52°33' / 24°28'
Translation from
Pinkas Me-Hamesh Kehilot Harevot
Edited by: Mordechai W. Bernstein
Published in Buenos Aires, 1958
Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Pruzhany (1958)
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Title | Author | Page |
Five annihilated communities | Mordechai W. Bernstein | IX |
The establishment of the town | N. Zukerman | 3 |
Name and age of the town | M. Wolanski | 8 |
Roads and rivers | S. D. Borker | 16 |
Privileges | M. Wolanski | 19 |
Through three centuries | N. Zukerman | 22 |
The Pinkas Hevra Kadisha [burial society register] | M. Wolanski | 35 |
The Book of Life | N. Z. | 42 |
The Hevra Kadisha [burial society] regulations | N. Z. | 44 |
The Pruzhany Pinkas [community register] | N. Zukerman | 49 |
The Pruzhany Kahal [community members] | G. Oryanski | 53 |
A document about the cholera epidemic in Pruzhany | G. Oryanski | 60 |
A meeting of the Vaad Medinat Lita [the Lithuania Committee] in Pruzhany | G. Oryanski | 62 |
The Vaad Medinat Lita Regulations from the year 5488 (1728) | 64 | |
The Batei Midrash [synagogues, lit. houses of learning] in Pruzhany | G. O. | 89 |
The rabbi of Pruzhany, Rav Eliyahu Feinstein | David Halevi | 94 |
With the rabbinic family | Tzipora Katzenelson-Nachumov | 98 |
The BAH (R'Yoel Sirkis) and the TAZ (R'David Halevi Segal) in Pruzhany | G. Oryanski | 101 |
Learning institutions in Pruzhany in the second half of the 19th century | N. Z. | 104 |
Our region during The Great War of the North | S. D. Borker | 111 |
Pruzhany in the 1812 War | S. D. Borker | 113 |
Pruzhany in the 1863 Revolt | M. W. | 115 |
Social movements in Pruzhany | G. Oryanski | 117 |
The First World War and the German occupation | G. Oryanski | 127 |
The Pruzhany Republic | G. Oryanski | 142 |
The first years after the World War | G. Oryanski | 151 |
Pruzhany during the first decade of the Polish rule 1921-1931 | N. Zukerman | 152 |
Social, Charity and Cultural institutions in Pruzhany | 167 | |
Shevivim (Hebrew journal of the Yavne organization in Pruzhany) | 195 | |
Pruzhany Folklore | A. Feivushinski | 199 |
What the Jews have to tell about Alexander I | S. L. Zitron | 206 |
The Y.L. Peretz School and its Principal G. Oryanski | Chaim Yanish | 213 |
The Pruzhany Y.L. Peretz ZISA [1] School in Pruzhany | Ch. S. Kazdan | 216 |
About the teachers' work | H. Grinbaum | 219 |
Zionist movements in Pruzhany | Dov Kirzhner | 232 |
The Hebrew High-School in memory of A. D. Gordon | 233 | |
The educational Tarbut Institutions | 237 | |
Zionist festivities in Pruzhany | Yosef Borman | 241 |
The JNF bazaars in Pryzhany | Yitzhak Seletzki | 245 |
The Tarbut library - its establishment and development | Zelig Pomeranyetz | 248 |
Pruzhany facing the Vaad Hayeshivot [the Yeshivot Committee] | 250 | |
Memories of a Bundist in Pruzhany | Fishel Weiner | 254 |
The Bund movement in Pruzhany | Zalman Oryevitch | 259 |
We are hungry and we sing | 265 | |
The candidates to the Pruzhany Community Council in 1920 | 267 | |
The social chronicle of Pruzhany | 273 | |
Pruzhany | M. Schefner | 315 |
As a refugee in Pruzhany | Hershel Himelfarb | 318 |
The rabbi and great scholar Rav Yehuda-Leib Fohrer zl | Rav Avraham Zev Schoen | 320 |
The last Pruzhany rabbi, the holy martyr Rav David Feigenbaum | 323 | |
Bereze or Kartuz-Bereze | 327 | |
Kartuz-Bereza | Yakov Gorali (Goczalka) | 328 |
My Home Exists No Longer | Masha Shtuker-Paiuk | 344 |
The life story of the world scholar R'Yitzhak-Elchanan zl | Nute ben Rav Yakov Lifschitz | 349 |
The Great Klatzkin Family in Kartuz-Bereza | 355 | |
The Rav R'Shlomo Feinsilber | 357 | |
A Rabbinical Family Tree from Bereza Found in a Book | 358 | |
Kartuz-Bereza Jewish Education | Elya-Motye Boksztajn | 361 |
About Bereza Communal Life | Vova Wajnsztajn | 365 |
The Kartuz-Bereze folklore | 370 | |
I remember my little town Bereze | David German | 374 |
The Polish concentration-camp in Bereze | Elya-Mate Backstein | 382 |
My last day in Kartuz Bereze | S. Schichtow | 384 |
Peretz Markish in Bereze | Y. Rotenberg | 387 |
The teachers in the Kartuz-Bereze Jewish elementary school | 392 | |
The school journals in Kartuz-Bereze | 402 | |
Figures in Kartuz-Bereze | Elya-Mate Backstein | 418 |
Social figures in Bereze | Nathan Shapira | 423 |
Zadok R'Itche's [son of R'Itche] | Yakov Gorali | 425 |
The Kartuz-Bereze fire-fighters | Elya-Mate Backstein | 429 |
On the roads of wandering | Yosef Rotenberg | 432 |
Memories from our ruined Kartuz-Bereze | Nechemia Stocker | 441 |
The decree about the Kartuz-Bereze elementary school | Choshke Grayevski-Koval | 453 |
Aharon-David Egoz, the Yiddish translator of Chovot Halevavot | 455 | |
American aid in Kartuz-Bereze | 457 | |
Kartuz-Bereze 1939-1941 | Elya-Mate Backstein | 459 |
Kartuz-Bereze helps building Eretz Israel | 464 | |
The Jewish community in Malecz | Shmuel Appelbaum | 469 |
Among Polish-Lithuanian Jews | Yakov Mestel | 501 |
Rabbi Zalman-Sender Kahana-Shapira zl | M. Tzinowitz | 505 |
Tamrat (Tamares) Aharon-Shmuel | 509 | |
Malecz between the Two World Wars | Shmuel Chomski | 511 |
Shershev | 521 | |
Our Hometown, Shershev | Zundl Yablonovitch | 522 |
Rabbis of Shershev | 528 | |
Ten Years of the Yavneh School in Shershev | 533 | |
The Community in Shershev | 548 | |
The General Gemilas Chasadim Fund in Shershev | 550 | |
SELTZ | ||
Seltz - the cradle the Vilna Gaon | 557 | |
The meetings of the Lithuanian State Committee in Seltz | Mordechai Bernstein | 559 |
Historical information about Seltz in the book Rosh Yosef | Mordechai Bernstein | 570 |
Seltz for the benefit of Vaad Hayeshivot | 574 | |
In the familiar villages | Yakov-Meir Appelbaum | 577 |
The Pruzhany Jews in the ghetto and in the camps | Zalman Oryevitch | 599 |
Memories from the Pruzhany ghetto | Zanwel Segal | 621 |
A sum-up of the Holy Community Pruzhany | Avraham Breski | 627 |
From Pruzhany to destruction | Berl Kirzhner | 635 |
From Pruzhany to Central Asia | Y. Gleser | 646 |
Through seven Hells, by a miracle | Zlatke Schneiderhaus-Pitlyuk | 648 |
From the ghetto to the partisans | Yosef Ellman | 659 |
A diary of a partisan | Shemaryahu Ellman | 667 |
A partisan | Mordechai-Ber Segal | 675 |
The Pruzhany ghetto and its struggle for Jewish Honor | Yitzhak Friedberg | 677 |
The end of the Jewish settlement in Kartuz-Bereze | Moshe Tuchman | 687 |
The destruction of Kartuz-Bereze | Elya-Matie Backsteein | 690 |
The evacuation from Pruzhany | Y. Klementovski | 692 |
The Pruzhany ghetto before and after the liquidation | N. Altschuler (Altman) | 693 |
The 24 members of the Pruzhany Judenrat (Jewish council) | Sender | 699 |
I survived Hitler | Lazar Kartchamker | 702 |
The ruin of Lineve | Berl Blustein | 707 |
Pruzhany without Jews | Itche Seletzki | 715 |
A cut-off life | Chaim Berkman | 717 |
Pruzhany and surroundings after the destruction | Yosef Bobman | 719 |
My little town Pruzhany | Lena Neidos-Yudewitz | 724 |
Death is lurking | Ruth Scheich | 725 |
A Letter | A. Zakheim | 728 |
The ruin of Malecz | Shmuel Chomski | 729 |
My town Szereszow in the Death-March | Chaim Maletzki | 732 |
Tha Malecz Jew who was a Nazi Officer | Aharon Goldstein | 735 |
The preparations for the uprising in the Pruzhany ghetto | Yakov Wolowelski | 736 |
From a bunker in the partisan country | Moshe Yudevitz - Rivka Kaplan | 737 |
The few who survived in Malecz | Shmuel Mordechai Rubinstein | 739 |
The suffering in the Ebensee Camp | Chaim Kaminker | 740 |
Survived, in order to give testimony | Dr. Elya Goldfein | 741 |
Yosef (Yosl) Kleinerman Zl | Yakov Schreibman | 744 |
The social charity activists who were killed in Pruzhany | 745 | |
A confiscated printing shop | Fishel Weiner | 751 |
Regards from the old generation | Y. Delewski | 752 |
Memories of a Day-Eater [2] | A. D. Egoz | 754 |
Broken echoes from my youth in my little town Pruzhany | Nathan Rosin | 757 |
From the time of the storm | Shmuel-Leib Katz | 758 |
What I remember from Pruzhany | Moshe Chaim Nun | 759 |
Kartuz-Bereze | Av. Victor | 760 |
Our town Malecz is no more | Moshe Friedman | 761 |
Bereze was full of newborn children named Shalom | Yona Berezeman | 763 |
Memorial Plaques, p. 765 to p. 825, unnumbered | ||
Our Landsleit (former residents) over the wide world | David Fohrer | 827 |
The Max Kronstat Pruzhany Workers' Circle Branch 244 | Fishel Weiner | 844 |
The women's branch of Branch 244 Workers' Circle | Henia Kronstat - Fishel Weiner | 850 |
The United Pruzhany Aid-Committee in New York | Fishel Konik | 853 |
List of deceased landsleit in the United States | 860 | |
Our Landsleit in Argentina | David Fohrer | 861 |
Our Women's Group | David Fohrer | 912 |
Our Youth Circle | David Fohrer | 913 |
The credit co-operative La Amistad | David Fohrer | 917 |
Mechl Perlstein | Leizer Resches | 920 |
Deceased members of the administration | 921 | |
List of deceased landsleit in Argentina | 923 | |
Our supporters and co-workers | David Fohrer | 925 |
In Conclusion | David Fohrer | 929 |
List of photographs and documents | 931 | |
Additions and corrections | 939 | |
Typogaphical errors | 941 | |
Index of names | 943 | |
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