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Name Index

Name Pages in Pinkas Kremenets
A. A. 392
Achad Ha'am (Ginsburg, Asher) 36, 190, 194
Aharon, Rabbi (1648; father of Yosef) note 39
Aharon Shmuel (of Kremenets; son of Rabbi Moshe Shalom) 17, note 44
Aharonov 115, 116, 118, 119
Aharonov (wife of) 115, 116
Aidels See Eydels
Akerman, Chane-Rachel (wife of Avraham Bat 160
Aks, Ester 392
Aksel, Gutye 107
Aksel, Sonye Radzinovits. See Radzinovits-Aksel, Sonye
Aleichem, Shalom 98
Aleksander (czar) 167
Aleksander (prince) 9
Aleksander I (czar) 30
Aleksander II (czar) 31
Aleksander III (czar) 32
Aleksander Shuel Yunger Leyb, Rabbi See Yunger Leyb, Rabbi Aleksander Shuel
Aleksina, Mrs. 60
Alerhent, Miyotek (Chelm) 259, 261
Alinkis, R' Shlome (Shlome Sambar) 58, 179
Alter, Rabbi (Konstantin Yashan) 179
Alterman (cabinetmaker) 168, 170, 177, 199
Alterman, Yitschak Yosef 84
Amari, Rachel (aka Faygenberg, Rachel) 154, 156
Anski, Shlome 155, 170, 369 (photo)
Anzele 87
Argman, Avraham Bibliography. As Argman-Bots, Avraham, iii, Bibliography
Argman-Bots, Avraham iii, Bibliography. As Argman, Avraham, Bibliography
ARI. See Luria, Rabbi Yitschak  
Arter 73
Arye Leyb, Rabbi (rabbi of Kremenets, 1742; son of R' Shmuel), 27, 29, note 88, note 108
Arye Leyb, Rabbi (rabbi of Kremenets, late 1700s; son of R' Shmuel of Pinchov) 29
Asch, Sholem 178, 222
Asher Zelig (father of R' Elyakum) 24
Ashkenazi, R' Avraham 19
Ashkenazi, Rabbi Chayim (head of the rabbinical court of Kremenets [1648], son of R' Shmuel) 15, 16, note 39
Ashkenazi, R' Yitschak Binga (Israel) 17
Ashkenazi Ish Tsvi, R' Shmuel (father of R' Chayim) 15, 16, note 39
Atiash, R' Yosef note 101
August III (Polish king) 27
Augustinowicz, Joseph 41. As Avgustinovits, Yosef, 43
Averbakh, Arye Leyb 34
Averbakh, Rabbi Duvid Tsvi 34
Avgustinovits, Yosef 43. As Augustinowicz, Joseph, 41
Avidar, Dine 221
Avidar, Rime 221
Avidar, General Yosef 69, 219 (photo), 219-222. As Avidar-Rokhel, Yosef, 219; as Rokhel, Yosef, 219-222; as Rokhel-Avidar, Yosef, 222
Avidar-Rokhel, General Yosef 219. As Avidar, Yosef, 69, 219 (photo), 219-222; as Rokhel, Yosef, 219-222; as Rokhel-Avidar, Yosef, 222
Avigdor (Pozna) 12
Avner (Bner) of Kremenets 27
Avraham (of Kremenets; 1500s) 13
Avraham (son of Tsvi Hirsh) note 39
Avraham, R' (judge of Volin, rabbi of Kremenets; 1596) 15
Avraham Berish Beyle Berkis 158
Avraham Moshe (father of Chane, wife of Chaykel Bernshteyn) 357
Avraham Shpring-in-Bet (who jumps in bed) 159
Aydelman See Eydelman
Ayzi di Kie (cow) 159
Ayzikel Shlisale (middleman) 159, 404
B   return
Ba'al haLevushim. See Yafe, Rabbi Mordekhay
Ba'al Shem Tov (Rabbi Yisrael ben Eliezer) 168, note 114
Badrik, Itsi 90
Bakimer (brothers) 95
Bakimer, Bunim 115, 119
Bakimer, Chayim 84
Bakimer, Duvid 304 (photo)
Balter 62 (photo)
Baltsh, Pinchas 106
Bandara (Ukrainian militia) 250
Bankir, Mikhel 259, 263-264
Bankir, Shlome 264
Bankir, Yakov 264
Barats (Mr.) 260. See also Barats, Sh.
Barats, Muzya 102, 104, 211
Barats, Sh. (government-appointed rabbi) 62, 132, 137. See also Barats (Mr.)
Barbak, Yitschak 135
Barshap (family) 48
Barshap, B. 321
Barshap, Binyamin 442 (photo)
Barshap, Chane (née Troshinski) 131
Barshap, Dudek 226
Barshap, Eliezer 438
Barshap, Golde 392
Barshap, Hirsh 235
Barshap, Mikhael 109
Barshap, Mikhel 354
Barshap, Nate 236
Barshap, Ronye 252
Barshap, Shmuel 252
Barshap, Tsvi 83, 140. As Barshap, Z, 138 (photo)
Barshap, Yakov 131
Barshap, Z. 138 (photo). As Barshap, Tsvi, 83, 140
Bartok (mayor) 84
Barukh (father of Eliezer) note 39
Barukh Leyb, Rabbi (Arye Leyb, rabbi of Kremenets) 27
Barukh Katsav (butcher) 159
Basis (family) 48
Basis (son of Golde and Shlome Koval) 249
Basis, Duvid 105
Bat, Aharon 160
Bat, Avraham 160
Bat, Chane-Rachel (née Akerman) 160
Bat, Efraim 160
Bat, Etye 160
Bat, Miryam 271
Bat, Sore 122, 124, 160
Bat, Yitschak 92
Batler, Zanvil 135. As Baytler, Zanvil, 138 (photo); as Betler, Zanvil,140
Batory, Stephen (Polish king) 14, note 31
Batu-Chan (Tatar commander) 9
Bavtse fun der Puter (butter seller) 159, 404
Bavtse fun di Fish 404
Bayder, Chaykel (bath attendant) 159
Baytler, Fanye 97, 138 (photo). As Betler, Fanye, 140
Baytler, Sonye 100, 102, 104
Baytler, Zanvil 138 (photo). As Batler, Zanvil, 135; as Betler, Zanvil, 140
Baytler-Katz, Niusye 97
Bazdizhski 62 (photo)
Bedrik, Itsi 92
Beker, Chane (wife of Shimon Beker) 357*
Beker, Shimon 357
Beker, Shlome (the baker) 159
Belizhovski, M. 123
Ben Maimon, Rabbi Moshe (Rambam) 77, 201, 204, note 34
Ben Yisrael, Menashe 152
Ben-Gurion, Duvid (Israel) 221, 225
Ben-Or (Orinovski), A. 71
Ben-Yehuda, Eliezer 193
Benari, Nachum (Israel) 225
Benderski 107
Benderski, A. 102
Berenson, Mrs. G. 442 (photo)
Berenson, L. 442 (photo)
Berger, Yakov (Israel) 220
Berger, Rabbi Yosef (Yosl) 132, 133
Berish Beyle Berkis (Berish, son-in-law of Beyle, daughter of Berke) 158
Berker, Preacher, father of Kariti 59
Berkovits, Yosef 232
Berl fun der Vishnivitser Ragatke (from the Vishnevets suburb) 159
Bernshteyn, Bela 314
Bernshteyn, Chane (wife of Chaykel Bernshteyn, daughter of Avraham Moshe) 357
Bernshteyn, Chaykel (Chaykel of Kremenets) 357
Bernshteyn, Eli Chaykel's 358 (photo). See also Eli Chaykel's
Bernshteyn, Hershel 105, 124
Bernshteyn, R' Meir (aka Meir Samsons) 213
Bernshteyn, Polye 129 (photo), 187
Bernshteyn, Ts. Bibliography
Bernshteyn, Yonye 53, 127, 129 (photo), 187, 232, 270
Berzitser, Chayim 266
BESHT. See Ba'al Shem Tov  
Betler, Fanye 140. As Baytler, Fanye, 97, 138 (photo)
Betler, Zanvil 140. As Batler, Zanvil,135; as Baytler, Zanvil, 138 (photo)
Beylin, Asher 137, 198
Bezpoysnik, Yerachmiel 106
Bialik, Chayim Nachman 144, 154, 184, 207
Biberman (family) 115
Biberman, Avraham 57 (photo), 70, 108 (photo), 115, 116, 117, 118, 137, 305 (photo)
Biberman, Feyge 305 (photo)
Biberman, Moshe 57 (photo), 115
Biberman, Shimon 208, 210
Biberman, Yisrael 57 (photo), 107, 110 (photo)
Biberman, Yitschak 115, 116, 119
Biberman, Yosef (alias of Yosef Avidar) 221
Bidderman, Max S2-2, S2-9
Biduk (shoemaker) 232
Bielaguz, Idis 392
Bikovski 202
Bilatski 84
Bilohuz, Duvid 259
Bilohuz, Yeshayahu 57 (photo)
Birenboym, Dr. 192
Bitiker, Yosef 84
Bitker, Avraham 304 (photo)
Blit (brothers) 93
Blit, Shlome 252, 255
Blizhovski, M. 125
Blumenfeld, Simche Yakov 105
Blushteyn, Patl. 96
Bner (Avner) of Kremenets 27
Bona Sporza (Polish queen) 10, note 20
Borevits, P. 101
Borscowski 40. As Borshkovski, 42
Borscowski, Maria Anna 40. As Borshkovski, Maryam, 42
Borshkovski 42. As Borscowski, 40
Borshkovski, Maryam 42. As Borscowski, Maria Anna, 40
Borsht, Beyle 392
Borvil (sisters) 258
Bots, Avraham Argman. See Argman-Bots, Avraham
Bots, Shakhna 182
Bots, Toyve (wife of Shakhna Bots) 182
Boym (Mr.) 134
Boym, Rivke 392
Brak (student) 173
Braver 101
Brechye, R' Moshe 228
Brener, Y. Ch. 119
Brik, Berish 208
Brodski, Shaul 83, 84, 96 (photo), 180
Brodski (flour mill owner) 93
Bronfeld, Metshikhye 239, 251, 252, 254, 255, 256
Bronovski (Professor) 194
Bronshteyn, R' Hertsele (judge and rabbi of Kremenets) 159, 179, 180, 181
Bronstein, Adam S2-1, S2-2
Brover 252, 258
Broyner, Chane 109
Broytman, Yakov 57 (photo)
Brusilov (General) 61, 166, 219
Budyoni, Martin 64, 207, 270
Bufra, Yan 84
Bukhman 229
Bukimer (family) 88
Burgrabiatus, Ciechanovie 40
Burshteyn (teacher) 51, 137, 172, 174
Bushl 127
Buts 96
C   return
Cantor, Wolf Laybowicz 40, 41. As Chazan, Volf Leybovits, 42
Carmel, General Moshe 69
Ceceniowski, Antonio Michael 40. As Checheniovski, Antonius Mikhael, 42
Chachkis (officer) 52
Chana, R' (ritual slaughterer) 181
Chanokh (son of Chayim) 27
Charash 130
Charash, Yitschak 108 (photo)
Chartoriski, Aleksander (Polish military governor) 14
Chasid, R' Mordekhay 173
Chaskelberg, Dr. 258
Chatski, Avraham 259, 261, 262
Chatski, Tadius/Tadeusz 35, 48, 73
Chave Hirsh Aba's (mother of Hirsh Aba) 169, 170
Chaye Kokerover (from Kokrov) 159
Chayim (father of Chanokh) 27
Chayim Duvid funem Patek (from Patek) 159
Chayim Gershon Shnayder (tailor) 159
Chayim Leyb Volf, R' (Gemara teacher) 58
Chayim Leyb Volf's 158
Chayim Leyzer's 158
Chayim, R'. See Ashkenazi, Rabbi Chayim
Chayim'l, R' (grandfather of Binyamin Landsberg) 195
Chaykel Bayder (bath attendant) 159
Chayusi Avraham Berish Beyle Berkis (Chaye, daughter of Avraham, son of Berish, son-in-law of Beyle, daughter of Berke) 158
Chazan, Leyb 42
Chazan, Volf Leybovits 42. As Cantor, Wolf Laybowicz, 40, 41
Chazan, Y. 127
Checheniovski, Antonius Mikhael 42. As Ceceniowski, Antonio Michael, 40
Chidis, Mikhal 254
Chirga, M. 100, 101
Chmielnitski, Bogdan (Chmil the Evil) 17, 18, 39, note 5
Clement XIV (Pope) 24
D   return
Dafner (Daffner), Louis S2
Dalashey, Beyle 392
Dashke (servant) 232
Dekelboym (engineer) 145
Denikin 202
Dest, Marye 261, 262, 263
Diamant, Itsi 239, 251, 252, 254, 255, 256, 268
Dishel, Shmuel 218, 224-225
Ditun, A. 124
Ditun, M. 105
Ditun, R' Shlome (Shlome'le Avraham Leyb's) 179
Dobromil, Munye 49, 59. As Dobromiler, Muni, 110 (photo)
Dobromiler, Muni 110 (photo). As Dobromil, Munye, 49, 59
Doctor, Ronald D. S2
Dolgoshey, Gitil 392
Domanski, Yefim Konstantinovits 69
Dov Ber, R' (Mazeritsh; father of Avraham Malakh) note 114
Dubkirer, Eliezer 218, 223 (photo)
Dubnov, Shimon 133
Duvid, R' (ritual slaughterer) 181
Duvid, R' (son of Yakov) 27
Duvid Leyb, R' (the Nagid) 168
Duvid Leyb (the rabbi's son-in-law) 159
Duvid Parkh (ulcer) 159
Duvid Pesach-Yosi's 158
Duvid Shumsker (from Shumsk) 159
Dzhadzhili (head of Cossack brigade) 39. As Dzhidzhaly, 18
Dzhidzhaly (head of Cossack brigade) 18. As Dzhadzhili, 39
Dziewicze, Gary 47
E   return
Efraim (of Ludmir; father of R' Shmuel) 26
Efrat, Melekh 103
Eler, L. 320
Eli (son of Moshe) 27
Eli Chaykel's 158. See also Bernshteyn, Eli Chaykel's
Eliezer (son of Barukh) note 39
Elyakum, R', son of Asher Zelig 24
Emden, R' Yakov 29
Etinger, L. 35
Etinger, Sh. 7, 9, 281
Etinger, Dr. Sh. (Kishinev; uncle of Binyamin Landsberg) 196
Eybeshuts, R' Yonatan (Poland) 29
Eydelman, Moshe (1864–1942) 49, 59, 108 (photo), 109, 110 (photo), 197 (photo), 197-198, 306 (photo)
Eydelman, Yakov 198
Eydelman, Yitschak 62 (photo), 115, 116, 118, 197
Eydels, Rabbi Shmuel (MHRSh”A) 43, 77, note 56
Eydis, Fritz 63, 64
Eydis, Moshe 63, 136, 306 (photo)
Eytan the citizen Note 39, note 46
Ezra Podkaminer (from Podkamen) 159
F   return
Farber (Mrs.) 140
Faydel, R' Shmuel Fayvish note 53
Faydel, Rabbi Natan (Vienna) note 53
Faygenberg (Amari), Rachel 154, 156
Fayngloz, R' Aharon (ritual slaughterer; Berezits) 181
Fayvishis 118
Fayvish-Leyb, Rabbi (rabbi of Kremenets) 181
Fayvush Chaye-Rikel's 158
Fayvush Kelvales (heifer man) 159
Feldman, Arye (Leybchik/Libchik; 1900–1942) 132, 143, 144, 148, 187, 200, 204-205
Feldman, Fayvel 92
Feldman, Malke (Maliusia) 143
Feldman, Rachel (wife of Arye Feldman). See Otiker, Rachel; Otiker-Feldman, Rachel
Feldman, Rivke 143
Feldman, Shmuel 306 (photo)
Feliks (Vilna; father of Yakov) 13
Fidel, Ester 224
Fikangur 369 (photo)
Fild 249
Fingerhut (singers) 87
Fingerhut, Babe 103
Fingerhut, Shlome 63, 84, 105, 149 (photo). As Fingerut, Shlome, 148, 203 (photo), 203-204, 266, 322
Fingerut (cabinetmaker) 170
Fingerut, Mordekhay Leyb, R' 203
Fingerut, Shlome (1888-1942) 148, 203 (photo), 203-204, 266, 322. As Fingerhut, Shlome, 63, 84, 105, 149 (photo).
Finkelshteyn 137
Finkelshteyn (alias of Yosef Avidar) 221
Fisherman, Avraham 109
Fisherman, Max S2-2, S2-13
Fisherman, Tsvi 143
Fishil, R' (Ludmir; son of Leyb) 26
Fishman (family) 48
Fishman, Chayim 102, 104, 304 (photo)
Fishman, Eli 106
Fishman, Hinde 218, 224 (photo), 224-225
Fishman, R. 138 (photo)
Fishman, Risye 305 (photo)
Fishman, Shlome 135
Fishman, Yeshayahu 118
Flyer (Commander; Israel) 225
Fokner, Heinrich 209
Forman, Dr. 153
Frenkel, Vitye (née Karshun) 206
Frenkel, Moshe (Mishe; 1902–1944) 206, 206 (photo)
Frenkel, Shlome, R' 206
Frenkel, Yone 130, 143
Freyde di Miltshnitshke (flour seller) 159
Fridkes, Chaye 392
Fridman, Aharon 59, 108 (photo), 109, 306 (photo)
Fridman, Chane 305 (photo)
Fridman, Pesi 392
Fridman, Pini 234
Fridman, T. 103
Frishberg 177
Frishberg (factory owner) 93, 123
Frishberg, Aleksander 61, 140, 152, 306 (photo)
Frug (poet) 229, 230
G   return
Gakman (band) 226
Ganganelli, Cardinal 24
Gedalye Tsimels 158
Gelber, N. Bibliography
Gelernt, H. Bibliography. As Gilernt, Chanokh, 8; as Gilernt, H., 311, 367, 378, 381
Gelman, L. Bibliography
Gendelman, Shmuel 96, 130
Gendler, Shimon 95, 105
Germarnik, Sh. 138 (photo)
Gershteyn, Moshe 84, 96, 105, 148, 149 (photo), 328, 306 (photo)
Gezundhayt (wife of Tovye Hindes) 193
Gibelbank (Mr.; school principal) 137
Gibelbank, Shalom 106
Gibelbenk, Chayim 97
Gilernt, Chanokh 8. As Gelernt, H., Bibliography; as Gilernt, H., 311, 367, 378, 381
Gilernt, H. 311, 367, 378, 381. As Gelernt, H., Bibliography; as Gilernt, Chanokh, 8
Gilirant 138 (photo). As Gilrant, Ts., 140
Gilman, Yitschak 140
Gilrant, Hirsh 105
Gilrant, Ts. 140. As Gilirant,138 (photo)
Gindes, Miron 177, 202
Ginsberg 31
Ginsberg, Asher. See Achad Ha'am  
Gintsburg, Mikhael 102, 104
Gintsburg, Simche 102, 104
Gintsburg, Y. 83
Gitelman, Dantsi 392
Giterman, Shlome 305 (photo)
Gliklis, Shayke 102, 103
Gluzman, A. 87
Gluzman, Eliezer 123
Gofman 249
Golander (Mrs. Dr.) 97
Golberg, Yehoshue Bibliography. As Goldberg, Yehoshue, 130, 149 (photo)
Goldberg (mistress of Bronfeld) 251
Goldberg (school principal) 140
Goldberg, L. 101
Goldberg, Yehoshue 130, 149 (photo). As Golberg, Yehoshue), Bibliography
Golde (daughter of the glassblower Shlome) 234
Goldenberg (Young Zion Society) 57 (photo)
Goldenberg (brothers) 127
Goldenberg (storeowner) 70
Goldenberg, Duvid (1880–1934) 84, 105, 199-200, 199 (photo)
Goldenberg, Liove 100
Goldenberg, Manus i, ii, 46, 100, 101, 103, 104, 148, 149 (photo), 165, 199, 201, 223, 226, 231, 274, 335, 344, 359, 365, 413, note 146, note 151, Bibliography
Goldenberg, Ruven 93, 95, 203, 211, 306 (photo)
Goldenberg, Yisrael (“Johnny”) 101, 218, 226 (photo), 226-227
Goldenberg-Horovits, Chane 149 (photo). As Horovits-Goldenberg, Chane, 142. See also Horovits, Chane
Goldenberg-Shpigl-Gorvits, Sonye 246
Goldfarb, Moisey Borisovits 134, 223, 355, 355 (photo)
Goldgart, Menachem 61, 62 (photo)
Goldman, Mrs. D. 442 (photo)
Goldring, Meir (1886–1942) 52, 53, 59, 63, 64, 83, 84, 105, 108 (photo), 109, 110 (photo), 135, 140, 145, 148, 149 (photo), 152, 306 (photo), 356, 356 (photo)
Goldsher, M. 106
Goldshteyn (attorney) 177
Goltsman 259
Gordon 442 (photo)
Gordon, I. L. 172, 200
Gordon, Moshe 141
Goren, Azriel 65. As Gorengut, Azriel, 52, 65, 70, 108 (photo), 115, 117, 137
Goren, B. Bibliography
Gorengut (family) 118
Gorengut, Azriel 52, 65, 70, 108 (photo), 115, 117, 137. As Goren, Azriel, 65
Gorinfeld, M. 101
Gorinshteyn, Azriel 100, 101, 202
Gorky, Maxim 154
Gornfeld, Malie 304 (photo)
Gornfeld, Rivke 392
Gornfeld, Volf 355, 355 (photo)
Gorvits, Sonye. See Goldenberg-Shpigl-Gorvits, Sonye
Gotlover, Avraham Ber 35, 71
Grabe, Shprintse di (the Fat) 159
Gravski, Vladislav 94, 215
Greben, Rivke (née Shumski) 210
Green, Max S2
Grinberg, Chayim 93, 110 (photo), 123
Grinberg, Yisrael 100, 101, 102
Grinberg, Yonye 238, 247, 268, 270
Grinboym, Yitschak 151, 196
Grinshpun, Tonye 128
Groyzenberg (Dr.) 235
Gurevits (flour mill owner) 260
Gurevits, Dani 104
Gurevits, Manye 122
Gurvits, Liora 226
Gutele (niece of Tovye Troshinski) 131
Guterman, Mrs. 442 (photo)
Guthelf, Y. 127
Gutman, Yeshayahu 35
Guz, Ester 392
H   return
Haberman, Philip S2
Ha-Kohen, R' Yitschak (son of R' Duvid Shapira). See Shapira, R' Yitschak
Halprin, Rabbi Mordekhay (rabbi of Kremenets) 29
Halprin, Yisrael 29
Hamershteyn 244, 245
Handelman, Yosef 143
Handelrafel, R' Shimon 210
Hanover, R' Natan Neta 17, 19, 28
Hatskele 87
Hautefeuille 192
Heftman, Yosef 189
Heler, Rabbi Yitschak (rabbi of Kremenets; from Krilovits/Kurilovits) 57, 58, 89, 159, 180, 210
Heler, Rabbi Yom Tov Lipman 15, 16, note 38, note 39
Hershele (nephew of Tovye Troshinski) 131
Hertsberg, A. 442 (photo)
Heylprin (family) 229
Heylprin, Shprintse (1871–1952, wife of Yehoshue Rokhel) 210, 229-230, 230 (photo)
Heynikh dem Shochet's (ritual slaughterer's son) 159
Hinde di Groyse 403
Hinde di Kleyne 403
Hindes (pharmacist) 258
Hindes, Arye 306 (photo)
Hindes, Ayzik 105
Hindes, Moshe-Maksimilian 194
Hindes, Dr. Tovye (1852–1920) 36, 49, 152, 192, 193-195, 193 (photo), 198, 214
Hipsh, Moshe 159, 183, 402
Hirsh Aba (son of Chave) 170
Hirsh Itsik (hymn singer) 159
Hirsh Itsik (teacher) 90
Hirsh Klezmer 403
Hirsh Leyb Pipik (bellybutton) 159, 182-183
Hirsh Mendil 159
Hirsh Mendil Amalek 159
Hirshbein, Perets 98
Hirshfeld, Hirsh 35
Hirshhorn 152, 153
Hofman, Ayzik (Zunya) 66, 127, 129 (photo), 143, 200, 205, 268
Hofman, R' Ben-Tsion 200, 200 (photo)
Hokhberg, Gitil 392
Hokhberg, Leon 92
Hokhgelernter, Chanokh 57 (photo)
Hokhgelernter, R' Leybe/Leybe'le (ritual slaughterer) 88, 181
Hokhgelernter, R' Mendile (ritual slaughterer) 181
Holander (Mrs.; teacher) 140
Holander, Rozhke 188
Holtsman, P. 105
Horovits (Rabbi; Israel) 220
Horovits, Chane 127. See also Goldenberg-Horovits, Chane; Horovits-Goldenberg, Chane
Horovits, R' Meshulam Fayvish HaLevi 30, note 114
Horovits, Miryam (Manya) 143, 144
Horovits, R' Yeshayahu 17
Horovits-Goldenberg, Chane 142. As Goldenberg-Horovits, Chane, 149 (photo). See also Horovits, Chane
I   return
Ikar, Avraham 58
Isarel, Shlome note 39
Isarel, Rabbi Yisrael note 39
Ite (Youth Guard member) 129 (photo)
J   return
Jagiello (Polish king) 10
Jon 235
Jurkiewicz, Michael 40, 41, 42. As Yorkevits, Mikhael, 42
K   return
K., Chayim 186-187
K. L. 158, 208
K. R. 366
Kadushke, Pesach (barrelmaker/water carrier) 159
Kadushke, R' Pinchas 183
Kagan, Asher (Buzek) 102
Kagan, Moshe ii, 274
Kagan, Netanel 97, 416, 438
Kagarlitski, Sofye (wife of Kohen) 259, 261, 262
Kahana, Asher 106
Kahaner, Shmuel 208
Kalman di Mame (Mommy) 159
Kaminski, Stanislav 37
Kaner, Niusye 259, 260, 261
Kaner, Shmuel 259
Kaplan, Sioma 171
Kaplan, Tova Teper See Teper, Tova/Tovye; Teper Kaplan, Tova/Tovye
Kapuza, Moshe 83. As Kapuzer, Moshe, 91, 105
Kapuzer 304 (photo)
Kapuzer (family) 88
Kapuzer, Moshe) 92, 105. As Kapuza, Moshe, 83
Kapuzer, Shayke 124
Karash, Yameon Chayim 108 (photo)
Kariti (son of Preacher Berker) 59
Karsh, Mendil 138 (photo), 364
Karsh (Moliar), Shimon Chayim 363
Karshun, Moshe 206
Karshun, Vitye (wife of Moshe Frenkel) 206
Kasimir the Great 9
Katerburger, Shlome (from Katerburg) 159
Katraborski, A. T. 106
Katsizne, Alter 2, 169, 178
Katsner, A. 138 (photo), 140
Katz (family) 88
Katz, Barnet S2
Katz, Dr. Ben-Tsion 138, 201, 238, 268, 270
Katz, Meir 201
Katz, R' Meshulam Zev HaKohen (Maze ben Maze; 1850–1908), 59, 138, 200-201, 205, 268
Katz, Mikhel 201
Katz, Mordekhay Zalman HaKohen 200, 201
Katz, Moshe 200
Katz, Munye 82, 100, 102, 103, 104, 144
Katz, Pesi 392
Katz, Yeshayahu 57 (photo)
Katz, Yitschak 110 (photo)
Kenif, Yehuda 137, 138 (photo)
Kerensky, Aleksander 63, 65
Keselman, Yehoshue (Siunye/Sunye) 127, 129 (photo), 188, 228, 228 (photo)
Kesler, Chanokh 57 (photo)
Kesler, Henaf 400, 442 (photo)
Keytelmakher 103, 193
Kiselhof, Kompozitor 369 (photo)
Kit, Rachel 136
Kitay (family) 90
Klezmer, Hirsh 403
Kliger, R' Dov (ritual slaughterer) 181
Kligman, Zev 182
Klorfayn, Aminadav 206, 207
Klorfayn, Duvid 100, 101, 206
Klorfayn, R' Getsi (1872–1942) 49, 59, 83, 100, 108, 108 (photo), 110 (photo), 199, 206 (photo), 206-207. As Klorfin, Getsi, 109
Klorfayn, Leye (wife of Limonchik) 206, 207
Klorfayn, Shulamit 206
Klorfin, R' Getsi 109. As Klorfayn, R' Getsi, 49, 59, 83, 100, 108, 108 (photo), 110 (photo), 199, 206 (photo), 206-207
Kobecki, Francisci 41. As Kuvetski, Frantsiskus, 42
Kochan, Wasgh 41. As Kukhen, Vasek, 42
Kohen, Efraim 193
Kohen, Sofye (née Kagarlitski) 259, 261, 262
Koka-Otiker, Rachel 143. As Otiker, Rachel (Koka), 143
Komervits 108
Kopelvits, Yehuda 118
Kopeyka 252, 260
Koriatovich, Aleksander (Lithuanian prince) 9
Korn, Kopel 143
Kornits, Ayzik 135
Kornits, Binyamin 265, 266
Kornits, Motye 63, 134, 401
Kornman, Yosef 108 (photo)
Kot, Henrik 259, 262
Kot, Yakov 259, 261, 262
Kotitshiner, Itsi 116
Koussevitsky 87
Koval, Golde 249
Koval, Shlome 249, 405
Koval (Ukrainian socialist) 64
Kovalenko 67
Koyfman, Yehuda 447
Koyler, Mikhal 228
Koyler, Shmuel 227-228
Krants, R' Yakov (magid of Dubna) 43
Kremen, Peysi 270
Kremenchugski, Moshe. See Kremenchutski, Moshe; Krementsutski, Moshe
Kremenchutski, Dov 106, 110 (photo)
Kremenchutski, Moshe 129 (photo), 228. As Krementsutski, Moshe, 127
Kremenetser, Rabbi Meir 20, 28
Kremenetser, Rabbi Yochanen (Markish Fridland) 20
Kremenetski (family) 201
Kremenetski, Azriel 84, 105. As Kremenitski, Azriel, 306 (photo)
Kremenetski, Sofie 52, 105
Kremenetski, Y. 174
Kremenitski, Azriel 306 (photo). As Kremenetski, Azriel, 84, 105
Krementsutski, Moshe 127. As Kremenchutski, Moshe, 129 (photo), 228
Krilenko (lieutenant) 51, 176
Krilovits, Rabbi from; Krilovitser Rabbi. See Heler, Rabbi Yitschak
Krivin 96 (photo)
Krivin, Dina/Dine 115, 118, 119
Krivin, Dvore 392
Krivin, L. 83
Krivonos, Maksim 17, 18, 37
Krochmal, R' Nachman (RN”K) 73, 80
Kroyt 145
Kroyt, Yosef 101, 304 (photo)
Krozman 63
Kucher, Chaike 143
Kucher, Pole 143
Kucher, Yonatan 92, 179. As Kutsher, Yonatan, 110 (photo)
Kukhen, Vasek 42. As Kochan, Wasgh, 41
Kunin (government-appointed rabbi) 203
Kurilovits, rabbi from. See Heler, Rabbi Yitschak
Kustriuva (mayor) 86
Kuter, Berl 103, 104
Kutsher, Yonatan 91, 179. As Kucher, Yonatan, 110 (photo)
Kuvetski, Frantsiskus 42. As Kobecki, Francisci, 41
Kvitel 223
L   return
Lamfel, Chayim Leyzer 85
Landa, Chaike 392
Landa, R' Yechezkel 30
Landau, Dr. 99
Landesberg, Binyamin 108 (photo). As Landsberg, Dr. Binyamin, 49, 52, 53, 55, 59, 61, 62 (photo), 64, 65, 67, 104, 105, 109, 135, 137, 138 (photo), 140, 148, 149 (photo), 151, 152, 177, 195 (photo), 195-197, 199, 238, 252, 258, 268
Landisberg 442 (photo)
Landoy 256
Landsberg (alcoholic beverage leaseholder) 31, 33
Landsberg (brothers) 95
Landsberg (family) 35, 90, 195 (photo)
Landsberg, Avraham 129 (photo)
Landsberg, Dr. Arye 61, 89, 90, 110 (photo), 151, 152, 195, 359
Landsberg, Dr. Binyamin (Bozye; 1890–1942) 49, 52, 53, 55, 59, 61, 62 (photo), 64, 65, 67, 104, 105, 109, 135, 137, 138 (photo), 140, 148, 149 (photo), 151, 152, 177, 195 (photo), 195-197, 199, 238, 252, 258, 268. As Landesberg, Binyamin, 108 (photo)
Landsberg, Duvid Ayzik note 119
Landsberg, Sonye (née Poltorek/Paltorak) 129 (photo), 152. As Landsberg-Poltorek, Sonye, 62; as Paltorak, Sonye, 238
Landsberg, Vove 259, 262
Landsberg, Yisrael 105, 306 (photo)
Landsberg, Dr. Yosef 97, 257
Landsberg-Poltorek, Sonye (née Poltorek/Paltorak) 62. As Landsberg, Sonye, 129 (photo), 152; as Paltorak, Sonye, 238
Lastsuver (family) 88
Laybel-Rubinshteyn, Ester 392
Lazar, Dr. Duvid 219
Leder, Mendil 251
Leder, Rachel Feyge (wife of Nachman Teper) 251
Lederer (Mr.) 194
Lemberg, Bunim 305 (photo)
Lemberg, Pinchas 305 (photo)
Lemberg, Stisi 392
Lep'ki (robber) 159
Lerner, R' Mordekhay'le 181
Lerner, P. Bibliography
Lerner, Yisrael/Yisrael'ikl (judge of Kremenets) 83, 92, 181
Leviatin (dentist) 255
Levin, R' Yehuda 71
Levinson, Avraham 52, 151, 196
Levinson, Rabbi Yitschak Ber (RYB"L) 152, 154-155, 171. As Levinzon, Rabbi Yitschak Ber, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 47-49, 50, 71-81,203, 213, 275, 284-299
Levinzon, Rabbi Yitschak Ber (RYB”L) 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 47-49, 50, 71-81, 203, 213, 275, 284-299. As Levinson, Rabbi Yitschak Ber, 152, 154-155, 171
Leviton, Arye 83
Leviton, Duvid 83, 105, 110 (photo)
Levitski, Batko (Aba) 194
Leyb/Leybenov Atiets (priest) 159, 404
Leyb Rochele 182
Leyb Shochet (ritual slaughterer) 159
Leyb (father of R' Fishil) 26
Leyb (son of Leyb) 27
Leyb, R' (son of Menashe) 26
Leybchi (butcher or ritual slaughterer) 91
Leybele (ritual slaughterer, Hokhgelernter's son-in-law) 249
Leybish fun unter der Bad (from below the bathhouse) 159
Leyzer, R'(son of Moshe of Kremenets) 26
Leyzer funem Dielavay Davar (from Business Matter Court) 159
Leyzerovits 42. As Leyzerowicz, 40
Leyzerowicz 40. As Leyzerovits, 42
Liakh, Boris 201-202
Liberman, Tsvi 118
Lichtblau, Albert Bibliography
Lifshits, Rabbi Nachman (Rapaport, Rabbi Nachman; head of the rabbinical court of Kremenets) 28
Lilienblum, M. L. note 149
Limonchik-Klorfayn, Leye (née Klorfayn) 206, 207
Lipin 237
Lis (family) 210
Lis, Moshe 208
Lisi, Aba 84
Littman, Max S2-2, S2-13
Litvak, Feyge 392
Litvak, Katye 115
Litvak, Dr. Meir 49, 50, 52, 55, 105, 108 (photo), 109, 110 (photo), 115, 148, 152, 306 (photo), 360, 360 (photo), 361 (photo
Litvak, Pesach 115, 116, 117, 136, 305 (photo)
Liubart (Lithuanian prince) 9
Liva, Rabbi Betsalel (brother of MHR”L of Prague) 15
Liva, Rabbi Shimshon (head of the rabbinical court of Kremenets) 15
Liva, Rabbi Yehuda (MHR”L of Prague) 15
Loktsher, Henye 109
Luria, Rabbi Shlome (MHRSh”L) 15
Luria, Ts. 127
Luria, Rabbi Yitschak (ARI) 28
M   return
M. M. 185-186, 187
Malakh, Rabbi Avraham 270, note 114
Maler, Moshe Leyb 179
Maler, Rabbi Yitschak 179
Malke di Lange 404
Mandel, Dr. 238, 239
Mandelblat, Munye 129 (photo)
Mandelblit, Pesach 102, 104
Mandelker 101
Mandelkorn, Pesi 392
Mandelshtam 194
Manusovits (family) 170
Manusovits, Asher 135
Mapu, Avraham 190, 199
Marder, Rabbi Shraga-Arye 363
Margalit, Avraham (Avrasha) 127, 228, 228 (photo)
Margalit, Lipa 203
Margalit, Menachem Mendil 26, 27
Margalit, Rabbi Moshe 26, 27
Margalit, Moshe'ki 104, 226, 304 (photo). As Margolis, Moshe'ki, 100, 102
Margalit, Yisrael (Izrail Filipovich; 1865–1942) 55, 56, 83, 84, 106, 135, 136, 145, 203, 211, 299
Margolis, Moshe'ki 100, 102. As Margalit, Moshe'ki, 104, 226
Margolis, Nachman 177, 178, 199
Matler, Shlome 106
Mayakovsky 207
Maystelman, A. 83, 84
Mayzel, Chane 118
Meckler, Michael S2
Meir, R' (MHR”M; Lublin) 15
Meir, R' (Premisla) 34
Meir, R' (Shebreshin) 18, 19, note 50
Meler 249
Menashe Shuster (shoemaker) 159
Menashe (father of R' Leyb) 26
Mendelssohn, Moses 35
Mendil funem Mark (from the market) 159
Mendile 170
Mendilzon the Vohliner 154
Mendiuk, Rabbi Mordekhay (rabbi of Kremenets) 83, 105, 180
Merkil, Officer. See Mikhel, R', of Kremenets
Meshulam (father of Yehoshue [Shaye Shilem's]) 158
MHR”L. See Liva, Yehuda  
MHR”M. See Meir of Lublin  
MHRSh”A. See Eydels, Shmuel  
MHRSh”L. See Luria, Shlome  
Midenski, Avraham Levit 211
Midenski, Nadia (wife of Mikhael Shumski) 211, 392
Mikhel, R' (of Kremenets) 26
Miler 237, 239, 240, 241, 245, 252, 255
Milman, Moshe 238
Milshteyn 248
Milshteyn, Grishe 135
Mints 442 (photo)
Mishne, Rabbi Mordekhay (Mordekhay'le; rabbi of Kremenets) 34, 35, 37, 38, 91, 179, note 134, note 135
Mishne, Rabbi Zev (Velvele; rabbi and judge of Kremenets) 56, 57, 159, 179, 210
Mittleman, Nathan S2
Modrik, Moshe 102
Moliar (Karsh), Shimon Chayim 363
Mond, Alfred 117
Mordekhay, R' (of Kremenets; son of R' Yechiel Mikhel) 34
Mordekhay der Damske Shnayder (ladies' tailor) 159
Mordekhay Stolyer (carpenter) 159
Mordekhay'le, Rabbi (Shumsk) 181
Mordekhay'le (Grand Rabbi of Kremenets) 37, 91, note 135
Morjik, Sh. 105
Moshe (father of Eli) 27
Moshe, R' (father of R' Yosef) 16
Moshe, R' (Kotsi) 16
Moshe (of Kremenets, father of Leyzer) 26
Moshe (son of Shmuel) note 39
Moshe (Ternopol; son of Yechiel Mikhel) note 134
Moshe Chaye-Temis (husband of Chaye-Teme) 158
Moshe Chayim (cantor and matchmaker) 88, 159
Moshe dem Rav's (rabbi's son-in-law) 159
Moshe der Agent (agent) 159
Moshe Lanevitser (from Lanevits) 159
Moshe Shalom/Shlome, Rabbi (father of R' Aharon Shmuel) 17, note 44
Moshe Tate (Daddy) 159, 403
Moshe Velis (son of Velye) 158
Moshke'le, ”Rabbi” See Yunger Leyb, “Rabbi” Moshke'le
Motel Moshe Velis (Mordekhay, son of Moshe son of Velye) 158
Motolinski, Sam S2
Motye Chaves 158
Mstislav the Brave (prince) 9
Muchnik, R' Shmuel Leyb 179
Murdish, A. Bibliography
N   return
Nachman Chazan (cantor) 159
Nachman Zeygermakher (watchmaker) 159
Nachum, R' (Chernobil) 34
Nadir, Rachel Bibliography. As Nadir-Otiker, Rachel, Bibliography; as Otiker-Nadir, Rachel, 187
Nadir-Otiker, Rachel Bibliography. As Nadir, Rachel, Bibliography; as Otiker-Nadir, Rachel, 187
Naftali, R' (father of R' Yehuda; rabbi of Kremenets) 15
Naral, Rabbi Moshe 20, note 56
Naral, Tovye (the Doctor) note 56
Naral, Rabbi Yisrael Kohen note 56
Nehorai, R' 77
Nikolas (czar) 166
Nikolas I (czar) 48, 75, 81, 156
Nishvits, Rabbi from 91, 92
Niunile (niece of Tovye Troshinski) 131
Nivirovits, Nikolay 136
Nordow, Max 187
Nudel 260
Nusboym, Dr. Henrik 194
Nutin 239
O   return
Okun 57 (photo)
Olshnitski 96
Opshteyn, Rabbi Eliyahu Zev 192, note 149
Opshteyn, Yechezkel 97, 102, 104, 105,106
Orinovski (Ben-Or), A. 71
Otiker, Mordekhay i, 184, 227, 274. As Ot-iker, Mordekhay, Bibliography
Otiker, Rachel (Koka) 129 (photo). As Koka-Otiker, Rachel, 143
Otiker, Rachel (wife of Arye Feldman) 129 (photo), 148, 187, 205. As Otiker-Feldman, Rachel, 143
Otiker, Rivke 213
Otiker, Yisrael 112, 123, 138 (photo), 140, 143, 146, 149 (photo), 203, 204, 207, 269, 301
Otiker, Yosef 269, 269 (photo)
Ot-iker, Mordekhay Bibliography. As Otiker, Mordekhay, ii, 184, 227, 274
Otiker-Feldman, Rachel (wife of Arye Feldman) 143. As Otiker, Rachel,129 (photo), 148, 187, 205
Otiker-Nadir, Rachel 187. As Nadir, Rachel, Bibliography; as Nadir-Otiker, Rachel, Bibliography
Ovadies, Chayim 105, 253, 254, 306 (photo). As Ovadis, Chayim, 93, 124, 145, 357
Ovadies, Izye 253, 254. As Ovadis, Ize, 103
Ovadis (engineer) 237
Ovadis, Chayim 93, 124, 145, 357. As Ovadies, Chayim, 105, 253, 254, 306 (photo)
Ovadis, Ize 103. As Ovadies, Izye, 253, 254
Ovadis, N. 101
Ozer, Rabbi (father of Yitschak) 20, 26
P   return
P. S. (neighbor) 232
Paltarek, Yitschak 306 (photo). As Poltorek, Yitschak, 61; as Paltorak, Yitschak, 238
Paltorak, Sonye (wife of Binyamin Landsberg) 238. As Landsberg, Sonye, 129 (photo), 152; as Landsberg-Poltorek, Sonye, 62
Paltorak, Yitschak 238. As Paltarek, Yitschak, 306 (photo); as Poltorek, Yitschak, 61
Papayuck, Stephanus 41. As Papayuk, Stefan, 42
Papayuk, Stefan 42. As Papayuck, Stephanus, 41
Patin, Dvore (née Shumski) 210
Pavlovits, Yohanes 42. As Paw³owicz, Joannes, 40, 41
Paw³owicz, Joannes 40, 41. As Pavlovits, Yohanes, 42
Pell, Joseph S2-1, S2-2, S2-4, S2-7
Perel ? 129 (photo)
Perel, Anyute 187
Peretz, I. L. 98
Perl, Yosef 34, 44, 45, 73
Perl Tsikarie 405
Perlmuter (cloth merchant) 96
Perlmuter, Avigdor (Zeydi; 1876–1942) 53, 83, 84, 105, 109, 110 (photo), 140, 180, 201, 205, 306 (photo)
Perlmuter, Fishel 145, 306 (photo), 356
Perlmuter, Sonye 61, 62 (photo)
Perlmuter, Zeydi. See Perlmuter, Avigdor
Pesach Kadushke (barrelmaker/water carrier) 159
Pesye di Milkhike (dairywoman) 158
Peter (head of Chmielnitski's Brigade) 37
Petliura, Simon 60, 64, 65, 91, 173, 207, 219, 231
Petrikov, Rabbi from; Petrikover Rabbi. See Senderovits, Rabbi Yakov Chayim
Petroz (Deputy; Israel) 225
Peyke, Shalom 403
Pilsudski, Josef (Polish general) 94
Pinchas, R' (of Kremenets, father of Rabbi Yakov [Pinchov]) note 56
Pinchuk, Meir 68, 127, 129 (photo). As Pintshuk, Meir, 188
Pines, Dr. Arye Leyb 36, 49, 192
Pines, R' Yechiel Mikhel 36, 192
Pinsker, L. note 149
Pintsberg, Bela 101
Pintshuk, Meir 188. As Pinchuk, Meir, 68, 127, 129 (photo)
Piotrkov, Rabbi from. See Senderovits, Yakov Chayim
Piotrovski, Yakov 42. As Piotrowski, Jacobi, 41
Piotrowski, Jacobi 41. As Piotrovski, Yakov, 42
Pipik, Hirsh Leyb (bellybutton) 159, 182-183
Pokrovski (judge) 65, 211
Polonski, Dr. 254
Poltorak, Sheyndil 392
Poltorek, Shlome 115
Poltorek, Sonye (wife of Binyamin Landsberg) As Landsberg, Sonye, 129 (photo), 152; as Landsberg-Poltorek, Sonye, 62; as Paltorak, Sonye, 238
Poltorek, Yitschak 61. As Paltarek, Yitschak 306 (photo); as Paltorak, Yitschak, 238
Port, M. 101
Port-Noy, Y. 97
Potive 235
Poyzner, M. 392
Pozner 258
Pozner, Shmuel 143
Prilutski, Nachman 49
Prilutski, Noach 35, 37, 49, 151, 152, 153
Prilutski, Tsvi (1862–1942) 36, 37, 49, 189-192, 189 (photo), 198, 353, note 149, note 150
Pundik, Beyle 392
Pundik, Matityahu 143
R   return
Rabin, Chayim Bibliography
Rabin, H. Bibliography
Rabinovits, M. 105
Rabinovits, Y. 101
Rachel (poet) 207
Rachel fun di Gendz (goose seller) 159, 404
Rachenberg, Arye 108 (photo)
Rachiner (sisters) 258. See also Ratshiner
Radzinovits-Aksel, Sonye 212
Rambam. See ben Maimon, Rabbi Moshe
Rapaport, Rabbi Avraham (Lvov) 16
Rapaport, Chaye 442 (photo), 446
Rapaport, Duvid Bibliography
Rapaport, Meir Katz 28
Rapaport, Rabbi Nachman (aka Lifshits, Rabbi Nachman; head of the rabbinical court of Kremenets) 28
Rapaport, Shlome Yehuda (ShY”R) 73
Rapaport, Rabbi Yechiel Yitschak 180, 181 366, 366 (photo)
Rapaport, Rabbi Yisrael Yechiel 16
Rashi (Rabbi Shlome Yitschak) 132, 133, 182
Rasner, Chayim 151
Ratsenfeld 82
Ratshiner (family) 260. See also Rachiner
Ratshiner (ORT activist) 145. See also Rachiner
Raykhman, Sime 115, 305 (photo)
Raykhman, Yakov 115, 118
Raykis (family) 48
Rayts, Pesi 392
Rayz, Avraham 86
Reitzes, Harry S2
Resnik, Eliyahu 235. As Reznik, Eliyahu,110 (photo)
Reyveski (mayor) 84
Reyze the Whiner 158
Reznik, Eliyahu 110 (photo). As Resnik, Eliyahu, 235
Reznik, Moshe'ke 104
Riftin, Y. 127
Rish, Shonye 100, 101, 104
Rishnivker, Shmerel 110 (photo)
RN”K. See Krochmal, R' Nachman  
Rochele, Leyb 182
Rokeach, Naftali Hirts 34
Rokeach, Rabbi Tsvi 34
Rokhel (family) 219, 235
Rokhel, Avraham 115, 208, 220
Rokhel, Chanokh 70, 115, 116, 117, 118, 137, 305 (photo)
Rokhel, Duvid 210. As Roykhel, Duvid, 376
Rokhel, Moshe 56, 95, 208, 210, 252
Rokhel, Shprintse (1871–1952, née Heylprin) 210, 229-230, 230 (photo)
Rokhel, Sore 108 (photo)
Rokhel, R' Tsvi Menachem (Hirsh Mendil; 1835–1922) 58, 91, 92, 116, 180, 208 (photo), 208-210, 229
Rokhel, Vitye 230
Rokhel, Yehoshue 208, 209, 210, 230
Rokhel, Yitschak i, ii, 54, 57 (photo), 115, 116, 117, 118, 197, 210, 214, 251, 274, Bibliography
Rokhel, Yosef 219-222. As Avidar, Yosef, 69, 219 (photo), 219-222; as Avidar-Rokhel, Yosef, 219; as Rokhel-Avidar, Yosef, 222
Rokhel-Avidar, Yosef 222. As Avidar, Yosef, 69, 219 (photo), 219-222; as Avidar-Rokhel, Yosef, 219; as Rokhel, Yosef, 219-222
Rom, Dov 106
Rotenberg, Pinchas 206
Roykhel, Duvid 376. As Rokhel, Duvid, 210
Royt, Moshe 208
Roytman, Yakov (Yoshke Ponimayesh) 159, 369 (photo)
Royv, Berl 90
Rozenberg, Aharon (Arke) 109
Rozenberg, Chayim 84
Rozenblit (family) 171
Rozenblit, Fayvish 96 (photo), 416
Rozenblit, Leye (wife of Fayvish Rozenblit) 416
Rozenblit, Lusye-Male (wife of Yitschak Shvarts) 416
Rozenfeld, Avraham (Avrashe) 100, 101, 127
Rozenfeld, Ite 392
Rozenhek 141
Rozental 232
Rozental, Aleksander 57 (photo), 148, 149 (photo), 213
Rozental, Leyb (Leybke) 52, 76, 135, 148, 149 (photo), 388
Rozental, Yehudit 148
Rozin (architect) 145
Rozin, Fred 83
Rubin, R' Duvid 207
Rubin, Hadasah 148, 207, 323, 398
Rubinshteyn, Ester. See Laybel-Rubinshteyn, Ester
Ruzhinski, Jan-Casimir Mesirchkov 37, 40
RYB”L. See Levinson, Yitschak Ber, Levinzon, Yitschak Ber
S   return
Safonov, Timofey Alekseyevits 135, 235
Salmovitsh, Izidor 442 (photo)
Sambar, R' Shlome (Shlome Alinkis) 58, 179
Sambirer, M. 363
Sambirer, Yente 392
Samsons, Meir. See Bernshteyn, Meir  
Sander, Mrs. 442 (photo)
Sangoszko (prince) 25
Schnaiur 207
Schulze-Delitzsch 192
Segal, Rabbi Duvid Leyb (rabbi and judge of Kremenets, son-in-law of R' Velvele Mishne) 56, 57, 159, 179
Segal, Konya 63
Segal, Nisye 102
Semchenko, Seve 37
Senderovich, Beyle 143
Senderovich, Rachel 143
Senderovits, Rabbi Damta (rabbi of Kremenets) 133
Senderovits, Rabbi Yakov Chayim (rabbi from Petrikov/Piotrkov; rabbi of Kremenets) 57, 159, 180, 180 (photo), 210, 225
Shabtay, Rabbi Avraham Ozer (rabbi of Kremenets/Pochayev) 179
Shafir, Yakov 52, 59, 108 (photo), 132, 137, 140, 148
Shantzes (Sheintzes), Max S2
Shapira, Rabbi Duvid 15
Shapira, Rabbi Yitschak Ha-Kohen 15
Shats, Yakov 130
Shaul, Rabbi (Ludmir) 27
Shaye Shilem's (Yehoshue, son of R' Meshulam) 158
Shaykovski (Shpigl), Tovye 166-168
Shchopak 260
Shenhavi, M. 127
Shepetin, Mali 392
Shepsel, Sender 167
Sherman (cantor) 87
Sheybal, Stanislaw S1
Sheynberg, Peli 392
Sheynberg, Dr. Zalman 83, 84, 97, 105, 109, 138 (photo), 140, 212 (photo), 212-213, 306 (photo)
Shifris 127
Shimon Chayim (builder and whitewasher) 159
Shimon Melamed (teacher) 159
Shimshek 252, 254
Shimshon, R' (Ostropol) note 103
Shimshon, Rabbi (Brisk) 17
Shklovin (teacher) 134, 135
Shklovin, Sheyne (wife of B. Shnayder) 237
Shklovin (Shklovina), Dr. 248, 254
Shkurnik, R' Itsi 89
Shkurnik, Polye 135
Shlome (glassblower; father of Golde) 234
Shlome, R' (ritual slaughterer) 181
Shlome Beker (baker) 159
Shlome Katerburger (from Katerburg) 159
Shlome'le Avraham Leyb's (R' Shlome Ditun) 179
Shmeruk, Ch. 7, 9, 281
Shmuel (“the Big”), Rabbi 132, 133
Shmuel (rabbi or head of a study hall; 16th century) 15
Shmuel (“the Small”), Rabbi 132, 133
Shmuel Eliezer, R', son of R' Yehuda 16
Shmuel Oks (bull) 159
Shmuel, father of Moshe and Yitschak note 39
Shmuel, R' (Ludmir) 29
Shmuel, R' (Ostra; son of Rabbi Arye Leyb, rabbi of Kremenets) 29
Shmuel, R' (Pinchov; father of Rabbi Arye Leyb, rabbi of Kremenets) 29, note 88, note 108
Shmuel, Rabbi (rabbi of Kremenets; son of Efraim of Ludmir) 26
Shmuelik 227
Shnayder (soccer player) 101
Shnayder (student) 173
Shnayder, B. 237
Shnayder, Chayim Gershon 159, 227, 401
Shnayder, Mordekhay 402
Shnayder, Moshe 95, 97, 135, 139, 140, 380
Shnayder, Nasi 304 (photo)
Shnayder, Tsivye 392
Shnayder, Volf 288
Shniftman, Bunya 182
Shochet, Arye 122
Shochet, Leyb (ritual slaughterer) 159
Shochet, Yisrael 118
Shpal, Aharon Shimon 59, 108 (photo), 137
Shpigl, Ch. 138 (photo)
Shpigl, Sonye. See Goldenberg-Shpigl-Gorvits, Sonye
Shpigl (Shaykovski), Tovye 166, 167, 168
Shprintsak, Yosef 65
Shprintse di Grabe (the Fat) 159
Shprintse di Groyse (the Tall) 159
Shrayer, Leyb 266
Shrayer, Yakov (Yantsi) 254
Shtern, Eliyahu 306 (photo)
Shtern, Neta 96, 148, 149 (photo)
Shtern, Niunye 93
Shteynberg, Rivke 392
Shteyner, Ayzik 102
Shtivelman, Avraham 106
Shtulberg, Feyge 392
Shukhman, Duvid 269
Shuman (head of the gendarmes) 239
Shumski, Duvid 135, 210
Shumski, Dvore (wife of Patin) 210
Shumski, Freyde/Fride; Madame Borisovna; wife of Duvid Shumski) 210, 211
Shumski, Leyb 210
Shumski, Mikhael (Mikhail Duvidovich; 1857–1928) 55, 56, 63, 84, 135, 136, 210 (photo), 210-212, 306 (photo)
Shumski, Nadia (née Midenski) 211, 392
Shumski, Rivke (wife of Greben) 210
Shumski, Yitschak 210
Shumski, Zev (Willie) 84, 92, 161, 203, 211, 212
Shuster, Yidl 401
Shvarts, Betsalel 8, 234, 268, 416
Shvarts, Lusye-Male (née Rozenblit) 416
Shvarts, Miryam-Etil 416, 417 (photo)
Shvarts, Rachel (wife of Simche Shvarts) 416
Shvarts, Simche 416
Shvarts, Tody 174
Shvarts, Yisrael 416
Shvarts, Yitschak 416
Shvartsblat, Duvid 106
Shvartsman, Volodye 135
ShY”R. See Rapaport, Shlome Yehuda  
Sigal, Louis 442 (photo)
Sigismund I (prince) 10, 12
Sigismund August II 11, 14
Silberman, Benjamin, S2-1, S2-4, S2-5, S2-12
Simche Ayzik, R' 182
Sirayski (teacher). 51, 137, 172
Skolski, Sh. Bibliography
Skoropadski 63, 219
Slovatski, Yuliush (poet) 156, 208, 231
Smolenskin 199
Sobol, Y. Bibliography
Sofer, Nolik 100, 101
Sokolov 194
Sokolov, Nachum 147
Sore (of Kremenets; 16th century) 13
Sorochinski, Galina 253, 262-263, S3
Stein, Avraham Samuel i, 8, 274, Bibliography
Strumchinski 86
Strumiñski, Jerzy S1
Sturozh, M. 63
Suchodolg, Chayim 306 (photo)
Sudak, Rosye 129 (photo)
Sugan, Moshe 86
Suravski, Moshe 393
Svidrigaillo (prince) 10, note 5
T   return
Tabak, Dr. 254
Tarnevski (prince) 209
Taytelman, Aba 105, 140
Taytelman, Shmuel iii, Bibliography. As Titelman, Shmuel, 130, Bibliography
Taytsher, Chayim 100, 103
Taytsher, Y. 106
Tchernichowsky 207
Temerils, Rabbi Eliezer (Vermaysa; father of Rabbi Yakov Temerils) 28
Temerils, Rabbi Yakov (rabbi of Kremenets; son of Eliezer of Vermaysa) 28
Teper (family) 258, 263 (photo)
Teper, Chane 251
Teper, Efraim 129 (photo)
Teper, Fishil 251
Teper, Lube 251
Teper, Moshe 258
Teper, Nachman 251
Teper, Rachel Feyge (née Leder) 251
Teper, Sheyndil 251, 252, 260
Teper, Tova/Toyve (wife of Kaplan) 8, 251, 268, 259, 392
Teper-Kaplan, Tova/Toyve (née Teper) 8, 251, 268, 259, 392
Teresova, Aleksandra 259, 261, 262, 263
Timiryaziv (Minister of Trade) 211
Titelman, Shmuel 130, Bibliography. As Taytelman, Shmuel, iii, Bibliography
Tolstoy, Graf D. A. 71
Trakhtenberg, Avrashe 102, 127
Trakhtenberg, Moshe 145
Tripals, Vasili 37
Troshinski, Chane (wife of Yakov Barshap) 131
Troshinski, Chaye (wife of Shlome Tsipes) 131
Troshinski, Tovye i, 131, 143, 195, 264, 274, 340, 440
Trumpeldor, Yosef 113, 118, 215, 220, 222
Ts. R. 446
Tsayts 84
Tsederboym, Aleksander 36, note 119
Tseytag, Pinchas 256, 259, 263
Tsigel 252
Tsiger 244, 245
Tsikarie, Perl 405
Tsiperfin 64
Tsipes, Chaye (née Troshinski) 131
Tsipes, Shlome 131
Tsitlin, Hilel 205
Tsivin, Duvid 108 (photo)
Tsizin, Yakov 115, 118, 119
Tsmokun, Yakov 96 (photo)
Tsukerman, Aba 58, 108, 109
Tsukerman (courtyard) 168 (photo of house), 176
Tsvi (father of R' Yakov Yisrael Halevi, magid) 29, 43
Tsvi Hirsh (father of Avraham) note 39
Tsvi Hirsh, R' (father of Rabbi Yehoshie Heshil) 28
Tsvik, Volf 118, 148
Turchin, Yosef 100
Tushinski, Duvid iii, 274
Tusye (neighbor) 232
Tuviyahu, Duvid 221
Tuwim, Julian 207
Tverski, Yochanen 78
U   return
Usishkin 192, 194
V   return
Vakman, Mrs. (wife of Yitschak Vakman) 218 (photo)
Vakman, Eliezer 89
Vakman, Yitschak 8, 218 (photo), 358, 364, 405, 439, 441, 442 (photo)
Vasertreger, Yankel 402
Vaynberg, Avraham Yakov 82, 96, 205, 306 (photo), 357
Vaynberg, Binyamin 100, 101
Vaynberg (German) 258
Vaynberg, Helene 450
Vaynberg, Tsipe 392
Vayner, Yakov 110 (photo), 132, 137, 138 (photo), 140, 141
Vaynshtok 145
Vaynshtok, Frume 109
Vaysbrod 260
Vayser 62 (photo)
Vaysman (factory owner) 93
Vaysman, Sh. Bibliography
Veiner, Harry 442 (photo)
Veiner, Mrs. P. 442 (photo)
Veksler, Liusye 254
Veldberg, Ronye 259
Velis, R' Moshe 58
Velshim, Eliezer note 56
Velvele, Rabbi. See Mishne, Rabbi Zev  
Verthaym, Avraham 63, 108 (photo)
Verthaym, Yente 136, 138, 305 (photo)
Vilna Gaon 75
Vinokur, Duvid 127, 129 (photo), 143
Visotski 60, 64, 70, 180
Vitels, M. 97, 177
Vitold (Vitovt; archduke) 9, 10, 13
Vitser 170, 171
Vizale 402
Vladislav IV (Polish king) 37
Voznik (military governor) 42. As Woshynik, Palatinus, 41
W   return
Weflay, Samus 23
Weinberg, Benjamin 141 (photo)
Weiner, David S2
Weintraub, Morris S2
Weitzmann, Chayim 117
Wisniowiecki, Jeremi 18
Woshynik, Palatinus (military governor) 41. As Voznik, 42
Y   return
Yafe, Rabbi Mordekhay (Ba'al haLevushim; rabbi of Kremenets) 15, 16, note 34
Yagallo (worker) 194
Yahalom, Lolik 102
Yakov (father of R' Duvid) 27
Yakov (son of Feliks) 13
Yakov, R' (of Kremenets) 16
Yakov, Rabbi (Pinchov; son of R' Pinchas of Kremenets) note 56
Yakov, Rabbi (rabbi of Kremenets; son of Rabbi Yitschak) 28
Yakov Yisrael, R' (magid of Kremenets; son of Tsvi HaLevi) 29, 43, 44, 45, note 70a
Yakovke, R' (Brod) 29
Yampol, Meir 208
Yampol, Moshe 57 (photo)
Yanait, Rachel 220
Yankel di Shof (sheep) 159
Yarotski, Yakov Vasilyevits 135, 136
Yashpe, R' Tsadok HaKohen (ritual slaughterer) 181
Yashpe 249
Yechiel Mikhel (Ternopol; father of Moshe) note 134
Yechiel Mikhel, R' (magid of Zlochev; father of R' Mordekhay of Kremenets) 34
Yehoshie Heshil, Rabbi (Lvov; son of R' Tsvi Hirsh) 28
Yehoshue, son of R' Meshulam (Shaye Shilem's) 158
Yehuda, R' (father of R' Shmuel Eliezer) 16
Yehuda, Rabbi (head of the rabbinical court of Kremenets; son of R' Naftali) 15
Yelin, Duvid 193
Yesenin 207
Yisrael, R' (cantor) 88
Yisrael Mordekhay Yosi, R' 179
Yisrael Telitse (calf) 159
Yitschak (Pozna) 12
Yitschak, R' (son of Shmuel) note 39
Yitschak, Rabbi (chief judge in Belza) 43
Yitschak, Rabbi (father of Meir Kremenetser) 20, 28
Yitschak, Rabbi (father of Rabbi Yakov) 28
Yitschak, Rabbi (son of Rabbi Ozer) 20, 26
Yitschak Ayzik (Zorovits) 45
Yoel fun der Leyveent (cloth seller) 159
Yoel Kishke (intestine) 159, 182
Yoklov, Niunye 104
Yorka (mayor) 10
Yorkevits, Mikhael 42, 40. As Jurkiewicz, Michael, 41
Yosef, A. 119, 229
Yosef (Pozna) 12
Yosef (Yosko; beadle) 15
Yosef (son of Rabbi Aharon) note 39
Yosef, Rabbi (rabbi of Kremenets; son of R' Moshe) 16
Yoshke Ponimayesh (“Understand?”) See Roytman, Yakov
Yosi Henales 158
Yosko (Yosef; beadle ) 15
Yosl funem Plats (from the plaza) 159
Yozl, R' (Lukatsh) 16
Yudovin, Fotograf-Moler 369 (photo)
Yukil, R' (ritual slaughterer; son of R' Shlome) 181
Yunger Leyb, Rabbi Aleksander Shuel 181
Yunger Leyb, “Rabbi” Moshke'le 91, 92, 159, 168, 169, 180, 181
Z   return
Zaltsman, William 140
Zamberg 62 (photo)
Zamir, Avraham 193
Zamir, Yakov 224
Zaromov, Sh. 125
Zaytsik (Mr.) 140
Zeira, Tsvi 122
Zelevski (mayor) 84
Zelig (of Yampol) 27
Zelinger, Dr. Mordekhay 138 (photo), 140
Zeltser, Miryam 392
Zeyger, A. 104, 180. As Ziger, Akiva, 60, 183
Zeyger, R. 101
Zeyger, Yone 96
Zeygermakher, Nachman 159
Zigelboym, Chayim 97, 105
Ziger, Akiva 60, 183. As Zeyger, A., 104, 180
Zilberg, Avrake 102
Zitser 259
Zohar, Tsvi 141

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