Chapter 6 (Cont.)
Kolomyja and District Transports to Belzec
11. Second Resettlement: 7-10/9/1942
'G.E.D.O.B' 'Head Office of Eastbound Traffic'(29)
The nerve centre and command control of all 'resettlement' rail transports in the sphere of
Jewish transports to the death camps in the east, from all over Europe,
were played out in the offices of 'Action Reinhard', under the guise and
command of the HSSPF, Odilo Globocnik in Lublin.
To the bureaucrats of Gedob(30) administering
this system e.g., fifty wagons of Jews from Stanislawow to Belzec, received
exactly the same attention as fifty wagons of freight, military personnel
or armaments to any other designated location providing the bill was
paid, it was just another entry in the ledger, and surprisingly the movements
were not marked secret.
The movement of Jews from these districts attracted normal discount fares
as one might find in any business who were guaranteed a voluminous
and repeated order. If we peruse today, the literature displayed at any travel office that
deals with rail traffic, we will find leaflets pointing out the benefits
of group travel. That is how it was in the occupied districts, and
that was how it worked in the resettlement policies under the auspices
of 'Action Reinhard'. There were special rates
for large parties over 400 (half fare for adults), children under ten years
half price, those under four years travelled free! The agency responsible
for payment to Gedob, was of course the SS, via Eichmann's office
of the RSHA, Berlin. (31)
The SS bureaucrats were invoiced per transport at single fare, with
appropriate discount adjustments for the children, plus return fares for
the guard detachment that accompanied the transport to Belzec and returned
to their destination. There may have been other adjustments resulting for
any damage caused to rail property, especially by the 'Jumpers' and the
labour involved in removing the dead and cleaning the transports which
could be considerable. The filth of bodily waste resulting from no facilities
whatsoever, coupled with days of confinement, was a major problem, not
only for the occupants, but also for those workers who had the job of
cleaning the transports for perhaps another journey that, or the following
day. ll these tasks were billed and invoiced to the SS.
Payment to the rail authorities was made by the SS from the special
'Action Reinhard' bank account which was continually swallowing up
Jewish assets. (32) The principle was
very simple the Jews paid for their own demise but the children
were gassed free of charge.
How did it work in practice? If we take the Kolomyja
resettlements of 7-10, September 1942, (33) we
find that the handling agent was the Sipo-SD of the Kolomyja district.
Orders received from the
co-ordinating central command post (ARHQ) (34)
to the HSSPF Galicia District (Lvov). (35) Orders
were then issued to the Commander of the Ordnungspolizei and the Sipo-SD
of the Kolomyja district (Hans Kruger, Stanislawow). Depending on
circumstances and operations going on at the time, the security leaders
were left with a certain amount of flexibility. In the Kolomyja resettlement
orders for instance, which were issued on 31.8.1942, to the Orpo, the Orpo
at this time were engaged in resettlement activities in the Stryj, Skole,
Tarnopol, and Chodorow districts (3-5-Sept.). It is probable that
Kruger juggled the transport dates in order for Orpo to complete their
present assignment and then go direct to Kolomyer as a support service
to the Kolomyja security services for the impending action. The Sipo-SD
however, were already planning the resettlement operation to commence at
0600 on the 7 September, 1942.
The Sipo-SD, under the direct command of SS-Obersturmbannführer, Kriminalkommissar
Peter Leideritz (36) who received his orders (probably
by phone or personal contact with Kruger) and immediately instructed the
district labour office in Kolomyja to make the necessary arrangements.(37)
The next step for Peter Leideritz was to assess the probable numbers for
resettlement. (38) Privy to the transport
units that were being made available for this action,(39)
he proceeded to implement the order. A large party of Jews, numbers
to be confirmed, were booked for resettlement, leaving Kolomyja at 20.50
hours on the 10 September, 1942.
In addition to this, Leideritz contacted his Sipo-SD counterparts in adjoining
districts of Kosow, (40)Horodenka, (41)
Kuty, (42) Obertyn, and Sniatyn (43)
where the sweep would extend, and placed them on 'stand-by' duties.
From experience gained in other localities of resettlement, (44)
and the precise knowledge of the size of the likely 'party' to be accommodated,
Hans Kruger in Stanislawow ordered in reinforcements of Ordnungspolizei
(Orpo) into the Kolomyja districts to assist his Sipo-SD and resident Schupo
(45) in these resettlement operations.
Thirty-five men of the Vienna Orpo (a roving band of armed resettlers) arrived in
Kolomyja on 6 September, (46) to augment
the local security. These additional forces, police regiment 7/24, arrived in
Kolomyja on the 6th September, (47) and the
operation to sweep the district commencing on the morning of the 7th September
which was to continued until the time of departure at 2050 hours on the
10th September. (48)
It will be appreciated by now, that several arms of the security services were
involved in this Kolomyja 'action'. We must differentiate, firstly between the two
police detachments (local Schutzpolizei and 7. Police Regiment 24 of the
Ordnungspolizei) brought in from outside. Basically the local Polizei (Schupo)
had been operating in Kolomyja since about October, 1941.
Initially their duties were mundane, guarding, patrolling, in effect doing
the job of the police as we know it today. With the onset of extermination
policies in the GG, their duties widened to ghetto actions (including shooting
escapees), escorting to killing sites, and finally they were called on
to become personally involved in the shooting of victims. (49)
A word and overview regarding the Ordnungspolizei (Order Police)
(50) and other supporting services, drawn on as
a security service, specifically used for enforcing the Jewish Question and
resettlement programme.
Since 1933 the Ordnungspolizei
(Orpo) and Schutzpolizei (Schupo) had become the foot-soldiers of Nazi
security policy. Initially it was a 56,000 strong police army that
eventually merged with the Wehrmacht in 1935. In 1936, reorganisation
of the all the security services gave these services their individual purpose
under the direction of Kurt Deluege. By 1938/9, these branches had
grown to over 62,000 men which were sectioned into Polizei-Hundertschaften
(police companies of 108 men). These men, exempted from the Wehrmacht,
were formed into Polizei-Ausbildungsabteilungen (training units), and sent
to barracks in the ten major cities in the Reich. At the outbreak
of war the Ordnungspolizei had grown to 131,000 men at the disposal and
direction of Himmler. By 1940, as the result of intensive recruiting,
the numbers swelled to over 244,000. They fought alongside the Wehrmacht
in the Barbarossa campaign and with distinction at Leningrad in 1941, before
being reigned in by Himmler for internal policing.
For our purposes, these units were stationed in the five
districts of the Generalgouvernement under the command and direction of the
HSSPF / SSPF (Globocnik) and were major players within Action Reinhard
enforcement operations of Jewish resettlement.(51)
Police Battalion 133 (KdO-Lvov), Regiment 24, Company 7
On the 31st August, 1942, police regiment 24 received
their orders from the Commander of the Orgnungspolizei (KdO Lvov), Galicia District.
The majority of Jews destined for this transport were already on hand in the
Kolomyja ghetto. The officials of the labour exchange issued instructions to
all Jews resident in the ghetto to report to the assembly area in the town
square at 0530 hours on the 7th September for registration.
At the designated time, 5300 Jews reported as ordered, but with additional
searches of the ghetto a further 600 were added
(total 5900). A brief selection
(the old and sick were immediately shot) reduced this number
to 4769 (53) who were marched, guarded by
detachments of the Jewish Public Order Service (Ordnungsdienst)
(54) and Orpo/Schupo personnel in
possession and using horsewhips and shouts of 'Jewish Pigs', loaded
onto the awaiting transport that was waiting on a branch line away from
the main traffic area. 100 Jews were allocated to
each wagon which was marked with chalk of the number loaded, then
boarded-up, nailed fast and sealed. (55)
Many transports left from regular 'Reichsbahn' train stations, particularly in
Germany and Czechoslovakia. However, the isolation of resettlement
transports was not unusual, and we have many reports of transports
parked-up in out of the way locations, particularly in the big
cities. In Krakow for instance, transports left from
the sub-station at Plaszow on a specially designated platform, well out
of the way from prying eyes of the local population (the Goyim).
(56) In the Galician district,
the eastern provinces, the Nazis were not so sensitive and made what
arrangements available to them. The sweeps in
the outer districts of Kolomyja (Sniatyn, Horodenka etc.), all manner of
transport and collecting points were initiated with the use of motor and
horse drawn transport, ordinary 3rd class rail carriages
and on foot, as we will see. (57)
At the same time, other selections were being
made in Horodenka and Sniatyn. A further 20 freight wagons, loaded
with several thousand Jews (58) arrived
from the Horodenka and Sniatyn areas on the 10th September, and
were coupled to the awaiting transport already loaded and waiting in the
Kolomyja siding. In addition to this, a further 1500 Jews had been
forced-marched through the streets in full view of the local populous from
Kosow and Kuty to join this transport. Those that
survived the march were loaded, the others, and there were several hundred
who were considered not suitable for transport, or those that failed on
the march, were taken out of line and shot. (59)
The resettlement train, now complete was secured.
(60) The officer commanding,
in his report of the 14th September, refers to his loss of understanding
as to how so many Jews could have been crammed into the 20 wagons from
Horodenka and Sniatyn. He also refers to the 'great heat'
on that final day,'(10.9.42), the suffering the Jews must have encountered,
the lack of provisions, the days of waiting in the airless wagons it was
a catastrophe.(61)
The excessive loading, the hot weather and the knowledge by the Jews that
this was a death transport, was indeed a catastrophe. The Orpo commander
of the transport, Lt. Wassermann:
How the security police
managed to cram so many Jews into the 10 wagons each from Horodenka and
Sniatyn respectively was beyond my understanding. In any case both
transports arrived in Kolomyja with a totally inadequate guard, so that
the barbed wire which had been nailed over the ventilation openings to
keep them closed, had almost been torn off. I ordered the removal
of the transport train from the Kolomyja station as soon as possible and
coupled it to the 30 wagons from Kolomyja, which was standing in the branch
line, far removed from the station.
The Jewish Public Order Service and the railway construction service
were deployed sealing the wagons. A detachment of 1-15 Schupo guarded
the 50 wagon train until its departure. The Jews were distressed due to the
heat and heavy overloading. The Jews made repeated attempts to break out when
darkness fell. At 19.50 the escort detachment arrived and prevented
escapes. Because of the heat the Jews were completely naked.
Escort Duty
For the purposes of our Kolomyja transport, and it was basically the same procedure elsewhere
in the Generalgouvernement, a detachment of Schupo personnel were ordered
to the scene to guard the train until the time of departure to prevent
escapes. Extra vigilance was afforded to this transport because of
the horrendous conditions: the over-loading, the heat, the lack of
water and the general distress of the imprisoned Jews who were now all
stripped naked. As darkness fell at about 1930 hours, there were
repeated attempts by the Jews to break out. At 1950 hours, 15 Schupo,
led by a Scharführer (Sgt.) arrived and took up positions and were prepared
to shoot on-sight to prevent escapes.
At 20: 50 hours, a special unit of 15 SD guard arrived
and joined the 8205 Jewish resettlement transport for its journey to Belzec.
(62) 5 SD guards were deployed to a
single passenger coach at the front of the train, and 5 SD guards were
deployed to a single passenger coach at the rear. The supervising Scharführer,
realising there may well be a security problem,
ordered the guards to deploy along the whole length of the train and to
take up positions on the roofs and in the brake car for the entire journey
where they would be in a better position to deal with break-outs. As it turned
out, this was good advice.
Unknown to many of
the parents who had been imprisoned in the wagons for three days without
food or water in a blistering heat, other enactments were going on elsewhere.
On the 9th September, Detectives Knackendoerfer and (Kripo)
assisted by the SD, entered the Jewish Orphan's Home. The orphanage
housed approximately 400 children whose parents had already been
murdered or were now waiting in the wagons for resettlement. The
orphanage was located in Ghetto 2, and when this was liquidated it was
planned to remove the children into ghetto 1. In the night, before the
transfer could take place, Hertl arrived with several Schupo men entered
the orphanage and shot all the children. The wife of
SS-Peter Leideritz was present and assisted in this massacre.(63)
The Journey
Our Kolomyja transport was typical of the many hundreds
of resettlement transports carried out in the Generalgouvernement. We know that
between March and December, 1942, there were over 300 such transports in the
Galician District to Belzec.(64) Very little has
been written about the train journeys that the Jews had to endure during the
course of transportation to the 'death camps'. There are no words that can
describe the emotions and conditions en-route, of those selected and incarcerated
in the freight wagons that left from all points of the European map. We can
visualise to some extent, the practical methods applied to the selections
in the ghettos and temporary holding and transit stations, the loading into
the freight wagons and the sealing of this human cargo with their pathetic
belongings. What we will never understand, or personally experience, is the
confusion, the panic and suffering, the din of hundreds per wagon, shouting,
praying and dying on their feet from exhaustion, shock and fright. The frantic
rounding-up by parents of family who had been dispersed in the mayhem and
disorder of abandoned baggage, men, women and children, some ill, some
pregnant, some disabled and some very elderly. All this, before the
trains had a head of steam to leave for their destinations.
Inside the wagons of the Kolomyja transport which
had been standing idle now for 3 days, a layer of quicklime/chloride had
been spread on the floor. (65) There were
no toilet facilities whatsoever, so anyone urinating on the
floor would produce acidic steam on contact with the floor which burns
and peels skin on contact. The longer the journey, and in many cases
this could be many days, the more perilous the journey became, the impetuous
to escape was unavoidable, whatever the risk.
Messages scribbled in haste and of last resort to family and friends
or to anyone, would fall from the small window, and then rise on the air current
to settle on the ground in the hope, the very distant hope, that someone
may read them. Jewellery (including diamonds), shredded zloty, RM and
dollar were abandoned, thrown out of the ventilating window. (66)
Was this not defiance and resistance?
Once the train was on the move, the first shunting
knocked people off their feet for lack of support, but almost immediately
work began. Artisans using their tools, (67)
broke up the floorboards, remove the window
bars and mesh that sealed them in. As the train gathered speed, decisions
were made as to the best timing of any escape. The most preferable
time considered was during the hours of darkness, when the train was labouring
up-hill or on a curve. The occupants were aware of the heavily armed
guard complement and the searchlights, and that no mercy could be expected
from these sharpshooters. The most pressing concern was the decision
to leave family behind, knowing the departure would be final either way.
Very often it was the mothers who urged their children to jump. Fathers
would not give advice, one way or the other for fear of making the wrong
decision. The elderly suffered the most because they considered themselves
a burden on the young and strong. Their will to survive had diminished,
and above all an alien grave that was surely waiting for them.
The psychological shame to be stripped naked and perform bodily functions
in the presence of their captors, family and mixed sexes was more than
many could endure. (68) To be sure, the
Jews from the Kolomyja district were under no illusions that they were on
a death transport, despite the illusions of some, that not all was lost.
No sooner had the train
left Kolomyja, on this fateful journey, there was mayhem. The Jews
were breaking out of every conceivable point, some through the windows
and some through the roofs. 5 stations before Stanislawow, (probably
Hotoszkow) the SD radioed ahead for help, reporting considerable damage
to the wagons. When the transport arrived at Stanislawow, the railway
guard were ready and re-sealed the train for its onward journey towards
Lvov, Rawa Ruska and Belzec.
How many 'jumpers' on this resettlement train managed to escape between
Kolomyja and Stanislawow is not known, but there were several.
(69) We know the names of three:
who survived to bear witness the Jew Feder, the Jew Herman
Zenner; the Jewess Mrs Weinheber. (70)
Shortly after the resettlement
and ghetto clearing operations in the Kolomyja and Stanislawow districts,
Reserve Police Battalion 133, of which Lt Wassermann and his unit were
attached, concentrated on the rounding-up and shooting of the jumpers from
the Belzec resettlement trains. From their reports,
which have survived, we find that between the 1st November,
and 12th December, 1942, they killed 481 Jews in anti-partisan
(Jew hunting) at this crucial location, the cross roads for resettlement in
the Galician and Lublin districts.(71)
These death transports and the manner by which
they were carried out, were not the sole idea of the Nazis. Only a few
months before the main deportations from the towns of Galicia to Belzec,
the Soviets had done exactly the same, from the same towns but on a
much larger scale, and their prey were from all strata of these
communities, including Jews. (72) In
fact, although there was very little to choose between these two totalitarian
societies in their methods and scope of 'resettlements'.
We can detect one major departure with the Soviet resettlements
if you worked and were able to withstand the extremely harsh conditions
of the Gulags as a Jew you lived and may survive. Within the
Nazi regime there was no question of life over death.
After the train had
been delayed for 2 hours for repairs in Stanislawow, it again left for
Lvov. Several stations up the line, there was another mass break-out,
several holes appeared in the sides of the wagons and the barbed-wire securing
the small ventilation windows had been torn away. The train was forced
to stop at each station en route to Lvov for emergency repairs until it
eventually arrived at the Klaparow suburb station at 1115 hours on the
11th September. Nine of the freight
wagons (containing a 1000 Jews) from this transport were marked with
an 'L' designated for forced labour for the Janowska camp.
(73) The 1000
Jews removed from this transport were immediately replaced by another
1000 naked Jews from Janowska who had been tagged for resettlement.
At 1330 hours on the 11th September, the resettlement train
eventually left for Belzec. Shortly before the transport left Lvov, the
engine was replaced but as it turned out, it was very old and
unsuitable for the heavy load of 50 wagons it had to pull, fully
loaded. The Jews were now in a panic situation, knowing full
well that time was running out for them. Consequently there
were more desperate and repeated attempts to break-out on their
final journey. The SD guard had run out
of ammunition, despite being given 200 rounds each by the Wehrmacht in
Lvov, and had to resort to throwing stones at the escapees while the train
was moving, and using fixed bayonets during stops. (75)
- Berenstein 'Eksterminacja' table 6. Return
- Claude Lanzmann, 'Shoah', (Pantheon Books, New York 1985) pp,
132-145 interviews with Raol Hilberg and Walter Stier ( Head of the Reich
Railways Department 33 of the NSDAP Management Centres were located
in Krakow, Lvov, Warsaw and Lublin. These centres controlled all traffic
(military and otherwise), and were the lynch-pin of all Jewish Resettlement
Trains ordered by the Sipo-SD. In addition to 'Gedob' Office in Krakow
which was the Rail-authority centre, there was also the Lublin Centre which acted in a buildings adjacent to
HSSPF Odilo Globocnik's Action Reinhard Headquarters, located at 14 Finkstrasse
(1942), to-day 14, Niecala Street and the local unemployment Centre in Lublin. Return
- Head Office of Eastbound Traffic. Return
- Hilberg, Raol, Destruction of the European Jews
(3 vols.), pp
In practice the booking and settling of accounts was
made by a subsidiary travel agency of the SS: 'Mittel-Europäisches Reisebüro'
(the Middle European Travel Agency), an agency that you might find on the
high street of any town. Return
- ibid. There was no budget for destruction
The Jews had to self finance it! Return
- The Vienna Documents: There are a number of edited
editions of the Kolomyja Report, not all of the translated correctly. One
continuing error that appears to plague these documents, which I shall
refer to later, is the number of Jews found dead on their arrival in
Belzec. Hilberg, Vol, 2, p 497 refers to 200, Browning's 'Ordinary
Men' p, 35 refers to 2000. As Browning's book is dedicated to Hilberg,
somewhere we have a typing error. It is curious why this should have
occurred? 2000 is the correct number. The districts: Horodenka,
Jablonow, Kosow, Niezwiska, Obertyn, Peczenizyn, Pistyn, Roznow,
Sniatyn and Zabie, Zablotow. See maps. Return
- ARHQ 'Action Reinhard' operations room
for resettlement, Lublin. Return
- The HSSPF (Krakow) Kruger GG./SSPF Friedrich
Katzmann (Lvov) 5th District, were responsible for all SS-SD,
Police detachments (Ordnungspolizeio etc.). Return
- Peter Leideritz (1911-1947): 1931-33- SA;
1932 NSDAP; 1933-35 Sipo-SD Darmstadt; 1938 SS; 10.6.41 GG;
8.9.41 Commander Sipo-SD, Kolomyja; 8/43 Einsatz gegen Kovpak-Gruppe;
Died 17.11.1947. Return
- DA Kolomyja R-71. On 1.8.41, the German authorities
established the civil administration in the town: Volkmann appointed Kreishauptmann
(Chief of District); Michael took over the Labour Office; Dr. Jordon, Landwirtschaftsrat
(Head of Supply Department) and Lt. Hertl as Chief of a detachment of Schutzpolizei
(Resident City Police) and Hohlmann, Stadthauptmann (Town Commissioner).
Jewish Affairs in Kolomyja were directed by a triumvirate: Leideritz, Volkmann
and Hohlmann. Return
- YVA-ll/7/b: The Judenrat in the occupied areas
were ordered by the Sipo-SD to keep statistics recording personal details of
all men, women and children in the ghettos. In Kolomyja it was no different,
and the Judenrat were able to supply the SD with exact numbers of
Jews likely to be required for the resettlement transport of Jews. In the
Krakow ghetto for e.g. these statistics show charts and graphs of the
Jewish population in the ghetto divided up into ages, sex, employment.
Copies of the original documents were given to the author by Joseph Bau
(Tel-Aviv) who was personally responsible for this duty. Return
- Vienna Documents: 51 freight units. Return
- Including the villages and vicinities of: Pistyn; Jablonow;
Jablowice; Zabie. Michael (Kolomyja Labour Office) initiated resettlement
proceedings in this region by ordering the Judenrat to assemble its
Jews. 500 assembled and were immediately arrested by the Sipo-SD
(Untersturmführer Frost and Hauptscharführer Weissmann)
and local Gendarmerie. Many Jews were hunted down in bunkers by
Ukrainian police and local inhabitants and shot on the spot. A selection
of 66 Jews were allowed to remain in Kosow. The remainder were forced
marched to the Kolomyja prison ( 35 kms) and joined the transport on the
10.9.42 for Belzec. Jews that had escaped this round-up, were later found
and also transferred to the Kolomyja prison. On this occasion (late September 42)
the Kosow Jews were taken to the Scheparowce forest and shot in the
pits. ( YV 03, report dated 5.6.45 LL/1). Return
- ibid. The Horodenka resettlement action was much
the same as in Kosow (see above). 1600 Jews were rounded up in this period
by the Sipo-SD and local Gendamerie and loaded onto rail transport, transferred
to Kolomyja to join the 2050 hrs. resettlement transport for Belzec. Principle
security personnel in Horodenka: Petsch, Landeskommissar (local Commissioner),
Koenig and Kraemer of the Sipo-SD. Those Jews rounded up later were
either shot on the spot, or transferred to Kolomyja and the pits of
Scrowce. Return
- ibid. The above principles applied in Kuty:
On 8.9.42, all Jews in possession of the 'A' Stamp' were ordered to
assemble. Only 600 assembled as requested by the Judenrat.
Over 200 had fled to the Rumanian border or had gone into hiding.
The assembled Jews were arrested by the Sipo-SD (Hauptsturmführer
Schwenker and SturmScharführer Frost, Jewish Department), the
local Gendarmerie and then forced marched to Kolomyja (50kms) to catch
the 2050 hrs. transport from Kolomyja to Belzec. Return
- ibid. 1000 Jews rounded up to the same transport
of the Horodenka Jews to join the 2050 hrs. transport. 15 Jews were selected
to remain in Sniatyn, the stragglers and those in hiding were all subsequently
shot or removed for liquidation in Scheparowce forest. A very few escaped
into Rumania or Slovakia. Return
- ibid. The SD drew on their experience on resettlement
gained when the Jews of Stryj were resettled between the 3 and 5 September,
1942. Return
- ibid. Sipo-SD: Tannzmann (Lvov), Kruger (Stanislawow),
Brandt (Stanislawow), Lt. Leideritz, Goedds, Weissman, Frost, Volkmann,
Rebkoff, Hack, Petsch, Koenig, Birsch, Schwebe, Hubert, Wahrmann,
Schwenker, Schubert. (Kolomyja). Return
- ibid. The Schutzpolizei in Kolomyja (resident city
police) were separate and acted independently of other police support units.
This detachment of police in Kolomyja came together in a variety of circumstances.
Kleinbauer was a serving police officer in the Vienna police, when on
6.10.1941, he was ordered to Kolomyja. Schipany had seen service
with the Schupo in Wilicka, Censtochau, Krakow, Tarnow and Lvov, when
he was transferred to Kolomyja. Pernek arrived via Kost in October, 1941.
The Rein ements of 7. police 24 detachment who had been engaged in
Jewish resettlement in Skole, Stryj and Chodorow during the period
3 5 September, 1942, arrived in Kolomyja in time for the action
of the 7.9.42. The 'SD Sipo' as well as the 'Schupo' were also assisted
by a special Ukrainian Auxiliary Police and the Jewish Order Police.
There was also a separate Ukrainian Police Unit commanded by
Ukrainians. Return
- ibid. Return
- ibid. Identified Schutzpolizei of Kolomyja
who were responsible for mass slaughter and resettlement actions
of the Jews in this district. They were divided up into two groups:
A and B. There was an officer section, a quartermaster section and
the police station personnel: Lt. Hertl (commander), Witmann (deputy),
Wittich, Doppler, Gross and Kleinbauer. Sergeants: Layer, Pernek,
Kneissl, Hofstetter, Steiner. Corporals: Gallhart, Straka. Constables: Gall,
Harko, Kroegner, Layer, Mauritz, Rnthaler, Ruprechtsofer, Stanka
Schipany, Uitz. Return
- ibid. Statement of Franz Schipany (4.9.1947). Return
- The most authoritve references to this unique
cadre can be found: in the Neufeldt and Tessin elaboration (parts 1
and 2) 'Zur Geschichte der Ordnungspolizei 1936-45 (Koblenz, 1957)
(1) 'Entstehung und Organisation des Hauptamtes Ordnungspolizei', (2) 'Die
Stäbe und Truppeneinheiten der Ordnungspolizei, and (3) Heiner
Lichtensteins, 'Himmler's grüne Helfer: Die Schutzpolizei und Ordnungspolizei im
'Dritten Reich' (Kolonne 1990), and (4) a taster, Christopher Brownings,
'Ordinary Men' (Reserve Police Baion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland.
Harper Collins, 1992). Hereafter: Neufeldt, Tessin, Browning
and the Vienna Documents). Return
- Acknowledgment to Christopher Browning,
Daniel Goldhagen and Dr. Dieter Pohl for their clear understanding
of the overall view of the Ordnungspolizei/Schutzpolizei in the
Generalgouvernement, particularly in the Galician District. Return
- Vienna Documents: In the original report of Lt
??? it shows Diary No. 64/42 (g). Looking at other
similar reports I concluded that this was occasion 64 that Wassermann
had been engaged on resettlement duties in the Galician district. Return
- Vienna documents (diary.1a-1526-42). Return
- ibid. Return
- I find some ambiguity in the Vienna report. The
resettlement described is clearly shown as 7-10 September, 1942.
(30 freight wagons). In the report it shows that 4769 Jews were loaded
on 7.9.42, which was completed at 1900 hours (presumably on the 7.9.42)
and departed for Belzec? The report continues directly to the 8/9 September,
with details of the sweep in the districts of Kuty, Kosow, Horodenka, Zaplatow
and Sniatyn where 20 wagons were loaded with Jews at 180-200 per
wagon (total at the lowest 780 Jews). A further 1500 Jews were force marched
to Kolomyja from Kuty and Kosow ( 50kms and 35kms respectively) and were
loaded onto the wagons already in the sidings. The 20 wagons that were
loaded in Horodenka and Sniatyn (with 3780 Jews) joined and were
coupled to the 30 wagons still in the siding at Kolomyja which I
conclude was our transport referred to for the 7th September and
that this transport had not moved but waited for the Sniatyn and Horodenka
wagons. I conclude that were are not talking about two separate transports
to Belzec (7 and 10th September), but one of 50 wagons that
left Kolomyja on the 10th September. If this is the case, and
I think it is, the 3780 Jews loaded on the 7th had remained
in the wagons for three days without food or water. See also statement of
Alois Steiner (3.9.1947). Return
- In 1996 I visited Plaszow rail complex with Victor
Dortheimer, a survivor of Plaszow KZ. Victor's mother, was taken from
Skawina (sub-district of Krakow) to Belzec in the August, 1942, resettlement
transport that commenced from Nowy Targ, via Rabka, picking up Jews
in Skawina, Krakow, Tarnow, and Debica. The transport arrived in Belzec
via Rawa Ruska about the. In the sidings at Plaszow, well away from
normal traffic, the Polish station-master showed me several freight trains
that were used in these 1942 deportations of the Jews to Belzec. Each
car was sealed. For our purposes, the seal was broken and we inspected
the interior of these wagons.Even then (1996) there was clear evidence of
repair work to the sides of the wagon. There was still rusted barbed-wire
nailed into the framework of the small window opening. We spent some
time contemplating the conditions of August, 1942, 150 men, women and
children, crammed (probably naked) in to such a small space of
course it was impossible to re-live those days in August, 1942. Return
- In the Galician districts, 95 per cent of all
resettlement traffic was by freight wagon. The resettlements
from the Reich sphere of interest (Germany, Holland France etc.), from
early spring to July 1942, Jews were sent to the east in regular 3rd class
passenger cars with wooden benches. This was all part of the Nazi
deceptions. The luggage of the Jews was usually stored in freight
wagons that adjoined the transport. The only instances of people
being transported from the Reich in freight wag were the handicapped, insane
etc. which came under T4 administration and in the main went direct to
Piaski and Sobibor. Return
- 180-200 Jews, men, women and
children, loaded per freight wagon. Ordinary rail passenger cars were seen
in Belzec in late 1942. The author interviewed a Ukrainian lady in
Belzec June, 1998. This lady lives in a dwelling directly opposite
Belzec rail station. She could remember that in 1942, her family,
peering through the net curtains of their dwelling saw such a passenger
train waiting in a siding at Belzec. She referred to fat men smoking
cigars, standing up and looking out of the window omen were knitting and
children were seen, as though exited finally arriving at their new home.
This woman's house is 50m from the rail line. The author stood in
the same position to confirm her line of vision. In a matter of hours,
all would have been gassed. Return
- ibid. (diary). Return
- The regulation sealing of the Kolomyja
transport was carried out by the Jewish Public Order Service and
the railway station construction gang (eastern railway work brigade)
of Kolomyja. Return
- ibid. Lt. Wessermann to KdO in Galicia, 14.9.1942. Return
- The resettlement train was handed over to Zugwachtmann
der Schutzpolizei Jacklein (escort) by Hauptwachtmeister Zitzmann (local
Schutspol). Return
- ibid. Reference to the wife of Leideritz
see Yad Vashem report dated 3.9.1962 ( 0-4/32) report
of Jewish Committee dated 13.5.1945 'Extermination of the Jews in
Kolomyja'.It was not unusual for wives and girlfriends to attend, and even take part
in Jew actions. This was a regular occurrence in the Rabka Sipo-Sd
School, whenthe women associates of the SD, climbed on to the roof of the
school to watch executions taking place. See also Browning 'Ordinary
Men' some wives and girlfiends attended to clearing to watch their man
friends at work. Return
- See App
??? Deportations to Belzec
February March, 1942. Return
- Many of the transports to Belzec,
Sobibor and Treblinka had lime/chloride spread in the wagons before departure
which caused the skin to peel of their bodies. Many were gassed
en-route.At Sobibor SS-Frenzel met a transport from Majdanek and poured chloride
on the heads of the Jewish prisoners which resulted in horrific injuries.
(Testimony of Hella Fellenbaum-Weiss, survivor of Sobibor). Return
- In May, 1998, when I was engaged
in the Belzec survey, I took the opportunity of walking the single line
(in the search for artifacts), 3km from Belzec in the direction of Lvov
and 3km in the opposite direction towards Zamosc and Lublin. Nothing
was found. Return
- In the Kolomyja transport, and after the first
break outs had occurred, the Jews were questioned when the train
stopped at Stanislawow. They stated to the security services
that they had been allowed to retain their 'tools of trade' by the loading
guards, explaining that they would need them at their future destination
for work. Return
- Even on the Soviet transports the prisoners were
afforded the concession that when the train stopped. They were allowed off
for this purpose. Also there was some sustenance,
however inadequate, that some stinking fish would be thrown in. The
Kolomyja transport had no such luxuries. We have many reports where
families taken for execution and ordered to strip naked, fathers, grandfathers
and uncles, suffering with shame to appear naked before their families,
refused and preferred to be shot rather remove their clothes. Return
- The OIC could not specify the numbers that had
escaped 'Nonetheless, it can be assumed that at least two thirds
of the escaping Jews were shot or rendered harmless in some other way'.
See Browning, p. 35. Return
- Misc. report, dated January, 1958, 'The Organisation
of former Jewish residents of Kolomyja sent to the author by email USA
(Ben Nauchan). Return
- ZStL, Ord. 410, 994-96, 498, 500-501. Report of
5th Company, RPB 133, PR 24, 7-11 12.12.1942.
See also Browning, p 132, and Goldhagen p 196. Return
- Lvov, Stanislawow, Pinsk, Baranowicze,
Wilno, and scores of other Polish towns during 1940 and 1941. Return
- ibid.In Kolomyja selections of these workers
had been sifted from the masses and loaded separately
for delivery to the Janowska slave labour camp in Lvov. Return
- They were loaded naked for economic
reasons. As stated above, Janowska was one of the clearing-house
for Jewish property from Belzec. To save time and energy, the Jews
were stripped of their clothing and sorted in Janowska, rather than the
clothing going to Belzec and then having to return to Janowska. It
makes sense? Return
- ibid. Return
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Galicia, Poland
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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
This web page created by Professor G. L. Esterson
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Updated 28 Aug 2005 by LA