Memorial Book of the Community
of Ostrow-Mazowiecka

(Ostrów Mazowiecka, Poland)

52°48' / 21°54'

Translation of Sefer ha-zikaron le-kehilat Ostrov-Mazovyetsk

Edited by: Arye (Laibl) Margolis (Margalit), Assoc. of former residents of Ostrow-Masowieck

Published in Tel Aviv, 1960



Project Coordinator

Judie Ostroff-Goldstein


Our sincere appreciation to Ostrow Mazowiecka Research Family,
for permission to use this translation on the JewishGen web site.

This is a translation from: Sefer ha-zikaron le-kehilat Ostrov-Mazovyetsk
(Memorial book of the community of Ostrow-Mazowiecka), Editors: A. Margalit, Tel Aviv,
Association of Former Residents of Ostrow-Mazowieck, 1960 (H, Y, 653 pages).

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Ostrow-Mazowiecka (1960)

Purchase details for a printed copy of this translation can be found at

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[Page 5]

A lit candle in the forest


[Page 9]

Map of Ostrów Mazowiecka 1939 7
Table of Contents 9
Ostrowa Yizkor Book / Arija Margolis 13
Ostrowa Yizkor Book / Arija Margolis 15
The Rabbi from Koil / Rav Mosze Meir Isser, NY 17
Rabbi Reb Fajwel Sokolker 18
Rabbi Reb Jehuda Judel 18
Rabbi Reb Dawid Szlama Margolius 18
Rabbi Reb Gerszon Henoch Lajner 19
Rabbi from Piotrków 20
Rabbi Reb Szymon Dow Onolik 21
Rabbi Wajngot from Lifna 21
Rabbi of Parczew 21
Rabbi Reb Jehuda Lejb Gordin 22
Rabbi Reb Josef Kalisz 25
Rabbi Reb Meir Dan Plocki 27
Rabbi Jakob Szraga Zynger 28
In memory of the Ostrów Mazowiecka Rabbis / Josef Leszcz 31
Rabbi Reb Jakob Dawid Kalisz 32
Rabbi Abraham Jozef Cynowicz / Rachel Slucki 33
Rabbi Reb Abraham Frankel 34
Gaon, Rabbi Icchok Dawid Szulwicz 35
Rabbi Reb Izrael Natan Plocki 36
Ben-Zion Rabinowitz 37
Reb Berisz Szapiro 38
Reb Wolf Ber 38
Reb Nisen 39
Fejga Zysl Bromberg 39
Reb Nachman Goldberg and wife Ester Perl 42
Gdalia Dawid Morgensztern 43
Reb Icchok Morgensztern 44
Reb Michel Tejtel / Arija Margolis 45
Reb Michel Tejtel / Synai Kac 46
My Father Reb Cwi Hirsz Tejtel / Chaja Klara Pokrzywa 47
Reb Icchok Jakob Podbielewicz 48
Reb Iser Srebrnik / Josef Leszcz 48
Reb Szmul Josef Margolis / Arija Margolis 49
Reb Pesach Ari Landau / Arija Margolis 50
Reb Meir Leszc 51
Reb Meir Jakob Bergsztejn 52
Menachem and wife Matel Drozdowski / Sz. Arcy 53
The History of Ein Harod / Sz. Arcy (Drozdowski) 56
Reb Eli Gerszon Frejdkes / Dawid Semhoni (Frejdkes) 58
Abraham Zalman Cukierman / A. Margolis 60
Reb Mordchai Kohn / S. Hornik 61
Izrael Zebulon Ben Tovim & wife Pesia Rywka / Dawid Sedhar 63
Reb Szlama Szklanowicz / daughter Rywka 64
Reb Mendel Wszawer / Synai Kac 65
Reb Jukel Tejtel / Tuwia Makower 66
Reb Jozef Zwikielski / wife Bejla 67
Reb Fiszel Rozental / Synai Kac 68
Mosze Bromberg 69
Szmul Glinka 70
Szmul Glinka 73
Izrael Grynfeld 74
Uri Zwikielski 74
Jakub Lustig 75
Szmul Fejgin 76
Aron Cukierman 77
Aron Cukierman / Cwi Hadessi (Pokrzywa) 78
The personality of Gedaliyahu Shafmi (Wąs) 80
Torah Insitutions in Ostrów Mazowiecka / Rabbi Oszer Rozenbojm 81
Yeshiva Beit Josef / Rabbi Meir Segal 83
My Acquaintance With Ostrów Mazowiecka / Icchok Szlaski 83
About The Town in General / Synai Kac 86
Ostrów Mazowiecka And The Zionist Movement / H.I. Glinka 87
The “Tarbut” School in Ostrów Mazowiecka / Icchok Shoshani 91
The “Tarbut” School Women's Circle / Synai Kac 102
About the Activities for Keren Kayemet L'yisroel in Ostrowa / A. Klerman 104
About Those “Obsessed” With One Thinge / S.D. Jeruszalmi 105
Ostrów - Lomza / Ben Ahikam 108
HaShomer HaLeumi / Jehuda Szulc 110
The “General Zionist Pioneer” Kibbutz / Ehud Hochbris 113
Maccabi 115
The “Betar” Movement 117
A Few Words About the Initiator of this Book / H.I. Glinka 119
Four Zionist Newspapers (pictorial) 120
The History of Ostrowa / Arja Lejb Margolis 123
A Walk Through The City / Arja Lejb Margolis 129
Ostrowa My Home Town / A.M. Orzycer 150
The Jewish Worker's Movement in Ostrowa / Archie Rotenberg 157
My Shtetl Ostrow Maz. / Abraham Rotenberg 160
Ostrowa During World War One 1914-1918 / Tuwia Makower 164
For the Benefit of the Refugees / from “Hatsfira” 169
Ostrowa / H. Frejdkes 170
The First World War 1914-1918 / E. Kacew 176
Such Days / J. Frejlich 180
Nechemia Gravedigger / Izrael Emiot 191
The Community Committee / Tuwia Makower 194
Doctor Rubin Klaczko / T. M-R 197
The Head Barber-Surgeon / A. M-T 198
Religious Life / Tuwia Makower 199
“Kosher Meal” Society in Ostrow Maz. / Tuwia Makower 204
Khevra Kadisha / A. M-T 205
Reb Ben-Cjon Ostrower / Tuwia Makower 206
Reb Abraham Mendl Galant / M.H. Galant 207
Reb Mordchai Mendl Markusfeld / Mosze Markusfeld 208
Reb Mordchai Lejb Goldwaser / I. Emiot-Goldwaser 209
Reb Izachar Srebrnik / M. Ciechanowiecki 210
Reb Eli Fajwel Pietruszka / Josef Leszcz 211
Reb Haim Josef Frydman 212
Reb Abram Icchok Perkal / T. Makower 213
The Shamas, Reb Hirszke / T. Makower 214
Reb Mendl Bilgoraj / A. M-T 215
Reb Zanwila Gutman / A. M-T 215
Two Brothers – Two Different Roads / Natan Stolnic 216
Fejga Zysl Bromberg / Rabbi Bromberg 217
Typical Women of Old (pictorial) 219
Berisz Srebrnik-Sylberman 220
Once, Once (poem) / Mendel Fajncajg 221
The Homecoming (poem) / Mendel Fajncajg 222
My Husband Max Goldsztejn / Nechama Goldsztejn 223
Mosze Holcman / Chana Holcman 224
Mosze Raf / Israel Sztejnberg 227
Michel Podbielewicz / Israel Sztejnberg 228
Symcha Graniewicz / Lexicon 230
Symcha Graniewicz / Riwka 230
Icchok Ajzyk Gąsior / Lexicon 231
Aron Albek / Lexicon 231
Jechezkiel Frejlich 232
Jakob Frejdkies 233
Dawid Koza 233
Abraham'cze Perec 234
Alter Jagoda / Rubin Siedler 235
The Kehilla Council / Arija Margolis 236
In Days Gone By / Arija Margolis 240
The Municipal Government / Arija Margolis 241
Government Public School Number Three / Izrael Sztejnberg 249
The Government Public School / F. Epsztejn 259
Linas Hazedek / Synai Kac 262
Khakhnasas Orhim / Mosze Icchok Tofel 264
“Gmiles Khesed” Fund / Synai Kac 265
The Banks in Town / Arija Margolis 267
The Mill “Automoat” of Kagan and Partners / Chaim Glynka 268
The Brewery in Ostrow / Chana'cze Tejtel 269
Agudas Yisroel / Tuwia Makower 270
Daughters of Agudas Yisroel / Tuwia Makower 272
The Beginning of Zionism in Ostrowa / Kelman Wszewar-Szapira 274
Ostrów-Mazowiecka and the Zionist Movement / Haim Icchok Glinka 275
Mizrahi and the Yavneh Schools / A. Margolis 278
“Poalei-Zion ZS” / Izrael Sztejnberg 281
“Hashomer Hatsair” / Dr. Ostry-Dan 286
“Hehalutz” / Jehuda Zylberman 292
P. W. K. / A. M-T 298
The Women's Organization “WIZO” / Chana Holcman 299
The Work of Keren Kayemet L'yisroel / Arija Margolis 301
The Founding and Work of Keren Hayesod / Arija Margolis 305
The“Bund” In Ostrowa Between the Two World Wars / A.M. O 308
Ostrowa Details (New Era) / A. M. O. 309
A Wintery Friday Night / Henoch Zatorski 310
The Psalms Awakener / Rabbi S. A. Dan 315
Shabes in the Shtetl / Rabbi S.A. Dan 319
A Pious Woman / Jozef Leszcz 321
When The Mortar Makes Noise / J. Frejlich 322
The Amshynower Shtibl / Matti Rozen 325
The Strykower Shtibl / A.M. Orzycer 326
Ostrowa In “Fonyes'” Times / A. Kacew 327
Once Upon A Time / Aron 330
Ostrowa 50 Years Ago / M.A. Hofman 334
Moods and Reminiscing / A.M. Orzycer 336
Ostrowa The Town Of Peculiarities / Abraham Majmudes 339
Memories of My Youth / Fejwel Frydman 342
A “Debate” About Jewish Patriotism / Arija Margolis 345
Episodes / Tuwia Makower 347
Episodes from the Shtetl / Arija Margolis 349
The Fire Brigade / Arija Margolis 353
Episodes from Ostrów / Arcze Rotenberg 355
Innocent Jewish Victims / Arija Margolis 357
Terrible Auto Catastrophe With Eighteen Dead / A. Grafman 358
Characters During the Russo-Japanese War / Tuwia Makower 366
The Wealthy Hasid Reb Zindel Lichtensztejn / Jozef Mandelkorn 367
Reb Jozef Bendet Kielewicz 367
Reb Mendl Fajncajg 368
Reb Mosze Chaim Wilenski 368
Reb Mendl Zylberman / Jehuda Zylberman 368
Ajzyk Sztefer / Jozef Margolis 369
Szepsel Wasertreger / Hana Lewit 370
Idiot Savants in the City / Tuwia Makower 371
Klezmorim / A. M-T 373
Shabes Nahamu in the City / A. M-T 375
Rosh Khodesh Elul / A. M-T 381
Mr. Arija Margolis' Aliyah to Israel in 1935 / Izrael Sztejnberg 383
The Immigrant Association of Ostrów Mazowiecka in Israel / Arija Margolis 386
Ostrowers in Paris / Chaja Palgon-Urlant 389
Ostrowers in America / Mosze Fryd 391
The Birth and Activities of the United Ostrower Relief Committee, New York / Herszel Frejdkes 394
Faced With a Major Problem / Maks Stuczyn 396
Landsman To The Rescue / Mendel Fajncajg 396
An Appeal to Fellow Ostrowers / Sam Liebgot 397
Accounting report / M.I. Tofel 398
Ostrow Landsmanschaft and United Relief in America / A.M. Orzycer 400
Jechiel Chrust / A.M. Orzycer 406
The Poet Izrael Emiot/ A. M. O. 407
Finished! / Y. Papiernikow 408
Of the Ruins of My Town / Meir Bosak 411
The Town and Vicinity, Raped and Robbed / Arija Margolis 412
Surviving the War / Tuwia Makower 415
A Diary of Four Weeks With the Nazis in Ostrów / Jakob Widelec 421
Chaim Ostrow 429
Lejbl Iwrejkes 429
Benjamin Goldsztejn 430
Jehuda Gutgold 431
Josef Jalon 432
Abram Jakubowski 434
Noach Laska 434
Chaim Slumka 436
Jidel Slumka 437
Eliezer Knyszyński 438
Among Refugees and Escapees / Mirjam Kohn 440
When the Germans Arrived in Ostrów / Chana Lewitt 442
The First Provocation by a “Good” Gentile / Ester Nutkiewicz 444
The Destruction of Jewish Ostrów / Helena Nejmark 445
Dwojra Elson (from Rożan) / Dwojra Elson 447
Surviving the Occupation 1939-1944 / Henje Kozszuchowicz 448
From Ostrów to Uzbekistan and Return / Chaim Ciechanowiecki 450
In Ostrów and In Slonim / S. Konopiata 457
Jakub Gruszniak (or Ruszunak) 460
Jews Fighting Against the Nazi Occupation / A. Rostkier 461
The Large Slaughter in Czepelów Near Slonim / J. Hackelewicz 467
Fleeing From the Slaughter and in the Woods / J. Abramczyk-Feszkin 469
In the Ghetto and With The Partisans / Awiezer Imbier 472
A Townsman Among the Partisans / Jonah Szumowicz 484
An Ambush on the Railroad at the Jiwacewiec Station / Abram Kitejiewicz 487
A Partisan Episode 488
Revenge Taken 488
A Day In Treblinka / Simcha Polakiewicz 489
 The Crematorium / Berl Mark 503
Martyr / Rachel Auerbach 505
The Shel Rosh Finds the Shel Yud / F. Szereszewski 506
From the Age of Destruction / Chana Holcman 517
My Six Years Wandering / Szewa Farbsztejn 521
Ostrów 1946 / Dan Bursztajn 526
In the Soviet Union / T. M. 527
My Father, Reb Abraham Mendel Galant / Jeszaja Galant 533
Ostrów / M. Canin 535
What Happened to Lejba Grabina / Liba Grabina-Lampert 537
Ostrów Today / Izrael Emiot 538
In My Home Town (poem) / Izrael Emiot 541
From Sana Imbier's Letter / Sonja Imbier 542
Zev Lipsker / Ester Nutkiewicz-Kcyński 543
Destruction Brok / Rabbi Pomeranc 544
Długosiodło / Henoch Olfkowicz 547
Długosiodło / Szaul Gliksberg 549
Destruction of the Jewish Community in Zaręby Kościelne (Zaromb) / Izrael Sztejnberg 550
Among Survivors in a DP Camp in Germany / A.M. Orzycer 552
In Wetslar, the DP Camp 1947 / A.M. Orzycer 553
Ostrowa My Home Town (poem) / J. Ostry-Dan 555
Remember What Amalek Did to You! 561
Yizkor... Poem / S. Shalom 563
In the Diaspora (Hebrew) / Shalom Kaspi 564
Shalom Kaspi (Zylberman) (Hebrew) / Chaim Milsztejn 565
Reb Abraham Jakob Frydman / Toby Makower 566
Rabbi Reb Jeruchem Fiszel Dan / Rachel Kechati 566
Reb Mordchai Ber Tarnowski / Arija Margolis 567
Reb Josef Prawda 568
Reb Jakob Szwarc 568
Reb Aron Jasiński 569
Reb Dawid Lichtensztejn 569
Reb Anszel Knorpel / Tuwia Makower 570
Reb Elijahu Lach / N. Dimandsztejn-Scesak 571
Reb Icchok Dawid Mincberg / Tuwia Makower 571
Reb Abram Pecyner 572
Reb Jechiel Slucki 573
Reb Abraham Cwi Polakiewicz 574
Reb Szalom Noach Polakiewicz 574
Israel Zlotkies 575
Reb Szmul Ryba 575
Reb Mosze Pokrzywa 576
Reb Jeshaja Orlik 576
Reb Mosze Grudka 577
The Young Martyr Abraham Josef Baran 577
Reb Israel Dawid Podgorowiec / Tuwia Makower 578
My Murdered Family / Mosze Orzycer 578
Reb Zelig Fryd / Mosze Fryd & Sara Gitlin 579
Reb Aron Bengelsdorf 580
Reb Mosze Goldblat 580
Jakob Meier Margolis / Arija Margolis 581
Reb Mendl Zylberman 582
F. Rosenthal Family / Icchok Rozental Szoszani 583
Mosze Morgensztern 584
Abraham Cwi Szwarc 584
Icchok Szumowicz 585
Jakob Perec 585
Pinkus Rajgrodski (Hebrew) 586
Szoel Galant / Jeszaja Galant 586
Margolis family / Arija Margolis 587
Mosze Holcman / Chaim Glinka 588
Mejer Holcman / Chana Holcman 588
Dr. Nachum Frenkel (Hebrew) 589
Szmul Lewitow (Hebrew) 589
Mosze Bursztyn (Hebrew) 589
Chaim Makower and Family / Tuwia Makower 590
Abraham Icchok Frejman / Brajn'cze Grabinski Frejman 590
Reb Zanwel Wengrow 591
Riwka Trochnowski 591
Fejga Tejtel (Hebrew) 592
Sara'cze Tejtel (Hebrew) 592
Tejtel family 593
Sara Tejtel and Daughter Henia (Hebrew) 594
The Charitable, Riwka Rekant 594
Mosze Raf and Family 595
Zelman and Riwka Sztejnberg 596
Pictorial 598
In Memory of the People From Our Hometown Ostrow Mazowiecka 611
Obituaries 612
Yizkor List 639
Chaim Glinka is No More (Hebrew) 653
Eternal Light (Hebrew) 654
“G-d Full of Mercy” (Hebrew prayer) 655
Name Index


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