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Translated by Chana Saadia
Edited by Renee Miller This is the order and the text of the monuments and the ohel[2] of the honored Rabbi, the holy scholar, author of the Divrei Chaim and all his holy family, may their memories be blessed.
The text on the monument [reads]: The great and holy Rabbi, our master and teacher; the holy master of Kabbala, man of God. The radiant reflection, the pure candelabrum, unique in his generation, the holy elder sage known all over the world, Rabbi of all the exiles, whose deeds and prayer were with dedication of the soul to God, and whose soul cleaved to the Creator as one of the archangels, our holy Rabbi Chaim, author of the Divrei Chaim, son of our righteous teacher Rabbi Aryeh Leibish zl[3], descended from the holy Maharshal[4] zl and the great Rabbi the Chacham Zvi[5] ztzl. He served [wore the crown of] the Rabbinate of Sandz forty-six years, [6] and died in old age on the twenty-fifth day of Nisan, 5636 [1876].
In those days the head of the holy community shb[7] was the great and prominent gvir[8] Rav Yudeli haCohen Hollander and the righteous Rabbi was then with his whole family [staying] with him for more than a whole year, with all his expenses [paid], and he rented for him a good apartment and received signatures from the town and became the head of the Holy Religious Court of Sandz. [9]
To his right is buried his holy son our teacher Rabbi Meir Nosson, who died during his holy father's lifetime, and on the other side is buried his holy son Rabbi Aron, abdk of Sandz. He was the krayz-Rav[10] there. And in his will he ordered not to bury him very near his holy father but further away, but the sextons did not want to obey his request and they buried him in the same row but a bit to the side of his holy father. Behind him is buried the son of the holy Rabbi Rav Aaron ztzl, the great Rabbi Sholem abdk Piekla who was also rabd of the Sandz community [and who died] on the first day of Av, 5666 [1906]. The holy scholar Rabbi Meir Nosson died on the fifteenth day of Av and was the son-in-law of the holy Rabbi Eliezer of Dzikow ztzl. Also buried there is the holy Rabbi Leibish. He was a Talmudic scholar in Sandz and was formerly abdk of Grybow, [and] was the son of the holy Rabbi Aaron zl. Also buried there is Rabbi Moshe who was rbdkk[11] of Cieniawa ztzl, son of the holy Rabbi, [author of] the Divrei Yechezkel[12] ztzl. And also his son the holy Rabbi Leibish Mordechai, abdkk [13] of Cieniawa. The holy Rabbi Moshe died in 5680 [1920], on the thirteenth day of Heshvan. All the above rest in the ohel in which is the grave of the holy Rabbi [Chaim] zl.
Outside of the ohel rest in peace the righteous Rabbi Moshe son of Rabbi Mordechai David Unger, who was a son-in-law of the holy Divrei Chaim ztzl. Also near him [is] his wife the righteous woman ah[14], and the holy Rabbi Yitzchak Tuvia Rubin, son-in-law of the holy Divrei Chaim ztzl, with his wife the righteous woman Nechamale ah of Sandz. And the wives of the holy author of the Divrei Chaim ztzl are buried near the window of the ohel on the outside, and the head of the community, the great scholar and gvir Rabbi Yudele haCohen Hollander shb[15] of the holy Rabbi zl rests there near the ohel on the outside, to the side of the window and the path which people took to visit the monument of the Divrei Chaim zl. Near the path on the other side of the ohel rests the holy gvir shb Rabbi Moshe Leizer Hollander, grandson of Rabbi Yudele Hollander zl, and the last holy Rabbi who was abdk of Sandz zl was was the holy and learned Rabbi Mordechai Ze'ev Halberstam, who was formerly abdkk of Grybow. And there is another ohel in the large community of Sandz which is of the holy Rabbi Zelka ztzl who was one of the followers of the Seer [16] ztzl, and he [was the one who] ordered that the holy Divrei Chaim be zl accepted as the abdkk of Sandz. There was also an ohel
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of the great scholar Rabbi Baruch Landau who was of the family of the Noda Be'Yehuda[17] zl, who was called krayz-Rav in Sandz. And after his death the holy Rabbi Aaron zl was appointed krayz-Rav. And in the ohel of the scholar Rabbi Baruch Segal[18] Landau zl is also buried his son. Outside the ohel near the entrance on the right is buried his grandson the generous gvir Rabbi Shraga Feivish Segal Landau, and on the left is buried Rabbi Zvi Hersch Landau, who was the grandson of the scholar Rabbi Baruch Landau zl.
And these are the names of the holy family of the Rabbi of all the exiles, Rabbi Chaim of Sandz of blessed memory [19]:
Rabbi Yechezkel Shraga Halberstam abdk Cieniawa, author ofAnd these are the names of the sons-in-law of the holy Rabbi of Sandz zl:
Divrei Yechezkel, died 6 Tevet 5659 [1899] aged 89 years.
Rabbi Baruch abdk of Rudnik and Gorlice, died 1 Adar 5666 [1906].
Rabbi David abdkk Cieszanow, died 25 Elul 5689 [1899].
Rabbi Meir Nosson, died 15 Av [20].
Rabbi Aaron abdkk Sandz, died rosh chodesh menachem Av, 5659 [1899].
Rabbi Sholom Eliezer, the Ratzferter Rebbe.
Rabbi Yeshua of Krakow.
Rabbi Mordechai David of Hornistopol/Homrzyska?, author of the responsaWritten by shb Rabbi Shmuel Meir haCohen Hollander son of the holy Rabbi Nosson David abdkk Cieniawaztzl, formerly Rabbi in Chernowitz and abdkk Cieniawa and Doaraban and now in Tel Aviv...
Emek She'aylah and other books died 23 Elul, 5664 [1904].
Rabbi Moshe Unger, son of the holy Rabbi Mordechai David of Dabrowa zl.
Rabbi Eliezer Yerucham son of the holy Rabbi Yisroel zl, Rebbe of Krakow
Rabbi Yitzchak Tuvia Rubin son of the holy Rabbi Meir abdk Glagov zl.
Rabbi Betzalel Yehoshua died 5 Tammuz, grandson of the holy Rabbi Meir of
Peremyshlany ztzl.
Rabbi Aaron Horowitz, abdk Rajcza, son of the holy Rabbi who wrote the
Imrei Noam.
Rabbi Eliezer of Oshvitzen [Auschwitz, Oswiecim], son of the holy Rabbi Yehoshua of Kamienica zl, and my grandfather, the holy Rabbi Yosef haCohen Hollander, who was abdkk Mszana Dolna, died 12 Tammuz, and [who] was a faithful student of the holy Rabbi Chaim of Sandz ztzl. And he said of him that he valued him not as a grandson but as a son, and he made him Rabbi in Mszana Dolna, and he was a colleague of Rabbi Shlomo of Bachow and of the holy Rabbi Moshe abdk Bardejov.
NOTE: Words in brackets added by translator.
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Translated by Renee Miller The shul [synagogue] - not a single rov [Orthodox rabbi] or dayen [assistant to the Orthodox rabbi] prayed there. The rov only came blazn shoyfer [blow the ram's horn {done on Rosh Hashanah and on Yom Kippur}] and on Simkhes Toyre [celebrating the completion of the year's reading cycle of the Torah] to lead the hakofes [circular procession with the Torah scroll]. Mostly the intellectuals and the homeowners were concentrated in the shul.
The besmedresh of Hasidim [small orthodox synagogue of the Hasidim] there the Piekler [from Piekla] rov, R'Sholem Halbershtam z'l [zal {may the memory of a righteous one be blessed}] and after his death, his sons-in-law Harov [title preceding the name of a rabbi] R' Mayer Unger, Harov Borukh Kanner, the Cichawer rov: Harov Avigdor Teitelboim, the Piwnicer rov and R' Moysheli Bloom [Blum] dumts [may his memory be blessed]. In Hasidic bihmd [small Orthodox synagogue,] the well-to-do Hasidic Jews came, those more conscious of their status, and the intellectual class of beb [home owners], as well as the young men with worldly education, in all approximately 250 mispalelim [those who pray].
The Grybóver synagogue this was the synagogue of the city rabbi who called himself Grybover rov named after the city Grybow, virtually next door to Sandz where he was the rabbi for Sandz. This was the largest synagogue in the city with 600 Hasidic Jews praying there every Shabes [Sabbath]. Here were also concentrated 250 young men who studied with the Grybover rov, first R' Leibish zl, with his children, R' Moyshele, R' Efrim and R' Hersh, and later the last Sandzer rov, R' Mordechai Zav hid [may the Lord avenge his blood] as well as R' Mordechai Josef Sapir eh, the most senior dayen in the city.
The Divrei Chaim's bihmd [besmedresh] or R' Yitzhok Tubi's bihm'd, as it used to be called those who prayed there numbered about 250 Hasidic Jews, mainly Bobover [named after town Bobow] Hasidim. There were also about 200 young men and boys as well as a large number of young men from other places who studied with the Bobover and called themselves Yeshiva Etz Chaim. They had tomekh-oreyto [supporter of the Torah], a kind of financial unit that supported the yeshiva with small amounts from the Bobover. In the Divrei Chaim's besmedresh his son-in-law hrhts [the Righteous {Rabbi}] Yitzhok Tubia prayed; after his death his children, Rabbis: Asher Josele and R' Moyshele zl as well as Chaiml Dayan eh also prayed there.
Cieniawer Orthodox besmedresh 150, all Cieniawer Hasidim prayed there. They were counted among the nicest homeowners and gvrim [rich men] in the city, such as the well-known family Englender and Klagsbald and others. Tsum ersht [first of all] R' Moyshele the Cieniawer rabbi, the son of the Divrei Ezekiel reigned. He had complaints against the head of the Rabbinate in Sandz, the center of Khasides. From far and near, Cieniawer Hasidim came to R' Moyshele zl. After his death, R' Leibish Mordechai zl was crowned as Rebbe.
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However, he left Sandz and settled in Cracow, and his oldest son R' Zalman Idel remained in Sandz. In 1931, the father, while in Sandz on a visit, died suddenly and as memeye mokum, [substitute] R' Zalman Idel hid [may the Lord avenge his blood] was selected. He had his residence in Sandz until the outbreak of the war.
Khevre Shomrim [The Guardians Society] 100 steady attendees, mostly tradesmen, but on the weekdays it was the center of the entire city where minyonim [prayer quorums of ten male adults] gedavnt [prayed] from dawn til eleven o'clock. There R' Moyshe Frank taught a shier [lesson in Talmud]. Also, before dawn every day, special prayers, shomrim laboker were recited.
KhevreTilim [The Psalms Society] about 150 people prayed there, several Jews and ordinary Hasidim and homeowners; the organizer and builder was R' Shmuel Yeshie Kempler. There Harov R' Bentsion Eichenshtein, son-in-law of Harov R' Mordechai Dudl prayed.
Khevre Talmetoyre [Society for elementary school for the poorest children] a municipal besmedresh where 100 people prayed.
Besmedresh of Harov R' Mordechai Dudl Unger about 100 prayed there, small merchant and Hasidic Jews; Harov R' Ben Tsion Unger prayed there.
Satmarer besmedresh about 150 Hasidic Jews, mostly Ciechanover and Kolaczycer Hasidim, the fanatics and fervent Hasidim prayed there. Their leader Harov R' Khonon Hersh Rubin of Satmar nkd hrhk [grandson of the Holy Man] Mshinyava zl
Besmedresh the Leader Nokhan Krishmer - about 50 came to pray, homeowners that were rich Hasidim
Besmedresh of R'Shloymele Korn about 50 came to pray, homeowner Hasidim
Besmedresh of Glisker Rov about 150 came to pray. Hasidim from Harov Htsadik R'Naftali Tsvi abdk [head of the Bes Din {Rabbinical court} Assembly], his son R' Leybele and his grandson R' Mendl hid.
Besmedresh of Altsanzer Rov about 100 come to pray
Besides these, there were minyonim, on the Helena, Pshetakive near the railroad and others on the Piekla. There were other prayer minyonim such as: Yad kharutsim Bikor Khoylim Society [Society for Visiting the Sick], Piekla besmedresh, Shomri Emune [Guardians of the Faith], Mizrakhi [East], Holtz-Platz, in the suburbs and further.
Although, since the Divrei Chaim Sandz had been the greatest mokim Toyre [place of learning] in this part of Eastern Galicia, there had never actually existed any special yeshiva there, only young men and boys sat in the besmedresh and learned. In the year 1905, a yeshiva was created and R' Abraham Hirsh Fridman from Bardiev was appointed as rosh yeshiva [head of the yeshiva]. He was a very shrewd person and bal masber [great speaker] and he gathered together a hundred disciples who were great tkh [scholars of Torah] and learned men. In the nineteen thirties, when the Hasidim began to bring everyone under one umbrella, each group wanted to grab predominance in the city. Hasidic yeshivas were created: the Bobover Yeshiva, Etz Chaim [tree of life] with Harov R' Mendil Rotenberg as head of the yeshiva, 50 unknown young men and 150 townspeople; the Cieniawer Yeshiva with R'Heshel Frenkel and R' Hershel Hurvitz as heads, about 100 young men. The largest number were Grybówer with about 250 young men.
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ei [Grandson of the author] Tsvi Hirsh Halevi Hurwitz Mbrod [of Brod]
Shmot Hanshim [Names of the People]
Harov mKrayz Aron Halbershtam avd [head of the Bes Din {religious court}]
Bnu [and his son] R' Ariye Lib Halbershtam
Shb [shoykhet {ritual slaughterer}] R' Chaim Yakov Hurvitz
R' Asher Meir Halbershtam
R' Abush Meir Bransdorf hakutb dhrb heldik [Rabbi's scribe]
R' Chaim Henik Herbst
Shb [shoykhet] Aron Hurvitz
R' Elimelekh Fridman
R' Shimkhe Gebil
R' Yakov shb [shoykhet]
Bnu [his son] R' Sender
Bnu h' [his son of] Asher Lemil
R' Avigdor Klagsbald
R' Moyshe Abiezer khn [Cohan {of the priestly class}] Nanger
R' Shmelke Weinberger
R' Yaskia Mahler
R' Shimon Alter Paliboym [or Faliboym] ebur bihmd [of the besmedresh]
R' Pinkhus Levi Royzingartin
R' Aleksander Feterfrynd [or Peterfrynd]
R' Moyshe br' [son of] Zanvil mshrt hkodesh [servant, the holy] Blazenshteyn
R' Menachem Mendel parnes [synagogue official]
R' Boaz Kenman
R' Shimon Halbershtam
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