This map showing the three ghettos ordered by the Nazis in March 1942 has been copied from the Hebrew Yizkor Kolomey Yizkor book (Sefer Zikaron... 1972) published in Israel. It is nearly the same as but slightly larger than the one in the Yiddish yizkor book, Pinkes Kolomey, but lacked the arrow pointing north that was in the Yiddish book. The arrow has been added here. The map was all in Yiddish and drawn from memory by Joseph rares, a survivor. The Yiddish street names have been transliterated.
The three tombstones are the memorials for three young men who were killed in an attack at Slobodka-Leashna near Kolomey in June 1919. The photo is from page 118 of the Hebrew yizkor book, Sefer zikaron le-kehilat Kolomey, 1972. The translated account of this incident from the Yiddish yizkor book, Pinkes Kolomey, can be found in the table of contents of the Yiddish yizkor book.
This title page drawing for the Yiddish yizkor book, Pinkes Kolomey, is by the well known artist and sculptor Chaim Gross. His biography on page 257 of that book tells that he was born in the Carpathian village of Volova in 1904...and was about three or four when the large family- Chaim was the tenth child of his parents- moved to Kolomey. Although he was a Kolomeyer for just a certain number of his early childhood years, the traces of the Kolomeyer Hasidic environment in the Gross home influenced his artistic works to make them more and more vivid. His brother was the Yiddish writer and poet Naftali Gross whose stories and poems appear in the yizkor books.
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