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[Page 653]

Chaim Glinka is No More![1]

By the Editorial Board
Memorial Book of the Ostrów Mazowiecka Community

Translated by Ros Romem

We knew that his fate was decided – after the Angel of Death covered him with its wings – the wings of annihilation and destruction. Despite the fact that we saw him in his last days, which were full of pain and inhuman suffering as he struggled against death, there was a silent prayer in our hearts. Could something wonderful happen? Could there be a miracle? Perhaps?…The miracle did not take place and on the sad day of Tuesday the 2nd of Adar 5720 [February 1960] he was taken from us forever!

The pain was severe for this great man in Israel, but our pain was seven times greater. The man most beloved by us all had departed without seeing the fruit of our labour and his – the publication of the memorial book for our Ostrów Mazowiecka community which he had worked so hard to create and execute.

The deceased z”l played so great a role in all the national, Zionist and communal activities of Ostrowa. He intended with all his heart and the warmth of his dear soul to erect a memorial to our town, it institutions and its communal workers, for future generations, in the form of a memorial book. He did not live to see its completion.

We saw it as our duty, at the end of the book, to relate something of his life and his activities in our town he loved so much. The late Chaim Icchok Glinka, z”l, came to Ostrowa in 1922 after many years of blessed Zionist work in Łomża. He was a committee member of HaTkhiya, from 1916 and Bama HaIvit that belonged to HaTkhiya. He was also an instructor in Hashomer HaTsair that was a part of LeMaan HeHalutz [The International Scouts], all Zionist movements.

A short later Chaim Glinka took the central and top position in Zionist and national activities in Ostrowa. He was the chairman of the Zionist Organization, the National Funds, the Hebrew Book Committee and on the executive board of the local Tarbut School. As a first class speaker and pleasant person of wide general and Hebrew knowledge, he succeeded in gaining the affection of his audiences, who were charmed by his words of logic and persuasion.

The deceased did not simply demand of others but also knew how to do the work he told others to do. He educated his sons in the spirit of devotion. He made a living as a bookkeeper in Kfar Yehoshua and took an active part in the cultural life of the village.

His son Shmul dedicated his life to the needs of Israel to the extent of true sacrifice. Shmul, a Lieutenant Colonel in the armed forces led his soldiers in the Sinai campaign and died a hero. He left a young wife and three sons.

This great tragedy, the loss of his beloved son, ruined Chaim's health. He became ill with cancer, which ended his glorious active life.

These lines will be as a bouquet of flowers on the grave of our devoted colleague, who did so much and whose memory will never be forgotten!


  1. Just when the book had been printed the news of his death reached us. Return

[Page 654]

Translated by Ros Romem




Eternal light on Mount Zion
In Jerusalem

To the memory of the sanctified and pure souls of
Ostrów Mazowiecka
And surrounding area, Poland, hy”d

Who were killed, slaughtered, burnt, drowned and strangled
Martyred in the Shoah

And on the 29th of Heshvan 5700 [11th November 1939]
Earth do not cover their blood!

May their souls be bound up in the bond of life.

Dedicated by all who once lived in
Ostrów Mazowiecka and surrounding areas
In Israel and in the Diaspora
5717 [1957]

To the memory of the beloved members of our families
Annihilated during the destruction of the House of Israel.
Lovely and pleasant during their lives
And in their death they were separated.

May G-d remember them kindly, with the righteous of the world,
And avenge the spilled blood of his servants.

[Page 655]

Ayl Moley Rakhamim
[“G-d Full of Compassion”]

Translated by Judie Ostroff Goldstein

Ayl Moley Rakhamim

G-d full of mercy, the judge of widows and the father of orphans, do not overlook the blood of Jews that was spilled like water. Grant perfect rest beneath the shelter of Thy Divine Presence in the exalted places among the holy and pure, who shine as the brightness of the firmament. For the souls of the six hundred Jews murdered outside the martyred community Ostrów Mazowiecka. For the men, women and children who were killed, murdered, slaughtered, burned, drowned and strangled, by the hands of the monsters, the German enemies (may their names be erased) who were responsible in the Diaspora of Europe for the concentration camps (Belsen,Sobibor, Majdanek, Auschwitz, Treblinka and also in the Ostrów region).

For the holy and pure resting in the Garden of Eden, may the Master of Mercy bind their souls in the Bond of Life. G-d is their heritage and we will remember their sacrifice and we and all of Israel demand justice. May they repose in peace where they rest.

Now let us say Amen


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