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Supplement 2: Incorporation and Related Documents
for the Kremenets District

Ron Doctor, Co-Coordinator, Kremenets Shtetl CO-OP/JRI-Poland

Ronald D. Doctor

21 January 2006

Adam Bronstein of New York researched incorporation papers for various New York-based Kremenets organizations. He extracted and copied pages containing essential information and personal names from these sometimes voluminous documents and provided copies to us. We have three sets of incorporation and related papers:


Chevra Beth David Kraminitzer Anshi Poland, New York (KrNY-1, 1907)

On 2 December 1907, the First Independent Kraminitzer Benevolent Association and the Kishener and Kraminitzer Congregation Beth David merged. The new organization was called Chevra Beth David Kraminitzer Anshi Poland. The document, recorded at the Supreme Court, New York County, identifies the people who were involved in the consolidation. The following Kremenetsers are named in the document as Trustees of the new corporation:

The papers translate the name of the consolidated organization as the Congregation of the House of David in the City of Kremenets. The address of the new organization was 96 Forsyth Street, Manhattan, New York. Harry Reitzes was Chairman, and Benjamin Silberman was secretary.


Kreminitzer Congregation Beth David Anshi Poland, New York

In 1909, the Kreminitzer Congregation of the House of David and the Chevra Gemilath Chesed Anshi Poland merged. The new organization was named Kreminitzer Congregation Beth David Anshi Poland, also known as Congregation or Brotherhood of the Former Residents of the City of Kreminitz, Russia-Poland. Two documents dated May 8, 1909, list the officers of each organization. The documents were filed with the Supreme Court of the State of New York. The following Kremenetsers are named in the document as Trustees of the new corporation:

Bidderman, Max Daffner, Louis
Haberman, Philip Meckler, Michael
Mittleman, Nathan Motolinski, Sam
Pell, Joseph Reitzes, Harry
Sheintzes, Max  

Louis Daffner, Max Bidderman, and Philip Haberman were trustees of the Chevra. The document says that the Chevra had the following property: “two dozen Talmudic books, one scroll of the law, and one altar.” Their source of income was “by donations of the members and others, and by quarter-yearly dues of each member.”


Kremenitzer Young People's Progressive Club, New York

These are incorporation papers for the Kremenitzer Young People's Progressive Club of New York. The Certificate of Incorporation (no. 4389) was filed and recorded on 18 September 1914. Earlier papers are dated 19 August and 9 September 1914. The documents were recorded at the Supreme Court of the State of New York. The following Kremenetsers are named in the document as Trustees of the new corporation:

Katz, Barnet 223 Avenue C, Manhattan, NYC
Weiner, David 208 South First Street, Brooklyn, NYC
Green, Max 150 Rivington Street, Manhattan, NYC
Littman, Max 150 Rivington Street, Manhattan, NYC
Fisherman, Max 209 Forsyth Street, Manhattan, NYC
Weintraub, Morris 119 Ludlow Street, Manhattan, NYC

The Club was formed for “social and benevolent purposes; to aid and assist each other voluntarily in case of poverty, need or assistance and to do such other and further acts, as from time to time may become necessary and proper in order to assist those members and help to make them good citizens.”

Many thanks to Adam Bronstein for obtaining and providing these documents.

Figure 93. Consolidation, Chevra Beth David Kraminitzer Anshi Poland, 1907, page 1


Figure 94. Consolidation, Chevra Beth David Kraminitzer Anshi Poland,
1907, page 2


Figure 95. Consolidation, Chevra Beth David Kraminitzer Anshi Poland,
1907, page 3

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