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[Page 421]

Yizkor (cont.)


In loving memory of our dear Parents:
Father: Motl Eisenberg, died 1961
Mother: Rachel Eisenberg, died 1986
Brother: Salomon Eisenberg who lost his
Wife on January 18th, 1945 when he was
deported from Auschwitz to Buchenwald

Their son: Moshe Eisenberg & Family
Their daughter: Chana Rosenberg & Family

[Page 422]

Our beloved Parents: Yitzchak Elchanan and
Sarah Eta Eisenberg,
Like my paternal Grandparents:
Israel and Chaya Eisenberg
Owned leather factories in Szydlowiec

In 1942, the Germans placed a Commissar in my parents' factory. Prior to that time, we had built an underground bunker where my parents, my late husband and myself, our baby Feivel, my sister Goldale and other relatives were hiding. We hid in the bunker for approximately six weeks, when early one morning, the Gestapo discovered us. After we were ordered out of the bunker, the Gestapo forced us to take the Sifrei Torah out of my parents' office and to unroll the Torah Scrolls on to the ground. We were then ordered to walk on the Sifrei Torah or be killed on the spot. We were marched to a place near the Magistrate where other Jews who had been hiding were also brought. The Germans took us to Verke in Skarzysko, where we were placed in forced labour. My sister Goldale was also with us and she played a very important role in helping me take care of our son who we lost shortly before the liberation. Our beloved parents, who were devoted to Yiddishkeit and Tzedakah, were Hasidim of the Radoszicer Rabbi. My late husband, Motel, who was taken away from us early in his life, was a devoted Gerer Hasid.

May their memory be always with us

Chaya Dina Eisenberg Smedra

[Page 423]


Devoted he was to God, Nation and Family. Beloved by
his peers in his good deeds. Dedicated to Torah, even in
the days of the Holocaust. Honour and respect he
conveyed to all his acquaintances. May his memory be
blessed to the world to come.
Husband and Father

Passed away the 10th day of Shevat 5729 1969
This is also a Memorial to his son who passed away in his youth

Beloved Husband and Father:
Max Smedra 1914-1969
May his soul rest among the living

Chaye-Dinah Smedra-Eisenberg
Los Angeles

[Page 424]


In sacred and loving memory
of our Beloved Parents:
Yitzchok Elchonan and
Sara Ethel Eisenberg
Grandparents: Cantor Yaakov and
Miriam Fliegel
Israel (Srulkle) and Hinda Eisenberg
Aunt and Uncle: Hirsh Leib and
Misha Albert
Brother-in-law: Motl and
Son: Faiwale Smedra
Girlfriends: Mania Shtainman,
Chavale Shtajerman

They were my dear and close friends. Their love,
devotion and loyalty we shared I will always cherish in
my memory, together with the memory of my Parents
and all our family.

Golda Eisenberg (Finkel), Baltimore
Deborah, Tsevi Grindman and Family,

[Page 425]


In Loving memory
of our Beloved
Husband, Father and Grandfather
who survived the Holocaust,
and was taken away from us so early in life
on Oct. 30th, 1988
Nathan Brotman
We will cherish and honour his memory forever

Honoured by the surviving wife
Eva Brotman
Loving children Nancy and Shirley
and their families

[Page 426]

In Memoriam
of our dear Family who perished in the
Nazi Holocaust Al Kidush Hashem in Treblinka
Sept. 23-1942

Our Parents: Yitzhok and Hanah Perl Wester
Sister and husband Sarah and Solomon Kaufman
and their child Taybale
Youngest sister: Chaiyusha


In Loving Memory of
Sister-in-law: Adela Wester, née Kaufman
and her 2 sons
Yosele, age 2 and Yechiel-Michael, age 1


Chaim Wester and Family
Wladek West (Wester) and Family
Bronia Laitman (née Wester) and Family
Rushka Stiglec (née Wester) and Family
Melbourne, Australia

[Page 427]


In Loving memory of our dear
Uncle Moshe and Auntie Esther Rosenblat
Cousins: Chaim, Kiva, Leibush and Lonia

Uncle: Zemach and Auntie Sheiva Rosenblat
Cousins: Balcia and Israel Weichhendler
and child
Cousins: Rachel Rosenblat (Stark)
Eliezer and Laiblev

Wladek West (Wester) and Family
Bronia Laitman (née Wester) and Family
Rushka Stiglec (née Wester) and Family
Charlie Ross (Rosenblat) and Family
Chaim Wester and Family
Fela Doron (Rosenblat) and family, Israel

They survived the Holocaust, concentration camps and
after that, settled in Melbourne, Australia


The only survivors, from left Bronia Laitman née Wester and Rushka Stigletz née Wester

[Page 428]


From right to left, Akiva Liberbaum, who lost his
Wife after the liberation in Kelcer Pogrom
Jacob Szczenszliwy, Berl Bekermaszyn
2nd row: Menashe Cytryn

The only survivor Wladislaw Wester
Melbourne, Australia

[Page 429]


To the sacred memory of my dearest and
beloved family who perished in the death camp
Treblinka on Jan. 13th, 1943 Al Kidush Hashem
My father:

My Mother: Sarah-Hanah Ostrowieki
My sister: Rachel-Leah
Husband: Leibl Cimrot and children
Brothers: Chanyna-Aaron and
Yechezkel Benjamin

The only survivor:
Max Ostrowieki (Ostro)
and family
New York

[Page 430]

In Memoriam of my dearest
Parents: Yechiel-Abish and
Yitah-Rachel Blander
Brothers: Usher-Yehuda, Moshe-Shachne
and Sarah-Inda and children
Brother: Shragah-Faiwe Blander
Sisters: Hanah Matl and Rochel-Leah
Uncle: Chaim-Hirsh and Rochel Blander
and Family
Symcha-Leibish and Fraida Eisenstat
and Family
Mordechai-Mendl and Chanah-Leah Paris
and Family
Chaim and Sarah Yitah Lerman and Family
Cousins: Yitzhok and Yitka Sztainman,
Josef and Bela Konopka,
Binem and Rebecca Szotland and their children

Binem Blander and Family,
Brooklyn, NY


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Updated 7 Jul 2022 by LA