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[Page 309]

42. Advertising leaflet for F. Celnik's Paper Warehouse

[Paper Warehouse,
writing and drawing materials,
technical and surveying forms,
artists' oil paints and water colors,
fabric and relief paints,
brushes, canvases, cardboard, and painting liquids.
Canvases and decorative-bookbinding paper,
paintings, frames, and frame moldings
as well a huge selection of postcards
F. Celnik
Siedlce, 24 Kiliński Street]


43. Building of the Executive Committee of the Jewish Religious Council on Piłsudski Street
(photograph from the collection of Bogusław Mitura)

[Page 310]

44. In front of the synagogue
(photograph from the collection of Bogusław Mitura)


45. An impoverished Jew
(photograph from the collection of Bogusław Mitura)

[Page 311]

46. Seal of the Executive Board of the Jewish Religious Council in Siedlce
(from the collection of the State Archive in Siedlce)


47. Seal of the Siedlce Yiddishe Kunst Musical-Literary Society
(from the author's collection)


48. Seal of the Siedlce Jewish Soup Kitchen


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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
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Updated 3 Jan 2015 by LA