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Memorial Candles (cont.)

[Page 375]

R'Yeshaya and Mrs. Freidl Latokha

R'Yeshaya, aged sixty, ill and weak, worked from dawn until late at night, and helped many families in Mikshewitch which was under siege. His wife Freidl endangered her life at the time of the curfew and went to collect food and distribute it among the needy.

Seven of their children escaped to Russia, six of them made it to Israel. Their son Yakov was taken prisoner by the Germans and probably perished.

R'Yeshaya became ill with cancer and couldn't talk; his wife took him, at a time of mortal danger, to Pinsk, there he was operated on and a month later she went and brought him back. He was not permitted to work, but he started working several hours a day to help the needy.

May their memory be honored.
  Shmuel Zeitchik, from Mikshewitch

[Page 376]

Sheindel daughter of R'Shmuel Chaim
(wife of R'Mordechai son of R'Simcha Yulewitz)
Died in Tel Aviv 5708 (1948)
  R'Mordechai son of R'Simcha Yulewitz
He was one of the last elders of our town. He lived by the toil of his hands, until he moved to a Home for the Aged, together with his wife. There too, he continued to help, as much as he could, the lonely old people. Even after he lost his sight, he would get up in the middle of the night to help, while reciting every hour chapters of the Book of Psalms. When his friends tried to prevent him from making this effort, he would reply: “Every Jew who is in need of Heavenly mercy – the Psalms can help him and bring him comfort…”

He gave charity all the time (after his death his family found hundreds of invoices and notes from social institutions and Yeshivas).

The day he arrived on Aliya to Eretz Israel was the happiest day of his life.

He left a great family, involved in the life of the country, a son and a daughter, grandchildren, great-grandchildren – gg-grandchildren and ggg-grandchildren.

Died in Tel Aviv, Kislev 5715

  Menashe Yulewitz (Latokha)

[Page 377]

Mina daughter of R”Mordechai (Yulewitz) Lachs,
her husband and their four daughters.

Perished in Stolin on 29 Elul 5702

[Page 378]

Yakov son of R'Mordechai Yulewitz z”l

Always ready to help, as if he lived for his fellow man, not for himself.

Of an extra-ordinary good heart, full of mercy, he would say: “How else could one act? It is the duty of every man to act this way!”

Every person from our town who made Aliya, will always remember how he helped them as they came, with all his heart and all his soul.

He was an honest and work-loving man. In the later years of his life he left his work as a tailor and went to work in a factory in Haifa. There tragedy struck, when a steam boiler exploded and he lost his young life. He could have done a great deal of more good – and he was killed in the prime of his life.

We mourn our loss and we shall not forget him. May his memory be blessed.

May his Soul be Bound in the Bond of Life

[Page 379]

R'Nathan son of R'Mordechai Yulewitz

During the difficult years in Eretz Israel, he applied for a “Certificate of Aliya” for himself and his family. This was a daring step, but the burning desire for Eretz Israel was strong. In 1925 he made Aliya with his family.

A quiet and modest man, he accepted lovingly the “pains of adaptation,” even when he was out of work. He strongly opposed those who spoke ill of the country. He was a God-fearing man and kept our tradition but at the same time he understood the spirit of the young generation and always found a way to defend them. He raised his sons and daughters in the spirit of love of the country and love of work.

He followed closely the political events and expressed his hope that we shall, sooner or later, reach independence. However, he did not have the merit to see the establishment of our State. He died a painless death [lit. “died by a kiss”] – in the prime of his life, aged 52.

May his Soul be Bound in the Bond of Life
Chaia-Kreina (daughter of R'Mordechai Yulewitz) Oleynik and her daughter Devora
(perished in the Holocaust)

[Page 380]

Dov (Berl) son of R'Zev Latokha

The news that Dov fell in battle during WWI – in 1915 – struck us like thunder on a clear day.

He was the hope of the family and a great future was expected: he was God-fearing, sharp of mind, studious and diligent, gentle and modest.

R'Yakov Vinik would tell, that he saw in the synagogue remarks and new interpretations on the margins of the Talmud pages – and they testified to sharpness and depth. He mentioned it to the rabbi R'Moshe Millstein z”l, who revealed to him that the author of the remarks was R'Dov son of R'Zev. The remarks were the fruit of the mind of a genius; Dov was immersed [lit. swam] in the “Sea of the Talmud” and collected pearls. He was considered a wonder in the eyes of the Tora scholars in our town.

When the bitter news arrived – his father almost lost his mind and his mother suffered indescribable pains of the soul, and the entire family and town mourned him.

May his memory be blessed

Menashe Yudelewitz

[Page 381]

In memory of my mother, my teacher Chana Rubinstein, my brother Yehuda, his wife Rivka and their daughter Tehilla, my sister Eshka and her husband Binyamin Starovinski with their children Shulamit and Avraham, and my sister Sheindl – who perished in the Holocaust with all the holy martyrs of the Jewish people.

May their Souls be Bound in the Bond of Life

Sara Rubinstein-Buchhalter

[Page 382]

In memory of our parents Chaim-Bezalel and Dina Kolpenitzki, our brother Yitzhak and his wife Bella nee Tchetchik and their children Esther, Eliezer-Aharon and Batia – victims of the terrible Holocaust

A Monument to their Memory

Shlomo, Lea, Elka, Sara, Yehudit and Yehuda
and their families in Israel and in the United States

[Page 383]

In memory of our aunt Batia (Basha) Podarski (nee Rubinstein) and the members of her family:

Feigel, Chaim, Eshka, her husband Boaz and their children Yosef, Yakov and Pesia – victims of the Holocaust. They were uprooted, and no remnant was left.

Their names will never be forgotten

Members of the Family

[Page 384]

R'Noah son of R'Avraham Rubinstein (born in the village of Poritz) and his wife, Yehudit. Their home was open to any traveler. Mrs. Yehudit died in 1926. R'Noah made Aliya to Eretz Israel in 1934. Died in Tel Aviv in 1946. His son Yosef and his wife Khasia were murdered in Lenin. His son Aizik-Michael, his wife and their five children were murdered by the Nazis in Starobin.

Mourning them:
Their daughter Sara and her husband Ben-Zion Furman
Their daughter Tzipora and her husband Yosef Halperin

[Page 385]

Leeba (nee Kabak) Rubinstein   Noah son of R'Yehuda Rubinstein
Died 17 Kislev 5712 (1951)
Noah was born in Lenin, was an educated man and a famous timber merchant. When his children grew up and he wanted to give them a good education, he moved with his family to Pinsk and later to Warsaw.

Their home in Lenin was a meeting place for Zionists and Culture lovers.

Their daughters Rachel and Hadassa made Aliya with the “Third Aliya” [Ha'aliya Hashlishit] and were among the founders of the kibbutz Mishmar Ha'emek.

Before WWII broke out he made Aliya with his wife and their son Naftali, and after living some time in Tel Aviv, they built a home for themselves in Mishmar Ha'emek.

Noah and Leeba died in Mishmar Ha'emek and were put there to eternal rest.

May their memory be blessed

[Page 386]

The Reibach Family

In memory of my beloved who died untimely:

My father R'Moshe son of Avraham – died 22 Adar 5685 (1925).

My mother Feigel, my sister Lyuba, her son Moshe, her daughter Miriam and her husband Pinchas Galetzki – who were shot by the Hitlerism murderers in 1942, in Mikshewitch

My brother Shlomo, died in Moscow in 5711 (1951)

May their memory be blessed

Their son and brother
Dov Reibach

[Page 387]

In memory of our father, our teacher R'Shamay son of R'Yakov Rubinstein and our mother, our teacher Chana-Miriam.

Their memory will remain in our hearts forever…

Mourning them, their children:
Esther, Sara, Lea and Dov

In memory of our brother Lipa son of Shamay Rubinstein, his wife Liza and their daughter Baba, who fell prey to the wild Nazi murderers.

May this book be a monument on their unknown graves.

Esther, Sara, Lea and Dov

[Page 388]

In memory of our dear beloved

Our father, our teacher R'Elyakim son of R'Ovadyahu

Our mother, our teacher Miriam daughter of R'Yitzhak (nee Rubinstein)


Who perished with the entire Community of Lenin on 1 Elul 5702 (1942)

May their memory be blessed

Mordechai and Vitya and their families


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