Kremenets Memorial Album

(Kremenets', Ukraine)

50°06' / 25°43'

Translation of
Sefer Zikaron

Prepared in Tel Aviv in 1966


Project Coordinator

Ronald D. Doctor

This is a translation of: Sefer Zikaron (Kremenets Memorial Album),
Prepared in Tel Aviv, in 1966

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Kremenets Memorial Album
at the “Seminar haKibbutzim” in Tel Aviv, Israel
Photographed by Yoni Bar-Lavie, son-in-law of Rachel Karni
Translated by Sara Mages and Mindle Gross
Edited by Dr. Ronald D. Doctor

Introduction & Acknowledgements

This document contains photos of each page of a Memorial Album that is located at Seminar haKibbutzim in Tel Aviv, Israel, along with the English translation of each page. The pages were written, mostly around 1966, by surviving members of some of the families who were murdered by the Nazis and their Ukrainian collaborators in Kremenets, Ukraine in 1942. A few entries memorialize emigrants from Kremenets who subsequently died in Israel and in the Diaspora. The translated Album contains a personal name index pointing to the page on which each name appears. The index also gives patronymics and other relationships as well as birth years, all extracted from information in the Album.

The Memorial Album has 52 pages, arranged alphabetically by surname, according to the Hebrew alphabet. Many of the pages have signatories from Argentina, others from New York, but the most are from Israel. The size of the album is approximately 40 cm by 30 cm. but some pages are smaller, some are rectangular, others square. Each original page is vellum and was written by a Torah scribe.

Rachel Karni first brought the Album to my attention in 2004. David Zukerman graciously gave her permission to remove the book temporarily and to have the pages photographed. Rachel's son-in-law, Yoni Bar-Lavie, did the photography and sent the photos to me. Sara Mages translated the Hebrew pages. Mindle Gross translated the Yiddish pages. We are deeply indebted to all these people, whose team effort and dedication brought the translation project to completion.

I proofread and edited the translations. We have used the Kremenets Transliteration System for the English equivalents of Hebrew and Yiddish names. Responsibility for any errors in translation or in the spelling of names is mine.

Dr. Ronald D. Doctor, Co-Coordinator
Kremenets Shtetl CO-OP / Jewish Records Indexing-Poland
Portland, Oregon USA
Ronald D. Doctor
19 May 2007

Kremenets Memorial Album

Name Index

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
Emerita Yizkor Book Project Manager, Joyce Field z”l
Contact person for this translation Ronald D. Doctor
This web page created by Osnat Ramaty

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Updated 15 Jul 2012 by LA

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