The Book on the
Jewish Community of Nowy Sacz
(Nowy Sącz, Poland)

49°38' / 20°43'

Translation of Sefer Sandz

Edited by Dr. Raphael Mahler

Published by the Sandzer Society



Project Coordinator

Renee E. Miller z”l


This is a translation from “Sefer Sandz ”, (The Book on the Jewish Community of Nowy Sacz);
editor Raphael Mahler; Published by the Sandzer Society 25 W. 39 St., New York, N.Y.;
Copyright by the Sandzer Society in New York; Tel-Aviv, Israel, 1970

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Nowy Sacz

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Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.

Hebrew Translated by Chana Saadia
Yiddish Translated by Renee Miller

Note: All names of people are given in the Polish spelling, followed by the Yiddish spelling in parentheses.
Original page numbers will appear in brackets in the upper left corner.
Transliteration of the Yiddish is in accordance with the YIVO system.
Rafal MahlerForward11
 About the History of Jews in Sandz In the Era of Old Poland 
         I.The City of Sandz Without Jews from the Beginning of the Thirteenth Century Until After the Gzires T”Kh [massacre of Jews by Cossacks, 1648] [Y]21
         II.The Hundred-Year Kehile [Organized Jewish Community] in Former Poland (from 1673 to1770) [Y]45
 From the Partition of Poland Until the Austrian Constitution 
         I.The First Period of Austrian Rule [Y]135
         II.In the Era of Josephine's Reforms, Massacres and Tax Exploitation (From Kaiser Joseph II Until the People's Spring [1848 - 1867]) [Y]168
         III.From the People's Spring to the Constitution (1848-1867) [Y]195
 Demographic and Economic Statistics: The Days of Puronyes [Affliction] 
         I.Jewish Statistics 1866 [Y]202
         II.The Development of the City: Statistics of Jews in Sandz and in the Sandzer District at the End of the Nineteenth and in the Twentieth Century [Y]224
 After the Sreyfe [Fire] (Poem) [Y]231
         III.Jewish Melokhe [Trade] and Industry in Sandz in 1921 [Y]233
         IV.The Plunder [Y]237
Rafal MahlerR' Chaim Halberstam and His Generation 
         I.The “Divrei Chaim" [Rabbi Chaim of Sanz (1793-1876)] [Y]247
         II.The Makhloykes[Feud] Sandz - Sadugora [Y]291
Harov Shmuel Meir Hacohen HollanderMonuments to the author of the “Divrei Chaim” (Rabbi Chayim Halberstam) and his Family [H]342
Fayvel LevinsonBoti Tfile [Houses of Prayer] and Yeshivas in Sandz [Y]346
 List of Subscribers to a Sefer [Religious Book] [Y]348
Szmuel MahlerThe (Lecture in 1896) Held in theSchool [Y]351
R. M.About Szmuel Goldberg [Y]353
Kalman MahlerHow Kheyder-Yingl [Boys from Religious Grade Schools] Became Zionists [Y]354
M. D. Berl (Dubi)The Zionist Movement in Sandz [H]357
Alter NeimanThe Development of the Hebrew Movement in Sandz [H]362
Naftali ZiglI Became a Teacher in Sandz [H]366
Yitzhok FrenkelThe First Jewish Worker-Party Z.P.S. (Jewish Socialist Party) [Y]371
Dr. Abraham CometPoalei-Tsion in Sandz (1905-1918)374
Jehuda KnebelBetween Two World Wars [Y]411
Rafal MahlerThe Circles of the Student Youth [Y]434
Baruch SternThe “Yugent” [Youth]-Organization in Neisands [Nowy Sacz] [Y]448
Yitzhok Zaifert Zikhroynes [Memories] of Poalei-Tsion [Y]463
Majer LandererThe Zionist Movement [H]466
Liba KlapholtzA Beloved Corner - A Cell of the Hashomer Hatzair in Sandz [H]476
Icchak BitnerThe “Gordonia” Movement [H]483
* * *The Zionist Youth Movement [H]486
Blima KamplerBnei Zion [The Sons of Zion] [H]490
Benny LuksYouth and Hope - The “Dror” [Freedom] Movement in Sandz [H]491
Rabbi P. RozengartenFrom My Memories of the “Mizrachi” Movement - Torah and Labor [H]496
* * *About the “Mizrachi” Movement - Torah and Labor [H]500
* * *Development of Jewish Sports in Niesandz [Y]513
Chaim FlasterThe Beginning of Yiddish Theater in Niesandz [Y]519
Moyshe Shlanger The Dramatic Circle [Y]523
Leon AblezerAmateur Troupe in The Sandzer Circle [Y]524
 Purim Shpiln [Y]527
Kalman Mahler A Political Purim Poem [Y]538
Leon AblezerA Purim in The Sandzer Environs [Y]539
Menachem Zilberstein-ToremFrom Sandzer Folklore [Y]542
Rafal MahlerYiddish in Sandz [Y]545
Political Leaders and Klal-Tuer [Community Leaders]
M. D. Berl (Dubi)The Brothers Dr. Leon (Aryeh) and Bernard (Baruch) Nusboym [H]567
M. D. Berl (Dubi)R' [Reb] Mojsze ben Aryeh Nusboym [Y]569
Dr. Chaim HilfsteinDr. Hersz Syrop[Y]570
Kalman LustbaderDr. Hersz Syrop and The General Zionists in Sandz [Y]571
Blima Fishler-KemplerRecollections of Dr. Hersh Syrop [Y]579
Rafal Mahler Szaul Amsterdam [Y]581
Albin (Tobiash) k”ts [Cohen=of the priestly class]Bernard (Buzhiek) Rozenfeld [Y]591
M. Khenukh Shprey [Y]593
I. Shamir Y. Shamir - With Chanoch When The Tower Was Built [H]594
Dr. Elihu TishShmuel Mashler and the Jewish Children's Home [Y]595
Yehuda KnebelMeir Landerer [Y]600
Writers and the Scholarly
R. M.R' Menachem Eliezer Mahler [Y]601
M. D. Berl (Dubi)The Youth [Early Years] of Ben-Zion Rappaport [H]607
M.A Kurtz The Letter [Last Testament] of One Jewish Martyr [H]609
M. D. Berl (Dubi)Dr. Yermiahu Frenkel [H]613
Dov Shtuk-SadanYermiahu Frenkel at Fifty [H]614
Sh. ShpanDr. Yirmiyahu Frankel in Our Land [H]617
Rafal MahlerHeshek Shweid (Tsvi Israel) [Y]621
Prof. Zofia AmeizenMemories of My Father [Y]624
R. M. The Brothers Zsupnik [Y]629
Sh. D. ZingerMendl Neugreshel e”h [May He Rest in Peace] [Y]632
Mendl NeugreshelFrom the Book “Collected Poems”: An Interview About the Shtetl [Y]636
 My Shtetl Sandz [Y]637
Popular Figures
Rafal MahlerThe Model Melamed - R' Chaiml Amkroyt [Y]638
R. M. R' Chaiml Herbst [Y]640
Yitzhok FrenkelSeveral Figures (R' Ber Szupnik, Tserele, the Family Safir) [Y]641
Rafal MahlerDr. Emanuel Ringlblum, Historian of Polish Jews and of Their Umkum [Violent Death] and Gvure [Heroism] [Y]644 
Rafal MahlerPethahiah Mahler, the Sandzer Hero from the Bialystoker Ghetto Uprising [Y]670 
Menachem Mendl Zilberstein-ToremMy Sandz Is No Longer There [Y]677
Benjomin LandauA Stroll through the Streets of Niesandz [Y]679
Zalka FirerSandzer Traditions and Figures in the Nineteenth Century [Y]699
Yitzhok ZeigertTwo Shabosim [Sabbaths] [Y]705
Mendl NeugreshelFolk Song About Sandz and Podolya [Y]711
 The First Months Under the Nazi Boot [Y]723
 From the Beginning of 1940 Until the Spring of 1941 [Y]728
 Statistics on Hardship and Hunger [Y]748
 The Last Year in Sandzer Ghetto (From the Summer of 1941 Until the Spring of 1942) [Y]769
 The Jewish Remnants in the Sandzer Ghetto [Y]791
 The Epilogue: The Toyt-Yesurim [Death-Agony] in the Workers' Camps; The Light of Gvure [Heroism] Still Flickers [Y]793
Memories and Witness
Shloyme WolfThe Medical and Welfare Assistance in the Sandz Ghetto [H]798
Dov HirshtalAbout Sandzer Kines [Lamentations Upon the Destruction of Jerusalem; Used Here for Catastrophes] [Y]802
Szmuel LauferMy Memories of the Destruction [Y]823
Abraham SegulisThe Tragedy of Paolei-Zion [“Workers of Zion”] {radical nationalist labor party}] in Niesandz [Y]840
Dov ZilbigerThe First Great Shkhite [Slaughter] [Y]845
Rena AnisfeldGevies Eydes [Bearing Witness]850
Hersh BeldegrinGevies Eydes [Y]862
 That is the Entire Punishment. (Haman's Punishment - From the Press) [Y]876
SANDZER LANDSMANSHAFTN [Organizations of People Who Come From the Same Town] AND THE NEW YORK BOOK COMMITTEE
Shmuel LustgartenThe Sandzer Society in New York [Y]879
Rafal MahlerThose Who Are No Longer With Us (Yidl Keil, Dr. Mendl Neugreshel, Efrim Shiper) [Y]883
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Contact person for this translation Renee E. Miller z”l
This web page created by Max Heffler

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Updated 18 Jun by MGH

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