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Soviet Army soldiers behind the Shaul Hall, behind the threshing place, across the river. Picture was taken in 1958 |
with their mothers. The memorial was unveiled in 1966 |
It's written that in this place, between 1941 and 19944, the murderers killed 510 people. It doesn't say that these people were all Jews: the women, children, and babies of Shkud. On August 15-16 1941, 289 of these people were buried alive. Standing from right: Leib Yelovich, Hana Shaf-Brener, Berl Yelovich, and Moshe Elkind. November 1966 at the official government unveiling of the memorials. |
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from Shkud to Dimitravas. They were driven from Shkud on July 17-18, 1941 |
near the train tracks, behind the Jewish cemetery to the right |
Behind the coffins: Braina Blecher, Hana Shaf, and Ela Yelovich |
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