[Page 60]
Winter in the town young people enjoying the snow
[Page 61]
The Vilbig [trans. note: Vilna Jewish Educational Association] Library
for Yiddish Books on Subotnik Street (1931) standing in the doorway: Yosele Levine, zl,
behind him Hirshel Krizovski, zl
[Page 62]
Students, teachers, and the parents committee of the Tarbus School in Divenishok (1932)
in the center: Rabbi Rudnik, z.tsl, Dr. Wiesenfeld, Ben-Zion Schneider,
Zisha Yakov Shkolnik, Nathan Itskovitsh, Moshe Yakov Rogol, and Krivitski
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Dieveniškės, Lithuania
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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
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Updated 25 Sep 2012 by LA