The grave for the Jews
of Zaglembie
Page 515 |
Memorial headstone
in the cemetery
in Sosnowiec
Page 515 |
The headstone for the
martyrs of the Holocaust
Page 515 |
Majer Lancman near the
memorial headstone
Page 521 |
In the Gensza Cemetery in
Warsaw in 1947
Page 521 |
The last photograph
of the kehila committee
in Sosnowiec
Page 524 |
Chaim Nachman Bialik
in Sosnowiec in 1932
Page 528 |
The Sosnowiec Maccabi
committee at the flag
unveiling in 1917
Page 586 |
Celebration of the
Maccabi members
in Sosnowiec
Page 588 |
Maccabi excursion
in 1918
Page 589 |
The Maccabi-Szymszon
football team in
Page 589 |
The Timronim company
in Sosnowiec
Page 590 |
A Maccabi group in
Sosnowiec on a
3rd of May parade
Page 590 |
The Sosnowiec Maccabi ping-pong team
Page 591 |
The Sosnowiec Maccabi
gymnastic team
Page 591 |
A Sosnowiec Maccabi excursion to
Wojkowice Koscielne
Page 592 |
A group of Sosnowiec Maccabi members on an excursion to Bojszów
Page 592 |
The football umpire team
Page 593 |
The Sosnowiec Maccabi
bicycle riding team
Page 593 |
A Maccabi girl
gymnastics team
led by their instructor
Page 594 |
The first gymnastic team
in Sosnowiec Maccabi
Page 594 |
The Sosnowiec Maccabi
bicycle team on making
their aliyah
Page 595 |
A Maccabi international
conference in Warsaw
Page 595 |
The 1936 Sosnowiec
Maccabi committee
Page 596 |
A Sosnowiec Maccabi
group on an excursion
Page 596 |
The Sosnowiec Maccabi
organization choir
Page 597 |
A group of Sosnowiec
Maccabi members
Page 597 |
A Sosnowiec Maccabi
group on an excursion
in Zakopane
Page 598 |
A group of Hitachdut
members in Sosnowiec
Page 608 |
The founding of
Hechalutz in
Page 608 |