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[Page 672]

Necrology (cont.)

To remember for eternity

My loving and dear who were killed in the sanctity of Hashem
by Hitler his name should be obliterated:

Father:Sender Gerwer
Mother: Chanah-Leah Gerwer
Brother: Shmuel, and sister: Feyge

Your holy memory remains forever.
Let these lines serve all as monument to your Holy Souls

  In sadness:
Arkeh Gerwer with the family
Toledo (America)
To remember for eternity

My loving and dear who were killed in the sanctity of Hashem
by Hitler his name should be obliterated:

Our father: Yeshayhu Miara
Our mother: Chana Miara
Our brother: Fishel Miara with his wife and children
And also our loving sisters and brothers

Their holy memory will remain forever.
Let these lines serve as monument to your Holy Souls

  In sadness:
Rachel Miara-Gerwer
Chavah Miara-Mitz'nik

Toledo (America)

[Page 673]

For eternal memory

Let this be a monument for my unforgettable brother: Moshe Gerwer,
his wife and children. He was killed as a hero

  In honor of his memory
Arkeh Gerwer (America)
For eternal memory

My dear parents Litman and Chanah Sterdiner
My dear sister Bina with her husband Baruch
And their children Gershin and Meshulem hy”d

All died by the Nazi murderers

  In sadness:
Son Josef Sterdiner (Israel)

[Page 674]

For eternal memory

Our dear father Eliyahu Aharon Rozental, guide to the Serocker youth,
a mentsh with knowledge and good qualities, died in Warsaw from typhus illness
on the second day of Shavuos 1938 at the age of 49 years.

Our dear mother Devorah, who is not coming to her grave in Israel.
Her last words before she was killed by the Nazi murderers in 1940 were:
Children go away and rescue yourselves!
She was killed in the Warsaw Ghetto.

To honor their memory!

  In sadness:
Their children: Mala, Bina,
Shepsl, Chayke, Rachel and Akiva

[Page 675]

For eternal memory

Our dear brothers Yudel hy”d (died in the battle of the Warsaw Ghetto),
Sister-in-law Feyge Kuligowski and her only son hy”d

  In sorrow:
Megdal Kuligowski (Argentina)
Rachel and her husband Simcha Woller (America)
And the entire family

[Page 676]

For eternal memory

To everlasting memory for our close relatives,
killed in sanctity of Hashem by Hitler's murderers in the second World War

We mourn the deaths of our dear parents: Berish and Chaja Friedman;
for our sisters: Tzviyah and Hinde Fridman; for our brother: Shene Friedman;
for our grandfather: Mr. Chaim-Shlomo Eizenberg; the old Shochet of Serock;
for our grandmother: Mrs. Feygele, the old (wife of) the Shochet,
who were murdered by the big enemies whose names be obliterated – hy”d

  In sadness the surviving sons, daughter brothers and sisters:
Rafel Friedman and family, Israel
Chanah Golan (Friedman) and family, Ramat-Hashavim, Israel
Megdal Friedman and family, Kfar Hasidim, Israel

[Page 677]

Friedman Family

Bubbe Feygel
Reb Chaim Shlomo sho”b
Our sisters: Tzviya and Hinde
Our father: Berish

[Page 677]

For Eternal memory

My dear mother
Rachel Leah Kuligowski
(nee Drezner)
, z”l
Died in Argentina
The 5th of November 1955

[Page 679]

To remember forever


Our dear mother Royze Wrubel

Our dear sister Feyge Wrubel

Who tragically perished in the great destruction

  In sadness:
Daughter and sister Chava
and the entire family

[Page 680]

For eternal memory

My father Dawid Cohen, mother, brothers, sisters and family hy”d

  In sadness:
Daughter Sarah in Bnei-Brak
To remember forever

In memory of my dear uncles –
Yitzhak and Chaim Rozenberg hy”d

  In sadness:
Maleh Yoskowitz-Rozenberg and family

[Page 681]

For eternal memory

I remember with anxiety my dear family
Father and mother: Moshe and Miriam Rozenberg hy”d
And brothers: Feivel, Yaakov
Sisters: Feygeleh and Rivkaleh
Feygeleh's children: Chanah, Aharon Cohen

Who perished by the hands of the Nazi satan

  In sorrow:
Son Elchanan Rozenberg
And his family

[Page 682]

For eternal memory

In sadness and aching I am mindful of our dear parents
Itshe-Meir and Leah May, our good and faithful sister Malka,
our dear sister Dinatshe with her husband Yitzhak-Meir Czechanowski
and their dear children Hillel and Rivka-Rachel

  In remorse for the remaining children, sister and brother:
Yeshayahu May and family (Brooklyn, America)
Rivkah Mendzelewski (May) and family (Holon, Israel)

[Page 683]

For eternal memory

With pain in my heart bewailing our dear parents Motl and Gitl,
our dear brothers Hershl and his wife Leah and children Chaya and Rivkah,
our dear sister Feyge Mendzelewski

  In sadness the survivors:
Sons: Yehuda Mendzelewski and family
Yaakov Mendzelewski and family
Daughter: Chaya Wosk (Mendzelewski) and family

[Page 684]

For eternal memory


I bewail our dear and best
Parents: Hershl and Rachel-Leah Wrubel
Brothers: Chaim Eliezer and Asher
with their wives and children

Who were killed by the murdering Nazi's hand

I will never forget them

  In sadness:
Mashe Wrubel-Pshikorski (United States)
Yisroel Wrubel (Montevideo)

[Page 685]

For eternal memory

My brother Asher Wrubel and family hy”d

  In sadness:
Brother Yisroel (Montevideo)

[Page 686]

To remember forever
I strongly lament my dear sisters Mashe and Esther Pniewski hy”d
who died in the great Holocaust at the hands of our foes

  In sadness:
Brother Yosef Pniewski and the family (Israel)

[Page 687]

Our dear parents: Avraham Yitzhak and Sarah Kleinman
Our dear brother: Chaim Tzvi with his wife Reginah and their four small children: Dawid, Yehezkel, Temele and Feyge
Our sister: Shayndl
Our uncle: Avraham-Yehezkel Sterdiner, his wife and their children: Josef and Chaim-Hersh

  In sadness:
Nicha Zilbersteyn and Gitl (Israel)

[Page 688]

For eternal memory

My dear parents Meir and Peshe Pshikorski
My dear brother Moshe, his wife Neshke and children
My dear brother Betzalel, his wife Leah and the children
My dear sister Sarah, her husband Alter Cuker and children
My dear sister Rachel
My dear brothers Zindl and Josef

Who died by the Nazis

  In sadness:
Feivl Pshikorski and wife Mashe


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