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[Page 689]

Necrology (cont.)

Pshikorski Family

[Page 690]

For eternal memory

We bewail our dear family

Father and mother: Yitzhak-Meir and Chaya Gurman
Sisters: Sarah, Leah, Nechama, Shayndl, Tziporah, Esther Feyge Hinde

Who were killed in the Great Destruction by the Nazis their name be obliterated

  In sadness:
Brothers: Baruch Gurman and his family (Haifa)
Betzalel Gurman and his family (Ness Ziona)

[Page 691]

For eternal memory

I bewail and remember with a holy shiver

My dear parents: Tzalel and Chayatshe Kuligowski
My dear brothers: Avraham, Yisroel, Bunem, Josef-Kalman

Who were tragically killed in the Great Destruction by the Nazi beast

  The only surviving daughter Beila
New York, United States

[Page 692]

For eternal memory
Our dear parents Beiltshe and Berel Itskowitz hy”d
Killed in the Great Destructions by the Nazi Satan

  In sadness:
Chaim Itzkowitz (United States)
Rachel and Aharon Czesner (Israel)
Sarah and Geniya Itzkowitz (Paris)
For eternal memory

I bewail the death of our dear father
Mr. Menahem-Mendel Markowitz and his family hy”d Who were so tragically taken from us during
the Great Destruction by the German-Nazi murderers

I bewail their memory!

  They in sadness survive
Son and brother: Israel Markowitz (Tel-Aviv)
Daughter and sisters: Rachel and Leah and their families

[Page 693]

For eternal memory

Our sisters: Sarah and Maliye Itzkowitz hy”d.
Our dear grandfather: Reb Rafel-Ber Yerazalimski z”l

  In sadness
Perl and Shlomo Rabinowitz (Haifa)

[Page 694]

For eternal memory

I bewail the death of my dear and close

Father-Mother: Aba-Leib and Chaya-Bracha Friedman
Sister: Rivkah-Roize Bernstein (Freidman), her husband and 2 children Etke and Itshe
Sister: Blume (Freidman), her husband and 2 children
Sister: Dinah Friedman
Sister: Mashe Friedman
Brother: Eliyahu Freidman and wife and children
Brother: Rafel Friedman Hy”d

Who were killed in the Sanctity of Hashem by our great enemies,
the German murderers

  In sadness:
The only surviving son and
Brother Hillel Friedman and his family
Petach-Tikvah, Israel

[Page 695]

Friedman-Bernstein Family


[Page 696]

To remember forever
Our dear parents: Menahem and Baile-Gitl Kronenberg;
our dear brothers: Hershl-Tzvi, Moshe Josef and Yaakov Kronenberg,
who died in Biala-Podlaski in 1940;
our dear sister and brother-in-law Avraham and Rivkah (Lioski)

Who died in the extermination camp of Treblinka in 1944

  In perpetual sadness:
Yehuda Kronenberg and his family
To remember forever

My father: Avraham Tzvi Esman
My mother: Miriam Esman
My sisters: Hinde Belah, Chaniya and her husband,
Chaya, her husband and child
Raizl and child, Ita Gitl
My brother: Yehuda Aryeh (Idel)

Who died from the Nazi oppressors hy”d

  In sadness:
The son: Eliezer Esman and his family
Haifa, Israel

[Page 697]

Kronenberg Family


[Page 698]

For eternal memory

I bewail the death of our dear unforgettable family

Father-Mother: Gershon and Sarah Steinski
Brothers: Zechariah, Moshe, Gitman and Menashe Steinski
Sister and brother-in-law: Temme and Feivel Wenger
Cousin: Leah Gibber

I will never forget they were united in the sanctity of Hashem
by the German-Nazis murderers

  Son and brother Yehuda-Leib Steinski
Hershl Steinski, New York

[Page 699]

To remember forever

I bewail the death of our aunt Rivka Kalina
with her two sons Yeshayahu and Gutman
with his wife Miriam and their not yet born child,
who were killed during the Great Destruction in Stolpz, Ukraine

I bewail my cousin Temme Kalina,
who made it through the entire destruction and died in Israel

  In sadness the remaining cousins
Yeshayahu May, (Brooklyn, America)
Rivkah Mendzelewski (May), Holom
And their families

[Page 700]

For eternal memory

My father: Leibush Shmerl Winegrad and his wife
My brother Zushe and sister

  In sadness:
Dora Rot (Brooklyn)
For eternal memory

My sister Rivkah and her husband Mechl Hersh Elman

  In sadness:
Leibl Rashinski (America)

[Page 701]

For eternal memory

Dear grandfather
Reb Laybl Lewiner hy”d
In sadness:
Golde Lewiner-Maliniak and her family


For eternal memory

My dear
Brother Berl Konier hy”d
In sadness:
Yitzhak Konier (Israel)


[Page 702]

To remember forever

My dear mother Zisl Salzman
My brother Hersh
And my sister Feyge
My aunt Golde Kirshbaum and her son Avraham

Matis   Shlomo


Honor their memory

  In sadness:
Chaim Salzman and family
Brother Fogelman and family
and family Komelgorn

[Page 703]

To remember forever

I bewail our father and brother Yoel Cuker, who
died while in battle with the German murderers

  In sadness:
Son Mendl Cuker and family (New-York)
Brother Chaim Cuker (Israel)

[Page 704]

For eternal memory


My dear parents Hersh-Efrayim and Rachshe Boguslowski
My brother Moshe with his wife Rachel-Leah (from Chaim Wrubel)
Four children: Chavah, Shayndl, Rivkele and Hersh-Yosef
My brother: Yeshayahu, his wife and four children
My sister: Rivkah with her husband Aizik (Joszambeck)
My sister: Tzviah with her husband and child
My sister: Chavah with her husband Yonah (Rashinski) with child

  In sadness:
Daughter Liba and Ides Yosef Goldstein (Paris)

[Page 705]

For eternal memory


To remember my dear family.
They were killed by the Nazi enemy.

Our parents Golde and Hershl Blindet
Sister and brother-in-law: Maltshe and Pinchas Kolaker hy”d;
Brother: Shmuel Blindet hy”d

  In sadness:
Daughter and sister
Regine Meier-Blindet, Ramat-Gan, Israel

[Page 680]

To remember forever


My dear parents Reb Yitzhak-Meir, Talmud Torah Teacher,
and Sarah-Ite Kartofel
Who were cut off by the German—Nazi enemies

  In sadness:
Daughter in Argentina

My dear mother Rochel Stelung hy”d
(wife from R' Eliyahu Shochet z”l)

  In sadness:
Daughter Chana Broda (Israel)


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