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[Page 599]

In Remembrance (cont.)

A Memorial

For my father

and mother

and the whole perished family


Yitzchak Shneider and wife
Randfontein, South Africa

[Page 600]

For wife and mother

Chaya-Genendel Bat Shmuel-Micha Katz,

who died in Johannesburg

28th Nissan Tashyäb
26th April 1952.

She was very charitable [righteous] with
many beautiful qualities [attributes].

May her memory be hallowed!


her husband,
and grandchildren

[Page 601]

we erect an everlasting memorial
in memory

of our dear father,

Yankel-Hirsheh Kur,

of our dear mother,

Soreh Kur,

of our beloved brother


who were massacred by the
cursed Nazi Fascist animals.

We will always remember you!


Sho'al Kur
Braineh Kur-Rotholz
Yossel Kur
Leah Kur-Riback
South Africa

Devorah Kur, Israel

Henech, Leib Mendel, and
Michoel Kur and families
, Vilna

[Page 602]

In eternal memory of our parents

Standing: Moshe, Yisroel, Leah, Lana, and Chana-Rochel
Seated: Abba Yehoshua, Latteh-Gittel and No'ach


Abba Yehoshua and Latteh Gittel Visakolsky

Father died in Dusyat 3rd Tishrei 1931,
and mother perished in Utian, witnessing the murdering
of her children who were shot before her eyes.

Of our brothers Yisroel, Moshe, and Noach

Yisroel perished in the Rakishok massacre.
Moshe fell in the [massacre] slaughter by the Germans in
the battles of the Red Army with the Germans.
No'ach perished with his wife in Utian.

We will never forget you and hold
your memory dear, forever!


Leah and Nathan Brinkman and children, Johannesburg
Lana Visakolsky, Vilna

[Page 603]

May this be in everlasting
remembrance of our parents

Yitzchak and Chaya Davidowitz

We will remember you forever.


Abba-Leib and Sheineh Davidowitz and children
Malkah Witz and children

For our dear and unforgettable parents:

father Avrohom-Mendel Lubowitz,

who died in Johannesburg 20th January 1939,
Ettel Lubowitz,

who died in Johannesburg 16th August 1947.

May this be a memorial.


Toibeh-Riveh and Leib Levitzky and daughter, Charkov
Soreh-Leah and Mottel Yaffe and daughters, Johannesburg
Chana-Mereh and Zelig Mendel Penn and children, Johannesburg
Shmerel and Yenteh Lubowitz and daughter, Durban
Chaim and Beileh Reizeh Lubowitz and children, Vereeniging

[Page 604]

Menachem-Mendel Nachumowitz
and Chaya Nachumowitz

May these lines be in
everlasting memory

for our husband and father

Menachem-Mendel B”R Aharon Nachumowitz,

who died in Johannesburg
12th Teivet Tashyá
20th December 1950,

for our aunt

Musieh Kalakur

with her children and grandchildren,

for our uncle

Chayim Yitzchak Nachumowitz

and his family

for our aunt

Soreh-Dinah Shribnik

with her husband and daughter Feige Rivkah,

all of whom perished in the
Rakishok massacre.


wife Chaya Nachumowitz
sons Chloineh Nachumowitz, wife, and child
Aharon Nachumowitz
Moshe Nachumowitz, wife, and child
Avrohom-Yosef Nachumowitz, wife, and child
daughter Gessiah-Rivka Jonas,
husband, and daughter

[Page 605]

May this be a memorial

for our father

Moshe B”R Yitzchak Aires

who died in Sviadoshitz,

for our mother

Pessia Aires,

for our sister

Soreh-Leah Pakawitz

with her husband Leizer, and their
four children,

for our sisters

Taibeh and Yiskeh,

for our brother


who all perished in Sviadoshitz.


Chaikel Aires and children
Yitzchak and Sheineh Aires and children

[Page 606]

We perpetuate hereby the name of our brother

Ya'akov Shmuskowitz

hero of the Soviet Union and Finland.

He was
Lieutenant General and Chief of the
Soviet Air Force.

He was the most capable in our family.
His parents loved him dearly as their
first born and gifted [able] son.

He completed a Russian 'middle school'
and for a certain time he studied at the
Yiddishe-Folkshul of the 'Kultur League.'

He went to Soviet Russia and studied law.
He then entered the ranks of the Russian Army and
returned an invalid from the Japanese front
missing a leg [foot].

Nevertheless, he still managed to establish
a great military career for himself
because of his great heroism and knowledge
of the art of flying, both as a pilot
and also as a theoretician. He became
Chief of the Soviet Air Force.

In honor of his enlightened memory!


his brothers

Aaron and Yerachmiel Moss [Shmuskowitz]
and their families

Durban, South Africa

[Page 607]

In the holiest of holy memories

of our parents

Ya'akov and Guteh-Leah Kark,

of our sisters

D'vorah, Yochkeh and Yehuidit,

and of our brother


who all perished in Rakishok,

and of our brother


who died in Rakishok in 1938.


Yosef and Yehudit Kark and children
in South Africa
Yitzchak Kark, wife, and child in Israel
Meier Kark, wife, and children in Vilna
Ida Kark, husband, and child in Vilna

[Page 608]

For our father

Dov-Behr Berelowitz

who died in Johannesburg 6th August 1935,

for our mother

Chasia Tzireh

who died 10th Sivan 1916 in Melitopol [Crimea],

for our father

Shmuel-Natan Muskat

who died in Chaluwetz Province of Vilna
12th Sivan 1900,

for our mother

Feiga Bat R'Yerachmiel

who died 22nd Teivet 1925 in Dakshutz,

for our nephew

Chatzkel Berelowitz

who fell in the struggle for the Independence
of Israel against the Arab countries.

He was the first of the South African
Jews who fell in the struggle for Israel.

For the whole family Ruskind,

who perished in the great Holocaust.

May these lines serve as an everlasting memorial for them all.


Menachem Mendel and Chaya Riveh Muskat
children and grandchildren


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