Memorial book of Jezierna
(Ozerna, Ukraine)

49°38' / 25°20'

Translation of
Sefer Jezierna

Edited by: J. Sigelman

Published in Haifa, 1971


Our sincere appreciation to Yad Vashem
for the submission of the List of Martyrs for placement on the JewishGen web site.



Project Coordinators

Suri Edell-Greenberg and Talila Charap-Friedman


This is a translation from: Sefer Jezierna (Memorial book of Jezierna),
Editors: J. Sigelman, Haifa, Committee of Former Residents of Jezierna in Israel, 1971 (H,Y, 354 pages)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Jezierna

Purchase details for a printed copy of this translation can be found at

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[H] Hebrew [Y] Yiddish [P] Polish Page
There Was A Town
Committee of Former Jezernians in Israel 6
About the book [H] [Y] Editorial Committee 8
Acknowledgements 10
Jezierna Jews Yehoshua Fuchs 11
The Tzaddik of Jezierna Gavriel Herman Green 13
From Jezierna to the Land of Israel [H] Hannah Marder-Yardeni 15
The Last Will of our Martyrs Menachem Duhl 20
The Way Of Life
Shadows Dance (poem) S.Y. Imber 27
Jezierna Dr. N. Blumenthal 28
    History, demography, economy   28
    The Jezierna Cooperative Bank   38
    Cultural and Political Life   45
    The Baron Hirsch School   47
    Rabbis and Personalities   58
My Town As I Remember It Shimon Kritz 66
How We Spent Our Childhood Years Zvi Zamora 72
My Shtetl A. M. Fuchs 77
The Yiddish Song (poem) I. A. Lisky 88
About the Development of the Town Lipa Fischer 89
Trade and Small Business in Jezierna Gedal Fuchs 91
Commerce in Jezierna Lipa Fischer 98
Farmers, Merchants and Other Occupations Lipa Fischer, Pesach Altmann, Azriel Zamora,
Yizchak Charap, Shimon Kritz.
Zionist Activity after WW1 Yonah Fuchs (Toibe Kurzrok) 108
Jewish Organizations in Jezierna Lipa Fischer 111
Various Shades of Zionism Azriel Zamore 117
Pioneering Movements Azriel Zamore 124
Schools in Jerzierna Yizhak Charap 126
A Few Memories from Our Town Jezierna [H] Dvora Gilad (Fuchs) 129
The Jewish Youth of Jezierna Thirst for Education Lipa Fischer 131
Our Theatre Yizhak Charap 132
Rebuilding of the Jezierna Synagogue and Its Final Destruction Lipa Fischer 134
Poets, Writers, Intellectuals, and Performers [H] M. D. 137
An Episode I. A. Lisky 143
Communal and Religious Leaders in Jezierna Pesach Altman 144
To Future Generations (poem) S.Y. Imber 145
A Page from a Book of Memories of Jezierna [H] [Y] Lotte Frankel (Marder) 146
At Home and in the Area
A Few Memories Yoel Schwam (Charap) 151
Peretz Melamed M. D. 152
In The Surrounding Villages Yisrael Schapira 154
Jezierners In Various Armies Lipa Fischer, Yizhak Charap, Azriel Zamora 155
In the Struggle Against the Nazis David Kurzrok 160
Edward Gruber z”l M. D. 162
A Jewish Family M.D. 165
In the Town Schloma Warhaftig 167
The Zilberman (Caspi) Family [H] Sarah Klein 169
Yaakov Caspi, The Fisherman [H] as told by Anschel and Yisca 171
The Fischer Family in Jezierna Lipa Fischer 172
David Blaustein Rivka Blaustein-Schwalb 173
The Charap Family [H] Yitzhak Charap 174
Homesick and Yearning for My Town [H] Azriel Zamora 175
The Katz Family [H] Dina Katz 178
Charap Family Tree [H] chart 179
An Appeal for Contributions community center committee 180
Destruction and Annihilation
The Second World War [H]183 [Y]192 Menachem Duhl 183
A Chapter on Jezierna's Destruction 213 [H] 205 [Y] Dora Mantel–Lempert 213
From Krakow to Jezierna S. Ch. 226
A Year in Jezierna and Four Months in Zborow with the Germans Menachem Duhl 230
Our Prison Journey Menachem Duhl 254
My Private Hell Dr. Nachum Kalafer 265
One Fate Everywhere [H] Jaques Katz 266
Wandering in Foreign Places Lipa Fischer 268
Return to Jezierna [H] Lipa Fischer 277
S. Y. Imber in Jezierna under the Nazis Duzia (Dora) Blaustein 289
Dora the Nurse Menachem Duhl 290
A Chronicle of Watches and a Photograph Menachem Duhl 293
Memorial Plaque and Yizkor Prayer [H] 304
About The Life of the Jezierna Jews in America Lipa Fischer 305-310
Yad Vashem (Memorial)
List of the Martyrs 312-318
Personal Family Memorials 319-336
In the Realm of the Judenrat [P] Lusia Fuchs; [Y] [337-343]
About the Poem by Lusia Fuchs [P] Menachem Duhl [Y] [343]
Documents [H] [Y] [G] [P] [pages not numbered] [344-348]
Testimony of a Survivor Dozia Blaustein [349-352]
Table of Contents [Y] 353-354
List of Photographs in the Book
Poets and Poems from Jezierna
Editors' Comments


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