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[Page 411]

Yizkor (cont.)


In Memoriam to the sacred memory of my dear and
Beloved family who perished in the death camp of
Treblinka al Kidsuh Hashem on Sept 23, 1942

My parents:
Mordechai Menachem (Motl) and
Rochele (Milstein)
Grandparents: Nachmi and Gitele Drajnudel
Sister: Cypora and Chaim Nosen David Katz
Children: Jacob
Yitzhok, Samuel, Nachmi,
Leah and Esther
Sister: Frida Edith and Pinchas,
Wester, Nachmi
Brother: Israel, Jacob (Srulki) and
Abraham Chaim Milstein
Uncle: Baruch and Miriam Drajnudel
Uncle: Isrolik and Hanka Drajnudel
Uncle: Joseph and Hanah Aizenberg
Yehoshua and Rebeca

The only survivor, Yitzhok Milstein
Brooklyn, NY

[Page 412]


In Memoriam of Our Beloved:

Samuel-Chaim and Helen Davis
Hirsh-Mendl and Miriam-Sarah Drandell
Morris and Hilda Davis and Mayer Drandell
Baruch and Miriam Drandel
Deborah-Perl and Hershl Aichenbaum
Dr. Sidney Babbitz and Eddy Ackerman

Dr Milton and Dr Jack Drandell
and families, California
Sidney Davis and Family, Marland
Dr. Norman Davis and Family
Dr. Irving Davis and Family
Edith and Albert Rosenberg
and family
Hanah Babitz and Family, Florida
Yitzyk Milstein, Brooklyn

[Page 413]


We will never forget Parents:

Yitzhok and Gitl Milstein
Grandparents: Hershl and Leah Milstein
Uncle: Motl and Auntie Rachel Milstein
and family
Uncle: Moshe and Yita Milstein
Children: Tobi, Hinda, Rachmiel, Cyvia
Uncle: Hershl, Rachel Broniewski
Children: Moshe Meir and family,
Esther, Sarah Sheindl
Uncle: Baruch and Naomi Cyngiser
Children: Sarah Hanah, Rosa and Leah

All perished in the Nazi Holocaust
Sept 23, 1942

From: Jacob Milstein, Ramat Gan, (Israel)
Yitzhok Milstein, (Brooklyn)
Abraham Milstein, Kibutz Shfaim, (Israel)
Hershl (Bronke) and Yitzhok Cyngiser,
Holon, (Israel)

[Page 414]


Dedicated in loving memory of

Our dear Parents:
David and Esther Rosenbaum
Isaiah and Chanah-Faiga Rosenbaum
Samuel and Isaiah Rosenbaum
Cesia and Menasha Rosenblat
Children: Motl, Leah and Mania
Sister: Dora and Moshe Grinberg
Children: Layle and Tobi Rosenbaum

Surviving: Abe Rosenbaum and Family, Flushing
Goldi Rosenbaum, Paris

[Page 415]



In loving memory:
Parents: Laibish and Leah Yehudith Kornbrot
Grandma: Deborah
Sister: Tobi Rachel
Husband: Solomon Sztainowicz
Children: Josef, Jacob and Berl
Brothers: Hershl, Philip, Israel,
Ytzhok and Wife: Rebecca (Kupershmit) Kornbrot

Irving Kornbrot, Roma Rosenbaum, (Kornbrot)
Miriam Rosenfeld, Tola Staszewski (Kornbrot)
And their families, Flushing, NY

[Page 416]



In Loving Memory:

My dear Parents,
Libe and Note Weisbrot
Brother Yankl and Beile Wiessbrot
and their 3 daughters
Sister: Sarah Zisel and husband Leizer Mayovke
and 2 daughters
Rivkah and Yonah Bist Binstock

Abram Weissbrot and Family, Florida

[Page 417]


To the Sacred Memory

of our Dear Parents:
Abraham and Bat-Sheva Weisbrot
Sisters: Feiga-Tobe Priva and
Cymel Weisbrot
Sister and Husband: Moshe Shwarz (Weisbrot)

They survived the Holocaust and
passed away young in the United States
We will cherish and honor their memory forever
May their names never be forgotten

Max Webb (Weisbrot) and Family,
Beverly Hills, CA
Eizyk Weisbrot and Family,
Brooklyn, NY

[Page 418]

In loving memory of our
dear Uncles, Aunties and Families:

They were deported and killed in Treblinka
Al Kidush Hashem on 23rd September, 1942.

Aaron and Frymet Blumenfeld
Fradl and Mayer, Manela
Uncle: Moshe and Maniale Blumenfeld
Children: Aizyk, Hershl, Yitzhok, Nusyn
Rachel and Shloime Maslowicz
Nathan and Sheva Blumenfeld and Children
Israel and Tobi Lederman,
Children: Josef, Jacob
Yona, Israel Weisbrot
and their Wives and children
Uncle: Abraham and Tsharne Bresler

Max Webb (Weisbrot) and Family,
Beverly Hills, CA.
Aizyk Weisbrot and Family,
Brooklyn, NY

[Page 419]


In Loving Memory:

Parents: Yankl, Yocheved Bronievski
Sisters: Rivka, Hinde, Leah
Grandpa, Grandma: Rafael, Rachel Erlichman
Gedalia, Rachele Bronievski
Uncles: Eliezer, Sarah Erlichmen
Rachmiel, Perl Erlichman
Yonah, Miriam Bronievski
Binem, Chaya-Sarah Bronievski
Samuel, Naomi Bronievski
Aunts: Elke and Henech Bok and Children
Chanele, Perl, Tsiporah Fried
Miriam Erlichman, Hinde, Sarah and Children
Neighbours: Yoel and Perl Shichter,
Itshe Zakon and Children,
Gite Waks and Children

Chantze Bavnik Bronievski and Family

[Page 420]


In Loving Memory:

of our perished grandparents:
Yona and Rosa Broniewski
Parents: Joseph David and Sarah Aizenberg
Sisters: Mindel and Hanna-Bella Aizenberg
Brother: Samuel and wife Mange Aizenberg
Uncle: Leizer, Aunt: Gietel
and children: Broniewski
Uncle: Yossel, Aunt: Deborah Broniewski
and children
Uncle: Meyer and Hannah Broniewski
and children
Uncle: Moshe, Aunt: Hinda Spitzberg
Uncle: Moshe, Aunt: Paula Feintuch
and the rest of our Aizenberg Family

The Survivors, Regina (Aizenberg) Netzler
In loving memory of her husband
Moshe Netzler, Melbourne, Australia
Rachel (Aizenberg) Mallen,
Children and grandchildren
In memory of her beloved husband:
Nathan Mallen, Toronto, Canada
Olga (Aizenberg) Galas and Family,
Stockholm, Sweden
Regina (Broniewski) Teichman and Family
Tivon, Israel


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