Translated by Ellen Sadove Renck, Diane Jacobs and Yehoshua Serlin
Note: Check various spelling combination possibilities for surnames as the plaques are from donors whose languages included Yiddish, Hebrew, English and Spanish and who emigrated to South America, Israel, United States and other places. |
Abramovich | 3-2, 3-4 | |
Abramovich | 3-2, 3-4 | |
Alper | 29-4 | |
Altman | 22-2, 22-5 | |
Amiel | 34-2 | |
Antman | 33-6 | |
Apelboim (See Epelboim) | 12-5 | |
Arenson | 53-3 | |
Asna | 21-4 | |
Att | 43-4 | |
Averbuch | 7-3, 12-5 , 14-3 , 32-5 , 38-6 | |
Azaretzki | 4-2, 4-5 | |
Bakalchok Index | 47-6 | |
Barbel | 26-2 | |
Bardok | 9-4, 9-6 | |
Bareisha | 39-3 | |
Baum | 10-4 | |
Beida | 12-4 | |
Beiman | 16-4 | |
Beineson | 51-6 | |
Beizer | 17-6 | |
Berestitzki | 47-1 | |
Berezman | 16-4 | |
Berkner | 52-4 , 53-6 | |
Berman | 13-2, 13-4, 13-6, 51-2 | |
Bernater | 31-4 | |
Bilchik | 2-1 | |
Blaker | 8-5 | |
Bliaker | 6-1, 6-3 | |
Blumenkrantz | 9-4, 9-6 | |
Blykher (See Bliaker) | ||
Bobman | 43-3 | |
Bodgas | 29-1, 29-3 | |
Bogomolski | 13-1, 13-3 , 16-6 , 46-4 | |
Bokshtein | 4-4 | |
Bomkhel | 46-6 | |
Bondiel | 5-6 | |
Boroditzki | 48-1, 48-3, 48-5 | |
Bosniak | 8-3 | |
Braverman | 11-2, 16-1, 16-3 , 40-3 | |
Breidbard | 28-4 | |
Brezman | 2-5 | |
Brod | 10-6 | |
Broida | 15-2, 15-5 | |
Bukhalter | 16-6 | |
Cherkaski Index | 5-5, 13-5 | |
Cherniak | 49-3 | |
Chomski (See Khomski, Komski) | 53-4, 53-6 | |
Daiksl Index | 7-4 | |
Derechinski | 24-1, 24-3 | |
Deych | 2-2 | |
Dobes | 25-3 | |
Edelman Index | 43-5, 45-4 | |
Einshtein | 44-4 | |
Eizenberg | 4-6 | |
Eksman | 9-2, 27-4 | |
Elman | 25-2, 25-6, 32-1 | |
Epelboim (See Apelboim) | 12-3, 36-4, 36-6, 47-1 , 52-1, 52-3 | |
Ernshtein | 46-1, 46-3 | |
Feinber Index | 7-5, 30-5 | |
Feitlbitz | 34-1, 34-3 | |
Feivoshinski | 14-2, 14-5 | |
Feldman | 42-2 | |
Fingerman | 14-1 | |
Finkel | 2-3, 47-3 | |
Fisheles | 2-2 | |
Forer | 1-1, 1-3, 6-6, 31-1 | |
Freidenberg | 11-4 | |
Freilich | 30-1, 30-3 | |
Fridman | 40-5, 44-2 | |
Friedman | 10-1 , 12-4, 15-4, 28-2, 28-5, 31-5 | |
Froimchik | 7-2 | |
Faberman Index | 33-3 | |
Galperin (See Halperin) | 4-4, 17-3, 21-5 | |
Galpern (See Halperin) | 51-6 | |
Garfinkel | 1-3 | |
Geier (See Geyer, Gyer) | 35-6, 53-3 | |
Geler (See Heler) | ||
Gelman | 3-2, 3-4 | |
German | 27-1, 27-2, 27-3, 27-5 | |
Gersh | 45-4 | |
Gershgorn | 4-1, 27-2, 36-1 | |
Gershkovich | 5-4 | |
Geyer (See Geier, Gyer) | 8-4, 8-6 | |
Gitler | 1-4 | |
Glezer | 16-1, 17-4, 17-6, 21-6, 38-4, 41-2, 41-5 | |
Glotzer | 11-1, 51-1 | |
Goldatzki | 4-5 | |
Goldberg | 1-2,
27-6, 28-1, 34-4, 35-2, 37-3, 39-6, 43-6, 44-4, 45-2, 47-2, 47-4, 47-5, 50-1, 52-2 |
Goldinski | 17-3 | |
Goldshtein | 22-1, 22-3, 49-4 | |
Golobchik | 53-5 | |
Golubovich | 43-6 , 49-6 | |
Golubchik | 10-3 | |
Golubovich | 30-5, 43-6 | |
Golubovitz | 42-4 | |
Goluvavich | 30-3 | |
Gombinski | 52-5 | |
Goneles | 47-4 | |
Graieviski | 40-6 | |
Grinberg | 38-6 | |
Gringas | 51-6 | |
Grodzhenchik | 52-4, 53-6 | |
Grosman | 1-2, 1-4, 1-5, 38-1, 38-2, 38-3, 38-4, 38-5 | |
Guralnik | 36-1 | |
Guter | 42-5 | |
Gyer (See Geier, Geyer) | 5-5 | |
HaCohen Index | 11-4, 16-2 | |
Hakman | 1-3, 31-1 | |
Halperin (See Galperin) | 18-5, 23-1 | |
Hauzer | 46-6 | |
Heler | 31-2 | |
Hokhman | 1-3, 45-6 | |
Israel Index | 45-5 | |
Israelit | 34-6, 43-6 | |
Iuedelevski | 38-6 | |
Izraelit | 37-1 | |
Kabizetzki Index | 33-2 | |
Kagan | 9-1, 9-3 | |
Kaganovich | 35-2 | |
Kahusner | 39-6 | |
Kalman | 33-1 | |
Kamenetzki | 10-4 | |
Kanel | 22-6, 47-2 | |
Kantor | 10-6, 22-6, 47-2 | |
Kantorovich | 17-2 | |
Kaplan | 4-1, 34-5, 37-3 , 50-4 | |
Karpel | 27-5 | |
Katin | 16-5 | |
Katz | 11-5, 21-6 22-2, 32-4, 35-2, 41-2, 46-3, 46-5, 49-2 | |
Katzaf | 4-6 | |
Kaufman | 26-4 | |
Keiler | 36-2, 36-3, 36-4, 36-5, 47-1, 48-3 | |
Kero | 28-6, 33-2 | |
Kesler | 33-5 | |
Khankovski | 50-5 | |
Kheikin | 22-1 | |
Khomski (See Chomski, Komski) | 14-3, 14-4, 18-4, 19-6, 40-1, 52-4 | |
Kipel | 10-3, 18-2, 37-2 | |
Kipen | 10-2, 10-5 | |
Kirshner | 43-1 | |
Kirzhner | 44-3 | |
Kiviatinetz | 33-4 | |
Kiviatzinetz | 3-1, 4-6 | |
Klanyitzski | 17-2 | |
Kleinerman | 6-4, 6-6 | |
Kleinman | 3-2, 3-4, 24-3 | |
Kleitman | 53-1 | |
Klenyitzki | 17-2, 17-5, 24-4 | |
Kolishevski | 28-2 | |
Kolodner | 23-2, 23-5, 23-6 | |
Komski (See Chomski and Khomski) | 14-6, 18-2 | |
Konik | 42-1, 42-2, 42-3, 42-4, 42-5, 42-6 | |
Konosher | 52-2, 52-3 | |
Korman | 35-4 | |
Kornberg | 2-1 | |
Kortzamker | 35-3 | |
Koshitz | 43-5 | |
Koton | 45-3 | |
Koval | 31-4, 31-6, 40-6 | |
Kozak | 7-4, 53-1 | |
Krapivka | 4-4 | |
Krashinski | 27-4 | |
Krasner | 13-2, 31-6, 37-4, 37-6, 47-2, 47-3, 47-4, 47-5, 51-2 | |
Kravchik | 4-2, 4-3, 4-5, 31-3 | |
Krinski | 36-1 | |
Kroman | 22-2, 22-5 | |
Kronshtat | 37-2 | |
Krotchomker | 1-5, 38-3 | |
Krugman | 5-5 | |
Kucher | 15-2, 15-5 | |
Kuks | 17-1 | |
Kunik | 49-6 | |
Kushitz | 2-6 | |
Kuzhevitzki | 24-4 | |
Landan (See London) Index | 47-2, 47-4, 47-5 | |
Lazarus | 10-6 | |
Lev | 6-2, 6-5, 12-1 | |
Levitzki | 5-5 | |
Liatzky | 3-6 | |
Lichtzier | 46-2 | |
Likhtzier | 53-2 | |
Linkever | 16-4 | |
Linkovski | 43-2, 51-4 | |
Lipshitz | 52-6 | |
Lis | 28-2, 28-5 | |
Lisker | 31-2, 39-2, 39-5 | |
Listitzki | 3-1 | |
Liuboshitz | 35-4 | |
Liuboshitzki | 37-5 | |
London (See Landan) | 17-4, 17-6 | |
Loshevitzki | 2-4, 3-1, 3-3 | |
Lukin | 19-2 | |
Maharshak Index | 46-1, 46-3 | |
Maler | 31-6 | |
Malzhatzki | 33-1, 33-3 | |
Manski | 5-1 | |
Mazur | 31-5 | |
Mezhanin | 1-4 | |
Milkhiker | 25-1 | |
Miller | 24-3 | |
Millier | 3-6 | |
Minkevski | 51-6 | |
Miodovski | 12-5 | |
Miskin | 52-3 | |
Moldshatzki | 33-1, 33-3 | |
Moldshatzki | 49-6 | |
Monkovski | 51-3 | |
Mostovlianski | 5-6 | |
Motil | ||
Moyar Bet Midrash | 21-21, 46-3 | |
Muchovski | 20-1 | |
Murboski | 34-5 | |
Nebrief Index | 50-4 | |
Neiboshchik | 16-2, 16-5 | |
Neiman | 43-5, 50-6 | |
Niedos | 21-1, 21-3 | |
Niselboim | 14-4, 14-6 | |
Nisenboim | 11-3 | |
Nitzberg | 12-6, 18-6, 19-5, 22-2, 22-5, 29-6 | |
Novik | 20-3 | |
Novinski | 5-4, 17-1, 50-2 | |
Nun | 45250 45-2, 45-5 | |
Ogus Index | 23-6 | |
Olishevski | 52-4, 52-6 | |
Olshan | 47-3 | |
Orinski | 32-6 | |
Osatinski | 4-2, 4-5 | |
Paiuk Index | 23-2, 23-5, 23-6 | |
Palevski | 11-2 | |
Patzinka (See Potshinka) | 28-3 | |
Perel | 5-1, 43-4 | |
Perkal | 28-6, 32-2, 33-2, 43-1 | |
Perlshtein | 5-4, 37-3, 48-4, 52-2 | |
Pinchuk | 20-2 | |
Pinkesan | 16-6 | |
Pisetzki | 4-4 | |
Pitlevnik | 19-4 | |
Pitliuk | 45-3 | |
Plotnik | 48-4 | |
Poderovski | 31-2 | |
Podorovski | 27-1 | |
Polak | 2-4, 3-1, 3-3, 28-1, 28-3 | |
Poliakevich | 45-1 | |
Pomerantz | 5-5,
23-1, 23-3,
24-5, 40-2, 40-4, 40-5, 50-1 |
Porer (See Forer) | ||
Poris | 25-1 | |
Portnoy | 24-2 | |
Potchinski | 50-3 | |
Potek | 4-3 | |
Potshinka (See Patzinka) | 28-2, 28-5 | |
Pozniak | 22-6, 39-1, 47-4 | |
Pruzhanski | 26-1 | |
Pushkin | 4-2, 4-5 | |
Rabinovich Index | 1-6, 12-2, 20-5, 23-4, 27-3, 30-6, 52-1 | |
Rabinovitz | 35-5, 40-1 | |
Rabnitzki | 43-1 | |
Raditzki | 4-2, 4-5 | |
Raket | 12-1 | |
Rapaport | 19-6, 49-2 | |
Ravitzki | 18-5, 29-2, 29-4 | |
Rebonik | 5-6 | |
Reitman | 13-2, 13-4, 13-6, 51-2 | |
Reshes | 7-3, 9-2, 9-5 | |
Reznik | 25-5 | |
Ribnik | 33-4 | |
Rinberg | 51-5 | |
Ritter | 41-1 | |
Rodetzki | 19-5 | |
Rogovich | 5-4, 27-6, 43-6 | |
Rotshtein | 12-4 | |
Rozenbaum | 46-5 | |
Rozenblum | 23-1, 23-3 | |
Rozenoshtshik | 45-6 | |
Rozental | 50-2, 50-5 | |
Rozhanski | 26-5, 33-4 | |
Rubaka | 39-6 | |
Rubin | 53-2, 53-5 | |
Rubinshtein | 20-4 | |
Rudnitzki | 18-5, 41-6, 44-1 | |
Rutenberg | 23-1, 34-2 | |
Samolski Index | 44-5 | |
Sapir | 48-2 | |
Sapirshtein | 6-2, 6-5, 42-3 | |
Savinski | 4-1 | |
Savitzki | 30-5 | |
Schneider | 4-1, 8-4, 8-6, 44-6, 48-5 | |
Schneideroiz | 45-3 | |
Segal | 21-2 | |
Seletzki | 1-4, 30-2, 30-4, 30-5, 33-6, 46-1, 46-3 | |
Serlin (See Sirlin) | 21-4, 26-1 | |
Shachet | 45-5 | |
Shapiro | 25-3, 25-5, 39-4, 39-5, 40-4 | |
Sheftel | 40-3 | |
Sheinzak | 29-1 | |
Sheinzog | 50-2 | |
Shereshevski | 5-2 | |
Shimkhovich | 50-2 | |
Shlofman | 48-6 | |
Shlosberg | 4-2, 4-5 | |
Shmukler | 52-6 | |
Shpiegel | 35-4 | |
Shprintza | 1-6 | |
Shreibman | 25-4 | |
Shtein | 10-6, 30-5 | |
Shtuker | 23-4, 23-6 | |
Shulruf | 1-3 | |
Shur | 40-2, 40-4 | |
Shuster | 44-5, 45-4 | |
Shvartz | 1-6, 14-2, 39-4, 45-4 | |
Shvartzman | 19-6 | |
Silver | 26-3 | |
Simonovski | 15-1, 15-3 | |
Sirlin (See Serlin) | 34-1, 34-3 | |
Skidelski | 10-6 | |
Slonimski | 22-4 | |
Solnitzer | 22-3 | |
Solovitzik | 51-1 | |
Sorid | 37-3 | |
Steikovski | 4-4 | |
Surpin | 45-2 | |
Tabachnik Index | 7-6 | |
Tarmo | ||
Telekhanski | 13-6, 32-6 | |
Todres | 26-2 | |
Tomkhin | 12-2 | |
Trubman | 50-5 | |
Tukhman | 15-1, 20-6 | |
Tzimerboim | 4-4 | |
Tzuckerman | 24-6, 53-1 | |
Tzviklich | 45-1 | |
Udelevski (See Ludelevski) Index | 39-1 | |
Urievich | 18-1, 18-3 | |
Vafenshtein Index | 16-5 | |
Varsha | 1-3 | |
Varshavski | 7-1 | |
Veiner | 6-1, 6-3 | |
Veinman | 17-1 | |
Veinshtein | 15-1, 41-3 | |
Vidoshinski | 45-1 | |
Vinograd | 4-4, 8-1, 8-3, 14-6, 44-5, 49-5 | |
Volkoviski | 11-4 | |
Volovelski | 15-6 | |
Yablonovich Index | 15-6, 19-1, 19-3 | |
Yablonski | 1-4 | |
Yakobovich | 44-5 | |
Yanovich | 26-5, 30-6, 32-3 | |
Yanovitz | 42-6 | |
Yarushevich | 19-2 | |
Yudelef | 11-6, 20-1 | |
Yudevich | 14-1, 21-1, 37-3, 52-2, 52-5 | |
Yungerman | 44-2, 44-4 | |
Zak Index | 15-4 | |
Zakheim | 13-6, 42-6 | |
Zaks | 49-1, 49-3 | |
Zamikhovski | 44-4 | |
Zamukovski | 6-3, 35-1 | |
Zatotzki | 46-4 | |
Zavelevoski | 30-4 | |
Zayontz | 15-1, 15-3 | |
Zeidman | 36-6 | |
Zeldis | 33-1, 33-3, 49-6 | |
Zhizemski | 36-2 | |
Zhuk | 49-1 | |
Zlotnick | 3-5 | |
Zlotnik | 41-4 | |
Zolotnitzky | 8-4 | |
Zshuk | 28-2 | |
Zuber | 29-2, 29-4, 29-5 | |
Zusmanovich | 32-3 |
1-2 In memory of our grandparents
| 1-1 In memory of our parents and grandparents |
1-4 In memory of our parents MORDECHAI AND MICHLE YABLONSKI and sister ZLATKE with her children ITZEL AND NECHAMIAH
| 1-3 In memory of our parents/grandparents
1-6 In memory of my father R. MOSHE
| 1-5 In memory of our grandparents
2-2 Remember forever my mother | 2-1 We will eternally remember our parents
2-4 In memory of our beloved parents | 2-3 Remember my elders
2-6 To the memory of our brothers | 2-5 In memory of our brother
3-1 In memory of our father
| 3-2 In the memory of our brother |
3-4 In memory of our brother
| 3-3 In memory of my in-laws GEDELIAH
3-6 In memory of our grandfather
| 3-5 A memorial for our children and sisters |
4-2 In memory of our brother and father
| 4-1 In memory of my father |
4-3 In memory of our mother | 4-4 In memory of our mother
4-5 In memory of our mother | 4-6 Eternally remember our parents
5-2 Eternally remember our parents
| 5-1 In memory of our father |
5-4 In memory of
| 5-3 In memory of our brothers
5-6 In memory of our parents
| 5-5 In memory of our sisters and sisters-in-law MIRIAM POMERANTZ-LEVITZKI
6-2 Eternally remembered our mother
| 6-1 In memory of our father
6-4 Eternally remembered our sister CHANA-MINDEL daughter of | 6-3 Eternally remembered our mother
6-6 In memory of our brothersister-in-law
| 6-5 Eternally remember our father R’ SHABTAI
7-2 I will never forget the memory
| 7-1 Not to be forgotten my dear parents |
7-4 We will never forget our beloved mother
| 7-3 We will never forget our dear parents
7-6 In memory of my wife YENTA children MENACHEM-ELIYAHU and CHAIKE-EIDEL
| 7-5 We will always remember with love |
8-2 In memory of our father | 8-1 In memory of my parents
8-4 We will eternally remember our father
| 8-3 In memory of my sister SHEINA
8-6 In the eternal memory of our mother
| 8-5 We will eternally remember our parents |
9-2 In memory of our mother ESTER
| 9-1 In memory of my parents |
We will eternally remember our father
| 9-3 In eternal memory of my brother |
9-6 In memory of our brother and sister-in-law VELVEL AND FRIEDKE BARDOK
| 9-5 We will eternally remember our father |
10-2 In memory of my sisters
| 10-1 In memory of my parents |
10-4 In remembrance of my parents | 10-3 We will always remember |
10-6 We will eternally remember
| 10-5 In memory of my parents |
11-2 In memory of our parents | 11-1 In memory of our father |
11-4 We will eternally remember our parents AVRAHAM-HERSH HA’KOHAN
| 11-3 In memory of our father
11-6 In memory of my father | 11-5 I will eternally remember my parents |
12-2 In memory of our father | 12-1 In memory of my parents |
12-4 In memory of our parents
| 12-3 In memory of our father |
12-6 In memory of my parents | 12-5 In memory of our father
13-2 In memory of our parents | 13-1 In memory of our father |
13-4 We will eternally remember our brothers
| 13-3 In memory of our mother |
13-6 In eternal memory of our uncles
| 13-5 In memory of our deceased father |
14-2 In eternal memory of our father-in-law and mother-in-law, grandfather and grandmother
| 14-1 In memory of my parents |
14-4 In memory of our father LEIB KHOMSKI
| 14-3 In memory of our parents
14-6 In memory of our uncle and aunt MOSHE-AHARON , PESHEH VINOGRAD died in Auschwitz 30 January 1943
| 14-5 In memory of my parents |
15-2 In memory of our sisters
| 15-1 In memory of my father |
15-4 In eternal memory of my parent-in-law
| 15-3 In memory of my mother
15-6 In loving memory of our parents
| 15-5 In memory of our parents |
16-2 In memory of my parents
| 16-1 In eternal memory of my parents
16-4 In memory of my father
| 16-3 In memory of our parents |
16-6 In memory of our parents
| 16-5 In memory of our parents |
17-2 In memory of our brothers
| 17-1 In memory of father DAVID NOVINSKI
17-4 In memory of our father ZELIK GLEZER
| 17-3 In memory of our father |
17-6 In memory of our sister SHEINA ESTER
| 17-5 In memory of our father
18-2 In etermal memory of my sister and brother-in-law HENYA and YOSEL KIPEL
| 18-1 I regret the death of my unforgettable wife |
18-4 In eternal memory of my dear wife
| 18-3 With deep sadness we remember
18-6 In eternal memory of my dear and appreciated parents VELVE and LIZA NITZBERG (Pruzhany) killed by the Nazis | 18-5 In eternal memory of our parents
19-2 In memory of our parents
| 19-1 In memory of our parents |
19-4 In memory of my parents
| 19-3 In memory of our brothers and sisters
19-6 In memory of our mother
| 19-5 In memory of our father
20-2 In memory of my parents CHAIM
| 20-1 In memory of my father R’ TZVI-HERSH
20-4 In memory of our husband and father
| 20-3 In memory of my parents |
20-6 In memory of our parents
| 20-5 In memory of my parents |
21-2 In eternal memory of my father
| 21-1 I will remember all my life with love |
21-4 In eternal memory of my mother
| 21-3 In eternal memory of our mother BUNYA SARA daughter of MORDECHAI NIEDOS
21-6 We will eternally remember our husband,
| 21-5 In memory of our parents |
22-2 We will eternally keep the memory of our
| 22-1 In eternal memory of my dear wife |
22-4 In memory of my wife SARA SLONIMSKI daughter PERL-GOLDA
| 22-3 In eternal memory of our dear sister |
22-6 In memory of my sisters and brothers-in-law SHEINA and YOSL KANEL
| 22-5 We will never forget the memory |
23-2 In memory of our brother CHAIM
| In memory of the name G-d remember |
23-4 In memory of our parents YITZCHAK
| 23-3 To remember the holy souls of our sisters |
23-6 In memory of our uncle and cousin
| 23-5 In memory of our father PINCHAS
24-2 I will eternally keep the loving memory
| 24-1 In memory of my parents
24-4 In memory of my parents
| 24-3 In memory of our parents
24-6 In memory of my parents
| 24-5 We will eternally keep the memory of our parents ARYEH and SARA POMERANTZ
25-2 We will keep the memory of our parents ZALMAN and DOBA ELMAN (Pruzhany)
| 25-1 In memory of my dear mother |
25-4 We will keep the memory of our beloved parents RAKHEL and NACHUM SHREIBMAN
| 25-3 In memory of our beloved mother |
25-6 We will eternally remember our brother
| 25-5 In memory of our beloved mother |
26-2 Eternally and with deep sadness for the death
| 26-1 We will eternally maintain the memory |
26-4 Eternally and with deep sadness for the death
| 26-3 We will never forget the memory of our sisters DIN’KA, SHEIN’KA and BEIL’KA
26-6 In eternal memory of our dear parents
| 26-5 In memory of our daddy |
27-2 In eternal memory of our brother
| 27-1 We will eternally keep the memory |
27-4 In memory of our father
| 27-3 We will never forget the memory |
In memory of our father |
Will be engraved in our memory our sisters
28-2 In memory of our sister SIRKE
| 28-1 We will never forget the memory of
28-4 We will eternally keep the memory
| 28-3 In memory of our dear parents |
28-6 In eternal memory of my parents
| 28-5 In eternal memory of my beloved father MORDECHAI-ITZCHAK POTSHINKA
29-2 In eternal memory of my parents
| 29-1 We will never forget the memory |
29-4 In memory of my family ALPER (Slonim)
| 29-3 I will never forget the memory
29-6 In memory of our dear parents
| 29-5 In eternal memory of our dear mother |
30-2 In memory of our dear sisters
| 30-1 In memory of my mother |
30-4 We will eternally remember our dear parents MOSHE SELETZKI (died 15 April 1929)
| 30-3 In memory of our parents |
30-6 In memory of our father-mother | 30-5 In eternal memory of our dear father
31-2 In memory of our parents
In eternal memory of my father |
31-4 In memory of our brother
| 31-3 In memory of our father |
31-6 In memory of my brother
| 31-5 In memory of our father
32-2 In eternal memory of our dear parents ESTER-EITKA and CHONA-BERYLPERKAL
| 32-1 We will eternally feel sadness for |
32-4 I will never forget our beloved parents
| 32-3 I will keep with love the memory of my beloved grandfather ISRAEL ZUSMANOVICH
32-6 We will eternally keep the memory
| 32-5 We will keep with love the memory |
33-2 All our life we will remember the memoryof our | 33-1 We will eternally keep the memory of our dear mother GITL (died 15th January 1938)
33-4 In memory of our brothers
| 33-3 We will eternally keep the memory of our dear sisters BLUMA and GOLDA'LA
33-6 We will never forget the memory of our parents, sister and brothers with their families (Visoki-Litovsk, Pruzhany) | 33-5 In memory of our dear parents
34-2 In eternal memory of the soul of our
| 34-1 In eternal memory of the soul of our |
34-4 In eternal memory of the soul of our father
| 34-3 In eternal memory of our cousins |
34-6 In eternal memory of the soul of our father MORDECHAI son of ELIEZER ISRAELIT
| 34-5 In eternal memory of our father
35-2 We will have in our memory the love of our parents GITL-LEAH and ABRAHAMA AGANOVICH (died in Pruzhany)
| 35-1 We will never forget the memory of |
35-4 We will never forget the memory of our
| 35-3 We will keep with love the memory of my beloved parents LEAH and MOSHE KORTZAMKER brother LIPA and sisters
35-6 We will never forger the memory of our beloved parents YAKOB-MEIR and CHANA GEIER,
| 35-5 We will never forget the memory of our |
36-2 In memory of our brother SHIMON
| 36-1 In memory of our father
36-4 In memory of my mother
| 36-3 In memory of our father R' AHARON
36-6 In memory of my sister
| 36-5 In memory of our mother |
37-2 In memory of our dear parents
| 37-1 In memory of my wife VIKHNA
37-4 In memory of my dear parents | 37-3 In memory of our daughter TZVIA (4 years)
37-6 In memory of our dear parents
| 37-5 We will eternally keep the memory of our parents KHENKA and SHMUEL LIUBOSHITZKI
38-2 In memory of our only sisters RIVKA
| 38-1 In memory of our father R' ELIEZER son of ITZHAK-ZELIK GROSMAN
38-4 In memory of our father ISRAEL GLEZER
| 38-3 In memory of our mother |
38-6 In eternal memory of our parents MOSHE-YAKOB son of TZADOK GRINBERG died in 1934
| 38-5 In memory of our brother |
39-2 We will eternally keep the memory
| 39-1 In memory of our dear parents
39-4 We will eternally keep the memory of
| 39-3 In memory of our parents BERL and MATL
39-6 In memory of our parents
| 39-5 We will eternally keep the memory of
40-2 We will eternally keep the memory of | 40-1 In memory of the wife and mother |
40-4 We will eternally keep the memory of our father DAVID POMERANTZ
| 40-3 In memory of my father |
40-6 In memory of the families
| 40-5 In memory of our father |
41-2 In memory of our parents
| 41-1 In memory of my mother CHAYA
41-4 In memory of the kindred husband
| 41-3 In eternal memory of our parents |
41-6 In memory of my aunt FREIDKA
| 41-5 We will never forget the memory of our daughter and sister GITL GLEZER
42-2 In memory of our dear aunt and uncle RACHEL-LIBA and CHAIM FELDMAN
| 42-1 In memory of our dear mother FEIGL
42-4 In memory of our dear cousins | 42-3 In memory of our dear sister and brother-in-law GITL and VELVEL SAPIRSHTEIN
42-6 In memory of beloved friends of youth
| 42-5 In memory of our dear aunt |
43-2 In memory of my father
| 43-1 In memory of our father YOCHANON
43-4 Imemory of my father | 43-3 With deep sadness I remember the memory
43-6 In memory of our father-in-law ABRAHAM-ISRAEL GOLDBERG and family
| 43-5 In memory of our parents
44-2 Remember G-d the soul of our father
| 44-l In memory of my parents |
44-4 R' ABRAHAM-AHARON son of LEVI (HALEVI) GOLDBERG our mother Mrs. DOBA daughter of CHAIM EINSHTEIN (died 8 Tevet 5696) sister MINKA with her husband CHAIM ZAMIKHOVSKI and their children and DEBORA (Malch) murdered by the Nazis Donor CHAYA GOLDBERG GUTE GOLDBERG-YUNGERMAN and family (Argentina)
| 44-3 In memory of our parents |
In memory of my parents |
In memory of our father
45-2 In memory of our parents
| 45-1 In eternal memory of our father |
45-4 In memory of our father
| 45-3 In memory of our parents |
45-6 In memory of our father
| 45-5 In memory of our father
46-2 In memory of my father | 46-1 In memory of our parents AVRAHAM
46-4 In memory of our parents
| 46-3 In memory of our sisters MALKA and husband MIKHAL KATZ and his children
46-6 In memory of our parents
| 46-5 In memory of our father BERL-LEIB KATZ
47-2 We will eternally keep the holy memory of our sisters SHEINA with her husband YOSL KANEL SARA with her husband REUBEN GOLDBERGLIBE with her husband LEIZER KANTOR
| 47-1 In memory of our father |
47-4 In memory of our sister MAIKE
| 47-3 In memory of our father ELIAHU-YOKHANON KRASNER
47-6 In memory of my sisters | 47-5 In memory of our father
48-2 In memory of our parents
| 48-1 In memory of my father |
48-4 In memory of our parents ALTER (ISRAEL)
| 48-3 We will eternally keep the memory of my brothers CHAIM and ABRAHAM BORODITZKI
In memory of our parents
We will eternally keep the memory of my uncles MOSHE and MOTL SHNEIDER
49-2 In memory of our mother | 49-1 In memory of our parents ISRAEL |
49-4 In memory of my parents | 49-3 In memory of my wife RIVKA daughter of |
49-6 In memory of my dear friend | 49-5 In memory of our parents |
50-2 In memory of our parents
| 50-1 In memory of our parents |
50-4 In memory of our parents ZALMAN (died 1928) and SARA NEBRIEF (died 1929)
| 50-3 In memory of our parents REIZL
50-6 In memory of our children and brother | 50-5 In memory of our parents |
51-2 In memory of our grandparents | 51-1 In memory of my parents |
51-4 In memory of our father | 51-3 In memory of our parents |
51-6 In memory of our father | 51-5 In memory of our parents |
52-2 In memory of our father MEIR YUDEVICH
| 52-1 In memory of our father
52-4 In memory of our parents
| 52-3 In memory of our sister |
52-6 In memory of our mother PELTA-REIZL
| 52-5 In memory of our mother and grandmother |
53-2 In eternal memory of my wife
In memory of our sisters and brothers-in-law ZELDA and AIDEL TZUCKERMAN
53-4 We will remember all our life the memory
| 53-3 In eternal memory of our parents
53-6 In memory of our dear sisters and brothers-in-law CHAVA and ITCHKA BERKNER
| 53-5 In eternal memory of our parents
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Updated 24 Sep 2020 by JH