Extermination of the Jews of Galicia
(Galicia, Poland)

This material is based on the Ph. D. dissertation
being written by Robin O'Neil in partial fulfillment of the doctoral requirements
for the Ph. D. degree at University College, London.


Project Coordinator

Joyce Field z”l

Written and contributed by:

Dr Robin O'Neil
London, U. K.

This material is made available by JewishGen, Inc. and the Yizkor Book Project for the purpose of
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This work is dedicated to the memory of the Jews of Galicia
who were tortured and murdered during the Holocaust.
May their souls rest in Peace.

  Introduction by Joyce Field
  Biography of the Author, Robin O'Neil
Extermination of the Jews in Galicia
Chapter   1 Ukrainian Nationalism, Activities Sponsored by Nazi Germany
Chapter   6 From Stanislawow to the Extermination / Resettlement in Kolomyja
  What Happened
  1. We are forced to go under…
  2. The 17 Actions in Kolomyja Province
  1. Occupation by Hungarian Forces
  2. German Anti-Jewish Decrees
  3. The Establishment of the Judenrat
  Record of 'Actions in Kolomyja' in the Scheparow Forest
  4. First Extermination – Payments of Contributions
  5. Second Extermination – Collection of Furs
  6. Extermination of the Jewish Intelligentsia
  7. Daily Occurences of Abuse
  8. Establishment of the Ghetto
  9. Kolomyja/Belzec: First Deportations 2-7/4/1942
10. Ghetto Life: April-September 1942
  Kolomyja and District Transports to Belzec
11. Second Resettlement: 7-10/9/1942
      G.E.D.O.B: Head Office of Eastbound Traffic
      Police Battalion 133 (Kdo-Lvov)
      Escort Duty
      The Journey
      Arrival Procedures at Belzec
      Timetable 2050 Kolomyja-to-Belzec, 10/9/1942
      Stations 2050 Kolomyja-to-Belzec
      Extermination of the Jews of Kuty (Kolomyja Sub-District)
12. Third Deportation in Kolomyja
  The Final Solution
13. Extermination of the Hallerbach Group
14. Extermination of the Jews in Sniatyn
15. Extermination of the Jews in Kosow (Kolomyja Sub-District)
Chapter   7 Extermination of the Jews of Kolomyja and District
Chapter 10 Extermination of the Jews of Stryj and District

Introduction to the Dissertation on Genocide in Galicia by Robin O'Neil

Joyce Field
Project Manager
Yizkor Book Project

I made the acquaintance – by mail – of a charming man in Israel, Mr. Uriel Zur Schützer, when I was securing permission from him to publish yizkor material from Stryj, Ukraine. Mr. Schützer asked me if I would like some additional material that he had on the trial of the Germans who had carried out the extermination of the Jews in Stryj. In a few weeks, a heavy package arrived containing the transcript of the 1947 trial in Vienna of these Germans plus a 12-page introduction by Mr. Tuvia Friedmann – all in German. Even with my college German I could tell that this was a very potent document, which belonged on the yizkor book site.

I called a friend of mine, a Professor Emeritus of German, told him about the material, and invited him to come over and look at it. When he did, he became very excited. First, because we wanted to find out if the material had been translated, he posted a message on a Holocaust web site, and we received replies that gave us even more information about the material we had. Eventually, this material will be added to the Stryj site.

One of the replies was from Robin O'Neil, who sent material from his PhD dissertation – still in draft form – covering not only the extermination of the Jews in Stryj but that of many other Galician towns. Every day he sent me more material.

All that he transmitted will be put on the Yizkor Book web site. His object is to share this information. Much of it is emotionally shattering, but it is important for us to understand the enormity of the horror that befell the Jews.

Robin is a very special person and his brief “bio,” which I asked him to write, illustrates his experience and humanity. I am grateful that “by chance” I was able to get his research and make it available to JewishGenners.

Biography of the Author

Robin O'Neil

The Author: Honorary
Research Fellow UCL,
Salisbury UK Dr Robin O'Neil

Dr. Robin O'Neil is a former police major crimes investigator who worked at the cutting edge of major criminal investigations in the United Kingdom and Central Europe. Formerly of Scotland Yard, the Metropolitan and Home Counties Police. service, he then took up the challenge of academia. After obtaining his Master’s and Doctorate with University College London, he now specializes in the investigation of Nazi war crimes and the destruction of the European Jewish communities 1933-1945. He is a regular lecturer at Universities in the United Kingdom, United States, Israel and Eastern Europe

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
Emerita Yizkor Book Project Manager, Joyce Field z”l
Contact person for this translation Joyce Field z”l
This web page created by Professor G. L. Esterson z"l and Osnat Ramaty

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Updated 11 Jul 2009 by LA