovitsh, Shleyma 464
Gafni, Avraham 369
Getzov, Hirsh 28, 42, 106, 287, 334
Getzoff 302
Grauer, Sadie 525
Grayev (the barber-surgeon) 45, 309
Grodzinsky, Rabbi Chaim Eyzer [Oyzer] 83, 233
Grozovsky (the Photographer) 46
Grozovsky, Berl Chaim [Grozovsky: See also Rozovsky] 189, 192, 431
Grozovsky, Tille 117
Grozovsky, Yehuda Leyb [See also Gur] 178, 414, 429, 430, 508
Grozovsky (Rozovsky), Yeysef 233
Grozovsky, Yitzhok Hillel 178
Grozovsky, Yishayohu Reuven 389
Grozovsky, Fayvl 189, 429
Groynem 465
Gross [or, Grosser], Bronislav 288
Gross, Reuven 180, 416
Gribbenshtshik [or Gribbentshik], Berl (Head of the Yeshiva) 43, 76, 77, 115, 274, 317, 318, 512, 518, 527
Grigoriyev 141
Greybsky, Reb Matisyohu 30
Greysukh, Zev 42
Greysukh, Reb Yankev 432
Greysukh, Shaya Hana's 430, 432
Green, William 344
Greenblat, Nosn 24
Greenberg 443
Greenberg, Yeheyshua 30
Greenvald [Greenwald] (the Book Seller) 279, 296
Greenvald, Yeysef 522
Greenvald, Meyir 519
Greenvald, Svetla 522
Greenvald, Peysakh 190, 429
Griniuk [the Christian barber-surgeon] 442
Greenfeld, Eliyohu [See also Yarkoni] 92
Grisha 302
Grishka (the Gypsy) 475
Gerla (the German) 330
Granat, Shleyma 287
Granoff, Dov 525
Gershon (from Zhetl) 464
Gershon, Rabbi Tankhum 231
Gershonovitsh, Doctor 442
Dalet       return  
Dovid'l [or, Dodl] the Neighborhood Beggar 117
Dalhunikha (the Paid Prayer-Reciter) 361
Domanski [Landowner] 442
Doris, Benny 525
Dvorzhitsky [or Divorzhitsky, Diborzhitsky, Divurzhitsky, Divorazhitsky], Dr. M. 233
Degani, Eliyahu 414, 416
Dubnov 349
Dobkin [or Dubkin] 242
Dubrov, Hillel 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 55, 56, 91, 93, 94, 95, 107, 136, 162, 298, 299, 301, 329
Dubrov, Reb Yerukhem 106
Dobroborsky 185, 420, 440
Dobroborsky, Dovid 195
Dobroborsky (Brothers) 196
Dubrovsky 240, 468
Dober-Musnicki [Polish Legion] 242
Dovid Itsha's 219
Dovid (the Lunatic) 132
Dovid Tebl (the Rabbi from Minsk) 36, 353
Dovid Leyb (Ostrover) 423
Dovid (from Makov), Rabbi 126
Dovid (from Tsherkass) 464
Dovid Reuven (the Butcher) 198
Dovid (Rosha's) [See also Rosha's] 429
Dovid [Margolin] (of Rizhitsa) 423
Dvoretsky, Ahron Mikhl 198
Dvoretsky, Meysha Tsvi 198
Dvoretsky (Brothers) 441
Dvasha 498
Dukhovitsh, Ahron 239
Dukhovitsh, Yankev 270
Dukhovitsh, Yerakhmiel 239
Dovidovitsh, Yankev 270
Dovidovitsh, Yitzhok 247
Dovidovitsh, Yitzhok Ha-Levy 230
Davidzon, Ber 393
Davidzon, Yehuda Leyb 247, 393
Davidzon, Issakhar 247
Davidzon, Dr. Yehuda 247
Dolgin 443
Dolgin, Hertzl 239
Dolgin, Haya 239
Dolgin, Fruma 235
Dolgin, Keyla 239
Dolitsky 75
Domnitz, Avrohom 239
Domnitz, Dr. Ahron 58, 105, 135, 233, 251, 252, 391, 520
Domnitz, Reb Asher (Teacher of Religious School) 135, 233, 251, 391, 461, 522
Domnitz, Borukh 115, 132, 172, 251, 253, 254, 262
Domnitz, Hadassa 251
Domnitz, Hertzl 233, 464
Domnitz, Zev 461
Domnitz, Haya 239, 522
Domnitz, Chaim'ka 258
Domnitz, Hana Rokhl 239
Domnitz, Yeysef 470
Domnitz, Yekhiel 258
Domnitz, Yankev 239
Domnitz, Yitzhok Leyb 253
Domnitz, Mina 258
Domnitz, Meysha 470
Domnitz, Imanuel'ka 258
Domnitz, Shmuel 251, 396
Dumanski [or Domanski, Calvinist noblemen] 79
Doroshinsky, Borukh 525
Doroshinsky, Leah 525
Daina, Reb Yehuda Dov (“The Salanter”) 273, 419
Daina, Mordkha 419
Dainov, Zev Volf 100
Dainov, Tsvi Hirsh 25, 27, 29, 100, 103, 150, 151, 307, 308
Dina-Keyla 295
Dinezon, Yankev 311, 408
Diskin, Reb Yeheyshua Leyb 357
Dik, A. M. 481
Dickens 389
Demburg, Reb Shleyma 312, 313
Danin [or Dinin, Dnin; store in pre-state Israel] 134
Danikin [or Dnikin; pogrom perpetrator] 141
Danielka 72
Droyanov [or Darvianov, Dravionov] 177
Dorinson 418
Deretshin 42, 334
Deretshin, Yeshayohu Mendl 113, 117
Deretshin, Feygela 117
Hey       return  
Hozberg 487
Holland, Borukh 522
Holland, Folla 522
Halber, Fayvl 169
Hafun [or Hofun], Meysha 455
Hafka [or Hopko, Hapka; chief state prosecutor] 146

[Page 532]

Name Pages
Horn, Rabbi Peysakh 27
Hagivati (Hazanovitsh), Tsvi 61, 62, 64, 65, 67, 69, 118, 259, 260, 262, 300, 396
Ha-GRA [acronym for Ha-Gaon Rabbi Eliyahu, the pre-eminent 18 C. Torah sage also known worldwide as the Gaon of Vilna, Eliyahu ben Shlomo Zalman] 138, 140, 152, 247
Hoberman [or Huberman], L. 187
Hochmark, Rabbi Yitzhok 40, 131, 272, 308, 317
Honigman, Sheyndl 60
Hurvitsh, Rabbi Avrohom ha-Levy 272
Hurvitz, Hezkel 430
Hurvitsh, Rabbi Yudl 19, 35, 272
Hurvitz, Fruma 189
Hurvitz, Shai [Sh. Y.] 104
Hitler 120, 227
Heiman, Rabbi Ahron 138
Hilman, Rabbi 21, 318
Himelshteyn, Eydl 506
Himelshteyn, Meysha 506
Himelshteyn, Peysakh 506
Himelshteyn, Rokhl 506
Hindus, Morris 144, 145, 146, 376, 394, 411, 412, 413
Hinda 488
Hirsh Leyb 27
Hirshbeyn, Berl 292
Hirshbeyn, Yitzhok Yankev 28, 30, 286
Hirshbeyn, M. I. 27
Hirshl “Atta-Boy” 193
Hirshl (Head Synagogue Attendant) 312
Hirshl Eydela's 318
Hirsh'ka (The Shoemaker) 228, 461
Hirsh'ka (The Rabbi) 163
Helbord, Rabbi Gershon Meysha 231
Halevy (Lvovitsh), Reb Yerukham 212
Hillel (Teacher of Religious School) 469
Halprin, Yekhiel 107, 389
Halprin, Reb Levy Yitzhok 196, 440
Halpern, Yisroel 459
Heller 508
Heller, Yon-Teff [Yom-Tov] Lipman 34
Handler, Meir 145, 380
Hanover, Reb Nosn Nota 79, 80
Ha-NeTSIV [acronym for Rabbi Naftali Tsvi Yehuda Berlin, revered 18 C. anti-Hasidic head of Volizhin Yeshiva] 39, 230, 499
Henkin, Rabbi Yeysef Eliyohu 84, 85, 87
Hess, Meysha 391
Hemlin, Isaac 412
Henikhov 240
Henya 282
Hessl 492
Heshl (Teacher of Religious School) 456
Hareuveni, Yossi 133
Herinzon, Rabbi 85
Harkavi, Chaim 60
Harkavi, Yeysef 181, 257, 283, 345, 348
Harkavi, Musya (Katzenelson) 53, 59, 60, 75, 181, 210, 283, 300, 345
Harkavi, Meyshe [Moishe] 60, 300
Harkavi (from Novorodek [Novogrudok] ) 10, 119
Ha-ReMO [Also, “Remu” or “Rema”: Rabbi Moishe Isserles, Krakow giant in Torah scholarship and seminal redactor of Torah law] 500
Ha-RaMBaM [Rambam, Moses Maimonides, arguably the greatest Torah scholar in 2,000 years] [See also Rambam] 129, 198, 247
Ha-RaN [Rabbenu Nissim ben Reuven Gerondi, 14th Century, eminent Spanish talmudist] 230
Herzog, Rabbi 213
Herzl, Dr. [Theodore] 24, 56, 59, 60, 289, 327, 328, 441, 443, 458
Hertsl (The Synagogue Steward) 98
Hertsl (The Butcher) 465
Hertsl Horker [Hertsl from Horki] 468
Hertsl Yidl's 456
Hartsman, Avrohom 118
Ha-RASHBA [Rabbi Shlomo ben Avraham Adret, great 13th Century Spanish talmudist] 230
Hershl 295
Ha-SHaKH [Rabbi Shabtai ben Meir Ha-Kohen, eminent 16th Century interpreter of Jewish law] 129
Vov (Vav)       return   
Vohl [Wohl], Reb Shoel 80
Volodya 465
Volf, Rabbi Yitshok Binyomin 80, 272
Vanovsky 79
Vanya 343
Vasil 289
Vasilevitsh, Feodosi 270, 271
Vafka 118
Vayner [Weiner] 249
Vayner, Rabbi Meysha Meyshl 193, 437
Vayner, Tsvi (Hershl Verebiover) 188, 436
Vayner, Meir 486, 487
Vaynshtok [Winestock], Gitl 522
Vaynshtok, Tsvi Hirsh 522
Vaynshenker, Rabbi Motl 101
Vaytsl [or Veytsl], Rabbi Mordkha 353
Weizmann, Chaim 226
Vaytsman [Weizman], Eyzer [Oyzer] 226
Volfson [Wolfson], Binjomin 28, 29, 211, 448, 449, 454
Volfson, Yekhiel Mikhl 103
Vevveh (The Crazy) 132
Velvl Prizivitser (Katzenelson) 76
Velvl (The Synagogue Steward) 439
Velvl, Reb (The Scribe) 359
Velvele 353
Vetshor (The [Christian] Doctor) 45, 309
Vetsherebin, Rabbi Chaim 233, 234
Varnik, Peretz 353
Vigodsky, Avrohom 190, 429, 430, 431
Vigodsky 290
Vigodsky (Brothers) 41
Wittgenstein (The Prince) 16, 31, 201, 446, 477
Wittgenstein (The Princess) 193
Whitman, Walt 187
Vays [Weiss], Yeysef 464
Vaysbrem [Weissbrem] 240, 341, 468
Vilovsky, Rabbi Z'ev 38, 272
Vilovsky, Rabbi Yankev Dovid (“RiDBaZ”) 38, 39, 54, 85, 105, 115, 129, 130, 155, 210, 231, 232, 256, 272, 274, 298, 313, 319, 320, 322, 323, 357, 358, 418, 419, 504
Vilovsky, Miriam Bluma (wife of The Ridbaz) 39
Vilensky [Wilensky], Khasha Reyzl 282
Vilensky, Leyzer (The Synagogue Sexton) 282
Vilensky, Riva 282, 284
Vilentshik, Mikhl 117
Weinberg [Vaynberg], Eliyohu 525
Vaynberg, Rabbi Yekhiel Yankev 84
Vaynberg, Felya 146, 386
Vinograd, Aryeh 60, 62
Vinograd, Mordkha 276
Vinik, Efroyim 196, 440
Vinik, Binyomin, 196, 440
Vaynshteyn (Weinstein) 240
Vaynshteyn, Ber-Meyshe 468
Vaynshteyn, Neyakh 196, 440
Visoker, Chaim 464
Victoria 494
Vitkin 42, 281
Vitkin (The Pharmacist) 334
Wallenrod, Dr. Reuven 11, 137, 169, 193, 395, 437
Vendroff 90, 431
Vendroff, Zalmen (Vendrofsky) 134, 192, 301, 389, 491
Vendroff, Zelda 491
Vendroff, Liba 493
Vendroff, Reb Shmuel (Sexton of the Kloyz Synagogue) 313, 314
Veskovoynik, Avrohom 172
Veskovoynik, Ida 172
Veskovoynik, Yitskhok 172
Veskovoynik (Rabinovitsh), N'omi 219
Waxman (Vaksman), Dr. Meyir 12, 47, 51, 53, 54, 77, 107, 108, 135, 136, 194, 274, 299, 318, 391, 520
Waxman, Rabbi Nisn [Nissan] 56, 79, 80, 140, 145, 186, 228, 234, 236, 254, 255, 260, 261, 262, 312, 353, 396, 427, 459, 460, 518, 519, 520, 521
Waxman, Reuven 522
Waxman, Sheyna-Leah 460
Waxman, Sora 519
Verbitsky 16
Vrangl [antisemite] 141
Zayin       return  
Z'ev 499
Z'ev (from Bialystok) 100
Zapolsky, Lipa 515
Zak [Zok?], Simkha 23
Zhabotinsky 68
Zabin [Zavin?] 47, 299
Zdrayevsky 481, 482
Zubatov 390
Zavin [Zvin?], Rabbi Shmuel Yeysef 83, 84
Zota [Zuta?], Rabbi Eli l1 38
Zunin, Doctor 47, 299, 334
Zusha (The Broker) 42
Zaturensky, [Avremela] (The Torah Tutor) 284
Zyama (The Shoemaker) 465
Zitin [Zaytin? Zeytin?], Zalmen (Head of Yeshiva) 44, 76, 77, 349, 350, 351
Zeides [Zaydes, Zaides] Basya 526
Zeides, Chaim 190, 306, 358, 363, 418, 425, 486, 488
Zeides, Yitskhok 526
Zeides, Yisroel 526
Zeides, Leah 522
Zeides, Musya 526
Zeides, Shimon Leyb 522
Zilberman 153
Zilberman, Rabbi Reb Mordkha Meyir 257, 436
Zinger [Singer], Avrohom 389
Zinger, Reb Avrohom Yankev 247
Zinda, Ora 42, 286, 334
Zinda, Hana Pesha 220
Zisl “Ertshemikhoyset” [Zisl “Hert-zhe-mikh-oyset”, i.e., Zisl “Hey Hear Me Out”] 492
Zislotsky, A. 256
Ziskind, Rabbi 388, 478, 483, 484
Zekharya (The “Paloshnik” [The Smoker? The Wand-waver?]) 295
Zlovsky [Zelovsky? Zalavsky?] 90
Zeldovitsh, Elozer 436
Zeldovitsh, B. 436
Zeldes, Eliezer 178
Zeldes, Haya 172
Zeldes, Rabbi Reb Chaim 35, 272
Zeldes, Nosn 172
Zeldes, Fayvl 172, 297
Zluskin [Zaluskin?] 280
Zelig 506
Zelig (The Combmaker) 43, 363, 364
Zelig Milkovitser (from Milkovits) 225
Zelig (The Torah Scribe) 237
Zelig son of Lipman 22
Zelig 465
Zelyonov 141
Zelikovsky, Zelig 443
Zalmen Borukh (The Rabbi's Son) 447
Zeltser, Rabbi 131
Zeltser, Rabbi Yehuda Leyb 106
Zaks, M. 153
Zaks [written: Zaksh. Zekesh? Zakesh?], Shneur 153
Zorakh [Zerakh? Zerekh?] (The Para-Surgeon) 236
Zaritsky, Shmuel 501
Jean-Jacques Rousseau 391
Jules Verne 389

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Name Pages
Zhukov 386, 387, 486
Zhurovitsky, Godl 487
Zhizmer 302
Zheligovski [General] 348
Hes (Het)       return  
Hadash 345, 346
Hovanski [Duke] 270
Hatsha (The Tailor) 424
Hana 430
Hasla's, Neyekh 479
Hart 397
Charach [Harakh], Ahron 312
Charach, Ester Fruma 312
Charach, Hava 312
Charach, Fayvl 312
Havulson [Hvulson? Hevulson?], Daniel 153
Hava (The Bean Porter) 305, 368
Hurgin 240, 242, 468
Hurgin, Yishayohu 23, 26
Hazanovitsh, Mordkha 48, 59, 61, 77, 78, 91, 92, 115, 119, 240, 283, 285, 300, 468
Higger, Dr. Meysha 108, 123
Haya 382
Haya (from Slutsk) 31
Haya Dveyra 423, 458
Haya Zelda 94
Haya Reyzl 118
Hayos's [possible pun on name: also means “from the family of wild animals”] 429, 430
Chaim Itska's 45
Chaim son of Rabbi Aryeh Leyb 21
Chaim son of Borukh ha-Cohen 21
Chaim Ber 317
Chaim Berl 447
Chaim son of our teacher and rabbi Yeysef 18
Chaim Dovid the Wedding-Jester 45, 363, 364, 366
Chaim Dovid's 290
Chaim Haykl, Reb 152
Chaim Yeysef (Teacher of Religious School) 215
Chaim Leyb (The Torah Scribe) 43, 191, 282, 283
Chaim, Rabbi of Volozhin 9, 54, 80, 247, 316, 353, 355
Chaim Mikhl's 293
Chaim Meysha, Reb 133
Chaimka Brisker [of Brisk], Rabbi (Chaim ha-Levi Soloveitshik) 39, 81, 83, 85, 152, 186, 354, 357, 428, 434, 436, 474, 478, 482, 496
Haykin [Chaikin], A. M. 24
Chinitz [or Chinitsh or Hinits], Reb Avrohom [Chinitz: See also Yakhnitz, a possible typo] 233, 461
Chinitz, Avrohom Borukh 226, 227
Chinitz, A. H. 225
Chinitz, Ester 415
Chinitz, Dovid 507
Chinitz, Hinda 239
Chinitz, Hinda Rokhl 195
Chinitz, Hirts 234
Chinitz, Hirsh 236
Chinitz, Zelig 233, 461
Chinitz-Hazanovitsh, Rabbi Dovid 233
Chinitz, Haya-Gitl 239
Chinitz, Haya-Rokhl [Chaya Rachel] 507
Chinitz, Tema 226
Chinitz, Yoshiya Chaim 240, 468
Chinitz, L. 239
Chinitz, [Aryeh] Leyb-Louis 507
Chinitz, Meyir 233
Chinitz, Nokhum (Chinitsh) 41, 59, 76, 78, 92, 120, 260, 274, 282, 285, 300, 305, 372, 394, 408, 414, 415, 416, 519, 520, 521
Chinitz, Sender 465
Chinitz, Ezriyel Zelig 195, 196, 423, 440
Chinitz, Fayvl 522
Chinitz, Feygl 239
Chinitz, Keyla 239
Chinitz, Reb Shokhna 233
Chinitz, Shimshon 239
Chinitz, Sora 239
Chmielnitski, Bogdan 141
Hen 195, 240, 427, 468
Hona's 429
Hana 382
Hana Bilka 73
Hana Hinda 369
Hanan 440
Hanan, Yankev-Feyga's 219
Hasdai Shaprut 236
Hosid, Yankev 209
Hefetz [Cheifitz] 295
“Hofetz-Chaim” 232, 340, 516
Hefetz, Reb Yeyel [Yoel] 140
Hefetz, Naftoli Tsvi 27, 37
Hefetz, Rabbi Tsvi Hirsh 36, 37
Khrushchov 345
Harif, Rabbi Aryeh Leyb 81
Tes (Tet)      return  
Tambak, Nota 293
“Tatelakh” [“Daddies”] 45
Tabachnick, Celia 525
Tabachnick, Reuven 525
Tabachnick, Rokhl 525
Twain, Mark 389
Toybela, Reb Shmuel's 349, 350
Tulman, Meysha 47, 301
Tumanik, Ayzik [Isaac] 360, 361
Tomashov, Alexander Yeheyshua 81
Tomashov, Basha 81
Tomashov (The Printer) 285
Tomashov, Velvl 423
Tomashov, Hasha [Chasya] 423
Tomashov, Yitskhok 425
Tomashov, Liba 425
Tomashov, Mordkha Yeysef 422
Tomashov, Rabbi Meysha Binyomin 39, 81, 82, 83, 84, 139, 255, 279, 418
Tomashov, Sender 422
Tomashov, Reb Shmuel 425
Toker, Alter 467
Toker, Feyga 282
Toker, Shmuel 414, 415, 416
Torberg [Turberg? Torbreg?], F.[P.?] 25
Turov 321
Tivin 288
Tilla [Tillie], Itshe-Nota's 293
Tiktinsky, Yeysef 525
Tiroshkin [Tirushkin], Dov 53
Tiroshkin, Reb Hershl 218
Tiroshkin, Zusman 233
Tiroshkin, Zusha 464
Tiroshkin, Refoel 455
Telushkin, Rabbi Nisn 84
Tebli [Tebele?], Rabbi Dovid 230
Temtshin, Louie 411
Tema 498
Tema (The Baker) 172
Tepper [Teffer?], Eliyezer 219
Travin, Sam 412
Trotsky 312, 346, 374
Tritshansky, Elka 60
Trachtenberg, Binyomin 342
Tarasova [Haya Rokhl] 59, 60, 300
Tshayna, Mordkha 412
Tsharni [Charney], Eliyohu 57, 280, 309, 310, 311
Tsharni, Pinya [Pinkhos] 309
Tshiptshin, Dov Ber 522
Tshiptshin, Dr. Chaim 108, 172
Tshernikhovsky, Sh. 104, 390, 392, 395
Yud (Yod)       return  
Yazgur, Rabbi Yekhiyel Mikhl 193, 437
Yankl, Itsha Chaim's 228, 461
Yankl, Masha 132
Yasenov [Christian] 455
Yaroshevitsa [Christian] 269
Yarkha [Yerkha? Yarekha?] 295
Yarkha, Yosl 365
Yoshiya Dem Rebbe's [Yoshiya the Rabbi's Son] 447
Yasha-Ber Soloveichik, Rabbi [See also Soloveichik] 9, 12, 37, 54, 75, 81, 86, 87, 97, 102, 106, 128, 130, 230, 272, 274, 306, 313, 314, 353, 354, 355, 356, 357, 358, 430
Yasha Gon [Gaon] 295
Yasha, Reb (Tritshaner [from Tritshan] ) 97, 115, 117, 306, 317, 436, 508
Yabrov 45, 282, 494
Yabrov (The Firefighter) 276
Yabrov, Chaim 30
Yabrov, M. 46
Yabrov, Neyekh 282
Yedidya the Teacher of Religious School 221
Yehuda the Hasid 104
Yehuda Halevi [10-11th Century Sephardic philosopher/poet] 75, 104, 236
Yehuda Leyb son of Eliyezer [Chief of Rabbinical Court of] Zelayn [Zlin?] 80
Yeheyshua [Yehoshua] (The Bundist) 443
Yeheyshua Leyb, Rabbi 129
Yudl 132
Yudl son of Alexander, Rabbi 21
Yudl (The Silk Merchant) 291, 295
Yudl (The Shoemaker) 480
Yudelovitsh [Yudelevitsh?], Rabbi 486
Yudelovitsh, Avrohom 247
Yudelovitsh, D. 134
Yukhnin [photography studio] 46, 460
Yeyna [Yoyna, Yona] (The Rich Man) 133, 398
Yeyna (The Matchmaker) 294, 365
Yeyna (Menahem) Nokhum 79
Yosl, Rabbi (or Rebbe) 164
Yosl, Isser's 465
Yosl (The Recluse) 136
Yosela from Slonim 257
Yeysef [Yosef] Eliyohu (citizen of Kapulye) 31
Yeysef the Rabbi, son of Menahem Mendl 272
Yeysef Dov the Kohen 252
Yeysef Zundl 37, 38
Yeysef Zalmen's 471
Yeysef Yudl (Teacher of Religious School) 198, 443
Yeysef from Hlusk [or Glusk], Rabbi 35, 187
Yeysef from Kobrin 464
Yeysef'ka “The Achiever” 101
Yoskevitsh 271
Yuri the Second 16
Yoshkevitsh, Simeon 224, 394
Yakhnitz [typo? Probably Chinitz], Ahron 239, 465
Y. L. G. [Yehuda Leyb Gordon, q.v., prominent thinker in the Haskala, or Jewish Enlightenment movement in Russia] 150, 165, 189, 307
[Yalovker, Reb Yankev Meyir 80 [Incorrect in text as “Valovker”.] Errata 541
Yellin (Itsha “Nyek”) 47, 95, 295, 330
Yellin, Ida 443
Yellin, D. 389
Yellin, Volf 442
Yellin, Meysha 443
Yellin, Sora 443
Yalkut 295
Yanushkevitsh [Christian] 45, 309
Yankelevitsh, Yankev 464
Yenta 398
Yankl, Reb 496
Yankl (The Kohen [Levite priest] ) 291
Yankl (The Klezmer Musician) 366
Yankl Mina's 44
Yankev Elya [Eliyohu], Reb 204, 465
Yankev, the Rabbi, from Tomashov 79, 139
Yankev the Hasid 218
Yankev (The Ritual Slaughterer) 216, 456
Yankev (The Synagogue Sexton) 70, 28

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Name Pages
Yankev Leyzer (The Ritual Slaughterer) 469
Yakobi, Yisroel 219
Yakobovitsh, Eliyosha 169
Yaffe, Yisroel 187
Yaffe, Mordkha Leyb 37
Yaffe, Miriam 508
Yafin [Yefin, Yapin], Yisroel Shoel 231
Yitzhok Ayzik 126
Yitzhok Ayzik (son of Avigdor) 19
Yitzhok Elkhanan [Spector], Rabbi 82, 108, 205, 230, 316, 353, 392, 396, 419, 427, 499, 500
Yitzhok Yekhiel [incorrectly entered as Yitzhok Yisroel. Grandfather and namesake of poet Yitzhak Katzenelson] 247
Yitzhok Meyir, son of Yeyna, head of the Rabbinical Court 19
Yitzhok, Rabbi of Volozhin 36, 152
Yerukham 424
Yerushalmi (Yerusalimsky), Rabbi Nehemya 205, 206, 209, 210, 211, 216, 219, 317, 446
Yerikho, Gitl 122
Yerikho, Meysha 45, 122
Yerakhmiyel 465
Yerakhmiyeli 233
Yarkoni (Greenfeld [q.v.] ), Eliyahu 77, 92, 123, 274, 283
Yishayohu (from Kuzmichi [Kuzmicze]) 455
Yisroel 484
Yisroel Artshik's 466
Yisroel (from Romanov) 22
Yisroel son of Yehuda Leyb 126
Yisroel Leyb 210
Yisroel Leyb (The Preacher) 126, 349, 350, 351
Yisroel Leyb'ka (The Shoemaker) 237
Yisroel Mekhnevitser [from Mekhnevits] 465
Yisroel Salanter, Rabbi [See also Salant, Salanter] 122, 153
Yisroel (The Shopkeeper) 423
Yisroel'ka (The “Master of Memory”) 101
Issakhar Ber, Rabbi 19, 34, 272
Kof/Khof (Kaf/Khaf)       return   
Khasha 429
Khasha Merka's 461
Khashka (The Rabbi's Wife) 274
Kagan 77, 122
Cohen, Professor Boaz 208
Cohen, Ben-Tsiyon 60
Cohen, Borukh 199
Cohen, Dov 56, 91, 92
Cohen, Yankev 12, 104, 135, 274, 390
Cohen, Yitshok, 199
Cohen, Pinkhos 199
Kahanovitsh, Meysha 146, 200, 239, 250
Khloness [Khluness? Khluna's? Kloness?], Neyakh Itsha 426, 427
Khloness, Nosn [Natan] 426, 427
Katz [See Katz also under Kuf] 241
Katz, Rabbi Avrohom 22
Katz-Ashkenazi, Rabbi Meyir 77, 79
Katz, Rabbi Dov 247, 500
Katz, Rabbi Hirsh 22
Katz, Meyir 139
Katz, Rabbi Mikhl 22
Katz, Nehemiya 217
Katz, Rabbi Reuven 84
Katz, Simkha 34
Katz, Shimon 459
Katz, Sora 244
Katzenelson [See also under Kuf]  
Katzenelson, Itsha [Itsa?] 44
Katzenelson (Kikayon), Bella 53
Katzenelson, Binyomin (Benny) 53, 75, 210
Katzenelson, Borukh 12, 137, 170, 274, 395
Katzenelson, Berl 242
Katzenelson, Dov-Ber 210, 223
Katzenelson (The Teacher) 77, 115, 119, 120, 503
Katzenelson, Reb Zev (Velvl of Prizivits) 46
Katzenelson, Chaim 219
Katzenelson (Bar-Natan), Yemima 219
Katzenelson, Yitshok hy”d [G-d will avenge his blood] 136
Katzenelson, Meysha 48, 56, 91
Katzenelson, Shleyma 210
Katzenelson, Tamara 214
Karmin [Keremin?] (The Pharmacist) 42, 59, 300
Lamed       return  
Labus [Labos? Lavos?] [379 : Apparent page error. Not found on page 379.] 30
Leah 364
Leah (The Chatterbox [?] [The Tattler?] ) 383
Lazarov, Rabbi Yehuda Leyb 419
Lampert, William 415, 510
Lang, H. 323
Landa [Landau? Landoy? Lando], Betsalel 28, 30, 31
Landa, Chaim Grunem 231, 234
Landa, Yehuda 28
Landa, Yankev 231
Landa, Mordkha 231
Landa, Rabbi Shleyma Dov 228, 231, 236, 461
Landa, Shmuel Neyakh 60, 115, 300
Landa, Rabbi Shmuel 187
Lashovsky, Moma 59
Lev, Eshka [Ashka? Oshka?] [Apparent page error.] 60, 115, 300
Leybovitsh, Avrohom 212
Leybovitsh, Borukh Ber 228
Leybovitsh, Nehemiya 244
Leybovitsh, Rabbi Reuven 216, 217
Levonzov 30
Louis Leybl [surname Porton, q.v.] 515
Lvovitsh 420
Lvovitsh, Ester Rokhl 456
Lvovitsh, Berl 456
Lvovitsh, Basya [Batya] 418
Lvovitsh, Rabbi Yeruham 459
Lvovitsh, Yisroel 459
Lvovitsh, Maness 453
Levin [Levine?], Avrohom 245
Levin [Levine], Rabbi Aryey 106
Levin, Shmaryohu 136
Levinson (The Appointed Rabbi) 78
Levinson, Gershon 412
Levinsky [Lewinsky], A. L. 136
Levitan, Rabbi Eliokim Getsl 82
Lonsky [Lunsky? Levinsky?], Haikl 353
Luzzatto, Shmuel David [19 C. Italian biblical commentator, philosopher, translator] 108
Lutsky, M. 208
Lurie [Luria], Rabbi Yehiel 272
Lurie, Rabbi Shleyma 33, 272
Lakhover [Lachover], P.[F?] 136, 392
Lakhman [Lachman], Ovadia 85
Liota (The Synagogue Sexton) 312, 318
Lieder, Chaim Yeysef 247
Lieder, Yisroel Yankev 247
Litt, Louis 507
Litvak [Litwak], A. 302
Litvin [Litwin] 348
Leyb [Yisroel, son of...] (The [late 18 C.] Preacher to Poland) 350
Leyb-Volf 447
Leybovitsh (The Teacher) 375
Leybovitsh, Lipa 276
Leybovitsh 185
Leybovitsh, Rabbi Borukh Ber 54, 81, 82, 83, 426, 427, 428
Leybovitsh, Shmuel 106, 112, 113
Leybl Mikhl's 441
Leyba Uzder [The Famous Cantor] 275
Leyba (The Saintly Man) 296
Leyba (The Tailor) 196, 440
Leyba Yeykh [Leyba “Soup”, the Blacksmith] 117, 307, 364, 365, 366, 367
Leybka 496
Leybka (The Ritual Slaughterer) 515
Leybka (The Holy) 478, 479
Leyvik 45
Leivick, H. [pseudonym of poet Leivick Halpern] 278
Leyzer 198 443, 498, 499
Leyzer Itsha 89
Leyzer Ber 475
Leyzer The Shammes [Synagogue Sexton] 118
Leyzer Zalmen, Rabbi 372
Leyzer Yankl 479
Leyzer Stisha's 100
Leyzerka 437, 478, 481
Leyzerka Telzer [of Telz] 320
Lilienblum, M. L. [Hebrew writer, critic, political journalist, haskala leader, born near Kovno] 25, 224
Lilienthal 434
Linetsky 308
Lisovitsh [Lisvits? Lisavitsh?] (The Judge) 30
Lisbaron, Yeysef 55
Lisbaron, Feygl 282
Lisitsky, Efrayim Eliyohu 12, 14, 77, 92, 108, 112, 114, 136, 137, 163, 167, 274, 392
Lieff [Lif], Chaim 395, 461
Lieff, Shmuel 426
Lipa (The Synagogue Sexton) 194
Lipman, Rabbi M. 30, 31
Lipman, Rabbi Yom-Tov 39, 247, 483, 500
Lipson, M. 131
Lipa Shiniavker [of Shiniavka] 318, 512, 518
Lifshits [Lipshits] 105, 115, 122
Lifshits, Binyomin 233
Lifshits, Borukh 64, 65, 67, 69, 259, 300
Lifshits, Dov Ber 29, 37
Lifshits, Chaim 233, 234
Lifshits, Yerahmiel 234
Lifshits, Yankev 233, 242, 465
Lifshits, Yankev Tsvi 78, 120
Lifshits, Menahem Monish 100
Lifshits, Elya 269
Lifshits, Dr. Faytl 12, 55, 105, 135, 254, 255, 256, 391
Lifshits, Rabbi Shleyma Zalmen 35, 272
Lishansky [Apparent page error.] 231, 531
Landsman [Landesman?], Hillel 172
Lenin 69, 120, 374
Levin [Levine. See also top of previous column] 468
Levin, Dovid 414
Levin, Yisroel 395
Levin, Borukh 436
Levinson, Dr. 442
Levinson, Moysey 331
Levinshteyn 413
Levner, Y. 293
Lechtrohler, Franz [Nazi] 146, 387
Lelevitsh 476
Lensky 285
Lessin, Avrohom 340, 344
Leskovitsh, Ilya 269, 270
Lefrak, Ahron 509
Lefrak, Dveyra 509
Lefrak, Harry 260, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 509, 510, 521
Lefrak, Hana 509
Lefrak, Shmuel 510, 521
Lefrak, Sora 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 509
Lekert, Hersh 329
Lapidess, Yisroel  
Mem       return  
Mazeya [Mazaya?], Shoel 19
Mazeh Oyzer 486
Motta The Coachman 253
Motta Yankl 462
Motta Leyzer 423
Motta The “Kapulshtshik” [from the village of Kapulya] 290, 291
Matrenka The Cobbler 295
Meyir 131
Meyir Ora's 430
Meyir The Miracle Worker [“Baal Ha-Nes”] 297, 434
Meyir Borukh's 431

[Page 535]

Name Pages
Meyir The Smith 194
Meyir The Shoemaker 91
Meyir Lieder [“Songs”] (The Cantor) 275
Meyir Slutsker 358
Meyir Peyshe's [Peyse's] (Rabbinic Judge) 273, 274
Meyir'ka 115
Meyers, Avrohom 40
Maladetsky [Molodetsky], Nokhum 373
Malthus [18-19 C. English economist] 105
Malin, Itsha Yankev 216
Malin, Borukh 456
Mandel 443
Maniuk (The Tailor) 116
Maniuk, Ahrela 281
Maniuk, Elkana Neyakh 281
Maniuk, Velvl 281
Maniuk, Zelig 281
Maniuk, Chaim 281
Maniuk, Yankl 281
Manish [Monish], Rabbi Shleyma Zalmen 35, 272
Mas (Mem-Vov-Samekh [acronym for Meykher Sforim, i.e., Bookseller]) 89, 295
Maslyansky [Masliansky] 359
Maslyansky, Avrohom Yitzhok 140
Maslyansky, Chaim Mashke's 101
Maslyansky, Tsvi Hirsh 22, 25, 101, 103, 138, 182, 308, 359, 411
Maslyansky, Rivka 101
Mapu [creator of first Hebrew novel] 99, 218, 225
Matskevitsh [Motskevitsh?] from Hresk 30
Matskevitsh, Mordkha 441
Matskevitsh, Shleyma 200
Morganshtern, Yeysef 484
Marder 288
Martinov 486
Markhovsky, Dr. 286
Marcus, Harry 411
Marx, Karl 310
Maron [The Teacher] 240, 242, 468
Marshall, Louie 344
Mashevsky, Dr. 28
Moshkevitsh 269
Moshkevitsh, Mikhl 269, 270
Migdal 45, 281, 295
Migdal, Shmuel 23, 28, 30
Madotsky [Medotsky], Dveyra 175
Madotsky, Yankev 175
Madotsky, Yisroel 175
MaHaRaM Schiff [Schiff, Meyir ben Yaakov Ha-Kohen, 17 C. German talmudist and rabbinic author] 98
MaHaRSHA [Edels, Shmuel Eliezer ben Yehuda Ha-Levi, leading 16 C. Galician talmud commentator] 99
MaHaRSHaK, Miriam [MaHaRSHaK is a surname derived from the title/acronym of Shloyma ben Yehuda Ahron Kluger, great 19 C. talmudist and halakhist, also known as the Preacher of Brody] 258, 472
MaHaRSHaK (Baskin), Krayna 64, 65, 67, 69, 300
MaHaRSHaK, Reuven 32
MaHaRSHaK, Rabbi Reuven 139
MaHaRSHaK, Shmuel Dov (Alter the Ritual Slaughterer) 35, 45, 59, 62, 63, 115, 139, 191, 258, 300, 421, 469, 472
MaHaRSHaK, Shimon 63, 64, 67, 241, 242, 259, 262, 375, 396
MaHaRSHaK, Shimon Yitzhok 139
Mohilover, Rabbi Shmuel 500
Mozeszon, Rabbi Yoyl Dovid 84
Mozeski, Jan [18 C. Armenian or Hungarian designer of famed Slutsk woven belts] 17
Mozeski, Leon [son of the above] 17
Mokhov 42
Mukhin [Brothers] 278
Monomakh Vladimir [Kiev Grand Duke] 16
Montefiore, Moses 151, 494
Moshos, Dafna [French educator] 247, 393
Moshelov, Meysha 30
[Mikheikin [Micheikin. Maiden name of Gruna Iskolsky]] 224
Meyzus [Mayzus? Mayzos?] Reb Shmuel Yitzhok 199
Maisel [Mayzl] 310
Maisel (The Doctor) 89
Maisel, Avrohom 260, 262, 387, 510, 511, 518, 519, 520, 521
Maisel, Eydla 525
Maisel, Eytan 174
Maisel, Gal'ka 527
Maisel, Hertsl 525
Maisel, Hava 511, 525
Maisel, Haya Rivka 527
Maisel, Chaim 525
Maisel, Chaim Simkha 253
Maisel, Hai'ka 262, 510, 511, 519, 520, 521
Maisel (Ravits) Hai'ka 260, 303
Maisel, Hana 75, 174
Maisel, Yehuda 75, 174, 414
Maisel, Mikhl 525
Maisel, Mordkha 527
Maisel, Meysha 511
Maisel, Rabbi Meysha 34
Maisel, Meysha Yehuda 495
Maisel, Meysha Leyb 525
Maisel, Neska 527
Maisel, Sophia 525
Maisel, Fridman 525
Maisel, Sholem 525
Maisel, Shmuel 525
Maisel, Shmuel Chaim 525
Maisel, Sora Rivka 525
Maizes [Meyzesh], Chaim Dov 523
Maizes, Rivka Rokhl 523
Meyla [Mayla?] 134
Meylakh 424
Mikhail Keysar [Emperor Michael] 72
Mikhl The Yellow 436
Mikhl The Black 436
Mikhalevitsh, Beynish 399
Mikhl 423
Mikhl Borukh's 431
Mikhl The Baker 496, 498
Mikhl “M.S.” [prob. “Meykher Sforim”, “Bookseller”] 133, 134
Mikhela [Reb] 115
Miller 393
Miller, Henry 247
Milikowitz [Milkovitsh], Golda 522
Milikowitz, Zelig 522
Maimon, Shloyma [18 C. Polish philosopher and kabbalist] 14, 125, 153, 274, 349
Mina Casriel's 437
Mintz, Chaim 28
Minkin 89
Mickiewicz, Adam [19 C. Polish nationalist poet and supporter of the Jews] 73
Mirsky, Avrohom 47, 50, 52
Mirsky, Dr. Rabbi Shmuel Kalmen 80
Mishelov [Michelob] 145
Mishelov 42
Mishelov 279, 380
Mishelov, Yitzhok 512, 519
Mishelov, Nisn 512
Mishelov, Rokhl 512
Mishkovsky, Clara Mironovna 78, 290, 375
Mishkovsky, Leyb 78, 284
Maccabee [Maccoby], Zundil 255
Machno [antisemite] 141
Mlodinov, Binyomin 143, 381
Mlodinov, Daniel 143, 144, 381, 382
Mlotok, Grisha 525
Mlotok, Lyova 525
Melville, Herman 187
Malinsky, Rabbi Hirshl 527
Malinsky, Mordkha 60, 300, 339
Malka 424
Malkhiel 423
Maltsan, Shmuel 140
Meltzer, Dr. A. 47, 256, 257, 299, 309
Meltzer, Rabbi Isser Zalmen (Zunya Mirer) 12, 39, 54, 77, 81, 82, 83, 85, 89, 90, 108, 109, 110, 111, 113, 114, 115, 117, 123, 131, 139, 140, 180, 181, 199, 206, 213, 231, 255, 272, 274, 312, 313, 324, 325, 326, 329, 358, 364, 453, 472, 499, 500, 516
Meltzer, Hinda Beila (The Rabbi's Wife) 180, 364
Meltzer, Hana Perl 82
Meltzer, Fayvl (Professor) 123, 346, 379
Meltzer, Rabbi Tsvi Yehuda 86, 140, 379, 414
Mamush, Peysakh 77
Mendelevitsh, Eydla 526
Mendelevitsh, Gershon 526
Mendelevitsh, Dina Tsipa 526
Mendelevitsh, Dina 43837
Mendelevitsh, Leyb 526
Mendelevitsh, Rabbi Meysha Yankev 193
Mendelevitsh, Rivka 526
Mendelevitsh, Refoyl Yeysef 75
Mendelevitsh, Shmuel 438
Mendele (Head of Yeshiva) 9, 81, 96, 106, 128, 352
Mendele Moykher Sforim (Abramovitsh, Sh. Y.) 11, 14, 133, 136, 147, 154, 159, 189, 192, 199, 242, 247, 248, 274, 278, 291, 361, 388, 393, 397, 429, 434, 444, 467, 473, 479, 484
Mendelson, Yitzhok Yankev 233
Mendelson, Simkha (Felix) 233
Menahem Ari 124
Menahem Mendl, The Rabbi 28, 193, 272, 392, 437
Menahem, Sh. 47, 57, 299
Menaker 295
Menashe 487
Mas, Yehuda 182
Mstislav 16
Mechanik, Bluma 523
Mechanik, Dvosha 296
Mechanik, Hana Haya 296, 297
Mechanik, Tevya (Tevya the Carpenter) 296, 297
Mechanik, Yeysef 47, 297, 523
Mechanik, Malka 296
Mechanik, Feygl 296
Mechanik-Shapiro [Shapira?], Pesya 60, 296
Melnik 145
Melnik 380
Menaker, Chaim 487, 488
Mendl 364
Mendl (The Blacksmith) 424
Mendelson 492
Menka Sender 465
Messl 424
Meshl 486
Margolin, Avrohom 239
Margolin, Dovid 423
Margolin (The Rabbi's Wife) 117
Margolin, Yankele 235
Margolin, Mordkha 235, 236, 238
Mordkha [Mordechai ben Neyakh] (of Lachowicze) [Reb Mordkha Lachovitsher, Hasidic master involved in conflict with local Misnagdi m, ideological opponents] 351
Mordkha Ahron 447
Mordkha The Mute 296
Mordkha The Butcher 196
Mordkha Yeyna [Yona] 364
Mordkha Yankev (Scribe of Torah Scrolls and Mezuzahs) 191, 341, 359
Mordkha-Nisn 370
Mordkha son of Pinkhes (from Kletsk) 31
Mordkhe'la (Oshmener [from Oshmyany]) 353
Marmur, Yankev 239
Marmur, Nisn 225, 226
Marmur, Rokhl 239
Moishe [Reb Meysha], Rabbi (from Radom) 34
Meysha son of Peysakh, Rabbi 33, 372
Meysha Ahron Barukh's 431
Meysha Berl (The Glazier) 462
Meysha Getsl, Reb, Rizhitser 423

[Page 536]

Name Pages
Meysha Dov, Reb 464
Meysha Dovid The Cantor 222
Meysha Velvl 447
“Meysha Yidaber” (Shusterman) 46, 131, 283, 359, 360
Meysha of Lyakhovichi [Lachowicze], Reb 111
Meysha (Masha) Naomi's, Reb 236, 238, 462, 463
Meysha Nesha's [Nisia's?] 202
Moshka The Ritual Slaughterer 437
Moshka The Blacksmith 430
Moshke'la Pig 392
Nun      return  
Novakhovitsh, Merkl 269
Novik [Navik?], P. [F?] 487
Naumov, Sh. Y. 391
Nozick, Avrohom Yitzhok 60, 62, 180
Nozick, Gitl 423
Nozick, Dveyra 523
Nozick, Hillel (The Torah Scribe) 43, 191, 314
Nozick, Z'ev 423
Nozick, Yeysef 422
Nokha [Nakha] (Teacher of Religious School) 294
Nota Hirsh 319
Nankin-Aklyansky [Nonkin-Eklyansky?], Avner 199
Nankin-Aklyansky, Reb Yankev Tsvi 199
Neyakh [Noah] 59, 185, 351, 484
Neyakh Eliyohu (The Ritual Slaughterer) 422, 423, 425
Neyakh son of Dovid, The Rabbi 22
Neyakh the Parsi [Noah The Persian--nom de plume] 245
Nokha [Nakha] (The Ritual Slaughterer) 45, 128
Nokhum [Nahum] Berl 423
Nokhem Borukh's 198
Nokhum (The Cobbler) 190, 430
Nokhum Hrozover [from Hrozov] 434, 435
Nokhum The Synagogue Sexton 101
Nakhumovitsh, Shmuel 15, 16
Nekhoma (The Hardware Storekeeper) 297
Nakhmen 420
Nakhmen, Rabbi Yeysef 431
Nakhmanovitsh, Reb Sender 89
Nakhmanovitsh, Fruma Leya 432
Nahmani, Shimshon (Nakhmenovitsh) 48, 56, 77, 89, 91, 92, 95, 119, 122, 123, 260, 261, 262, 274, 309, 310, 311, 395, 413, 414, 415, 416, 431, 432, 443, 521
Nahmani, Sonia 414, 415
Notalevitsh [Netalevitsh?], Rabbi Chaim ben Tsion 84
Newman, Beyla 525
Newman, Dov 525
Newman, Hillel 525
Neiburg 288
Neiburg [Nayburg], Ayzik 411
Naidus, Leyb [writer] 278
Nayman, Dr. 151
Nymark [Neimark, Naymark], Aryey Leyb 46
Nymark, Reb Leyb (The Religious Judge) 139, 273, 274, 277, 318, 359, 365, 418, 419
Nymark, Meysha 439
Neikrug [Naykrug] 42
Neikrug, Shleyma 430
Neikrug, Shleyma (Noy) 62
Neikrug, Shmuel Yeysef 290, 291
Nisn [Nissan] (The Cantor) 31
Nisenzon, Ahron 395
Nisenzon, Dovid 281
Nikolai 72, 110, 286, 342, 425, 479, 481
Nikolai (The First) 86
Nikolai Alexandrovitsh 31
Nikolai Nikolayevitsh 71
Nikolsky 429
Neshin, Tsira 525
Naftoli Tsvi [great-grandson of the famous Reb Moishe Isserles] 140
NeTSiV [title of Reb Naftoli Tsvi Hersh Leyb Berlin, head of Volozhin Yeshiva] [See also Ha-NeTSiV] 353
Nekritsh The Shopkeeper 240, 268
Nekritsh, Yeyna [Yona] 45, 351
Nekritsh-Shilo [Shelo, Slav, Shalev], Ezriyel (The Teacher) 78, 245
Nekritsh, Ezriyel 62, 63, 64, 65, 67, 69, 285, 300
Nosn [Natan] Torah Scribe 368
Nosn Nota, Reb, The Rabbi 272
Samekh       return  
Sadovsky 442
Sadovsky, Borukh Kalmen 465
Sadovsky, Velvl 443
Sadovsky, Folya 441, 443
Savitz [Savitsh, Savage] 499
Sotski Semko [Gentile Landowner [typo corrected]] 482
Soloveyev [Soloviev] 346, 347
Soloveichik [world-esteemed rabbinic family] [See also “Yasha Ber...” and the three entries which follow Sokholitsky in next column] 281, 286, 288
Salamyak [Solomiak?] 42, 116, 300, 374, 402
Salant, Rabbi Zundl 419
Salant, Rabbi Yeysef Zundl [a leader of the influential Musar Ethical Movement] 81, 83, 85, 87, 88
Salanter, Rabbi Yisroel [Israel Lipkin, prime founder of the Musar Movement, see above] [See also under Yisroel…]  
Salop (The “Writer” – “actually more of a cardplayer than a writer”) Sanin [Sonin?] 286, 295, 48
Santsikha, The [possibly Christian nun, or similar role] 471
Sonin [Kapulya Partizan] 487
Sofieho [Safiyeho? Polish count] 346
Sakolsky, Issakhar Ber 33
Svyetoslav 16
Svirnovsky [Sabirnovsky?], Yisroel Ahron 78
Segal, Avrohom Yitzhok 22
Segal, Chaim 46
Segal, Yeruham [incorrectly listed as “Yitzhok in index] 523
Segal, Rivka 523
Sadovsky, Yehuda Leyb [See also first entries of this letter heading] 41, 47, 48, 52, 299
Sadovsky, Shabsa 239
Sadovsky, Sora 239
Sverzhinsky [Nezvizh family] 334
Sokholitsky, Yitzhok 111
Soloveichik, Rabbi Yitzhok Z'ev [See also Soloveichik near top of this letter heading] 37
Soloveichik, Meyir 46, 308
Soloveichik, Rabbi Meysha 37
Seyfer [Soyfer?], Tsvi 126
Stalin 69, 120
Stanislavikha 290
Starasta 199
Starasta, [Rabbi] Ely 199
Stifakov [Adherent of Jewish Enlightenment] 284
Stefan 269
Starobinsky, Mordkha 239
Strogatsh, Meysha 292
Strelets [Strelits] 447
Strelits, Reb Shimon 212
Simon 289
Simon, Binyomin 379
Silitsky 73
Simbol, Yeysef 175
Simbol, Shleyma 175, 257
Simval, Henya 298
Simval, Yehudis 175, 298, 367
Simval, Reyzl 298
Simonsko [antisemite] 141
Sineysky [Sinaisky], Dr. 309
Singalovsky, Dr. Ahron 47, 48, 56, 107, 299, 329
Sinigovko, Berl 53, 340
Sinitsky 64
Sinitsky, Chaim 65
Sirotowitz, Ahron 523
Sirotowitz, Shleyma 523
Sirapinowicz, Jan 19
Sirota, Gershon 275
Sirkin, Dveyra 315
Sirkin, Yoyl 315
Slabodsky 289
Slobkin [Salovkin? Sluvkin?], Yitzhok Zelig 213
Samuel, Rabbi 483
Smol [Small], Hana 232
Smol, Yitzhok Aizik 217
Smol, Yitzhok Ha-Levi 232
Smolenskin, Peretz 157, 159, 189
Smidovits[h] [Shmidovitsh?] 74, 75
Smith, Adam 105, 391
Smelkinson, Aaron 514
Smelkinson, Esther 514
Smelkinson, Asher Yoel 514
Smelkinson, Benjamin 514
Smelkinson, Gitel 514
Smelkinson, Chincka [Hinka] 514
Smelkinson, Chananya 514
Smelkinson, Chashka 514
Smelkinson, Yitzchak Isaac 514
Smelkinson, Morris 514
Smelkinson, Michael 514
Smelkinson, Mordecai Leib 514
Smelkinson, Nissel 514
Smelkinson, Peretz 514
Smelkinson, Ralph 514
Sandomirsky, Rabbi Asher 77, 87, 89, 90, 111, 113, 140
Segalovitsh [Sagalowitz] 190, 191, 430
Segalovitsh, Eliyezer 523
Segalovitsh, Dovid 429
Segalovitsh, Haya Brayna 523
Segalovitsh, Nokhuml Idl 423
Segalovitsh, Shimon 429, 430
Saadya, Rabbi 127, 350
Senderovsky, Yisroel 464
Seyferovitsh [Soferovitsh, Seferovitsh = “child of the Torah Scribe”] 516, 517
Seyferovitsh, Chaim (The Torah Scribe) 516, 517
Seyferovitsh, Sonya 516
Sfiridonov [Sapiridonov? Christian doctor]  
Spector, Yitzhok Elkhonon [See Yitzhok Elkhanan]  
Sifra (Ish Yehudi [=“A Jewish Man”; nom de plume of Yehuda Leib Rabinovich]) 488
Skakolsky, Yehuda 64, 65, 67, 69, 300
Skakolsky, Rabbi Shimon Tsvi 190, 431
Sakovitsh [Sakovits? Skovitsh?], Avrohom 132
Sklar, Shmuel [See also Shklyar] 525
Ayin      return  
Ebin [Evin?] 281
Ebin, Asher 241
Ebin, Binyomin 12, 13, 97
Eberl, Meysha Yekhiel [reference not found on this page] 29
Edel 499
Eyzer [Oyzer], Reb Shabsa [Shabtai], Rabbi [See Shabsa] 437
Ezriyel 382
Etya 423
Elyotka [The Thief] 294, 295
Elyasberg, Shmuel 483
Elyashberg [Elyasberg] 26
Eleys [Alace?], Herbert 515
Enzil, Rabbi Asher 272
Enzil, Rabbi Yehuda Leyb 34, 272
Eplboim [Applebaum], B. 388
Efron 267, 295, 357
Efron (Editor of the Russian Encyclopedia) 16
Efron, Itka 70, 74
Efron, Yeysef Dov-Ber 70, 74, 343
Efron, Maysl [ = Moshe, Meysha] [See next entry] 118
Efron, Meysha [See previous entry] 89, 375
Efron, Fayvl 62, 64, 65, 70, 119
Epshteyn [Epstein] 94
Epshteyn, Rabbi Avrohom 19
Epshteyn, Avrohom-Borukh 420
Epshteyn, Rabbi Aryeh-Leyb 34, 272
Epshteyn, Basha (Graysukh) 432

[Page 537]

Name Pages
Epshteyn, Beynish 432
Epshteyn, Binyomin 23
Epshteyn (The Flour Storekeeper) 420
Epshteyn, Rabbi Chaim Fishl 431, 432, 433
Epshteyn, Rabbi Yudl 272
Epshteyn, Yankev Ha-Leyvi 19
Epshteyn, Leybl 414
Epshteyn Leybl's [offspring of Leybl Epshteyn] 414
Epshteyn, Molly 379
Epshteyn, Mikhl 429
Epshteyn, Nosn Nota 524
Epshteyn, Sasha 300
Epshteyn, Rabbi Menahem Mendl 81
Epshteyn (The Firefighter) 276
Epshteyn (The Dentist) 281
Epshteyn, Sholem 26
Epshteyn, Shmuel'ka 431
[Eshman, Rabbi] 276
Pey and Fey       return  
Fogelman, Dr. Eliyezer L. 331
Podlipsky [See also entries following Pevzner] 296
Podlipsky, Shmariyahu 455
Pavlovitsh, Alexandr 479
Patt, Yankev 319, 322
Polyatshek [Folyatshek?], Rabbi Shleyma 427, 428
Polyak [Folyak?] 190, 240, 241, 468
Polyak, Yankl 117
Polyak, Yankev Meyir 258, 526
Polyak, M. 30
Paleyev [Foleyev?], Hana 197
Paleyev, Yisroel 197
Paleyev, Rabbi Meysha Ahron 82, 197, 198
Ponyatovski [17 C. Christian landowner] 270
Fanya 456
Fanya Liba's 427
Post, Dovid 519
Postow [Postov], Borukh 281, 523
Postow, Golda 523
Popok [Pofok? Pofak?], Rabbi Pinkhes 101
Papirna, Avrohom Yankev 152, 247, 388, 389, 476
Pfaffenlohle [Duchess] 193
Pappenkort, Willy [Nazi] 146, 387
Patseyak [Fotseyek?], Yehuda Leyb 23
Pakin, Faytl 455
Porton, Zalmen 515, 516
Porton, Meysha Mordkha 31
Porton, Fanya 515, 516
Fortman, Khvala 523
Pevzner, Zelda 242
Podlipsky, Sholem [See also entries near top of this letter heading] 75
Podlipsky, Shmuel 75
Poznyak, Yasha 45
Potopush [Fotofush? Putopush?] (Governor) 29
Polyak [Folyak?], Mikhl [See seventh entry of this letter heading] 178, 260
Polyak, Mina 172
Polyak, Nokhm 260
Polyak, Reb Tsvi Hirsh 103
Polyak, Rokhl 117
Polyak, Rokhl Golda 258
Polyak, Shevakh 260
Polyakov [Poliakoff] 132
Pullman [Fullman?] 436
Pullman, Yeysef 30
Pullman, Reuv'ka 434
Popoff 145, 380
Fortman, Eliyezer 234, 235
Fortman, Rabbi Zelig 110, 217, 234, 466
Fortman, Rabbi Yisroel Tankhum 232, 234, 466
Fortman, Rabbi Shimshon 230, 232, 233, 523
Pursov 151
Pushkin 493
Petlyura [Simon Petlyura, antisemitic nationalist] 68, 141
Pietkevitsh [Gentile lawyer] 68
Fialko 441
Fialko, Chaim Hirsh 445
Fialko, Chaim Herts 523
Fialko, Malka 445
Fialko, Etl Itka 523
Feygl Stisha's 97, 100
Faygenberg [Feygenberg], Ber 220
Faygenberg, Yeheyshua 220
Faygenberg, Yankev 220
Faygenberg, Yitzhok 220
Feygenberg, Rokhl (Imri) [writer] 11, 220, 221, 224, 274, 394
Faygenberg (Epshteyn), Sora 220, 223
Feyga's, Yeysef 214
Feivishowitz [Fayvishovitsh], Meysha 523
Feivishowitz, Elka 523
Fayvl 423
Fayvl (The Synagogue Sexton) 277
Fayvl (Hrozover [from Hrozov]) 189, 429
Faytl 447
Faytlson 279
Pehmer [Peymer], Alta Elka 341
Pehmer, Chaim Avrohom 336, 343
Pehmer, Rabbi Yosela (The First) 9, 12, 21, 26, 27, 28, 31, 32, 35, 36, 37, 54, 86, 122, 152, 230, 272, 274,316, 323, 336, 353, 483
Pehmer, Rabbi Yosela (The Second) 35, 38, 39, 40, 78, 80, 85, 114, 272, 274, 336, 338, 339, 340, 343
Pehmer (Behmer), Yisroel 21, 26, 54, 152, 153, 352
Pehmer, Rabbi Meir 30, 37, 38, 39, 40, 86, 87, 130, 155, 255, 256, 272, 274, 324, 436, 499, 513
Pehmer Melamed [possibly Pehmer, Torah Teacher], Motya 60, 300, 341, 344, 414, 416
Pehmer, Meysha 38
Pehmer, Feygl 37
Pehmer, Rivka 37
Fayn [Fein, Fine] 339
Faynberg [Feinberg, Fineberg] 42, 47, 59, 279, 299, 337
Faynberg, Itsha 300
Faynberg, Dr. 45, 309
Feinberg, Isaac [Faynberg, Yitzhok] 256, 257, 513
Feinberg [Faynberg], Feygl 525
Feinstein [Faynshteyn], Rabbi Ahron Ha-Levi 81, 230
Feinstein, Reb Eliyohu 198, 230, 247
Feinstein, Reb Dov Ber 231
Feinstein, Rabbi Dovid 231, 236, 463
Feinstein, Hana 235, 239
Feinstein, Yekhiel Mikhl 232, 234
Feinstein, Rabbi Moishe [pre-eminent world rabbinic authority] 216, 217
Feinstein, Sima [written: Shima; wife of R' Moishe Feinstein] 232
Feiss [Fayss], Boris 523
Feiss, Hinda 523
Peysakhovitsh, Yoska [Yoshka] [See also entry after Peysakh, next column] 16
Peysha [Peysa] (The Religious Judge) 273, 274
Pilsudski [Polish nationalist politician]  
Pintshuk, Shleyma 464
Pinya (Rasayer [from Rasaya?] ) 440
Pines, D. 256
Pinsky, Dovid 418
Pinsker, Y. L. 25
Finkel, Avrohom 507
Finkel, Rabbi Eliyezer Yehuda 233, 428
Finkel, Yehuda Leyb 56
Finkel, Leya 507
Finkel, Meyir 459
Finkel, Rabbi Nota Hirsh 87
Finkelstein [Finkelshteyn] 45
Finkelstein, Basya 245
Finkelstein, Zakharia 46
Finkelstein, Zelig 525
Finkelstein, Mordkha 245, 421, 525
Finkelstein, Meysha Gershon 208
Finkelstein, Sora 208
Pinka [The Bathhouse Attendant] 480, 481
Pisarevitsh [lit. “The Writer's Son”], Shmuel 465
Pissetski, Gershon 513
Pissetski, Moshe Reuben 513
Pissetski Rivin, Shimka 513
Pissetski, Shifra 513
Pickholtz [Pickoltz, Pikholtz] Rokhl 146
Pikolski (The Christian Priest) 19
Ficus [Picus?], Avrohom 191
Fish 196, 440
Fish, Meysha 486
Fishl, Reb 81
Fishel, Harry 138, 212
Fishkin-Horn, Nosn 89, 314, 315
Fishka (The Lame) 388
Fleysher [Fleischer, Flaysher], Leya 387
Fleyshtshik [Fleyshtsik], Hashka 368, 369
Fleyshtshik, Meysha 257
Fleyshtshik, Elya 368, 369
Fleyshtshik, Shimon Leyb 257, 368, 369
Fleyshtshik, Sora Reyzl 368
Plyeva [The Dictator] 401
Panitshkovsky [Pantshkovsky? Fantshikovsky?] 42
Peysakh Ahron 27
Peysakh ben Shmuel 194
Peysakh the Melamed [Teacher of Religious School] 288, 460, 462
Peysakh the Head of the Yeshiva 165, 166, 274
Peysakhovitsh, Rabbi Chaim [See also entry after Feiss, previous column] 468, 240
Pasumanik [Pasmanik? Pesamanik? Fesmanik? Fismanik?], Avrohom 233, 236
Pasumanik, Brayna Rokhl 239
Pasumanik, Dr. D. 60
Pasumanik, Mordkha 233
Peskin 75
Feder, Yankev 239
Petkun 331
Petrik [Christian family] 282
Feller, Yisroel 315, 317
Pessela 364, 366
Pekker, Elya [See 48] 487
Perovskaya, Sofia 322
Perlin, Avrohom Meysha 198, 441
Perlin, Yehudis 441
Perkal 295
Peshin [Peyshin? Peysin?], Rabbi Avrohom Ahron 185
Pesha 343
Pekker, Zusha [See also entries eight above this one] 62
Pekker, Roza 250, 477
Fradl 474
Frokovnik [Prokovnik?] 276
Frank, Helena 392
Frank, Rabbi Fayvl 85
Frank, Rabbi Tsvi Peysakh 84, 231
Prass [Frass?], Meysha Mordkha 252
Prokop 208
Frumkin, Sh. 429
Fruskin [Froskin? Pruskin?], Rabbi 85
Frid [Freed, Fried] 468
Frid Ber 240
Frid-Rabkin 468
Fridland 29, 46
Fridman, Chaim Yoshya 89, 117
Fridman, Shmuel 117
Freyda-Haya Liba's 442
Frankman, Leyba 422
Prilutsky, Neyakh [Polish Parliamentary Deputy] 339
Perlman, Yehuda Leyb 199
Perlman, Rabbi Yerukhem Leyb 231
Perlman, Reb Yisroel 192
Frankl [Frankel], Asher Zelig 19
Frankl, Mikhl 247, 393
Perapontov [Parafontov? Ferfontov? Family of Russian Orthodox priest] 73
Peretz, Y. L. [one of the “fathers of Yiddish literature”] 44, 136, 389, 408
Tsadek (Tsadey)      return 538
Tshapeyev 239
Tsvi 128
Tsvi Hirsh (ben Meysha) 19
Tsiviyon, Sh. [U.S. Yiddishist] 495
Tsadok (The Ritual Slaughterer) also entries eight below this one] 240
Pekker, Leyvik 250, 477
Tsvik, Rabbi Ben-Tsiyon 185, 420, 436
Tsvirka 288
Zunz [Leopold Zunz, German Jewish scholar in Wissenschaft des Judentums] 153
Tsurkov 288
Tsurkov, Max 411
Tsah [“Pure”. Probable pseudonym] 141
Chekhov 274, 392, 462
Tsiganov 200, 445
Tseytlin [Zeitlin], Yeheyshua 23, 30
Tseytlish, Rabbi Yeheyshua 138
Tsimering [sister-actors from Lekhevitsh] 286
Tsimering, Sonia 11
Tsimerman, Rabbi Avrohom Yitzhok Ha-Leyvi 81, 82, 186
Tsimerman, Rabbi Shmuel 187
Chipchin [Tsiptsin] (The Lawyer) 145, 281, 295, 379
Chipchin (The Pharmacist) 42, 59, 281, 282, 288, 300, 346, 369
Chipchin, Meysha 55
Chipchin, Sh. 60
Tsirin, Chaim 235
Tsirin, Meysha Ahron 238
Tsirin, Tsvi Hirsh 233, 234, 236, 464
Tsira Barker 368
Zirkel [Tsirkl] 50
Zirkel, Rokhl 523
Tsemakh 140, 153, 443
Chesnin [Tshesnin. Tsesnin?], Sam 412
Tsernogubovsky, Ora [Timkovitsh innkeeper] 442
Tsernomordik [Timkovitsh pharmacist] 442
Tsernovits, Rabbi Chaim (The Young Rabbi) 394, 458
Tshernikhov 337
Tshernikhov, Avrohom 60, 300, 414
Tshernikhov, Yehuda Leyb 21, 122
Tshernikhov, Yeysef 42, 122, 300
Tshernin, Sheyna 239
Kuf       return  
Kabrin 286
Kagan (Teacher of the Heder M'sukn [“Modernized Hebrew School”]  
Kagan, Chaim 78
Kagan, Moshka [Mishka?] 443
Kagan, Sonia 443
Kahan, Ayzik 487
Kahan, Zakharia 487
[Kahan, Meysha 487] 50
Kahan, Refoyl 274
Kahanovitsh, M. 387
Cohen, Sam 411, 412
Cohen, Zelda 510
Cohen, Shmuel 510
Cavaliertshik, Borukh 471

[Page 538]

Name Pages
Cavaliertshik, Yankl 471
Cava [Kaveh; nickname? lit. “Coffee”], Eliyohu Borukh 282
Kovelin [Kavelin?] 30
Kozatsinski [Kozitsinski], Mikhail [18 C. Superior of Russian Orthodox Monastery] 271, 272
Kozak, Chaim Leyb 443
Kozak, Yankev Meysha 443
Kozak, Faytl 443
Kozberg [Kazberg], Alta Leya 523
Kozberg, Ester 527
Kozberg, Tsvi Yeyna 523
Kazyulitsh, Roman [Russian Orthodox priest] 271
Kazhdan, Dovid 445
Kazhdan, Taybl 442
Kazhdan, Yitzhok 442
Kazhdan, Dr. Lozer [Lazar] 442, 443
Kazhdan, Meyir 443
Kazhdan (Nachmani), Sonia 441
Kazhdan, Roza 443
Katchenovsky [Katshenovsky], Basheva 523
Katchenovsky, Lipa 523
Kolbasnik, Berl 387
Kalmenovitsh, Yudl 373
Kaminsky 282
Kaminsky, Chaim 523
Kaminsky, Yankev 523
Kamensky, Yan Amos 391
Kamshitser, Rabbi Peysakh 198
Kanovits, Rabbi Yeysef 39, 230, 419
Kantor [Cantor], Yeysef 523
Kantor, Yisroel 437
Kantor, Malka 523
Kantor, Meysha 438
Kantor, Meysha Yitzhok 194, 523
Kantor, Nisl 443
Kantor, Riva Leya 523
Kantor, Shleyma 523
Kantorovitsh 334
Kantorovitsh, Yankev 199
Kantorowitz [Kantorovitsh], Lipa 23, 523
Kantorovitsh, Nokhm 345
Kantorovitsh, Pinkhes 351
Kosovsky [Kasovsky? Kosavsky?], Dovid 30, 36
Kastyukovsky, Ayzl [not “Eydl”; typo corrected] 459
Kapustin 200, 249
Kopl-Bachner [Bochner?], Tsvi Hirsh 33
Kopilevitsh, Yitzhok 468
Kopl, Nokhm 470
Kopl 437
Kaplan, Gitl 423
Kaplan, Zusya 439
Kaplan, Zalmen 455
Kaplan, Haya Miriam 523
Kaplan, Chaim Zelig 218
Kaplan, Rabbi Yeysef Leyb 463, 464, 523
Kaplan, Yankev 79
Kaplan, Yekusiyel 140, 231
Kaplan, Yisroel 465
Kaplan, Meyir 79
Kaplan, Mendl 423
Kaplan, Slava 218
Kaplan, Shleyma 219
Kaplan, Shimon 101
Kaplan, Shmaryahu 455
Kaffner, Rabbi Dr. Tsodek [Zadok] 411, 412
Kapchitz [Kaptshits], Rabbi Meysha Chaim 463, 464, 523
Kapchitz, Meysha Naomi's 229
Kapchitz, Sora Rivka 229, 464, 523
Katz, Manneh 340
Katsin, Avrohom 34
Katzenelboygn [Katzenelbogen, Katzenellenbogen], Rabbi Avrohom 19, 34, 138, 272
Katzenelboygn, Dr. 442
Katzenelboygn, Rabbi Nokhm 33, 80, 272
Katzenelboygn, Shmuel Yehuda (surname alternate SHaYaK, from his acronym) 138
Katzenelson, Ben-Tsiyon 247
Katzenelson, Dveyra 458
Katzenelson, Dovid 196, 440, 458, 459
Katzenelson, Haya Leya 458
Katzenelson (Rukhover), Chaim 458
Katzenelson, Yankev 447
Katzenelson, Yitzhak [Yitzhok] hy”d [G-d will avenge his blood] (The Poet) 162, 163, 247
Katzenelson, Yitzhok Binyomin 247
Katzenelson, Akiva 458
Katzenelson, Reytza [Raytsa?] 282
Karolevitsh, Bova [“Baba Maysa”] 480
Karon, Avigayil 162
Karon, Eliyohu Meysha 247
Karasik, Leyba [Karasik: See also first column of Page 539] 297
Korda, Savelli [18 C. Christian landowner] 271
Karon, Peysakh (Peysakh Ezra's) 47, 76, 77, 157, 158, 159, 162, 281, 299
Karlin 375
Karlin, Yeheyshua 32
Karp 269
Karpovitsh, Oksanka [and Volodya, Christian neighbors] 465
Karpman (The Lawyer) 47, 48, 91, 92, 334
Karpenshprung, Mordkha 464
Kvelkin [Kavelkin? Kovelkin?], Rabbi Chaim 212, 213
Kvelkin, Yehuda Leyb 212, 213
Kaddish the Torah Tutor 77, 78, 112, 140
Kott, Dr. [I.] 414
Kotler, Rabbi Ahron 77, 82, 85, 86, 88, 110, 111, 113, 199
Koyfman [Kaufman], Yitzhok Ahron 199
Koyfman, Nisn 199
Kulak (The Monster) [antisemite from Hrozova] 191, 409
Kulak, Meysha 411
Kulakovsky, Fruma Talya's 442
Kulbak, Meysha [Yiddish writer] 278
Kultshak [Kolitshek?] 141
Kulkes [Kolekes?], Menahem Tsvi 31, 32
Cantofsky [Kantopsky? Kontofsky?], Meyir 199
Cantofsky, Tsvi Dov 199
Constantine 479
Kuntser, Chaim 245, 469, 470
Kuntser, Leybl 470
Kuntser, Mikhl 470
Kuntser, Etl 470
Kuntser, Tsvi Dovid 470
Kuntser, Riva 470
Kuntser, Sora 470
Kuniki [Konki? “Kuniki” means cynic], Rabbi Avrohom 79
Kustanowitz [Kustanovitsh], Dovid 455, 459
Kustanowitz, Yankev Meysha 216, 523
Kustanowitz, Mordkha 523
Kustanowitz, Rivka 523
Kustanowitz, Tsvi 455
Kustanowitz, Meysha 445
Kustanowitz, Reuven 219
Kustanowitz, Sora 219
Kustanowitz-Povarsky [Puvarsky? Favarsky?], Dovid 234
Kustanowitz-Povarsky, Yeheyshua 233
Kotser, Aryey 176
Kotser, Dovid 176, 179
Kotser, Roos [pronounced Root in modern Hebrew; Ruth] 176
Kotser, Shimon 179
Kotser, Sora Zlata 179
Kook, Rabbi Avraham Yitzhak 212, 500, 501
Kuratsevitsh [Christian landlord] 276
Kurt [Kuret? Cort?] (The Judge) 89
Kushi [Kusi], Reb Yekusiyel (Ayzik Golda's) 87, 155
Koosman [Cushman?], Yehuda 523
Koosman, Sora Leya 523
Kazakevitsh [Kozakevitsh?], Sora 240, 468
Katanyan [Ketonyan? Bolshevik official] 75
Kitayevitsh, Yeyna 188
Keyla 470
Kiyevitsky, Velvl 441
Kiyevitsky, Nahmen 441
Kipling [the writer] 187
Kikayon, Bilka 218, 219
Kikayon, Basya-Malka 216, 219
Kikayon, Yeysef 218, 219
Kikayon, Lipa 262
Kikayon, Mordkha 216
Klotz, Zelig (The Cherry-wine Maker) 297
Klotz, Mina 519, 520
Klotz, Prof. Nosn 77, 108, 412
Klausner [Kloyzner], Dr. Yosef [world-renowned Hebraist and Zionist] 108, 134, 136, 328, 389, 458
Kleynman [Kleinman], Chaim 503
Kleynman, Tsipa 503
Kalinin [Bolshevik figure] 74, 75

[Page 539]

Name Pages
Kalmen The Torah Tutor 237
Kletskin, Boris 242, 408, 424
Kaminisky, Heshl [not found on this page] 75
Kantorovitsh, Mendl [See also Kantorowitz and Kantorovitsh, Page 538, Col. 2] 42
Kasinov (The Governor) 29
Kerenski [post-Czarist pre-Bolshevik Russian leader] 373
Kravets, Folya 493, 494, 495
Krolovets [Error? This seems to be a place-name, Sloboda Krolovets, not a person] 270
Kranitz, Hayka 523
Kranitz, Heshl 523
Krakovsky (Cardinal) 339
Kravetshinsky [Krovetshinsky?], Rabbi Avrohom Mordkha 500
Kravetshinsky, Rabbi Yanke Meyir 247, 499, 500, 501
Kravetshinsky, Frida Dveyra 500
Kravtshik [Kravetshik?], Avrohom Nahmen 237
Kriyakov [Kiriyakov? Kariyakov?] 188
Krigshteyn, Chaim Zusl 191, 429, 430
Krivitzky, Chaim [Error: should be 524] 235, 502, 523
Krivitzky, Sima-Rokhl [Shima-Rokhl] 239
Kreinin [Kraynin. Meir Kreinin, civic leader in Russia, co-founder with S. Dubnow of Jewish Volkspartei] 59
Krayness 45, 281, 288, 385
Krayness, Dovid 140
Krinsky (The Lawyer) 373
Krinsky, Velvl [died storming the Winter Palace] 373
Krik, Avrohom 455
Kremer, Sheftl [Kremer: See also seven entries below] 77, 318
Karasik, Yankev [Karasik: See also third column of Page 538] 176
Karasik, Mikhl 176
Karasik, Nehemya 176
Karasl [Krasl? Karosel? Krosl? Kerasl?], G [writer] 12
Krasnitsh, Yitzhok Chaim 233, 234, 236, 459, 464
Krepkh, Fanya 60, 115, 300
Kremer, Sora [Kremer: See also seven entries above] 331
Krakovsky, Menahem [Krakovsky: See also eleventh entry in this column] 198
Kszivicki [Kshivitski], [Prof.] Ludwig [Polish sociologist] 347
Reysh      return  
Rabinovitsh, Ester [Rabinovitsh: See also first entries of Column 3 on this page, and last entry of Column 2.] 441
Rabinovitsh, Berl 301
Rabinovitsh, Grunem 44155
Rabinovitsh, Yelena 443
Rabinovitsh, Shleyma 390
Rabinovitsh, Shleyma Yeysef 492
Rabinovitsh, Shimon 443
Rabinovitsh, Sh. A. 518
Rabkin 240, 468
Roginsky, Dr. 442
Radunsky 196
Radunsky, Z. 59
Radziwill [Dukes and Duchesses, historical owners of Slutsk] 125, 126, 138, 246, 267, 349, 436, 442, 477
Radziwill, Bogoslav 15, 270, 271
Radziwill, Jan 16
Radziwill, Iponim  
Reuven Sheyma's  
Reuva 238
Reuva Mota Yankl's 467
Reuv'ka 301
Reuv'ka (The Grain Merchant) 320, 321
Ravitch [Ravitsh], A. 302
Ravitch, Alta 511, 524
Ravitch, Eliyohu 524
Ravitch, Yehiyel 503, 524
Ravitch, Meyir Z'ev 511, 524
Ravitch, Nisn 524
Ravitch, Etka 524
Ravitch, Simkha 524
Rozovsky [or Grozovsky or Hrozovsky, all descended from Reb Fayvl Hrozovsky] 288, 429
Rozovsky, Meyir [Rozovsky: See next column, and Grozovsky] 361
Rozin [Razin? This entry refers to a document signature “N. Rozin” shown
on the page cited]
Rozental [Rosenthal] 330
Rozentsvayg [Rosenzweig] 290
Ratshkevitsh, Ahron 198, 199
Ratshkevitsh, Ora Gershon 441
Ratshkevitsh, Yisroel Dovid 199
Ratshkevitsh, Sora Rokhl 441
Rakhlin, Dovid 516
Rakhlin, Hirshl 516
Rakhlin, Haya 516
Rakhlin, Leya 51756
Rakhlin, Sonia 387, 516, 517, 519, 521
Rakhlin, Shmuel 516, 517, 519, 520, 521
Rakhmielevitsh, Itsha 295
Rakhmielevitsh, Leya 295
Rolnick [Rolnik], Avrohom Tsvi 518
Rolnick, Ahron 75, 262, 280, 518, 519, 520, 521
Rolnick, Ester 518, 524
Rolnick, Ester-Slava 518, 524
Rolnick (The Bun dist) 304
Rolnick, Yon-Teff [Yom-Tov] Lipman 518, 524
Rolnick, Yentl (Epshteyn) 518, 519, 521
Ram [Rom?] (The Printer) 99
Roman 470
Romanov 276
Rasin [Rosin?], Reuven 464
Rappaport, Yedidya [Rappaport: See also Page 540, Column 1] 465
Rappaport, Yehudis 525
Rappaport, Yitzhok 239, 525
Rappaport, E. 256
Rappaport, Reuven 525
Rappaport, Rokhl Leya 239
Rappaport 153
Rakevits [Christian para-surgeon]  
Rosha [Rasha?] 429
Rosha [Rasha?] (The Female Butcher) 318
Rosha's [Rasha's?] [family] [See also Borukh Rasha's] 429
Rabinovitsh [See also first entries of this letter heading] 240, 242, 468
Rabinovitsh, Avrohom 139
Rabinovitsh, Eliyohu Dovid 256
Rabinovitsh, Eliyezer 30, 208
Rabinovitsh, Boaz 209
Rabinovitsh, Chaim 240, 468
Rabinovitsh, Chaim Boaz 130
Rabinovitsh, Yehuda Leyb 257
Rabinovitsh, Yeheyshua 231
Rabinovitsh, Yehiyel Mikhl 140, 233
Rabinovitsh, Yitzhok Leyb 77
Rabinovitsh, Mikhl 40
Rabinovitsh, Mordkha Yeyna 140
Rabinovitsh, Rabbi Neyakh 198
Rabinovitsh, Naftoli 192
Rabinovitsh, Rabbi Akiva 83
Rabinovitsh, Feyga Leya 239
Rabinovitsh, Shmuel Grunem 200, 441
Revel, Dr. [New York yeshiva named for Dr. Dov Revel] 108
Rivka 404, 405
Rivka Reb Isserka's 315
Rivka (Baba Rivka; Grandma Rivka) 154
Rivka Zelig's 363
RaBaSH [acronym Reb Borukh Shklover; alternate acronym “SHaYaK”, from ancestor Shmuel Yehuda Katzenelboygn, q.v.] 138
Regelson, Avrohom [poet and critic] 187, 394, 395
Regelson, Shmuel Yeysef 76
Rubinok [Robinok? Rubinuk? Ruboynok], Ben Tsiyon Kalmen 246
Robinson Crusoe 430
Rubinstein [Rubinshteyn] 279
Rubinstein, Eliyohu 32
Rubinstein, Aryey Leyb 29
Rubinstein, Zalmen 276
Rubinstein, Rabbi 77
Rubinstein, Rabbi Yitzhok 517
Rubinstein, Meysha 524
Rubnitz 48
Rubnitz Avrohom Reuven (Hinda's) 462
Rubnitz, Ahron Yankev 527
Rubnitz, Itka 527
Rubnitz, Henya 524
Rubnitz, Haya Leya 239
Rubnitz, Chaim Simkha 465
Rubnitz, Yeysef Eliyohu 115, 527
Rubnitz, Yitzhok 524
Rubnitz, Mordkha 235, 239
Rubnitz, Meysha Borukh 527
Rubnitz, Neyakh 91, 92, 527
Rubnitz, Peysakh 527
Rubnitz, Reuven 239
Rodgin [Rod-ghin], Yankev 239
Ruderman, Feygl (The Rabbi's Wife) 318
Rozovsky, Rabbi Yeysef [Rozovsky: See also previous column, and under Grozovsky] 459, 462
Rozovsky, Shimon 247
Rozin, Yeysef [See also in previous column] 81
Rozenboym [Rosenbaum], Ephrayim 122
Rothschild [Rotshild] 132, 361
Romanov [See also previous column] 102
Rumshishok, Berl [Probable error. In text, Rumshishok refers to a location [it is in Lithuania, known also as Rumsiskes], but not as a surname for this resident, Berl] 464
Rusak, Avrohom Yitzhok 146
Rusomkha [Rosumkha? Rosomekha?], Sora 244
Razran, Tsvi [Gregory Razran: later, professor in New York] 60, 95, 269, 300
Rokhl Shimon's 365
Rakhmielovitsh, Yehuda Leyb [See Rakhmielevitsh, Column 2 of this page] 233
Rakhmielovitsh, Dr. Nahmen 233
Ratner 115, 259
Ratner, Avremela 115
Ratner, Ahron 179
Ratner, Ayzik 47, 296, 299
Ratner (The Bartender) 45
Ratner, Henya 48, 56, 296
Ratner, Zelig 393
Ratner, Zalmen 393
Ratner, Chaim 179
Ratner, I. 62, 67
Ratner, Yehudis 55
Ratner, Yeheyshua 23
Ratner, Merka 301
Ratner, Meysha 47, 296, 299
Ratner, Nisn (Nishka the Kvas s-Seller [kvass is a Russian cider made from rye flour and malt, and tastes like fermented tea [editorial opinion]] 296, 297
Ratner The Lawyer 47, 295, 299, 334
RIBaL [acronym of Reb Isaac Baer Levinsohn, a leader of the Jewish Enlightenment, Haskal a, in Russia] 225
RIDBaZ (Vilovsky, Rabbi Yankev Dovid [q.v.] ) [acronym] 11, 12, 38, 39, 85, 86, 87, 306, 317, 323, 324, 329, 499
Rivin, Avrohom Ahron 524
Rivin, Eliyezer 182
Rivin, Alta 237
Rivin, Efrayim 237
Rivin, Berl Khasha's 318
Rivin, Galya 524
Rivin, Yehiyel 176, 182
Rivin, Reuven 136
Rivin, Refoyl 234, 235, 236, 239, 465, 467, 502
Riva's 429, 430
Ritov 242
Rich [Ritsh], Yankev 515
Rich, Fanya 515
Reyzin 308
Reisen [Reyzin], Avrohom [renowned Yiddish writer] 278, 390
Reizen [Reyzin], Zalmen [Yiddish redactor] 396
Reyzela The Orphan 368
Reyzela Zavl's 438
Reytman 31
Reykhlin [Raykhlin, Reichlin], Avrohom 199
Reykhlin, Ahron 199
Reykhlin, Yankev Shmuel 262
Reykhler [Reichler], Yokheved 501
Raykhman [Reichman] 260
Raykhman, Eliyohu (Alex) 262, 517, 518, 519, 521
Raykhman, Alexander 519, 520

[Page 540]

Name Pages
Raykhman [Reichman], Chaim 517, 518
Raykhman, Hana Perl 517, 519
Raykhman, Matlya 517
Raykhman, Faytl 517
Reyngold [Rayngold? Reingold] 452
Reyngold, Avrohom Itsha 470
Reyness [Reyna's], Rabbi Yitzhok Yankev 24, 28, 85, 199, 257, 298, 328, 458
Raysser, Meyir 28, 48, 279
Rilf [Rilef? Rilaf?], Dr. [from Memel] 30
Reefess [Reepess? Rifa's, Ripa's], Meyir 45
Riklin, Leybl 526
Riklin, Riva-Dina 526
Riklis, Fayvl 485
Ricardo, David [17-18 C. British economist of Sefardi family; whose theories are still influential in world monetary policy] 105
Rishin, Rabbi Simkha 317
Rambam [See also Ha-RaMBaM] 313, 479, 483
Riskin, Avrohom Abba 257
Resnick [Reznick] 240
Resnick, Avrohom Ahron 524
Resnick, Itshela 240, 468
Resnick, Henya 524
Resnick, Hertsl 422, 423
Resnick, Mikhl 185, 420
Resnick, Malka 235
Resnick, Sender 240, 468
Resnick, Rokhl 423, 425
Resnick, Sh. 392
Resnick, Shmuel 420
Resnick, Shmuel Shoel 423, 424, 525
Repp (The Lawyer) 68, 293, 295
Rekinyer, Yeysef 117
Refoyl [~Raphael], Rabbi 357
Refoyl Yosl (Refoyl Yeysef), Reb 22, 43, 59, 101, 102, 167, 168, 305, 306, 307, 372
Rappaport [See also Page 539, Column 2] 239
Rappaport, Beyla 525
Rappaport, Rabbi Chaim 34, 272
Rekova [Rekuva?] (photograph studio) 46
RaSHI [Rashi, Rabbi Shlomo ben Isaac, medieval biblical commentator of unsurpassed renown [this is an understatement] 153, 320, 516
RaSHaL, Rabbi Yehiyel 33
Shin       return  
Shakhravitsh ['Sakharovitsh?], Reuven 341
Shaklyuta [Error: name not found on this page] 281
Shor (The Teacher) [See also this page, column 2] 375
Shashkess [Possible nickname = “Sabers”; alt.: Shoshkess? Shoshka's = child of Shoshka, assuming Shoshka is itself a pet name, e.g., for Shoshana], Meysha 464
Shevaliyov [Shebaliyov? Shvaliyov? Shaveliyov?], Avreml 154
Shevaliyov, Avrohom Meysha Ha-Levy 138
Shevaliyov, Menahem 138
Shabsa [Shabtai] Baal Ha-SHaKH [Shabsa ben Meyir Ha-Koheyn, 17 C. Torah scholar] 79
Shabsa Eyzer [Oyzer] [See Eyzer] 193
Shabsa-Tsvi [Shabbetai-Tsvi, the notorious 17 C. “False Messiah”] 11
ShaDaL [Rabbi Shmuel David Luzzatto, renowned exegete] [See also Luzzatto] 104
Schwabacher [Shvabakher], Rabbi 100
Shoel [Shaul] (Rosha's) 429
Shoel (The Mute) 424
Schwartz [Shvarts, Shwartz], Yeheyshua Yeysef 521
Schwartz, Rabbi Yekusiyel 27
Schwartz, Morris 136, 392
Shwartz [Shvarts, Schwartz], Rokhl 524
Shwartz, Refoyl 524
Schwartz, Shaya [Yeshayohu] 60
Schwartz, Sora 510
Shvartsbord [Schwartzbard], Haykl 429
Shvartsbord, Leyb 429, 432
Shvartsbord, Faytl 190
Shveydl, Nahmen 59, 77, 92, 225, 226, 300
Shwaidelson [Shveydlson], Yisroel 260, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 416
Shwaidelson, Elka 524
Shwaidelson, Sora 524
Schwedock [Shvedok], Chaim 524
Schwedock, Yitzhok 524
Schwedock, Sheyna Dveyra 524
Shverin, Leya 239
Shverin, Shimka [Simka] 239
Shvertsinovsky, Hirshl 465
Shulman 430
Shulman, Eliyohu 278, 394
Shulman, Borukh 485
Shulman, Yeysef 436
Shulman, Meysha 239
Shulman, Kalmen 225
Shulman, Shmariyohu 191, 430
Shulker, Yisroel 115
Shomroni, Yitzhak 75
Shusterman, Henya 239
Shor [See also third entry of this letter] 295
Shor, Basya 48, 56
Stybel, A. J. [publisher Abraham Joseph Stybel] 136
Shteyman [Steiman] 144
Shteynberg [Steinberg], Dr. A. L. 31
Shteynman [Steinman], Sh. 382
Shteynshnayder [Steinschneider; = “Stonecutter”] 140
Stricker [Shtriker. A German in Slutsk, early 20 C.] (The Punctilious) 276
Stern, William [psychology theorist] 224
Sheyn [Shayn?], Yoska 16
Sheynboym [Sheinbaum], Rabbi Yitzhok Yankev 317
Sheyna Leya 447
Shaya Avreml's 465
Shaya Zhitkovitser 292
Shaykevitsh 240
Shaykevitsh (The Pharmacist) 42, 47, 59, 299, 300
Shildkroyt [Schildkraut], Dr. Lyova 45, 47, 72, 105, 113, 114, 122, 202, 220, 309, 334, 337, 338, 364, 411, 472
Simkhovitsh (The Teacher) [Simkhovitsh: See next column] 242
Simkhovitsh, Rabbi Tsvi 22
Simkhovitsh, Kopl 240, 468
Simkhovitsh, Roza 390
Simkhovitsh, Shakhna 104
Simkhovitsh, Rabbi Shmuel 9, 22, 29, 31, 54, 97, 100, 103, 129, 130, 274, 308, 316, 390
Shinderman, Binyomin 196, 440
Sheynkman [Shinkman?], Eliyezer 219
Shisgal, Rabbi Avrohom Yitzhok 110, 114, 217
Shisgal, Eyli Meysha 217
Shiffman, Yankev Shleyma 524
Shiffman, Shulya 524
Shifrin 442
Shakhna The Synagogue Sexton 44, 90, 108, 109, 123, 364
Shakhnovitsh 53
Shleym'ka 495
Sholem [Shalom] 424, 479
Sholem Borukh's [Borukh's: See Page 530, Column 4] 218
Sholem The Religious-School Teacher 297
Sholem Yankev Meysha's 291
Sholem from Ostrov 22
Sholem Aleichem [pen-name of Sholem Rabinovitz, one of the “fathers of Yiddish literature”] 24, 73 136, 159, 242, 286, 328, 332, 392
Shlakhovitsh [Shalakhovitsh? Shlekhovitsh?] 65
Shleymovitsh, Avrohom Ber [Partizan] 487
Shleymovitsh, Yeysef 237
Shleymovitsh, Nosn 239
Shleymovitsh, Sholem 237
Shleyma [Shloyma; Shlomo] 479
Shleyma The Kohen [Levite priest] 423
Shleyma Reb Chaim's 274, 397, 398, 399, 434, 435, 474
Shleyma from Zalkove [Ukraine] (Shleyma the Clever), Rabbi 34, 272
Shleyma Shvizitser 485, 501
Shleyma Perla's 198, 443
Shleyma (from Volozhin) 464
Shleyma'ka 214
Shiltsl [Shlitsl? Shaltsel? Shletsl? Shelatsel?] 94
Shmuel (The Lessee) [meets the Baal Shem Tov] 126, 349
Shmuel Paritsher [i. e., from Parichi] 186, 187
Shmuel (The Tailor) 190, 431
Shmuel (Sexton of the Kloyz Synagogue) 43, 90
Shmuel'ka, Rabbi 192, 430
Shmurak 247
Simkhoni (Simkhovitsh), Dr. Yankev Naftoli [See Simkhovitsh, previous column] 12, 55, 97, 103, 104, 108, 135, 274, 390
Szmigli [Szamigli?], Ridz [Polish Minister of Security in 1920] 339
Shimon Dovid's 290
Shimon (Sexton of the Rabbinical Court) 86, 341
Shimon (The Unkosher) 295
Shimon (The Porter) 365, 366
Shimon Leyb (The Klezmer Player) 45, 277
Shmerl Rizhitser 423
SH.M.R. [SHaMaR? SheMeR? Novel writer] 158
Shmariya The Rabbinical Judge 190
Shmariya Neyakh (Shneurson), [Hasidic] Rabbi 130
Shneur Zalmen, Rabbi 136
Shershevsky, Rabbi 443
Shershever, Yisroel 388
Sheftl, Dov 60, 300
Shpilkin, Avrohom Yitzhok (“AYaSH” [acronym]) 59, 60, 115, 117, 120, 121, 282, 284, 300, 372
Shpilkin, Ester Malka 307
Shpilkin, Ester Rokhl 120
Shpilkin, Ben-Tsiyon 43, 59, 91, 120, 191, 284
Shpilkin, Keyla 120
Shpilkin, Sholem 53, 60, 62, 75, 300
Spinoza 189
Shapiro [Shapira?] (The Appointed Rabbi) 47, 98, 131
Shapiro, Avrohom Dov 500
Shapiro, Ahron Yeshaya 459
Shapiro, Aryey 43, 53, 60, 62, 75, 262, 414, 415, 416, 521
Shapiro, G. 224
Shapiro, Tema 60
Shapiro, Yitzhok 198
Shapiro, Meysha Ahron 43, 297
Shapiro-Mechanik, Pesya [See also Mechanik] 60, 75, 296, 414, 415
Shapiro, Nakha 118
Shapiro, Refoyl 436
Shapiro, Shleyma Zalmen 32
Shapiro, Sora 470
Shapiro, Sora Rivka 43
Shperling [Sperling], Dovid 276
Shperling, Yudl 43
Shperling, Ezra 173
Shperling, Feygl (The Layered-Fruit-Cake Maker) 42, 43
Shrintsl 493
Shkolnick, Berl 59, 506
Shkolnick, Zlata  
Shkolnick, Zelig 524
Shkop [Shkap?], Shimon 233
Shklover, Rabbi Borukh 138
Shklyar 430
Shragavitsch [Shragevitsh], Rabbi Meysha Yeheyshua 199
Sora (Baba Sora [Granny Sora] 432
Sora Kusha's 297
Tof (Tav)       return  
[All surname entries under this letter are the same: “T'eymim”, teomi m, meaning “twins” in Hebrew. In each case, it is a conventional surname, not a description.]  
T'eymim, Yeyna 20
T'eymim, Rabbi Yitzhok Yeysef 35, 272
T'eymim, Yitzhok Meyir 34, 272
T'eymim, Meyir 20


Copyright © 1999 Historical Society of Slutsk


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