“Pungesti” - Encyclopedia of Jewish
Communities in Romania, Volume 1
(Pungesti, Romania)

46°42' / 27°20'

Translation from Pinkas Hakehillot Romania

Published by Yad Vashem

Published in Jerusalem, 1969


Project Coordinator

Robert S. Sherins, M.D.

Our sincere appreciation to Yad Vashem for permission
to put this material on the JewishGen web site.

This is a translation from: Pinkas Hakehillot: Encyclopedia of Jewish Communities, Romania,
Volume 1, page 203, published by Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, 1969

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(page 203)

Pungest, Romania (Pungesti)

By Theodore Lavi, Ph.D., Coordinator of Pinkas ha-Kehilot in Yad Vashem/Transnistria, Hargat

English translation researched and edited by Robert S. Sherins, M.D.

Translated by Ziva Yavin, Ph.D.

Translation donated by Robert S. Sherins, M.D.,
Richard J. Sherins, M.D., and Beryle Solomon Buchman


Pungest (Pungesti) is a village in the Moldovia region, Vaslui district.

Jewish Population

YearNumber % of Jews in General Population
183820 (families) 
1859429 (persons)30.7%

Pungest (Pungesti) was established during the reign of Mihail Sturza (1834-1849). Towards the end of the 19th century, Pungest inhabited more than 500 Jews. Most of them were craftsmen and 12 were traders.

In 1907, the days of the farmer's rebellion, 87 Jewish families were robbed, and many of their houses were left in ruins.

In 1910, there were among the Jews of Pungest 46 traders, 45 tailors, 12 shoemakers, 11 tinsmiths, 2 carpenters and 25 with various other professions. That year 11 kids were studying in the village public school.

During the Holocaust

On November 22, 1940, members of the “Iron Guard” forced a few wealthy Jewish traders to hand them their merchandise and leave the village “at their will.” Around that time all the Jews – men, women, elderly people and children – were send to work in forced labor. They swept streets, cleaned chimneys, paved roads and some worked the land of the landowner, [who was] the head of the “Iron Guard”. By July all the Jews were expelled to the district's town Vaslui. After the war only part of the Jews returned to Pungest.


The General Archive of The History of The Jewish People RM 160. Yad Vashem Archive IM 1220: 0—11/7—1 (53): 0—11/6—5. W. Filderman Archive 18 (84-84); 19 (45).
P. Karp Archive I, p. 23; III, p.421; VI, p. 126.

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