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[Page 545]

Necrology (cont.)

Pelke Tzirel Zilberman

In memory
Of both our families:

Pelke Tzirel Zilberman
Killed by the Nazi murderers
My brother Moishe Zilberman
His wife Rivkah and their daughter
My sister Yente, her husband
Avrohom and their children.

My family in Wyszogrod:
Grandfather Reuven, grandmother Esther Taub
Hersh Mendel Taub
With his wife and children.

My deceased father Leybish Zeidenberg
My mother Gittel Zeidenberg who perished
Shepsel and his wife Rukhche and children
Shloime Zeidenberg
Dovid, his wife and two children

My sisters:
Charne Eizenberg with her husband Hershel and their children
Henne Zeidenberg
Our uncle Yosef Zeidenberg and his family.

Alter Kszonska, New York

Leybish Zajdenberg

In eternal memory

Of our parents Leybel and Esther Blank
Sister Khinke,
Brothers Moishe and Yitzkhok Blank,
Killed by the hands of the German murderers in the year 1942

Those remaining in sorrow
Sender and Aron Blank, Haifa

[Page 546]

The murdered ones of our family

Father and mother Avrohom and Gittel Babetz

Gittel and her husband Khaim Kreidsztein and their children: Vitke and Yosel
Khanche and her husband Peretz Kreidsztein and child Lolke
Rekhel and her husband Avigdor Eizenman and child Perele
Brother Menakhem Aron Babetz with his wife Baile and son
Our relatives, uncles, aunts, cousins [male and female],
The family of Mendel and Khana Kornsztein and their children
The family of Shloime and Miriam Kornsztein and their son Menakhem Aron
Our murdered relatives in Warsaw, Vilna, and other places

May their memory be sanctified!

Khaim Bobetz, Tel-Aviv
Moishe Bobetz, Montevideo

In memory

Of my parents Itche (Yitzkhok) and Pesye Shmukler
Sister Liba Laya and Volf Feferberg
And their children Pinkhos and Dobre

Moishe and Feige Shmukler and their children Esther and Hershel
Noakh and Yente Shmukler and their children
Dovid and Zalman Shmukler
Our mechutanim [married children's in-laws]: families Kalwariski and Zaltzman

Avrohom Shmukler and the family

[Page 547]

Those in our family who perished

Our uncle Shloime Aranek
Aunt Yitte Rivkah
Daughters: Rokhel, Taube, Hadassah, Khana
Sons: Yehoshua, Dovid, Pinkhas

Killed by the Hitler murderers, 1942

Sanctified in sorrow

Your brother's daughter,
Shulamis Sztorm

My beloved and dear ones

Sister Freide daughter of Meyer Topp
Brother-in-law Yekhiel Kaufman and one-year-old son Hn

Brother Yoel Topp, sister-in-law Khana
Daughter Bela and little son Yeshayohu
Killed by the Hitler murderers
In Slonim, 1942

May your memories be sanctified

Your brother Yosef Topp and family

The martyrs of our family

Our parents
Asher Avrohom Aranek, Khaya bas-Kohen
Sister Batsheva, brother Moishe
Murdered by the cruel Nazi, 1942

In eternal sorrow

Your daughter and sister
Shulamis Sztorm, son-in-law Moishe
And grandchildren

The martyrs

Our dear parents
Avrohom Zawierukha and Yokheved,
Daughter of Meyer Topp
Burned to death in Treblinka, 28.7.1942

To guard your memory in sorrow

Your children
Bela Gutman, Moishe Sztorm, Hinde
Zweighaft, sons-in-law, and grandchildren

In holy memory

Of my family that perished
My mother Frumit Gershon
Sister Taube and brother, the aunt Miriam Apropo
Perished at the hands of the Nazi thugs

Nekhe Gur – Gershon, Kholon

In eternal memory

Of our parents Leyb Binyomin and Reizel Braun
Brother Avrohom Braun and his family
Sister Brokho Unrat and family
Killed by the Nazi murderers

We will never forget, and always guard your memory

The children, remaining in sorrow
Khava Leifer (Braun), Nikhe Papjer (Braun)
And Shimon Braun, Kholon

[Page 548]

In eternal memory

Of our unforgettable parents
Father Leyb Karcowycz
Mother Esther Sima, daughter of Borukh Himelfarb
Our sister Laya and her husband Avigdor Fridman
And their two children
Killed by the Nazis
In the Pomiekhower fields near Nowy Dwor

We will never forget you!

In sorrow

Feivel and Malka Karcowycz
Shloime and Rivkah Karcowycz, Canada
Avrohom and the children Karcowycz, Poland
Alter and Roize Karcowycz, Canada
Baile and Leizer Papjer, Canada
Soroh and Yehuda Wesoly, Canada
And the grandchildren in Toronto

[Page 549]

In eternal memory

Of our unforgettable and dear parents:
Father Hershel Topp
Mother Gitel Topp
Our brothers:
Feivel Topp, fell in battle
Luzer Topp with his wife and child, killed by the Nazis
Dovid Topp, died in Buenos Aires
Sister Henne Topp, died in Israel
Aidel Topp (Tugentman)

Your death – our eternal sorrow

Malka, Feivel, Borukh, and Ella Karcowycz
Shmuel Topp and family
Ina and Roza Topper
Sheindel and Dov Reikhental
Elke Topp – Kozok and her family, Buenos Aires
Khana Topp and family, Buenos Aires
And the grandchildren

[Page 550]

In memory

Hershel (Herlodt) Magid
In service with the American Army
Fell in battle against the Nazis in Italy
January 31, 1944

In deep sorrow,

His parents,
Soroh and Philip Magid
Los Angeles

Dear Morris

You will always remain in our memory

Your cousins,
Shelly and Jilly
New York

[Page 551]

In memory

Tzipporah Kokhalski
Quiet and modest
Devoted and dedicated to the work for Zionism in New York
Immigrated illegally and settled in Israel in 1939.
Was suddenly torn away in her best years.

May her soul be bound up in the bond of everlasting life.

At the fresh gravesite,
Your husband Shmuel Kakholski

Our dear and beloved

Untimely deceased daughter
And sister
Khana Kirsztein, of blessed memory
Who was torn away from us
In her blossoming years at age 24 in Israel.

Her shining memory will remain in our
Minds with respect, eternally.

In agony and pain,

Sisters and brothers
Golde, Yisroel, Sima,
And Tzvi Kirsztein

[Page 552]

In shining memory

Of our parents Mirele and Yakov Maroko
Who died young
In the painful years of World War One

With honor, we will always remember their names.

Rukhtche, Perl, Ette, Batya, and Moishe Maroko
Los Angeles

In eternal memory

Of my dear husband and devoted father
Isidore Gelbart

Molly Gilbart and children
New York

[Page 553]

In memory

Of my unforgettable husband Yakov Knaster
The son of Mendel
Born in Nowy Dwor in the year 1880
Died in Piedra, America, in 1959.
In his name – the library-contributions
And culture house of “Shikkun Nowy Dwor
In Kholon, Israel.

Esther Knaster

In memory

Of my sister Soroh Mindel
Daughter of Yitzkhok Yakov Kohn (the atarah[1] maker)
Born in Nowy Dwor, died in New York, 1958

Esther Knaster

[Page 554]

In holy memory

Of our unforgettable mother
Roza Gertner (Magid)

Daughter and son-in-law
Shelly and Jilly
New York

In memory

Of our aunt and uncle
Saul and Ray Magid – Rebah

Shelly and Jilly
New York

[Page 555]

In memory

Of my unforgettable husband
Yakov – Jacob Brak
The son Moishe Leyb (Slodka Limonada[2])
Who died in his most beautiful,
Youthful years.

He, and our town Nowy Dwor
Will never be forgotten!

Tauba Brak

In holy memory

Of the untimely death of my husband
Khaim Goldberg, of blessed memory
The son of Anshel Kronenberg.
The loyal and devoted father of his children
And our families

Khana Soroh Goldberg
Abe and Lena Goldberg
New York

[Page 556]

May the name be eternalized

Saul Taszimowycz
The founder of the Nowy Dwor Landsmanschaft[3]
And Aide Organization in New York
And its secretary for many years
Died in New York on 10.9.1963

May his soul be bound up in the bond of everlasting life.

The family and compatriots
New York

In memory

Of my dear parents Shimon and Feige Apropo

Akiva, of blessed memory, and Henne Apropo
New York

In memory

Of all the holy martyrs and those who perished
Of the Nowy Dwor community
On the roads of pain and death,
In the positions of fighting and resistance
And for the survivors of the Holocaust – everywhere

Editor of the Nowy Dwor Pinkus[4]


Translator's footnotes

  1. Silver enhancement around neck sewn onto talis (prayer shawl) Return
  2. Sweet lemonade Return
  3. Compatriot society Return
  4. Record book Return


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