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[Page 495]

Alphabetical List of Martyrs

Translated by Ann Belinsky


Last Name
First Name(s)
AUSKERN Isser (from Uzdah) His wife Nechama and two children 495
ABRAMOVITZ Chaim (from Baranovicz) His wife Sarah and two children 495
AVNETZIK Kalman His wife Peshe and their two children 495
AGINSKY Aizel His wife Sterre, their children: Chaya, Musya, Boruch, Leibe and Nechama 495
AGINSKY Beile (wife of Shmuel the carpenter) 495
AGINSKY Bluma (wife of Zalman) Their children: Yisroel, Rasheh, Leah and others 495
AGINSKY Henye (wife of Berel) Their children: Merre, Mushah, Bluma, Batya, Peshe 495
AGINSKY Fiveh His wife Dvosha and their children: Berel, Masheh 495
AGINSKY Leibel His wife Beilke and their three daughters 495
AGINSKY Chaya Sarah (wife of Shlomo) and their two daughters 495
AGINSKY Moshe His wife Shosheh 495
AGINSKY Shepsel His wife Chana Rivka, their son Chaim Yehoshua 495
OTIVSKY Shlomo His wife Esther 495
IZGUR Moshe 495
IZGUR Yitzhak His wife Beile, their children: Chaim-Leizer, Chana, Eliyahu 495
EIZENBERG Chava (wife of Noach) and her son Abraham 495
EIZENBERG Sarah (wife of Aaron) and her children: Batya, Tzvi, Itka 495
EIZENBERG Henye (Maiden name Tunik) and her son 495
INZELBUCH Kalman His wife Chana Leah, and their daughter Yehudit 495
INZELBUCH Mordechai His wife Henye, their children: Tzvi, Sarah 495
INZELBUCH Sarah (wife of Eli) and her son 495
INZELBUCH Shosheh (wife of Yehoshua) 495
INZELBUCH Berel (Shoshes) His wife Henye and their four children 495
INZELBUCH Malka (wife of Leib) Her daughters: Reizel, Rochel, Batya 495
ITZKOVITZ Zishke (wife of Izik) and their children: Yaakov, Gitteh, Moshe, Shlomo 495
ALTMAN Chana-Feige (wife of Shaul Isaac) Her children: Liebe, Rochel 495
ALTMAN Leibel His wife Bluma and their two children 495
ALTMAN Yaacov His wife Itke, their children: Etta-Leah, Shaul, Izik 495
ALTMAN Avraham Meir His wife Elta, their children: Leibel, Velvel, Chaim and another daughter 495
ALTMAN Yekotiel His wife Yocheved, their children: Shulamit, Shlomo 495
ALPEROVITZ (A Family from the flour mill from Sheki) 495

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ALPEROVITZ Yehoshua His wife Chasya and their two children 496
ENGOLD Yeshayahu His wife Itke, their children: Chaim, Nachman 496
ESTERKIN Shmariyahu His wife Eshke, their children: Yaakov, Eidele, Tzivia 496
ESTERKIN Berel His wife Chana, and their children: Tzvi, Sarah, Moshe 496
ESTERKIN Boruch His wife Zlatte and their two children 496
ESTERKIN Zlattte (maiden name Pistzener) Her daughters Zelda, Miriam 496
EPSHTEIN Yitzhak Shmuel His wife Fruma-Reshe 496
EPSHTEIN Yosef His wife Leah, and their children: Yisroel, Mordechai 496
EPSHTEIN Moshe His wife Feike and their daughter Simke 496
EPSHTEIN Avraham His wife Liebe and their daughter Pesya 496
EPSHTEIN Abba His wife Rochel 496
EPSHTEIN Haisha His wife Sarah and their two children 496
EPSHTEIN Chaim His wife Rochel and their child 496
EPSHTEIN David His wife Rochel and their son 496
AKUN Hillel His wife Basheh and their son Sholem 496
AKUN Chaim Hirshel His wife Beilke, their children: Mordechai and one other 496
AKUN Boruch Ozer His wife Chayenke and their son Berel 496
AKUN Izik His wife Sarah and their child 496
AKUN Taibeh Her husband and their child 496
AKUN Zalman His wife Chana and their child 496
AKUN Hillel (son of Boruch Ozer) and his wife Pella and son 496
AKUN Ozer His wife Beilke and their three children 496
AKSELROD Asher His wife Rochel, their children: Yaakov, Nechama, Chaim-Leizer 496
AKSELROD Boaz His wife Frumke, their son Moshe 496
ARONTZIK Sholem His wife Beilke, their children: Yonah, Moshe and one other 496
ARONTZIK Yitzhak His wife Dvorah and their two children 496
ARONTZIK Yerechmiel His wife Leah and their three children 496
BEGIN Michael His wife Risha 496
BEGIN Abba His wife Sonia and their son 496
BEGIN Berta (maiden name Litvinski) 496
BEGIN Moshe (from Baranovicz) His daughters Bilke, Frieda, Batya 496
BASKIN Moshe His wife Mushah and their son Izik 496
BASKIN Leah (maiden name Dvoretsky) 496
BARISHINSKY Yeshayahu The Rabbi. His wife and his son 496
BARISHINSKY Izik His wife Taibel, their children: Golda, Nechama 496
BORSUK Feike (wife of Yosef) and their daughter Bracha 496
BORSUK Yitzhak from Snov) His wife Rochel and their three children 496
BORSUK Liebe (daughter of Guttel) and her three children 496
BORSUK Noach (son of Moshe) 496
BITANSKY Yitzchak His wife Hindel and their three children 496
BENDELMAN Rivka (wife of Yisroel) and their two children 496
BERGER Dina Reizel
BERGER Ozer (son of Leibe Bentze) His wife Malka and their two children 496
BRUCHANSKY Leib His wife Malka 496
BRUCHANSKY Dov Ber His wife Chana 496
BRUCHANSKY Yitzchak His wife Pola and their child 496
BRUCHANSKY Yaacov His wife Basheh their children: Henye, Shlomo 496
BRUCHANSKY Michel (son of Shleime) His wife Basheh and their children: Henye, Shlomo, Yechezkel, Elimelech, Yisroel, Peretz, Binyamin 496
BRUCHANSKY Yitzchak (son of Shleime) His wife Beile Rasheh and their daughter Chava 496
BRUCHANSKY Yehoshua (son of Chatzkel) His wife Mina, their children: Rochel, Yechezkel, Sholem, Bluma, Dov, Yirmiyahu, Freidel 496
BRUCHANSKY Yechezkel His wife Zisha 496
BRUCHANSKY Shimon His wife Chana and their two children 496
BRUCHANSKY Yitzchak Yitzchak (son of Chatzkel) His wife Devorah and their three children 496
BRUCHANSKY Leibel His wife Chaya and their three children 496
BRUCHANSKY Fivel (son of Shimon) His wife Sarah and their two children 496
BRUCHANSKY Chayene (wife of Eli) and their two children 496
BRUCHANSKY Berel (son of Shimon) His wife Beile and their child 496
BRUCHANSKY Zalman (son of Michel) His wife Raichel and their two children 496
BRUCHANSKY Slava (wife of Yitzchak) Her son Chaim and two daughters 496
BRUK Sarah (daughter of Minke) 496
BERNSHTEIN Yaacov Leib His wife Basheh Feigel, their children: Rashke, Hinda, Devorah, Iddel 496
BERNSHTEIN Moshe Yitzhak His wife Sarah Yessel, their children: Hirshel, Taibel, Hinda, Sarah-Itke, Berel, Yosef 496
BERNSHTEIN Yaakov Hish wife Nishke and their two children 496
BERNSHTEIN Yosef His wife Leiba and their three children 496
BERNSHTEIN Reuven His wife Musheh , and their children Ozer, Eshke and another two 496
BERNSHTEIN Yitzhak His wife Tzina, their children: Shneior, Shmuel, Eshke, Ozer 496
BERNSHTEIN Mordechai (from Odessa) His wife Miriam 496
BERNSHTEIN Noach (from Odessa) His wife Peshke and their two children 496
BERNSHTEIN Yosef Chaim His wife Sarah Basheh and their son Peisel 496
BERNSHTEIN Yaacov (son of Sarah Basheh) His wife Malka and their two children 496
BERNSHTEIN Dov (from Uzda) His wife Chasheh Braine and four children 496
BERKOVITZ Abba (from Baranovicz) His wife Zelda and their two children 496
BERKOVITZ Dinah (wife of Berel Faiveh) and their children: Miriam, Michal, Genia, Leibel 496
BERKOVITZ Taibeh (wife of Avraham) 496

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BERKOVITZ Iddel (son of Taibe) His wife Sarah and their child 497
BERKOVITZ Yaacov Meir His wife Merre and their two children 497
BERKOVITZ Chaim Leib 497
BERKOVITZ Avraham (from Sweirzne) His wife Liebe and their child 497
GAFINE Michel His wife Freidel and their children: Berel, Hirsh 497
GUTTHERD Henich His wife Rivka and their daughter Beile 497
GOLDBERG Shmuel (the blacksmith) His wife Lifsha and their children: Zalman, Malka, Gershon, Yisroel, Shimon, Gedalyah 497
GOLDBERG Shmuel (the painter) His wife Sarah Elka and their children: Sarah, Leah, Rochel, Noah, Elimelech. Perla 497
GOLDBERG Zalman (from Mohilna) His wife Chana and their son 497
GOLDIN Tamar (the wife of Dovid z”l) and their two children 497
GITALIS Moshe (The Rabbi) His wife Beile and their daughter 497
GILIMOVSKI Itka and her daughter 497
GINZBURG Shaul His wife Sarah and their children: Yehoshua and two others 497
GURVITZ Avraham (son of Bama) His wife Basheh and their son 497
GURVITZ Shlomo (from Mir) His wife Bashke and their three children 497
GORFINKEL Shlomo His wife Chaya Resha and their daughter Beilke 497
GORFINKEL Berel His wife Feigel and their son 497
GORFINKEL Nechama (daughter of Shlomke) her husband and their children 497
GRANDEH Meir (from Sweirzne) His wife Risha, their children: Yona, Reuven-Hirschl 497
GRANDEH Berl (from Sweirzne) His wife Risha and their two children 497
GRUNESS Yeshayahu-Barchihu His wife Rasheh and their son Mordechai Izik 497
GRUNESS Leib Aharon His wife Malka and their son 497
GERMIZA Asne Rochel 497
GERMIZA Boruch His wife Eshke, their children: Shima, Chaim-Yaakov, Rivka-Tisha 497
GERMIZA Leibel His wife Shula and their son Berel 497
GERMIZA Chaim (from Minsk) His wife Chava Shleif and their three children 497
GERSHOVITZ Liebe (daughter of Golda, daughter of Shlomo) and her four children 497
GURVITZ Rachel and her daughters Yentl and one other 497
DVORETSKY Chaim His wife Dvorah and their son Hershl 497
DVORETSKY Nechama (wife of Yosef) and her children: Leibel, Hershel, Basheh, Miriam 497
DVORETSKY Rochel Her husband and their son 497
DOBKOVSKY Moshe His wife Rivka and their daughter Ettl 497
DOMNITZ Yaacov His wife Elka and their son 497
DORSKY Lipman 497
DORSKY Luba 497
DANILOVITZ Shlomo (Doctor) (killed in Baranovicz) His wife and their two children 497
DOKTOROWITZ Chaim Muna His wife Chaikah and their three children 497
DANILOVITZ Hirshel (doctor) and his wife 497
HORENKREIG Daniel (Killed on the road to Minsk) 497
HARKAVY Shlomo His wife Sima 497
HARKAVY Nissan and his daughter 497
HARKAVY Yosef His wife Esther and their child 497
HARLAL Yona (maiden name Kitayevitz) and her daughter 497
HENKIN Avraham Berel and his wife Chaya Leah 497
HEIBLUM Yerachmiel (shoemaker) His wife Sarah and their child 497
VADONOS Itka 497
VADONOS Yaacov His wife Miriam and their child 497
VELTZ Nachum (from Uzda) His wife Malka and their two daughters 497
VOLFSON Yechezkel His wife Rochel and their two daughters 497
VOLFSON Ze'ev (son of Chatzkel) His wife Roza and their children: Lusya, Berel 497
VINOKUR Leib His wife Tzivia (maiden name Sargovitz) and their son Naftali 497
VINERIB Chaya (maiden name Harkavy) Her husband and their daughter 497
VINESHTEIN Shimshon His wife Hinda and their children: Yisroel Chaim, Roza, Aharon 497
VINESHTEIN Eliezer (the shoemaker) His wife Tzaytka and their four children 497
VINESHTEIN Reinah wife of Shmuel 497
VINESHTEIN Golda (maiden name Altman) and her son Moshe 497
VINEREICH Yehoshua (Head of the community) His wife Rochel 497
VINER Aharon (from Bitan) His wife Feigel, their children: Miriam, Yechezkel, Leah, Yaakov 497
ZUCHOVITZKY Gruneh (wife of Shmuel) and their children: Chaim, Feigel 497
ZILBERMAN Moshe (from Rubeziewicz) His wife Feigel and their children: Yaacov, Aharon, Mina 497
ZILBERKVEIT Leibel His wife Itke and their two children 497
ZIMNOVITZKY Chaim His wife Masheh and their two children 497
ZELIKOVSKY Shmayahu His wife Basheh Chaya and their daughter Chana 497
ZELIBINSKY Boruch (from Sweirzne) His wife Chana 497
ZELIBINSKY Shlomo (from Sweirzne) His wife Esther and their two children 497
ZLOTNIK Getzel His wife Sarah and their two children 497
ZLATNIK Shmuel Yosef His wife Musheh 497
ZARETSKY Berel His wife Rashkeh and their children: Chaim, Moshe, Chaya 497
ZARETSKY Beilke (wife of Eliezer) and her children: Moshe, Tzivia, Avraham 497
ZARETSKY Goddel His wife Freida (maiden name Mirsky) and their children: Feigel, Chalbana 497
ZAITZIK Berko His wife Rivka (maiden name Charchurim) and their daughter Malka 497
CHARI Shlomo (Shochet, ritual slaughterer) His wife Peshke and their children: Sholem, Shulamit, Rivka, Moshe Dovid, and four others 497
CHODIRKER Yisroel Dov His wife Malka and their two children 497

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CHAITOWITZ Meir His wife Liebe 498
CHAITOWITZ Zimmel His wife Sarah Devorah, their children: Tzivia, Chaya, Aharon, Leibel, Masheh, Binyamin 498
CHAITOWITZ Ben-Tzion His wife Esther and their two children 498
CHINITZ Eliyahu His wife Leah and their children: Yaakov and two others 498
CHATZKELOWITZ Yitzhak His wife Grunye and their two children 498
CHARCHURIM Avraham Yaacov His wife Hinda and their two children 498
CHARCHURIM Yerucham His wife Feigel and their children: Leizer, Yitzchak, Pesye 498
CHARCHURIM Chaim His wife Miriam 498
CHARCHURIM Zelig His wife Tzipke and their children: Chanan, Chana, Leah 498
TOV Masheh (Maiden name Lungin)
TUCHMAN Yaacov His wife Seliah 498
TUNIK Iddel (The butcher) His wife Etke 498
TUNIK Moshe (son of Iddel) His wife Malka and their child 498
TUNIK Ze'ev (son of the Rabbi Azriel) His wife Braineh and their children: Nachman, Pesach, Yaakov, Shlomo, Leah 498
TUNIK Moshe (son of Ze’ev) His wife Rivka and their child 498
TUNIK Reuven (son of Ze’ev) and his wife 498
TUNIK Tzipka (wife of Azriel) and their son 498
TUNIK Eliyahu (son of Azriel) His wife Feigel and their children: Yosef, Ze’ev, Elka 498
TUNIK Elkana His wife Beilke and their son Tzvi 498
TUNIK Zavel His wife Feigel 498
TUNIK Mordechai His wife Freidke and their children: Manye, Yitzchak 498
TUNIK Shmuel (the butcher) His wife Genesia and their children: Yaakov-Meir, Shula, Moshe, Pesye 498
TUNIK Nachum (the butcher) His wife Chana and their children: Mordechai, Eliyahu and one other 498
TUNIK Liebe (wife of Ze’ev) and their two children 498
TUNIK Hirshel (son of Moshe) 498
TUNIK Shosheh Fruma (wife of Tzvi Hirsh) and their children: Esther, Tzila 498
TUNIK Mariyasha 498
TUNIK Motke (from Derevno) His wife Elka and their children: Tzivia, Liebe and two others 498
TUNIK Shifra (wife of Sholem the butcher) and their children: Nechama, Berel, and two others 498
TUNIK Avraham (son of Zavel) His wife Tanya and their children: Tzila, Gila, Zavel 498
TUNIK Pinchas (son of Zavel) His wife Ettel and their son Zavel 498
TUNIK Aharon (son of Zavel) and his wife 498
TUNIK Chaim Yitzchak (son of Elkana) and his wife and their five children 498
TUNIK Ronya 498
TUNIK Leib (son of Kushke) and his wife Chaya Gittel 498
TUNIK Liebe (wife of Chaim Moshe) 498
TUNIK Berel (son of Chaim Moshe) His wife Chana and their three children 498
TUNIK Yosef (son of Chaim Moshe) 498
TUNIK Michael (son of Chaim Moshe) 498
TUNIK Yoel His wife Gittel 498
TUNIK Yudel from Derevno) His wife Bluma and their three children 498
TUNIK Motke 498
TUNIK Avraham (the butcher) His wife Rivka and their two children 498
TUNIK Reuven Hessel His wife Etta 498
TUNIK Yosef Reuven (son of Hessel) His wife Feigel and their two children 498
TUNIK Reuven (son of Yashke) His wife Hinda and their four children 498
TUNIK Hirshel (son of Azriel) His wife Dina and their children: Azriel, Yaakov, Shlomo, Mordechai and a daughter 498
TUNIK Bashke (wife of Shimon) and their children: Rivka, Avraham, Eliyahu, Velvel 498
TILMAN Sholem His wife Feige Rivka and their two children 498
TROMBITZKY Nechama Sarah 498
TRUBOVITZ Hodde (glazier) and her children: Chaya, Yaakov, Faivel 498
TRIBUCH Chaya Rivkah (from Potztoveh) and her two children 498
TRIBUCH Avraham His wife Sarah and their children: Mendel, Yoshkeh and others 498
TRIBUCH Freide (from Sweirzne) and her three children 498
YOZLOVSKY Shosheh (wife of Dovid the painter) and their children: Leah and one other 498
YOZLOVSKY Yosef (a painter) and his wife Malka
YOZLOVSKY Eliezer (from Baranowicz) His wife Feigel and their two children 498
YOZUMBAK Rachel (maiden name Charchurim) and her son 498
YAICHEL Batya (wife of Ben Tzion) and their children: Chaya, Rochel, Shlomo-Yose 498
YAKIMOVSKY Iddel His wife Yenta and their son Tzvi 498
YAKIMOVITZ His wife Tzivia and their children 498
YAICHEL Boruch His wife Tzina and their children: Sonia, Rachel, Avraham-Yitzchak, Yisroel 498
YANKELOVITZ Avraham His wife Gruneh and their two children 498
YOSSELEVITZ Alter (the teacher) and his wife Freidke and their grandchild 498
YAEL Chaya (wife of Aharon from Uzda) and their three children 498
YEKALTZIK Yisroel His wife Malka and their child 498
YALOVSKY Yudel (from Turetz) His wife Shasheh and their three children 498
KAHANOVITZ Shepsel His wife Bracha 498
KATZ Zelda (the wife of Leib Chatze) and her child Iddel 498
KATZ Yitzhak (son of Leib Chatze) and his wife Shifrah and their son 498
KAGANOVICH Malka (maiden name Bernshtein) and her husband and their daughter Aliza 498
LIEBERMAN Yehoshua Dov (The Rabbi) 498
LEVIN Mina (daughter of Berel-Herzl) 498
LEVIN Chaya Sarah (maiden name Tunik) and her children: Shlomo, Emme, Heishe, Berel, Ninke 498
LEVINE Leibel (son of Chaya Sarah) and his wife Sarah and their two children 498

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LEVIN Leibe (son of Heishe) and his three children 499
LUSTERMAN Beilke (wife of Chaim) and their children: Chenke, Yaakov 499
LUSTERMAN Yoel His wife Sarah and their son 499
LUSTMAN Yosef His wife Chana and their son 499
LUBETSKY Moshe His wife Fanye: and their children: Avraham, Miriam, Yisroel-Meir, and two others 499
LUNGIN Leah (wife of Chaim) and her children: Matityahu, Sonia, Yisroel, Arye 499
LUNGIN Reineh 499
LINIK Chaya Rochel (maiden name Berger) and her three children 499
LEIZERSON Yerachmiel The Rabbi and his wife Raichel and their daughter Miriam 499
LISS Benyamin Chaim His wife Sarah 499
LISS Akiva His wife Sarah 499
LISS Feiveh His wife Risha and their three children 499
LISS Yechezkel His wife Chaya and their three children 499
LISS Iddel 499
LASOVITZKY Esther Malka Lasovitzky Esther Malka (from Sweirzne) and her children: Reuven, Shamai, Chezkiyahu, Miriam 499
LEFKOVSKY Hodde Her son 499
MARON Meir His wife Gutke 499
MARON Malka (wife of Yaakov Chaim) and her two children 499
MACHTEY Aharon (the shochet/ ritual slaughterer) and his wife Hinda 499
MACHTEY Leibe (son of Meishke) and his wife Rivka and their children: Chaya, Yossel, Moshe and one other 499
MACHTEY Reuven (son of Meishke)and his wife Shirkeh and their children: Yisroel, Meir, Zehava 499
MACHTEY Eli-Hendel (son of Meishke) and his wife Beile and their three children 499
MACHTEY Mina Golda (maiden name Kushnir) 499
MACHTEY Hinda (wife of Berel Isser) 499
MACHTEY Feigel (wife of Reuven) and their two children 499
MACHTEY Gutkeh (from Rumava) 499
MACHTEY Binyamin Leib His wife Gutteh and their daughter 499
MACHTEY Boruch (the carpenter) and his wife Rivka and their four children 499
MACHTEY Sarah (wife of Mendel) and their children: Pesheh-Chaike, Hendel 499
MACHTEY Eliyahu (son of Chaim Yitzchak) His wife Rashke and their children: Chaya, Berel, Chaim-Yitzchak, Shirke, Rochel, Rivka 499
MOLTZADSKY Mendel His wife Devorah and their children: Berel, Chaya, Pesya, Freida 499
MOLTZADSKY Mordechai His wife Miriam and their three children 499
MOLTZADSKY Feivel (from Baranovicz) His wife Devorah and their children: Yaakov, Moshe 499
MOLTZADSKY Yaacov His wife (daughter of Reitze) and their two children 499
MOTZNIK Tanchum His wife Rochel and their children: Gittel, Matleh, Eliyahu, Yona, Nachum, Dov 499
MOTZNIK Seime 499
MORADTZKY And his wife (daughter of Reitze) and their two children 499
MILCENZON Eliyakim His wife Feige Riva and their children: Hirshl, Chava, Sonia, Emanuel, Yaakov-Shlomo 499
MILCENZON Daniel His wife Elka and their children: Chana, Marishka, Shmuel 499
MISKOV Yosef His wife Reizel 499
MOTZNIK Yosef His wife Dina and their children: Yitzchak, Miriam, Dovid, Shoshana 499
MAZEH Yechiel His wife Chaikeh and their children: Ozer, Eshke, Elka, Itshe, Raizel 499
MELAMED Moshe 499
MELAMED Esther (wife of Binyamin) and their son Hirshel 499
MELAMED Hirshel And their son Hirshel and their son Hirshel 499
MIRSKY Chayena (wife of Shlomo) 499
MIRSKY Feiveh (son of Shlomo) and his wife Rivkah and their son Shlomo 499
MIRSKY Avraham (son of Shlomo) and his wife Chava and their children: Shulamit, Rochel 499
MIRSKY Yocheved (maiden name MACHTEY) and her daughter Shulamit 499
MIRSKY Leon His wife Gruneh and their children: Slova, Miriam 499
MIRSKY Mendel (from Mohilna) and his wife Manya and their two children 499
MALKUS Eliezer His wife Chashke and their children: Yaakov, Berel and one other 499
MANKER Zelig (the butcher) and his wife Musheh, and their children: Esther, Necha, Gila, Dina, Sarah 499
MANKER Yitzhak His wife Frumke and their children Lola, Berel, Gittel, Yosef, Miriam 499
MANKER Avraham His wife Relke and their children: Lola, Hirshel, Reuven, Sarah, Ze’ev 499
MANKER Natan His wife Zlatte and their children: Masheh, Chasya, Eliyahu 499
MANKER Chaim His wife Chana Beile and their son Nache 499
MANKER Alter His wife Bluma and their child 499
MANKER Feivel Yitzchak His wife Beile and their children Yente, Eli, Yocheved, Chaya 499
MANKER Shepsel His wife Tzira and their children Beile, Zelig, and another two children 499
MANKER Leib His wife Chana and their three children 499
MANKER Chaim His wife Nechama and three children 499
MANUSHEWITZ Guttel His wife Basheh and their children: Motte, Musheh, Hirshel 499
MOTZNY Avraham His wife Lipsa and their daughter Rochel 499
MEKLER Shaul His wife Liebe, and their children: Moshe, Necha and another daughter 499
MAZEH Chana 499
MAZEH Yentel 499
NEGANVITZKY Moshe His wife Itke and their two children 499
NIVISKY Aharon His wife 499
NALIBOTZKY Eliyahu His wife Yente and their children: Moshe, Faivel, Tzivia, Chaya 499
NEIFELD Berel (Son of Yasheh) 499

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NEIFELD Eli (Son of Chana Sarah) and his wife Rivka and their three children 500
NEIFELD Yitzhak His wife Etke 500
NEIFELD Faiveh (Son of Shimke) His wife Freide and their three children 500
NEIFELD Berel (from Swerzne) and his wife Feigel and their three children 500
NEIFELD Yosef His wife Leah 500
NEIFELD Gelah (Daughter of the Rabbi Reb Moshe) 500
NAROTZKY Michael (from Minsk) and his wife Basheh and their children: Yitzchak, Hinda and one other child 500
SAVIN Yaacov (the tailor) and his wife Menucha and their three children 500
STOLOVITZKY Devorah Wife of Elyakim and their children: Shlomo, Chaim, Moshe 500
SIRKIN Yechekzel (the Doctor) and his wife Berta and their children: Roza, Izik 500
SLUTZAK Ze'ev His wife Sarah and their children: Yitzchak, Yaakov, Elimelech, Gisha, Leibel, Avreml, Sholem 500
SLUTZAK Zavel His wife Henya and their son 500
SASLAND Mindeh and her two children 500
SAPOZNIK Mordechai His wife and their child 500
SAPOZNIK Chaya 500
SAPOZNIK Avraham His wife Malka and their child 500
SADOVSKY Avraham 500
SARNOV Dvoshe (Wife of Velle) and her two children 500
SARNOV Sarah (maiden name Liss) and her four children 500
SARGOVITZ Berel (from Sweirzne) and his wife Sarah 500
SARGOVITZ Henye (maiden name Akun) and her children: Shalle, Ziame and one other child 500
SLUTSKY Bluma (wife of Leib from Turetz) and her two children 500
SKURNIK Monye His wife Malka and their three children 500
POZNIAK Zlatte (maiden name Neifeld) and her daughter 500
PALEI Shlomo His wife Reizel and their children: Leibel, Aharon, Leah 500
POZNIAK Zlatte (maiden name Neifeld) and her daughter 500
POLONETZKY Asher (from Yeremitz) His wife Rachel Leah 500
PORT Shmuel (from Rubezevicz) His wife Zlatte and their two children 500
FISH Avraham (from Hantzavitz) His wife Sonia and their two children 500
FISH Michael (from Nesvizh) His wife Chasye and their child 500
FISHKIN Reuven (from Rubezevicz) His wife Basheh and their four children 500
FAIBUSHEVITZ Avraham His wife Tzippe and their children: Chaim, Michael, Henich, and two daughters 500
FINE Avraham (from Mir) His wife Reizel and their child 500
PILSHTZIK Rasheh (from Sherokke Street) and her three children 500
PILSHTZIK Avraham (son of Rasheh) His wife Chasheh and their two children 500
PILSHTZIK Yaacov (son of Rashe) His wife Chaya Beile and their three children 500
PILSHTZIK Eli-Hendel His wife Elta and their children: Itke, Beile, Yaakov, Chaya 500
PILSHTZIK Yosef (son of Rivka) And his three children: Yehudit, Shulamit, Tzippe 500
FLAKSIN Moshe His wife Tzippe 500
FLAXIN Mordechai His wife Freidel and their children: Yaakov and two other children 500
FLAXIN Leibel His wife Ettel and their two children 500
FLAXIN Yochanan His wife Chaya and their two children 500
PINTZEWSKY (Daughter of Abraham and Basheh) 500
PINTZEWSKY Tzila (maiden name Neifeld) and her husband 500
PISTZNER Meir (from Mir) and his wife Rochel 500
FEDDER Yeshayahu His wife Chasheh and their two children 500
PEKKER Zelig His wife Feige 500
PEKKER Yacov His wife Chaike and their four children 500
PRUSHZITZKY Nechama (maiden name Tunik) and their children: Peishe, Feigel, Reuven, Eideleh, Zlatte 500
PRUSHZITZKY Izik and his sister Sonia 500
PRUSHZITZKY Yosef His wife Sonia and their three children 500
PUTZPOVSKY Yekutiel His wife Miriam (maiden name Mirsky) and their children: Chaya, Shlomo, Moshe 500
PRASS Yirmiyahu His wife Sonia and their children: Yaakov and two other children 500
PRASS Zalman (from Bialystok) His wife Relke and their children: Abrasha, Yaakov, Chaim, Chava 500
PROSINOVSKY Mordechai Chaike His wife Malka 500
PROSINOVSKY Leibel and his sister Bracha 500
PROKIN Yosef His wife Golda and their children: Mulle, Hirshel, Musheh, Fruma 500
PRASIN Yisroel (from Koidnov) His wife Feige and their four children 500
PROSINOVSK Dashkeh Her husband and their dusghter Yocheved 500
TZITRON Aharon His wife Chana 500
TZITRON Yaacov His wife Bracha 500
TZECHANOVICZ Chaya (daughter of Chantze) 500
TZECHANOVICZ Avraham His wife Chana and their child 500
TZIRINSKY Meir His wife Bluma and their children: Berel, Yerachmiel 500
TZIRULNIK Gisha (wife of Berel Peishe) 500
TZERTZES Benyamin His wife Chaikeh and their children: Hirshel, Tzerne 500
TZERTZES Gershon His wife Tzippe Rochel and their children: Moshe, Bluma 500
TZERTZES Yosef His wife Sima and their two children 500
TZIRULNIK Eli His wife Hinda and their three children 500
TZARNY Chaim (the tailor) His wife Gisha and their daughter Shosheh 500
TZARNY Pinchas His wife Sarah and their child 500
TZHARNY Yosef (from Sweirzne) His wife Zlatte and their three children 500
KAPUSHTZEVSKY Yehudah (from Derevno) His wife Sarah and their son Avraham and their daughter 500

[Page 501]

KAPUSTE Avraham (from Rakov) and his wife Chaya and their two children 501
KAZ Meir (from Kletzk) and his wife Rochel and their two children: 501
KIBOVITZ Mordechai Faivel His wife Peshe-Riva 501
KIBOVITZ Gedalalyahu (from Rubeziewicz) and his wife Manye and their two children 501
KIBOVITZ Benyamin (from Ivnitz) and his wife Gita and their two children 501
KALTZUK Berel (from Swerzne) and his wife Bracha and their children: Moshe and two daughters 501
KUZNETZOV Alter (from Swierzne) and his wife Gisha and their children: Uri, Henye, Taibel, Zlatte 501
KUMAK Shlomo (bricklayer) His wife Rochel 501
KUMAK Yehoshua His wife Tzina and their two children 501
KUMAK Chaim His wife Dobbe and their two children 501
KUMAK Velvel His wife Esther and their three children 501
KUMAK Noach His wife Rochel and their two children 501
KUMAK Hirshel His wife Feigel and their two children 501
KUMAK Leib (son of Faiveh) His wife Raizel and their children: Mulik, Maryasha, Faivel 501
KUMAK Shmuel Natan His wife Bluma and their four children 501
KUMAK Dovid His wife Chaya Sheindel 501
KUSHNIR Naomi (from the bakery) 501
KUSHNIR Itze-Berel His wife Sheina and their children: Henye and one other child 501
KUSHNIR Hirshel His wife Gela and their three children 501
KUSHNIR Leib (son of Hendel) and his wife Rochel 501
KUSHNIR Izzel His wife Elka 501
KUSHNIR Nacha (son of Slova) and his wife Rochel and their children: Avraham, Slova, Yehoshua 501
KUKISH Dovid (tailor) and his wife Dvorah and their three children 501
KUKISH Avraham His wife Shosheh and their children: Sarah, Feigel, and one other child 501
KUKISH Iddel His wife Chaya 501
KLOTZ Chaim His wife Chana and their two children 501
KLOTZ Yosef His wife Sarah and their child 501
KANTEROVITZ Chava (maiden name Volfson) and her son Avraham 501
KANTEROVITZ Nachum His wife Liebe and their children: Sarah, Shlomo and another child 501
KANTEROVITZ Dvorah (maiden name Berkovitz) and her children Eliyahu and a daughter 501
KITAYEVITZ Rivka (wife of Shimon) and her children: Ushke, Mirkeh 501
KITAYEVITZ Yisroel His wife Rochel and their son Nyumeka 501
KITAYEVITZ Zima His wife Sonia and their child 501
KIRZNER Ozer (the shammes- beadle) and his wife Beilke 501
KAPLAN Chaim Leib His wife Tzivia and their children: Yedidya and Sonia 501
KAPLAN Shifra (from Urzdika) and her children Dina and one other child 501
KAPLAN Mulle His wife Leah and their child 501
KAPLAN Chaim His wife Sheine and their two children 501
KOPELOVITZ Masheh (daughter of Chatze) 501
KOPELOVITZ Iddel Dovid His wife Freida and their two children 501
KRUPITZKY Mirkeh (wife of Yehoshua) 501
KARP Tzirah (wife of Yitzchak) and their daughter 501
KARPENSHPRUNG Yehudit (maiden name MACHTEY) and their two children 501
RADUNSKY Betzalel His wife Yessel and their daughter 501
RADUNSKY Chanan His wife Chaya-Sarah and their child 501
RADUNSKY Eliezer His wife Sima and their children: Hirshel, Shmerel, Leibe, Hinda 501
ROK Yitzhak His wife Rashke and their three children 501
RABINOVITZ Eliyahu His wife Eideleh and their daughter Malka 501
RABINOVITZ Freidel 501
REGAL Shimon (from Kletzk) and his wife Sheina-Itte 501
RUDITZKY Azriel His wife Beile 501
RUDITZKY Leib His wife Sarah and their children: Chayene and two other children 501
RUDITZKY Yisroel His wife Chana and their child 501
RUDITZKY Yaacov (Yakel - short for Yaakov) and his wife Peshe and their children: Tzipke, Leibe, Shlomo, Izik 501
RUDITZKY Yechiel His wife Masheh and their children: Yossel, Reuven, Izik and a daughter 501
RUDITZKY Eliyahu His wife Zlatte and their children: Boruch and another child 501
RUDITZKY Raphael His wife Chana and their two children 501
RUDITZKY Shlomo And his son 501
RUDITZKY Peretz His wife Chashke and their two children 501
RUDITZKY Chaya (wife of Nachman) and their two children 501
RUDITZKY Sarah (wife of Eliyahu) and her children: Zissel and Chana 501
RUDITZKY Yechezkel His wife Freidel and their three children 501
RUDITZKY Yosef His wife and their son 501
RUDITZKY Roza (daughter of Nachum Leib) 501
RUBIN Yaacov Izik His wife Chaya 501
RUBIN Hendel His wife Fanye and their two children 501
RUBIN Reuven (an engineer) 501
RUBIN Yisroel His wife Rivka and their children: Sonia, and Slovke 501
RUBINSHTEIN Avraham His wife Etke and their children: Leizer, Leah’ke and another child 501
RUBINSHTEIN Yaakov His wife Berta and their two children 501
RUBINSHTEIN Dovid His wife Chaya-Rochel and their children: Berel and two other children 501

[Page 502]

ROZOWSKY Yisroel Akiva His wife Sarah 502
ROZOWSKY Chanan His wife Itke and their children: Nachum, Tamar, Chaim 502
ROZOWSKY Mordechai His wife Chana and their two children 502
ROZOWSKY Yisroel (son of Leizer) and his wife Tzippe 502
ROZOWSKY Berel His wife Raizel and their two children 502
ROZOWSKY Velvel His wife Chana and their child 502
ROZOWSKY Yirmiyahu His wife Beile and their child 502
ROZOWSKY Yehudit (daughter of Berel Leizer) 502
ROZOWSKY Yaacov His wife Nechama and their three children 502
ROZOWSKY Shmuel His wife Hinda and their two children 502
ROZOWSKY Leibze His wife Chaya and their two children 502
ROZOWSKY Chaim Shmuel His wife Sarah-Beile and their three children 502
ROZOWSKY Yehoshua His wife Merke and their children: Beile, Rochel 502
ROZOWSKY Yosef Yaacov His wife Chaikeh and their son Avraham 502
ROZOWSKY Moshe His wife Zelda and their children: Nachum, Liebe 502
ROZOWSKY Hirshel (son of Golda) 502
REZNIK Rochel (daughter of Chashe Braineh) 502
REZNIK Zalman His wife Rivka and their four children 502
REZNIK Avraham Yitzchak His wife Blumah and their two children 502
REZNIK Zelde (from Pertok) and her three children 502
REZNIK Abba His wife Esther-Riva and their children: Velvel, Yechiel and one other child 502
REZNIK Moshe His wife Michle and their two children 502
REZNIK Elkana His wife Nechama and their two children 502
REZNIK Avraham Yehoshua His wife Peshe 502
RUSSAK Tziva (wife of Boruch) and her children: Golda-Feige, Yehudit 502
RUSSAK Abba His wife Chaikeh and their children: Zelig, Yedidya, Sima and another child 502
RUSSAK Henich His wife Fruma and their child 502
RUSSAK Fruma (wife of Eli-Michel) and their three children 502
REICHMAN Freide 502
REICHMAN Braineh 502
REISER Berl Moshe His wife Chana and their children: Shachne, Sonia, Nechama-Itte Zelda 502
REISER Gershon His wife Michle 502
REISER Yaacov His wife Rochel and their children: Berel, Nachum, Eli, Chana 502
REISER Moshe His wife Liebe and their children: Yosef, Itke 502
REISER Feige (wife of Leib-Meir) 502
REISER Dina (wife of Eliezer) and their children: Ze'ev, Taibel, Hinda, Sarah, Itke, Yosef, Esther 502
REISER Leah (maiden name Rozowsky) 502
REISER Fruma (wife of Yaakov and Shmerel's daughter) and their children: Yosef, Rochel 502
REISER Avraham Avraham (son of Leib Zimmel) 502
SHAFAR Alter (from Mir) His wife Peshe and their children: Raizel, Sheineh, Sarah 502
SHWARTZ Meir Yosef (the teacher) His wife Chayenke and their children: Shoshana, Tzvi, Menucha 502
SHVITZER (the dentist from Vilna) 502
SHULKIN Tanchum His wife Chaikeh and their children: Avraham, Sonia 502
SHOLOMOWITZ Nachman (from Baranovicz) His wife Liebe and their children: Kalman, Michael, Sarah 502
SHULER Hirshel His wife Shosheh 502
SHIMANOWITZ Nechamia from Naliboki) His wife Mina and their two children 502
SHIMANOWITZ Sarah (daughter of Freide) 502
SHACHNOWICZ Yaacov (from Swierznie) His wife Nechama 502
SHLEIF Eliezer-Leib His wife Tzila and their daughter Sufke 502
SHMUELOWITZ Chayse Leah And her daughter Yehudit 502
SHMUELOWITZ Yitzchak His wife Elka and their two children 502
SHMUELOWITZ Dovid (The Rabbi) His wife Mina and their daughter Michle 502
SHMUELOWITZ Shmuel His wife Rivka-Leah and their two children 502
SHMUSHKOVITZ Shmuel His wife Sima 502
SHMUKLER Leah (wife of Yisroel-Dovid) 502
SHMUKLER Mordechai And his son Izze 502
SHMERKOWITZ Shaul (from Niesvich) His wife Liebe and their three children 502
SHAPIRO Sheineh Basheh 502
SHAPIRO Beile (maiden name Pilshtzik) And her three children 502


The days of the slaughter and murder: 12 Tishrei 5703 (23 Sep1942)
3 Kislev 5703 (12 Nov 1942), 25 Sh’vat 5703 (31 Jan 1943)


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