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[Page 312]

49. Imprint of the seal of Herszko Burchowicz Grynfarb's capmaker's shop
(from the collection of the Regional Museum in Siedlce)


50. Protection of Jewish Orphans in Siedlce leaflet
[Remember the Jewish orphan]
(from the collection of the State Archive in Siedlce)

[Page 313]



51. Membership subscription with the likeness of Teodor Herzl. The Zionists, in order to gain funds for the realization of their goal, which was the creation of a Jewish state, distributed subscriptions—shekels
(from the collection of Tadeusz Bohatyrewicz)

[Page 314]

52. The Kahan family. Photograph taken in 1916 in the city park in Siedlce a few days before the departure of Anna and Bracha to the United States. Bracha, the author of the stories, is standing behind her father, and Anna, the author of a diary written in Siedlce, is standing behind her mother
(photograph by Tuwie Siemiatycki from the archives of Rhoda Newman, daughter of Anne Safran)


52A. [Added to original] Photograph of Matl Lubelska described in the story in Appendix 16
(photograph from the archives of Edith Semiatin,
daughter of Bracha Stolovy)


53. From the left, Bracha and Anna Kahan
(photograph by S. Rozowski from the archives of Rhoda Newman)


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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
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Updated 6 Feb 2015 by LA