Table of Contents

Table of Figures

Figure Description Thumbnail Page
1. Kremenets and Mount Bona ii
2. Kremenets, General View 1
3. The Great Synagogue 2
4. Contour Map of Kremenets and Surrounding Area 4
5. Kremenets Street Plan 5
6. Mountain of the Virgins 47
7. Remains of the Castle on Mount Bona 49
8. Group from the Young Zion Association, 1912 57
9. Youth Committee for Refugee Aid, 1916 62
10. Collage of the Life of R’ Yitschak Ber Levinzon 72
11. The Foot of Mount Bona 85
12. Town Hall 86
13. Elijah’s Chair [for Circumcisions] in the Great Synagogue 89
14. Reception for Pilsudski at the Great Synagogue, 1922 94
15. Managing Committee of the Small Business Association (1934) 96
16. Group of Skiers from the Chashmoni Club (1932) 100
17. Chashmoni Military Fitness Division 101
18. Ski Run 103
19. Sports Enthusiasts, 1931 104
20. Mount Bona and Surroundings 106
21. Zionist Documents 108
22. Zionist Activists, 1929 110
23. Movie Day for the Jewish National Fund, 1929 110
24. Petition of the League for a Working Israel against Closing Immigration 111
25. Zionist Library 111
26. Training Branch of Pioneer of Kremenets (1933), Kibbutz Klosova Chapter 113
27. Group of Young Zionists, 1921 120
28. Union Party Chapter, 1925 121
29. Pioneer Board Members 121
30. Young Pioneer, Kremenets, 1925 122
31. Young Pioneer, Kremenets, 1926 123
32. Members of Pioneer of Kremenets 124
33. Training Kibbutz in Verba, 1933 126
34. Group of Young People from the Youth Guard Chapter, 1928 128
35. Group of Youth Guard Members, 1930 129
36. Group of Youth Guard Members, 1934 129
37. Government Primary School for Jews 134
38. Tarbut Committee Members and Faculty (1930) 138
39. Tarbut School Students 139
40. Tarbut School Board and Faculty Members with Benjamin Weinberg, Representative of Relief from America 141
41. Group of ORT Students 145
42. Newspaper Clippings from Kremenitser Shtime 147
43. Editorial Board of Kremenitser Lebn, 1934 149
44. Typical Old House in Kremenets 161
45. Typical Multifronted House 162
46. Old Houses in the Lyceum Neighborhood 163
47. Pravoslavic Church 164
48. Catholic Church 164
49. Tsukerman’s Courtyard, Next to Alterman’s Courtyard 168
50. Section of Sheroka Street 169
51. Levinzon Street 171
52. The Old Market 178
53. Rabbi Yakov Chayim Senderovits (the Rabbi from Petrikov) 180
54. Tsvi Prilutski 189
55. Dr. Tovye Hindes 193
56. Dr. Binyamin Landsberg and Family 195
57. Moshe Eydelman 197
58. Duvid Goldenberg 199
59. R’ Ben-Tsion Hofman 200
60. Shlome Fingerut 203
61. Moshe (Mishe) Frenkel 206
62. R’ Getsi Klorfayn 206
63. R’ Tsvi Menachem Rokhel 208
64. Mikhael Shumski 210
65. Dr. Zalman Sheynberg 212
66. Gathering of Kremenets Natives in Tel Aviv 215
67. Party for Kremenets Natives in Tel Aviv 217
68. Get-Together with Guests from the United States, Kremenets Natives Mr. and Mrs. Yitschak Vakman 218
69. General Yosef Avidar (Rokhel) 219
70. Eliezer Dubkirer 223
71. Hinde Fishman 224
72. Yisrael Goldenberg 226
73. Siunye Keselman and Avraham Margalit Fell in the Spanish War, 1937 228
74. Shprintse Rokhel among Her Family Circle in Israel 230
75. View of the City before the Holocaust 233
76. View of the City after the Holocaust 233
77. The Killing Field (behind the Barracks) 250
78. The Teper Family 263
79. Purse Made from a Desecrated Torah Scroll 265
80. The Inside of the Purse (Sodom Text) 267
81. Yosef Otiker 269
82. TOZ Management 304
83. Young Zionist Activists, 1920 305
84. Group of Community Leaders, 1924 306
85. Volf Gornfeld 355
86. M. B. Goldfarb in Front of the Jewish Primary School 355
87. Meir Goldring 356
88. Eli Chaykel’s (Bernshteyn) 358
89. Dr. Meir Litvak 360
90. Anski Expedition in Kremenets (1913) 369
91. Board of the Kremenets Landsmanschaft of New York 442
92. Holocaust Map of Kremenets, 1942 S1
93. Consolidation, Chevra Beth David Kraminitzer Anshi Poland, 1907, page 1 S2
94. Consolidation, Chevra Beth David Kraminitzer Anshi Poland, 1907, page 2 S2
95. Consolidation, Chevra Beth David Kraminitzer Anshi Poland, 1907, page 3 S2
96. Consolidation, Chevra Beth David Kraminitzer Anshi Poland, 1907, page 4 S2
97. Kreminitzer Congregation Beth David Anshi Poland, NY, 1909, page 1 S2
98. Kreminitzer Congregation Beth David Anshi Poland, NY, 1909, page 2 S2
99. Kreminitzer Congregation Beth David Anshi Poland, NY, 1909, page 3 S2
100. Kreminitzer Congregation Beth David Anshi Poland, NY, 1909, page 4 S2
101. Kremenitzer Young People’s Progressive Club, NY Incorporation, 1914, page 1 S2
102. Kremenitzer Young People's Progressive Club, New York Incorporation, 1914, page 2 S2
103. Kremenitzer Young People's Progressive Club, New York Incorporation, 1914, page 3 S2
104. Kremenitzer Young People's Progressive Club, New York Incorporation, 1914, page 4 S2
105. Death Notice for Galina Sorochinski S3


Table of Contents

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