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[Page 365]

Remembrances of souls (cont.)

IN MEMORY OF Isaac son of Zussia Terushkin; his wife Sarah-Leah daughter of Chanan; their daughters Rivka, Batya, and Rachel Terushkin; his son-in-law Shlomo and granddaughter Chanania Saltz

Yosef-David Zevelinsky

       Tsipora Dvoretsky-Terushkin, Haifa, Israel


IN MEMORY OF my father Yosef-David son of Moshe Zevelinsky and his family; my uncle Chaim-Tzvi Zevelinsky and his family; my aunt Clara and her family

       Yakov-Simcha Zevelinsky, Buenos Aires, Argentina

[Page 366]

IN MEMORY OF my father Yakov-David Tukachinsky; my mother Meita Tukachinsky (of the family Kaplinsky); Mikhal and Feigele Tukachinsky

       Zalman Tukachinsky, Ramat Rachel, Israel


IN MEMORY OF Aharon son of Pesach Preskowsky, son-in-law of Mordecai Tukachinsky; his wife Sarah daughter of Mordecai Tukachinsky; their children Mordecai, Shaul, Gutte, Bila

       the brothers Shaul, Shlomo and Yakov Tukachinsky and their families, Tel Aviv, New York

[Page 367]

IN MEMORY OF Litman son of Pesach Berman, son-in-law of Mordecai Tukachinsky, and his wife Bracha

Bracha Tukachinsky

       the brothers Shaul, Shlomo and Yakov Tukachinsky and their families, Tel Aviv, New York


IN MEMORY OF Reuven son of Nechemia Tukachinsky and his wife Chayenna daughter of Moshe Mikhal Khait; their sons Shmuel and Shaul


Chayenna Tukachinsky
Reuven Tukachinsky

       the brothers Shaul, Shlomo and Yakov Tukachinsky and their families, Tel Aviv, New York

[Page 368]

IN MEMORY OF Yosef Vesilowsky (I); his wife Tzviya Vesilowsky (II); their children Risya (III), Faivel-Dov (IV), Mikhal-Aharon (V), Chaya (VI)

Vesilowsky family

       Chasiya Tukachinsky (of the house of Mikhal-Aron Malavitsky), Tel Aviv
       Boba Tukachinsky (of the house of Mikhal-Aron Malavitsky), New York

[Page 369]

IN MEMORY OF our father Moshe Mordecai Tukachinsky who died in Lechowitz; our mother Leah-Risha who was murdered in Krim, Russia; our two brothers Avraham and Yakov who died in Krim, Russia; our sister Penia who died in Krim, Russia; our sister Dr. Runia Tukachinsky who was murdered in Krim, Russia

Leah-Risha Tukachinsky

       Nisan Tukachinsky and his family, Tel Aviv
       Shabatai Tukachinsky and his family, Krim, Russia


IN MEMORY OF my father Aharon son of Shabatai

       Rabbi Yechiel-Mikhal Tukachinsky, Jerusalem , the Holy Land

[Page 370]

IN MEMORY OF my mother Nechama-Raisel Cohen; my sister Chayenna Mukasei; my brother Avraham son of Yitzhak ha-Cohen with his wife and family; my sister Bracha Gelfand and her husband Chaim Gelfand and their family; my sister Rivka Tsekhnowitz and her family; my sister Chana Finkel, her husband and family

       Moshe Cohen, Miami Beach, Florida

[Page 371]

IN MEMORY OF my father Leiba Loss; my mother Batya; Mrs. Sarah Alcon-Loss, her son and her daughter; all the relatives and descendants of my family

       Ch. Sima Loss-Cohen, Johannesburg, South Africa

[Page 372]

IN MEMORY OF my father, Moshe son of Binyamin Loss; my mother, Freidel daughter of Zerach; my brothers Zerach and Yitzhak; my sister Bila-Rivka; my grandmother Chavale wife of Binyamin Loss; my uncle Nisan Breida (from Baranowitz); my aunt Bluma daughter of Binyamin Loss


Zerach, Yitzhak and Bila Loss
Moshe and Freidel Loss
       Hadassah Loss-Cohen, Jerusalem

[Page 373]

IN MEMORY OF Yakov and his wife Hoda

       Hyman Lipsky, Lorain, Ohio, USA


IN MEMORY OF Aharon son of Noach Lipkus; Gineshe-Leah Lipkus and their family

       Noach Lipkus, Buenos Aires, Argentina

[Page 374]

IN MEMORY OF Chasiya Malavitsky (of the family Wenger); the children Rachel and Eliezer Malavitsky

Chasiya, Rachel and Eliezer Malavitsky

       Her husband and their father Faivel Malavitsky

       Her son and their brother David Malavitsky, Buenos Aires, Argentina

[Page 375]

IN MEMORY OF my father Tzvi-David Malavitsky; my mother Chaya Malavitsky

       Faivel Malavitsky, Buenos Aires, Argentina


IN MEMORY OF my sister Yentel daughter of Avraham Malavitsky; Tzvi-Hirsh and Chaim son of Tzvi-Hirsh Heimowitz

       Chasiya Malavitsky, Givat, Israel

[Page 376]

IN MEMORY OF Isser son of Avraham Malavitsky who gave his life in battle against the enemy

IN MEMORY OF his wife and their children

Isser Malavitsky and his family

       Moshe-Yehoshua Malav, New-London, USA
       Tsipora Bat-Ami, Kibbutz haSharon, Israel
       Chasiya Malavitsky, Kibbutz Givat, Israel

[Page 377]

IN MEMORY OF Avraham son of Mikhal-Noach Malavitsky who died in Afula, Israel

Avraham Malavitsky

       His son Moshe-Yehoshua Malav, New-London, USA
       Tsipora Bat-Ami, Kibbutz haSharon, Israel
       Chasiya Malavitsky, Givat, Israel


IN MEMORY OF my wife Sarah Mordokhowitz (of the family Zevelinsky)

IN MEMORY OF my three children Chanan-Leizer, Noach and Zlatka who died in Lechowitz

Sarah Mordokhowitz

       Her husband and their father Baruch Mordokhowitz, Cuba

[Page 378]

IN MEMORY OF Noach Mikhlin, the mechanic of Yislavozer (?) who died in Lechowitz; his wife Mikhela daughter of Rabbi Meir who died in Hansewitz on 5 Kislev 5693; their son Chaim-Eliyahu Mikhlin and his wife Batya and so many of their children who were murdered in Uzda, Russia; their daughters, Devorah Tsukernik and her family who were murdered in Hansewitz in 5701, Chaya-Sarah Paul and her family who were murdered in Kletsk on 8 Cheshvan 5701, and Mertshe Brevda and her family from Polonka murdered in 5701; their grandchildren Nechama daughter of Chaim-Eliyahu Melnik and her daughter murdered in Lechowitz, Moshe-Meir Mikhlin and his wife Rivka who were murdered in Tserpet; the Gaon Perez Mikhlin and his wife who were murdered in Yezernitz; Mendel Tsukernik of Paris who was murdered in Auschwitz

       the family of Moshe-Aharon Mikhlin, Chicago
       the family of Esther Eisenstadt, Brooklyn
       the family of Nekhe Mandel, Brooklyn
       the families of Mendel and Mikhal Mikhlin, Detroit
       the family of Rabbi Kaplinsky, New York
       the family of Rabbi Brevda, New York
       the Tsukernik families in Paris and in Israel

[Page 379]

IN MEMORY OF my mother Rachel-Leah daughter of Yehuda-Leib; my brother Shlomo son of Shlomo Rosovsky and his family; my sister Sarah daughter of Mordecai-Baruch and her family


Children of Shlomo Rosovsky
Moshe and Freidel Loss
       A. Mukasei, Bronx, USA


IN MEMORY OF my father Yehuda son of Yosef ha-Levi Mislabosky; my mother Bila; my brother Natan son of Yehuda; my sisters Esther, Sarah, Leah, Rivka who fell by the hand of the enemy in the year 5703

       Pesya Mislaboska, Kibbutz Yagur near Haifa


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