The Gordonia
organization in Sosnowiec
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Agricultural training on the
Zionist youth kibbutz
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A group of youths from
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Agricultural training on the
Zionist youth kibbutz
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A Sosnowiec youth group
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A group of Zionist youth
in Sosnowiec
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A summer camp in
Sosnowiec in 1933
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The Zionist youth in
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A group of youth
activists in Sosnowiec
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A group making aliyah
to Eretz Yisrael in 1920
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The Mizrachi
organization's committee
in Sosnowiec
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Alter Markowicz,
Lewi Jungster,
Szlomo Langfus
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The Laor kibbutz
of the Torah Veavoda
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Wajs, Stajnfeld,
Klagenfurt, Wehrman,
and Markowicz
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Publicity and newspaper
committee of the young
“Agudat Yisrael”
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Yarkoni (Zielonka) with the commander of Etzel,
Menachem Begin
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The “Weref” revisionist women's union in
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A Beitar group from
Sosnowiec and
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Photomontage from a
Beitar summer camp in
Hala Boracza
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A group of Beitar
members from
Sosnowiec and Bielsko
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A Sosnowiec and
Czestochowa Beitar
sergeants' course in Zarki
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in Sosnowiec
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From a Timronim
squad activity
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A Beitar group at
a summer camp
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A group of Beitar
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Sosnowiec and
Czestochowa Beitar on
a combined excursion
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A group of
Beitar Massada girls
in 1933
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A group of Beitar and
the United Corps
members in Sosnowiec
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A group of Beitar
members in Sosnowiec
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Revisionists and “Beitar”
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