48°32' / 25°02'
Translation of
Sefer zikaron le-kehilat Kolomey ve ha-sevivah
Edited by: D. Noy, M. Schutzman, former residents of Kolomey and surroundings in Israel
Published in Tel Aviv, 1972
Project Coordinator
Claire Hisler Shefftz zl
This is a translation from: Sefer zikaron le-kehilat Kolomey ve ha-sevivah,
Memorial book of Kolomey and its surroundings. Eds, D. Noy, M. Schutzman
Tel Aviv, former residents of Kolomey and surroundings in Israel, 1972 (H)
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the translation. The reader may wish to refer to the original material
for verification.
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Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.
To Be Remembered for Eternity / The Book Committee | 7 |
Kolomea the Capital of Pokucie / Dr. A. Y. Braver | 11 |
History of the Jews of Kolomea / Dr. N. M. Gelber | 22 |
Kolomea a Mother Town for Chasidim / Mordechai Schutzman | 49 |
Chapter: At the Turn of the 20th Century |
The Elections for the Austrian Parliament / Dr. A.Y. Braver | 59 |
The First Strike at the Talesim Factory / D. Y. Zilberbush | 63 |
Kolomea- A Zionist Center in Galicia |
The Beginning of the Zionist Movemment / A. Scheuerman | 70 |
The Momentum of Zionist Action / Michal Hazelkorn | 73 |
The First Zionists in Kolomea / Menachem Meiran-Lazar | 76 |
The First Zionist Materialization / Yehuda Khorin | 78 |
The Zionist Camp Had a Majority / Dr. Marc Schwaber | 82 |
The Orthodox Jews |
Orthodox Jews in Kolomea / Moshe Rath | 84 |
The Great Synagogue / Meir Feder | 91 |
Very Old Synagogues / D. Davidowitz | 94 |
The Rabbis of the Community / Moshe Rath | 98 |
Schools ("Cheders") and Teachers / Y. A. Zeidman | 103 |
My Schools ("Cheders") / Dr. A. Y. Braver | 105 |
Hirsch Rath / Shlomo Bickel | 106 |
Wowik Rosenkrantz the Teacher (Kugel) / S. Bickel (S. Meltzer) | 108 |
Yekheskel Melamed / L.G. | 109 |
Memories |
Popular Vote On a Railroad Extension / L.G. | 110 |
Population Census in 1910 / A. Scheuerman | 111 |
Help for the Refugees from the Kishinev Pogroms | 112 |
Revenge on Yedlee Ben Shabtai / S. Bickel | 112 |
May 1st Falls on the Sabbath / G. Levi | 113 |
List of Banks Up Until World War One | 114 |
Marshall Pilsudski in Kolomea / G. Levi | 115 |
The Jewish Delegation to Poland's Premier / G. Levi | 115 |
The First Election for the Polish Parliament | 116 |
The Pogrom in Zablotov / M. Heinisch | 117 |
The Martyrs of Slobodka-Leshna | 118 |
The Outbreak of the First World War / Y. Scheuerman | 119 |
The Last Part of the First World War / Y. A. Zeidman | 121 |
Chapter: Economy and Community |
Jewish Livelihoods / Dr. A. Y. Braver | 125 |
Doctors and Lawyers in Kolomea | 135 |
The Horowitz Factory / Natan Meisler | 136 |
Parties and Political Movements | |
Zionist Activity / Dr. Zvi Heller | 138 |
The Jewish Workers Movement / David Landman | 143 |
Zionist Youth Groups / Joseph Stern | 146 |
The Way of Life in the "Zionist Youth" Movement / Dr. JosephWeiser | 150 |
"Akiva" Youth Organization / Y. Brickner | 152 |
Beitar Movement / Y. B. | 152 |
"Hechalutz" Movement / Itzchak Teitelbaum | 155 |
"Hashomer Hatsair" in Kolomea / Shmuel Maran (Pomerantz) Meir Amidan (Lederfeind) | 160 |
"Gordonia" Movement / Moshe Singer | 163 |
Zionist Workers Left / David Landman | 165 |
"Hamizrachi" Organization / Hanoch Schechter | 169 |
Mizrachi Youth / Meir Feder | 171 |
"Agudath Yisrael" / M. Schein | 173 |
Communist Jews in Kolomea / Natan Meisler | 176 |
Organization Members in the Period Between the Two Wars | 177 |
Chapter: Images, Personalities and Characters |
Rabbi Hillel Lichtenstein / Dr. N. Gelber | 183 |
Rabbi Gedalyahu Schmalkis / Moshe Rath | 185 |
Rabbi Israel Joseph Lau / Zeev Fisher Shein | 187 |
Dr. Shlomo Rosenheck / P. K. | 190 |
Sixtieth Jubilee Party for Dr. Rosenheck / Michal Hazelkorn | 191 |
The Preacher Rabbi Itzchak Weber / W. H. | 193 |
Dr. Fishel Rottenshtreich / W. H. | 194 |
Chaim Ringelblum / P.K. | 195 |
Laibel Toibsh / Meir Henisch | 197 |
Yosef Herer / W. H | 198. |
Dr. Meir Herm Gelbart / Y.H. | 199 |
Jacob Bitter / Y. S. | 200 |
Rabbi Efraim Kellerman / Dr. M. A. Nahir | 201 |
Moshe Shmuel Grossbach / Jacob Scheuerman | 202 |
Dr. S. L. Schorr / L. G. | 203 |
Itzchak Shlomo Shmois / Y. M. Markscheid | 204 |
Alexander Granach / S. B. | 206 |
The Bachelor Rabbi / D. S. | 207 |
Meir Leifer Redlich / S. Munio | 209 |
Menachem Mendel Grunwerg / L. G. | 210 |
Meir Zacher / W. H. | 211 |
Moshe Dalfon / L. G. | 212 |
Mottel Tropp / Y. Scheuerman | 212 |
The Blind Chone / M. S. | 213 |
Shebtil the Drunkard / W. H. | 214 |
Shmuel Vancia Tutai / L. G. | 214 |
Chapter: Life and Folklore |
Water Carriers and Coachmen / L. G. | 219 |
Games Jokes Puzzles / A. Y. Braver | 220 |
My Streets / A. S. Yuris | 223 |
The Man from "Glazier Street" / Dr. Shlomo Bickel | 225 |
Sabbath in the City / Dr. Abraham Klein | 227 |
How the Jewish Holidays Were Celebrated / M. Shein | 228 |
Leisure and Entertainment / M. S. | 231 |
Chapter: Culture and Education |
"Halevi" Association / W. H. | 239 |
In Manger's Company / Dr. Abraham Klein | 243 |
At the Railroad Station (poem) / Itzik Manger [in original Yiddish and in Hebrew translation] | 244 |
The Y. L. Peretz Library / Leib Weitz | 245 |
Josef Toftsirer and Itzik Manger / Dr. A. Klein | 247 |
Schools |
Schpirovka / Donya Zeichner-Krinitz | 248 |
Jews in State High Schools / Dr. Josef Weiser | 252 |
Sports in Kolomea / Joseph Rares | 257 |
Chapter: Destruction and Annihilation |
Annihilation of the Jews of Kolomea and Its Surroundings / Dr. Joseph Karmish | 267 |
Mordechai Shipraver the Daring Hero / Eliyahu Ben Shmuel | 319 |
With Empty Hands Against the Angel of Death / Blanca Rosenberg | 320 |
The Rabbi Who Uprooted the Gravestones / A. S. Rina | 321 |
The Hospital in the Ghetto / Dr. Max Wollenstein | 322 |
Echoes from the Valley of Death / Tzvi Schnitzer | 325 |
The Labor of His Hands / Yaakov Heger | 331 |
True to Their Faith to Their Last Days / Yehuda Arye Bretfeld | 332 |
A Sole Survivor From the Action / Mendel Schauder | 332 |
The Action Against the Intellectuals / Chana Weinhaber-Hacker | 334 |
On the Threshhold of Death / Anzia Lederfeind | 336 |
Between the Jaws of Destiny / Yeshayahu & Shoshana Feder | 337 |
Children in the Kolomea Ghetto / Miriam P. Karsevski-Kaufman | 346 |
In Memory of Those Who Perished in the Holocaust |
List of Martyrs in Alef Bet order (names listed as written in Yiddish) | 349 |
Kolomeyer Organizations / Yitzchak Teitelbaum | 367 |
Kolomey in the Year 1970 / M. Schutzman | 372 |
In Memory of the Departed (list of those from our city who died after the war; in alef bet order) | [376] |
Dr. Shlomo Bickel / D. L. | 378 |
Rabbi Michael Braver / A. Y. Ber | 379 |
Milcha Zeidman (Syrkin) / K. Y. | 380 |
"Shchor Sachar" - a Rare Person / Ori Kaysari | 381 |
Itzchak Zacher-Sachar / A. Y. Bror | 382 |
Moshe Rath / Yechezkel Korn | 384 |
Moshe Felsenstein / Y. G. | 384 |
Moshe Konig / Levi Grebler | 385 |
Dr. Itzchak Braver / Y. R. | 386 |
Jacob Mendel Markscheid / Dr. Ephraim Stern | 386 |
Dr. Eliyahu Mroz Rosenbaum | 389 |
Dr. Henrik Kramer / Dr. M Schauber | 389 |
Shalom Lachs / M. L. | 390 |
Dr. Abraham Shmuel Yuris | 391 |
Meir Henisch | 392 |
Levi Grebler (Schmucher) | 392 |
Dr. Moshe Eliyhau Nahir | 393 |
Yitzchak Menachem Bergman / L. B. | 393 |
In Memory of the Fallen |
Matityahu Birnbaum | 394 |
Meir Mor | 394 |
Arye Landwehr | 395 |
Moshe Dabster | 395 |
Eitan Meir Braver | 395 |
Sgan Gazit z"l | 395 |
End Notes | 396-397 |
Table of Contents | 398-400 |
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