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[Page 350]

Memorial Candles

Translated by Yocheved Klausner

[Page 351]

In Memory of our Grandfather and Grandmother z”l

R'David son of R'Chaim Grayew z”l
Died in Lenin, 5 Marcheshvan 5680, at the age of 88

Mrs. Shprintza daughter of R'Efraim Brakerman z”l
Died in Lenin, 10 Av 5681, at the age of 86

May their memory be for a blessing

[Page 352]

Yehoshua, Mordechai, Beile (nee Grayew), Chaim, Esther, Sara – Tchetchik

In memory of my mother Beile and my sister Sara,

Who died in the Russian exile
And did not have the merit to make Aliya to Eretz Israel –
The yearning of their hearts

Shifra Khinitch, New-York

[Page 353]

R'Avraham-Yitzhak Khinitch,
died in New-York,
Elul 5607 (1947), aged 84
  Rivka Khinitch,
died in New-York, Lag Ba'omer
(18 Iyar) 5704 (1944), aged 83
R'Israel Isser HaLevi Nakritz,
born 21 Kislev 5626,
died in Tel-Aviv, 20 Tevet 5697
  Chana Nakritz,
daughter of R'David Grayew,
died in Tel-Aviv, 21 Cheshvan 5714

[Page 354]

Itka, daughter of R'David Grayew Rabinowitz
died in America, 12 Cheshvan 5696 (1935), aged 70
  R'Yosef Noah Rabinowitz,
died in Lenin, 12 Iyar 5689 (1929), aged 54

[Page 355]

Yosef son of R'Eliezer Zaretzki, died 4 Marcheshvan 5696; Neche daughter of R'David,
their daughter Chana and her son David, her husband Aharon son of the Rav Zev Miller,
their son Eliezer
– perished by the hands of the Nazi oppressor,
First day of Rosh Hodesh Elul [30 Av] 5702

[Page 356]

In memory of our father
Arie son of R'David Grayew,
born 5622 (1861),
died in Tel Aviv, 15 Adar 5706 (1946)
  In memory of our mother
Devora Feigel,
daughter of R'Yosef,

born 5633 (1873), died in Lenin,
28 Kislev 5691 (1930)
In memory of my parents:
daughter of R'Arie Grayew,

was killed by murderers in Otbotzk
son of Israel Belezhovski,

died in Otbotzk,
26 Av 5677 (1917)

[Page 357]

In memory of our sister and our brother-in-law and their children

Yitzhak Krivitzki
Nehama Krivitzki
Yakov Krivitzki
Feigele Krivitzki

Murdered by the Nazis
In the year 5702 (1942)

May G–d Avenge their Blood!

[Page 358]

Efraim son of Reuven Goldberg z”l   Finkel daughter of David Grayew z”l

In Memory of our Dear Parents

Killed by murderers, 1 Elul 5702 – May God avenge their blood

Our father, a scholar and a practical person, a merchant and a learner who set time for study Spoke the truth and gave charity, never a spot on his clothes and never a fault in his deeds; And our mother, carried the burden of keeping the house, helped him in earning a livelihood and supported his deeds

May their Memory be Blessed

Their children David and Chaia, in Australia

In memory of our sister Esther daughter of Efraim and Finkel,
with her husband David Minski and their daughter Zahava,
who were murdered by the oppressor, may his name be erased
  Their brother David Goldberg
His sister Chaia Lassy

[Page 359]

Elka Barukhin,
daughter of Yehuda Tziklig,

died 3 Tevet 5697
son of R' Noah Barukhin,

died 5 Tishrei 5680
daughter of R'Yehuda,

died in Lenin, 9 Kislev 5694 (1934)
son of R'Yakov Mandelbaum z”l

[Page 360]

In memory of our dear parents Zalman and Sara-Lea Shmelkin

In memory of our mother Hindl Bressler,
who died in New-York Finia Bressler, Dr. Israel Shmelkin,
(and –may she have a long life – Dr. Tehila Shmelkin)
  Eliezer and Eliyahu Bressler

[Page 361]

In memory of our brother Zalman Bressler, his wife Ethel, their son David and their daughter Sheina
May God avenge their blood and may their soul be bound in the bond of the living
Perished by the Nazis, may their name be erased.
  Eliezer and Eliyahu Bressler

[Page 362]

In memory of Aharon-Yakov Bodnitz and his wife Stisha, their son Yitzhak and his wife Rivka,
their daughter Chana Fisetzka
, who perished by the hand of murderers.

May God avenge their blood.

  Their daughter Gitl
Their son Zvi Hirsh Bodnitz
Oizer Gellman, son-in-law of R'Yakov z”l

In memory of our dear father who perished in his young years by murderers

  His daughter Frida, his son Eliahu


[Page 363]

In memory of our father, our teacher R'David son of R'Avraham Shusterman
and our mother our teacher Rachel, Nasha daughter of David,
Mashka daughter of David and Shimon son of David, his wife Chana and their son Eliezer,

Fell prey to wild murderers.
Their memory will never be forgotten from our hearts.
May this book be also a monument on their unknown graves.

  Yakov and Henia Shusterman Chmelnitzki
In memory of our father R'Eliahu son of R'Asher, our mother,
our sister and our brother
who fell by the hands of murderers
on Rosh Chodesh Elul 5702

May their memory be blessed

  Yitzhak, Masha, Yakov Ginsburg

[Page 364]

[Page 365]

In deep sorrow we are mourning the death of our parents, our sisters and our nephew,
Who were murdered by the murderers of our people, may their names be erased:
Our father R'Eliyahu-Yosef, son of R' Moshe Gurewitz, an honest and God-fearing man;
Our modest and righteous mother Mrs. Gitl daughter of R'Avraham;
Our pure-of-heart sisters Grunia and Sonia;
Our nephew Mordche'le son of Moshe and his mother Gutka,
Perished in the mass-slaughter in Lenin, on the first day of Rosh Hodesh Elul 5702.
May God avenge their blood.

Our brother Moshe was killed in the prime of his life

May their memory be blessed

  The mourners:

Dvoshka, Batya, Aliza, Chaia-Risha and their families

* * *

In memory of my brother and my sister-in-law
Aharon and Sima Glenson
And their families

Killed by murderers, may their name be erased
  His brother Shlomo

[Page 366]

In memory of my parents Zvi-Yekutiel and Chaia-Sara Glenson;
My brothers: Leiba, Chaim, Shlomo, Eliezer, Mendel;
My sister Rachel
Who were killed and hanged by murderers
May God avenge their blood
May their souls be bound in the bond of the living
  Their son and brother

[Page 367]

In memory of the dear members of our family
Who were murdered by the Nazis

Our father R'Aharon-Leib Zeitchik – during almost 50 years teacher in our town;
Our mother Mrs. Rishka (nee Shvedyuk) – a modest and righteous woman of a respected family;
Our brother Moshe and his wife Minka (nee Pudels) and our two sisters Beile and Batya

May their memory be blessed
May God avenge their blood

  Their sons and brothers
Mordechai and Dov

[Page 368]

In memory of Gitl, Masha, Miriam (Mere) and Fetch
  Eliyahu Sadovski

In memory of my son Hirshel who perished among the partisans
in the forest and my daughter Rachel who was murdered in Lenin
  Their father
Eliyahu Sadovski

[Page 369]

In memory of our father, our teacher R'Shlomo-Nisan
son of R'Yechiel Moshe Varshel and our mother,
our teacher Rachel-Lea daughter of Eliyahu-Pesach, murdered by the Nazis

In memory of our sister Dvora daughter of R'Shlomo-Nisan
and her husband Shimshon son of R'Aharon Rubinstein,
and their children Sonia, Yona and Moshe who were murdered by the Nazis
  Their daughters and sisters
Frida Dolgin and her husband Mordechai
Masha Avineri and her husband Avner

[Page 370]

In memory of our brother Yitzhak son of R'Shlomo-Nisan Varshel,
his wife Miriam and their daughter

who were murdered by the Nazis
  Their mourners
His sisters Frida Dolgin and her husband Mordechai
Masha Avineri and her husband Avner

[Page 371]

Eidel daughter of Zvi-Mordechai Domenitz
Fell by the hands of murderers in the month of Elul

Avraham son of Eliyahu Khinitz
Died in Khvorostov, 6 Nissan 5681

In memory of Father and Mother z”l

Father, a practical man of a clear mind, trusted by his fellows and speaker of truth; Mother, a charity giver, helping her husband,
wise and industrious with her daughters Michal and Esther-Rachel and their children.

Murdered by the Nazis, the wild people.
May this be a Memorial on their graves and may their memories be blessed.

  Tzipora daughter of Idel and Yakov Dolgin
Their children and grandchildren

[Page 372]

In memory of our parents

R'Aharon and Sara Migdalowitz

  Mourning them:
Their sons Moshe and Dov

And their daughters Zahava (Golda)
and Hasida (Fruma) and their families

Chaim-David son of R”Aharon Migdalowitz

Fallen in battle during the Second World War in Russia

  His daughter Frida, his son Eliahu

[Page 373]

In memory of R'Feivel son of R'Aharon Migdalowitz and his family

Killed by the Nazis in the shtetl Yanova

Esther daughter of R'Aharon Migdalowitz

Killed in Lenin with all the martyrs

[Page 374]

In memory of grandfather R'Zev Migdalowitz

In memory of our beloved who were murdered by the Nazis:

Our father R'Moshe-Reuven Zaretzki,
our mother Libka daughter of R'Zev Migdalowitz,

My sisters Vitya and Fruma, my brother Shmuel,
my brother-in-law Avner Khutyuk and his son Hillel

May God avenge their blood

  Pinchas Zaretzki
Devora Frenkel


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