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[Page 503]

In Memoriam

Translated by Esther Libby Raichman

And these are the names
of the Martyrs from Swerznie

*Editor's note: The surnames in this necrology are listed according to the order of the letters in the Hebrew alphabet, as they appear in the Yizkor book.

Alpert Rabbi, Reb Chaim-Avrom, the Rebbetzin Beile, and Elke.
Aginsky Keile, Yoel and Nechama.
Inzelbuch Ya'akov, Chaye-Sheine and Yitzchak.
Aronovitsh Esther.

Botvinik Binyomin, Rochel, Yitzchak and Zlatte.
Bokov Sheine and her four children.
Berkovitsh Shlayme-Chaim and Etke.
Bereshkovsky Avrom, Batya, Yudel and Chanan.
Bernshtein Li'alye, Chaya, Elke, Yosef, Yitzchak.
Broches Velvel, Ettel and two children.
Broches Ya'akov.

Goldshtein Shlomo, Riva, Natan and Mordechai from Lubartov.
Goldin Ben-Tzion, Leah, Tzaddik, Meyer (died in the Partisan Resistance).
Goldin Berel, Chana, Nechama, and Chava. Shlayme died serving in the Soviet Army.
Goldin Moshe-Leib, Frumeh, Tzvi, and another child.
Goldin Yerachmiel, Sortze and Rochel.
Goloventshitz Rochel and Blumeh.
Gershovitsh Bryne and Maryashe.
Grande Izik and Esther. Chaim died serving in the Soviet Army.
Grande Broche and Eidele.
Grande Zalman, Chaya and two children.
Grande Dina.
Grande Chanye and Ette.
Grinvald Shmuel, Frumke, Ruven, Foigel and Tzippe.

Doktorovitsh Michle.
Deretshinsky Chaim, Rochel and a child.
Druker Chaim, Zishe and their children.
Druker Ya'akov, Maryashe and two children.

Vilitovsky Dobbe.

Zaturensky Shimme, Zelde and another child.
Zeliviansky Yochved, Boruch and Aharon.
Zilberman Toibe and Moril.
Zilberman Sorke.

Treshtshinyetzky Shmuel, Peshe, Frumeh Ruven and Simme.

Yankelevitsh Boruch, Yashe, Mottel, Izik and Yosef.
Yankelevitsh Berel, Fradeh, Chaim and Batya.
Yankelevitsh Yitzchak, Freide, Nochum, Chashe, Ben-Tzion, Yosef and Itte.
Yankelevitsh Ya'akov and family (Kulikovke).
Yosselyevitsh Eliyahu, Itke, Rivka, Chashe, Chaim-Moshe and Sorke the carpenter (female)
Yosselevsky Aharon, Danneh and Tzippe.
Yosselevsky Moishke, Tzivyeh, Yochved, Yisroel-Natte and Chaya-Shashe.

Leibovitsh Yitzchak, Ette, Chaim and a daughter.
Liftshansky Tzirre, and Hende.
Leibman Dovid, Mina and Liebe.
Lipovsky Dovid, Sorre-Esther and Kalman.
Lifshitz Chanye, Devorah, Esther, and Rivka.
Levin Tuvia, Tirtza, and Hillel.
Lyemesh Itke.

Movshovitsh Tzirre and Hillel.
Movshovitsh Shimon, Mashe, Tzvi and Chasye.
Munbaz Alter, Fradke, Mendel and another child.
Munbaz Ruven, Rivka-Leah, Hanye, Rochel, Shmaryahu, and Daniel.
Mor Shmuel-Meyer, Sorre and a daughter.

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In Memoriam

Murevitsh Eliezer, Gutte, Pinchas and Rochel.
Murevitsh Tzvi, Chayenke, and two children.
Manker Leib, Taibel and Reizel.
Manker Natte and Tamarah.
Menches Shmuel-Dovid and Binyomin.
Menches Gedalyahu, Tzivye and Itke.

Neifeld Moshe-Aharon, and Keile.

Stoklitzky Zecharyah, Yentel, Mashe, and Avrom.

Epshtein Hirsh and Yehudit.
Epshtein Henye and Dina.
Epshtein Avrom-Yitzchak, Simke and four children.
Epshtein Yerachmiel.
Epshtein Liebe and Rochel and her husband.
Epshtein Tsherne and five children.

Polonsky Yudel, Mashe and Taibel Raiser.
Poleiyes Sorre, Chana and her husband.
Farfel Leime, Sorke, Zalman and Foigel.
Pinnes Shimon, Dvoshe, Tamarah, Moshe, Ze'ev died in Prague.
Pertzovitsh Yosef-Hertzl, Leike, Chaim-Dovid and Frumeh. Yitzchak died in the Partisan Resistance.
Perelman Peretz, Chana, and Ya'akov-Shmuel.
Perelman Shragge-Faivel, Lyubeh and Chavah.
Protos Avrom, Eshke, and four children.
Protos Chaya.
Protos Chaim and his wife.
Protos Sorke.
Protos Mordechai, Shifreh, Michael and Tziporah.

Tzalkovitsh Itke, Michael and Elke.
Tcharny Ya'akov and Basye.
Tcharny Bunye and Sorre-Bashe.

Kalmanovitsh Kraine, Aharon, Yitzchak and Braineh.
Kaplan Ya'akov, Rochel, Raitze and Yessel.
Kortshemne Malke.
Kuzniyetz Avrom, Leibel and Eshke.
Kuzniyetzov Yosef, Feige and Rochel.
Kuzniyetzov Nachum, Chaya-Sheine, Avrom, Itke and Rochel.
Kuzniyetzov Moishl, Esther and Pesye.
Kirzner Avrom, Sashe, Ben-Tzion, Beile and another child.
Kliyatshuk Simche, Yoche, Velvel died serving in the Soviet Army.
Kliyatshuk Ze'ev and Merry.
Kliyatshuk Berel, Broche, Moshe, and Hinde.
Kravetz Avrom-Ber, Reizel, Alter and Liebe Trachtenberg.

Rubin Tzvi, Chaya-Tshirle, Avrom and Meyer.
Rubentshik Sorre, Noach, Faivel, Hershel, Tamarah, Moshe died in the Partisan Resistance near Haruvyeshov.
Russak Ruven.
Reznik Zelde and Ben-Tzion.
Renzon Tzvi, Peshke and Taibel.

Shachnovitsh Berel and Noach.
Shapiro Yitzchak, Chayenke, Refael-Mendel and Chana-Sorre.
Shvartz Meyer-Yosef, Chayenke, Tzvi, Menuche, their daughter Shoshana and her husband and child.
Shulitz Rochel-Leah.
Shultz Faivel and his family from Kisyelyovshtzinne.
Shvekshvine Azriel, Rochel and four children.
Shteinhoiz Nachum, Relke and Moshe.
Shenkman Foigel, Zelde and Minye. Binyomin died serving in the Soviet Army.
Shlimovitsh Tzippe.
Shkolnik Chaya-Sorre, Golde-Paiye, Yosef, Blumke and Mordechai died together with their families.
Shkolnik Beile from Vilne.
Avremel from Marchotshovtzinne, with his entire family.

[Page 505]

In Memoriam

Translated by Esther Libby Raichman

In Eternal Memory

In memory of the martyrs of Stoibtz
who perished in martyrdom
by the Nazi murderers
12th Tishrei 5703

The monument at the cemetery in Buenos Aires

The monument that was erected by the Argentinian Jews at the cemetery in Tablada – Buenos Aires, in memory of the six million victims that Hitler massacred. Among the hundreds of bronze and marble memorial panels, stands this panel that the former Stoibtz residents in Argentina erected with the above-mentioned content. Every year on the anniversary, the Stoibtz families gather to say the memorial prayer for the holy souls.

May their souls be bound up in the bond of everlasting life.

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In Memoriam

List of Partisans Who Fell
in the Forests and in Battle

Translated by Ann Belinsky and Esther Libby Raichman

CHINITZ Ya'acov, born in 1924. Fled to the partisans. Fell in the Naliboki Forests. AGINSKY Feiveh, born in 1908, fled to the forest and joined the partisans in the area of Kapula. Was in the Tzfayev Detachment. Fell from an enemy bullet.
TUNIK Moshe, born in 1910. Joined the Zukov Detachment. Fell in the thick forests (pushcha) of Naliboki in battle with the enemy, close to the liberation. INZELBUCH Mordechai, was in a partisan unit in the area of Kapula. Enlisted in the Red Army and fell in battle just before the liberation.
TUNIK Nechama, born in 1915. She was a member of Hashomer Hatza'ir. She joined the partisans. Sent to the ghetto to obtain firearms. She was caught, tortured, and did not reveal anything. Executed. INZELBUCH Shmuel, was in the partisan unit with his brother Mordechai. Enlisted in the Red Army and fell in battle just before the liberation.
TUNIK Azriel, born in 1919. Member of Hashomer Hatza'ir. Joined the Zukov Detachment. Fell in December 1942 in an attack with the police. When the bullets were used up, he killed himself with a hand grenade. AKUN Berel, was in the partisan unit after he fled from Baranovicz together with his two brothers. Enlisted in the Red Army and fell in battle.
Machtey Yosef, born in 1918 Member of Po'alei Tzion. Killed by Christian partisans in the village of Bereznea. AKUN Hillel, participated in a partisan unit. Enlisted in the Red Army and fell in battle just before the liberation.
Machtey Yisroel, born in 1921. Fled the ghetto with a group of nineteen armed men, joined the Zukov Detachment. Penetrated Baranovicz to save his brother and his tracks were lost. AKUN Zalman, participated in operations against the enemy. Afterwards enlisted in the Soviet Army and fell in battle. 
Machtey Meir, born in 1923. Fled from Baranovicz. Joined the Zukov Detachment. Left on a mission against the Germans and his tracks were lost. ALTMAN Yekutiel, left with an armed group from the Baranovicz camp. Joined the partisans in the Zukov Detachment. Fell by the hands of White Poles.
MAZEH Ozer, born in 1922. Fled the ghetto with a group of nineteen armed men, joined the Zukov Detachment. Reached a rank of Strashina. Fell in March 1944. AXELROD Boaz, born in 1915. Was a member of Hashomer Hatza'ir. Went to the forest with Yosef Harkavy. Joined the Zukov Detachment. Fell when they went to save Jews from the Steibtz Ghetto.
PEKKER Ya'acov, born in 1910. Fled to the forest. Joined the Zarin partisan camp. Established a flour mill in the forest. Fell from a German bullet, close to liberation. BERNSHTEIN Shneyer, born in 1918. Left with an armed group from the Stoibtz Ghetto under the command of Yisroel Machtey. Fought in the Detachment of Zukov. Fell in an operation in September 1943.
PRUSHTZITZKY Sonia, she was born in 1915. Member of Hashomer Hatza'ir. Joined the partisans, was sent to obtain firearms. Captured by the Germans, tortured but revealed nothing. BERKOVITZ Michael, born in 1925. Escaped from the Taat Camp in Baranovicz with his father and brothers. While on guard, he fell by the hands of roaming partisans.
PRASS Ya'acov, born in 1923. Escaped from the ghetto. Joined the partisan Detachment of Shestupolov. Participated in the liberation of Jews of Sweirzne. Fell close to liberation, while mining railway tracks. GINZBURG Masha, she participated with her family in the partisan unit in the area of Kapula. Fell in battle just before the liberation.
KOPOLOVITZ Iddel David, born in 1907. Escaped from the ghetto. Joined the partisans. Fell in an operation, by enemy bullets. HARKAVY Yosef, organized the defense of Stoibtz. Called upon the youth to join the partisans. Left to the forest with a group of nineteen armed men. Was a member of Hashomer Hatza'ir. Fell in battle with the enemy.
ROZOVSKY Tamar, she was born in 1923. Killed by partisans in forests in the area. VINESHTEIN Moshe, partisan in the Zukov Detachment. Fell by the hands of White Poles while going with a group of Jewish partisans to save Jews in the Ghetto.
SHULKIN Avraham, born in 1908. Was with the partisans. Enlisted in the Russian army. Fell at the German front, close to the liberation. ZARETZKY Moshe, member of Hashomer Hatza'ir. One of the underground organizers in the ghetto. Joined the Zukov Detachment on a mission to bring Jews from the Stoibtz Ghetto to the forest. Arrested by the Germans and executed.
  ZARETZKY Avraham, joined the partisans in the area of Kapula. Left on a mission to bring Jews from the Stoibtz Ghetto. Was not able to complete this objective and fell by the hands of evil people.

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In Memoriam

List of Former Stolpce Residents
Who Died in Israel

Translated by Ann Belinsky

Hebrew Year
[of death]
Gregorian Calendar Date*
Hebrew Year
[of death]
Gregorian Calendar Date*
Shimon KITAYEVITZ 5714 1953-1954   Chana DANTZIK 5708 1948-1949
Yaacov LEVIN 5717 1956-1957   GERSHONOVITZ 5708 1948-1949
Baruch AKUN 5708 24 Kislev 1947, 7 December   Tsipa ROZOWSKY,
in the year
5708 1948-1949
Moshe SERGOVITZ 5708 1947-1948   Sasha BORSUK 5710 15 Kislev
1949, 6 December
Tanchum DANTZIK 5722 9 Iyar 1962, 13 May   Chaya AGINSKY 5719 1959-60
Eliezer REISER 5722 14 Iyar 1962, 18 May   Basha PERLMAN 5705 10 Tevet 1944, 26 December
Yisrael REISER 5721 27 Shvat 1961, 13 February   Fania Machtey 5722 10 Nissan 1962, 14 April
Moshe SARNOV 5722 5 Av 1962, 15 August   Dov (son of Mr. Herzl LEVIN) 5709 1949-1950
Mordechai BORSUK 5722 22 Tishri 1961, 2 October   Noach EISKOV 5709 1949-1950
Shimon PERLMAN 5720 26 Tevet 1960, 26 January   Shmuel LEFKOVSKY 5714 1953-1954
* added in for ease of reference


In Memoriam

List of Former Stolpce Residents
Who Died in Argentina

Translated by Ann Belinsky

Avraham Yitzhak, son of Mr. Tzvi Machtey Yehuda Leib, son of Mr. Yitzhak NEIFELD
Rivka, daughter of Mr. Yossef SHULKIN Shimon, son of Mr. Tzvi TUNIK
Relka, daughter of Mr. Zvulun TUNIK Yehudah, son of Mr. Chaim Yitzhak BORSUK
Fruma, daughter of Mr. Haim Yitzhak KOTIN Mendel, son of Mr. Yaacov TUNIK
Reizel, daughter of Mr. Yechzkel BORUCHANSKY Moshe Lipah, son of Mr. Dov GERMIZZA
Pasha, daughter of Mr. Zeev TUNIK Aizik, son of Mr. Shlomo Yosef EICHEL
Esther-Haisha, daughter of Mr. Chaim CHEMLANITZKY Tzvi, son of Mr. Zalman TZIPELOVITZ (Henia Dvorah's husband)
Leah, daughter of Mr. Moshe LUSTERMAN Payshka, son of Mr. Tzvi GOLDIN
Golda, daughter of Mr. Tevel KUMAK Meir, son of Mr. Fishel YANKELOVITZ
Hanna-Dvorah, daughter of Mr. Tzvi Machtey-TZIPELOVITZ Dov, son of Mr. Shmuel DORAVESKY
Hilda-Mina, daughter of Mr. Yeshayahu, a grandchild of Leyzer GERMIZZA Zeev, son of Mr. Avraham SHULKIN
Avraham, son of Mr. Yedidia RUSSAK
Yaacov SOVOLEVSKY (Peshka TUNIK's husband)


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