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Names of the Korets Jews who perished in the Holocaust (cont.)


Gender Marital
Name of
Residence Place of
Family name
of eulogizer 1
Residence of
eulogizer 1
Family name
of eulogizer 2
First name(s)
of eulogizer 2
Residence of
eulogizer 2
Remarks Page
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SEGAL Zisia M Married Perl Korets Korets SEGAL Israel The brother of Ayzik; There is a photo; 654
SEGAL Perl F Married Zisia Korets Korets SEGAL Israel There is a photo 654
SEGAL Chana F Zisia Perl Korets Korets SEGAL Israel There is a photo 654
SEGAL Yisrael M Zisia Perl Korets Korets SEGAL Israel There is a photo 654
SEGAL Ayzik M Married Batya Korets Korets SEGAL Israel The brother of Zisia 654
SEGAL Batya F Married Ayzik Korets Korets SEGAL Israel 654
SEGAL Sarah F Ayzik Batya Korets Korets SEGAL Israel 654
SEGAL Sheindel F Ayzik Batya Korets Korets SEGAL Israel 654
SEGAL Chona M Married Chana Ostrog, Poland Ostrog, Poland Located in Korzec, Poland during the war. 654
SEGAL Chana KAFTAN F Married Chona Korets Ostrog, Poland 654
SEGAL Hinda F Chona Chanah Korets Ostrog, Poland 655
SEGAL Sarah F Chona Chanah Korets Ostrog, Poland 655
SEGAL F Chona Chanah Korets Ostrog, Poland 655
SEGAL Motel M Married Tziril Marjanowka, Poland Korets FARBER MARBEIN America Located in Korzec, Poland during the war. The brother of Reizel 655
SEGAL Tziril F Married Motel Korets Korets FARBER MARBEIN America 655
SEGAL Golda F Motel Tziril Korets Korets FARBER MARBEIN America 655
SEGAL Siyoma M Motel Tziril Korets Korets FARBER MARBEIN America 655
SEGAL Reizel F Korets Korets FARBER MARBEIN America The sister of Motel; on the list it states (see SITNER) 655
SEGAL Perl F Korets Korets SEGAL Israel SEGAL Tuvia Israel Additional testimony provided by Yona and Rivkah Segal of Israel 655
SEGAL Reizel F Perl Korets Korets SEGAL Israel SEGAL Tuvia Israel Additional testimony provided by Yona and Rivkah Segal of Israel; on the list it states (see GOCHMAN) 655
SOBOL Liba F Korets Korets SOBOL Cuba SOBOL Fishel Russia 655
SOBOL F Liba Korets Korets SOBOL Cuba SOBOL Fishel Russia 655
SOBOL Meir M Korets Korets 655
SOBOL Malka F Married Ben-Zion Korets Korets SOBOL Israel 655
SOBOL Reizel F Ben-Zion Reizel Korets Korets SOBOL Israel 655
SWITZER Miela F Eliyahu Korets Korets SWITZER Israel 655
SWITZER Frayda F Korets Korets SWITZER Israel 655
SWITZER Batya F Frayda Korets Berezne, Poland SWITZER Israel On the list it states (see WEINER) 655
SOLOMIANIK Avraham Wolf M Married Emma Korets Suchedniow, Poland SOLOMIANIK Israel The brother of Moshe 655
SOLOMIANIK Emma F Married Avraham Wolf Korets Suchedniow, Poland SOLOMIANIK Israel 655
SOLOMIANIK Siyoma M Avraham Wolf Emma Korets Suchedniow, Poland SOLOMIANIK Israel 655
SOLOMIANIK Moshe M Married Liza Korets Rowne, Poland SOLOMIANIK Israel The brother of Avraham Wolf 656
SOLOMIANIK Liza F Married Moshe Korets Rowne, Poland SOLOMIANIK Israel 656
SOLOMIANIK Avraham David M Korets Korets SOLOMIANIK Israel SOLOMIANIK Liza Israel 656
SOLOMIANIK Tova BRIK F Korets Korets On the list it states 'Aunt of BRIK' 656
SOLOMIANIK Moshe M Tova Korets Korets 656
SOLOMIANIK Leah F Korets Korets On the list it states 'Cousin of BRIK' 656
SOLOMIANIK Mordecai M Leah Korets Korets 656
SOLOMIANIK Tuvia M Leah Korets Korets 656
SOLOMIANIK Yitzhak M Leah Korets Korets 656
SOLOMIANIK Yishayahu M Married Chienia Liba Korets Korets SOLOMIANIK Israel There is a photo 656
SOLOMIANIK Cheinia Liba F Married Yishayahu Korets Korets SOLOMIANIK Israel 656
SOLOMIANIK Yisrael Arieh M Married Yishayahu Chienia Liba Korets Sarny, Poland SOLOMIANIK Israel 656
SOLOMIANIK F Married Yisrael Arieh Korets Sarny, Poland SOLOMIANIK Israel 656
SOLOMIANIK F Yisrael Arieh Korets Sarny, Poland SOLOMIANIK Israel 656
SOLOMIANIK F Yisrael Arieh Korets Sarny, Poland SOLOMIANIK Israel 656
SOLOMIANIK Genia F Yishayahu Chienia Liba Korets SOLOMIANIK Israel On the list it states (see LITVAK); died in the Forest 656
SOLOMIANIK Esther F Korets Korets SOLOMIANIK Israel On the list it states (see BRIK) 656
SOLOMIANIK Yishayahu M Married Chana Korets Korets SOLOMIANIK GIVOLI Israel SOLOMIANIK GIVOLI Shaul Israel Additional testimony provided by Klara, Keila and Sonia SOLOMIANIK (GIVOLI) in Israel and Yerachmiel SOLOMIANIK (GIVOLI) in France 656
SOLOMIANIK Chana F Married Yishayahu Korets Korets SOLOMIANIK GIVOLI Israel SOLOMIANIK GIVOLI Shaul Israel Additional testimony provided by Klara, Keila and Sonia SOLOMIANIK (GIVOLI) in Israel and Yerachmiel SOLOMIANIK (GIVOLI) in France 656
SOLOMIANIK Mordecai Mitia M Yishayahu Chanah Korets Korets SOLOMIANIK GIVOLI Israel SOLOMIANIK GIVOLI Shaul Israel Additional testimony provided by Klara, Keila and Sonia SOLOMIANIK (GIVOLI) in Israel and Yerachmiel SOLOMIANIK (GIVOLI) in France 656
SUKENIK Chana Chava F Married Yerucham Korets Wlodzimierz, Poland SUKENIK Israel There is a photo 657
SUKENIK Nachum Eliezer M Yerucham Chanah Chava Korets Wlodzimierz, Poland SUKENIK Israel There is a photo 657
SUKENIK Gittel F Korets Korets SUKENIK Israel 657
SOROKA Yosef M Married Nechama Korets Korets SOROKA Israel SOROKA Leibel Russia 657
SOROKA Nechama SHEINMAN F Married Yosef Korets Korets SOROKA Israel SOROKA Leibel Russia 657
SOROKA Yitzhak M Married Yosef Nechama Chana Korets SOROKA Israel SOROKA Leibel Russia Died on the way to Brezena 657
SOROKA Chana KUPERSTEIN F Married Yitzhak Korets Korets SOROKA Israel SOROKA Leibel Russia 657
SOROKA Yenta F Yitzhak Chanah Korets Korets SOROKA Israel SOROKA Leibel Russia 657
SOROKA Yishayahu M Yitzhak Chanah Korets Korets SOROKA Israel SOROKA Leibel Russia 657
SOROKA Bracha KUPERSCHMID F Married Leibel Korets Korets SOROKA Russia SOROKA Chaya Israel 657
SOROKA Miriam F Yosef Nechama Korets Korets SOROKA Israel SOROKA Leibel Russia 657
SOROKA Pesel F Korets Korets SOROKA Israel SOROKA Leibel Russia 657
SOROKA Ya'akov M Married Batya Korets Korets SOROKA Russia 657
SOROKA Batya F Married Ya'akov Korets Korets SOROKA Russia 657
SOROKA Sheintza F Ya'akov Batya Korets Korets SOROKA Russia 657
SOROKA Chana F Ya'akov Batya Korets Korets SOROKA Russia 657
SOROKA Shunya M Ya'akov Batya Korets Korets SOROKA Russia 657
SOROKA Sana F Korets Korets SOROKA Israel SOROKA Itzia America The sister of Cheitza; on the list it states (see SHEINTUCH) 658
SOROKA Cheitza F Korets Korets SOROKA Israel SOROKA Itzia America The sister of Sana; on the list it states (see WEINSHELBOIM) 658
STRONA Kalman M Married Manya Novograd Volynskiy, Ukraine Korets Located in Korzec, Poland during the war. 658
STRONA Manya F Married Kalman Korets Korets 658
STRONA Moshe M Kalman Manya Korets Korets 658
STRONA Etel F Kalman Manya Korets Korets 658
STRONA F Kalman Manya Korets Korets 658
SITNER Yechiel M Married Riva Korets Korets The grandfather of Chaya REICHBERG; the family relationship is from a Page of Testimony 658
SITNER Riva F Married Yechiel Korets Korets The grandmother of Chaya REICHBERG; the family relationship is from a Page of Testimony 658
SITNER Avraham M Married Bracha Korets Korets The uncle of Chaya REICHBERG; the family relationship is from a Page of Testimony 658
SITNER Bracha F Married Avraham Korets Korets The aunt of Chaya REICHBERG; the family relationship is from a Page of Testimony 658
SITNER Moshe M Avraham Bracha Korets Korets The cousin (male) of Chaya REICHBERG; the family relationship is from a Page of Testimony 658
SITNER Aniota F Avraham Bracha Korets Korets The cousin (female) of Chaya REICHBERG; the family relationship is from a Page of Testimony 658
SITNER Chaya F Korets Korets The aunt of Chaya REICHBERG; on the list it states (see WEISSBROIT) 658
SITNER Liba Sarah F Korets Korets The mother of Chaya REICHBERG; on the list it states (see REICHBERG ) 658
SITNER Pinchas M Married Batya Korets Korets The uncle of Chaya REICHBERG; the family relationship is from a Page of Testimony 658
SITNER Batya F Married Pinchas Korets Korets The aunt of Chaya REICHBERG; the family relationship is from a Page of Testimony 658
SITNER Reizel SEGAL F Korets Korets 658
SITNER Feiga F Reizel Korets Korets 658
SIROTA Yehuda Arieh M Married Charna Korets Korets SIROTA Israel 658
SIROTA Charna F Married Yehuda Arieh Korets Korets SIROTA Israel 658
SIROTA Meir M Married Yehuda Arieh Charna Rachel Korets Korets SIROTA Israel 658
SIROTA Rachel F Married Meir Korets Korets SIROTA Israel 658
SIROTA Rusia F Meir Rachel Korets Korets SIROTA Israel 658
SIROTA Yitzhak M Meir Rachel Korets Korets SIROTA Israel 658
SIROTA Shlomo M Meir Rachel Korets Korets SIROTA Israel 658
SIROTA Mordecai M Meir Rachel Korets Korets SIROTA Israel 658
SIROTA Asherka M Meir Rachel Korets Korets SIROTA Israel 658
SIROTA Sheindel F Yehuda Arieh Charna Korets Korets SIROTA Israel On the list it states (see KLIGERMAN) 658
SIROTA Shlomo M Married Yehuda Arieh Charna Rachel Korets Korets SIROTA Israel 659
SIROTA Rachel F Married Shlomo Korets Korets SIROTA Israel 659
SIROTA Asherka M Shlomo Rachel Korets Korets SIROTA Israel 659
SIROTA Mordecai M Shlomo Rachel Korets Korets SIROTA Israel 659
SIROTA Yishayahu M Married Yehuda Arieh Charna Sarah Korets Korets SIROTA Israel 659
SIROTA Sarah F Married Yishayahu Korets Korets SIROTA Israel 659
SIROTA Rachel F Yishayahu Sarah Korets Korets SIROTA Israel 659
SIROTA Mordecai M Yishayahu Sarah Korets Korets SIROTA Israel 659
SLOBODINSKY Aharon M Married Chienia Korets Korets SLOBODINSKY Israel 659
SLOBODINSKY Cheinia KIPERBAND F Married Aharon Korets Korets SLOBODINSKY Israel YOCHT 659
SLOBODINSKY M Aharon Chienia Korets Korets SLOBODINSKY Israel 659
SLIEP Malia F Korets Korets The sister of Tonia, Esther, Mika and Mordecai; on the list it states (see YOCHT) 659
SLIEP Tonia F Malia Korets Korets The sister of Malia, Esther, Mika and Mordecai 659
SLIEP Esther F Malia Korets Korets The sister of Malia, Tonia, Mika and Mordecai 659
SLIEP Mika M Malia Korets Korets The brother of Malia, Tonia, Esther and Mordecai 659
SLIEP Mordecai M Married Malia Breindel Korets Korets The brother of Malia, Tonia, Esther and Mika 659
SLIEP Breindel F Married Mordecai Korets Korets 659
SMOLIR Aharon M Married Korets Korets On the list it states (from the Malon - Hotel) 659
SMOLIR F Married Aharon Korets Korets 659
SMOLIR Shammai M Married Devorah Korets Korets 659
SMOLIR Devorah F Married Shammai Korets Korets 659
SMOLIR Baila TZENTER F Korets Korets 659
SMOLIR Leibel M Baila Korets Korets 659
SMOLIR Yochanan M Married Sarah Korets Korets SMOLIR Poland 659
SMOLIR Sarah F Married Yochanan Korets Korets SMOLIR Poland 659
SMOLIR Yehuda M Yochanan Sarah Korets Korets SMOLIR Poland 659
SMOLIR Rivkah F Yochanan Sarah Korets Korets SMOLIR Poland 659
SMOLIR Rivkah F Akiva Sheindel Korets Korets SMOLIR Argentina SMOLIR Sheindel Argentina 660
SMOLIR Zev M Akiva Sheindel Korets Korets SMOLIR Argentina SMOLIR Sheindel Argentina 660
SMOLIR Rivkah F Korets Korets SMOLIR Israel 660
SMOLIR Esther F Rivkah Korets Korets SMOLIR Israel 660
SMOLIR Chaim M Rivkah Korets Korets SMOLIR Israel 660
SMOLIR Kalman M Married Rivkah Breindel Korets Korets SMOLIR Israel 660
SMOLIR Breindel F Married Kalman Korets Korets SMOLIR Israel 660
SMOLIR Ya'akov M Kalman Breindel Korets Korets SMOLIR Israel 660
SMOLIR Shoshana F Kalman Breindel Korets Korets SMOLIR Israel 660
SMOLIR Shraga Feivish M Married Gittel Korets Korets SMOLIR Argentina SMOLIR Akiva Argentina Additional testimony provided by Avraham SMOLIR of Argentina and Devorah SMOLIR of Israel 660
SMOLIR Gittel F Married Shraga Feivish Korets Korets SMOLIR Argentina SMOLIR Akiva Argentina Additional testimony provided by Avraham SMOLIR of Argentina and Devorah SMOLIR of Israel 660
SMOLIR Rachel F Shraga Feivish Gittel Korets Korets SMOLIR Argentina SMOLIR Akiva Argentina Additional testimony provided by Avraham SMOLIR of Argentina and Devorah SMOLIR of Israel 660
SMOLIR Sarah F Korets Korets There is a photo 660
SMOLIR Musia F Sarah Korets Korets There is a photo 660
SMORKON Ya'akov M Korets Korets 660
SMORKON Moshe M Korets Korets 660
SANDLER Yehoshua M Married Chaya Korets Korets 661
SANDLER Chaya GURALNIK F Married Yehoshua Korets Korets 661
SANDLER Buzia F Yehoshua Chaya Korets Korets 661
SANDLER Moshe M Yehoshua Chaya Korets Korets 661
SANDAK Leah F Korets Korets The mother-in-law of NODLIR Yisrael 661
SAPIR Chaim M Married Sarah Korets Korets 661
SAPIR Sarah F Married Korets Korets 661
SAPIR Hershel M Married Chaim Sarah Roza Korets Korets 661
SAPIR Roza F Married Hershel Korets Korets 661
SAPIR Assia F Hershel Roza Korets Korets 661
SAPIR Shunya M Hershel Roza Korets Korets 661
SAPIR Teibel F Chaim Sarah Korets Korets 661
SKLIR Gershon M Married Yenta Leah Korets Korets SKLIR Israel SKLIR Pinchas Israel The brother of Asher; additional testimony provided by Yosef SKLIR of Russia 661
SKLIR Leah F Married Gershon Korets Korets SKLIR Israel SKLIR Pinchas Israel There is a photo; additional testimony provided by Yosef SKLIR of Russia 661
SKLIR Malka F Gershon Leah Korets Korets SKLIR Israel SKLIR Pinchas Israel There is a photo; additional testimony provided by Yosef SKLIR of Russia 661
SKLIR Meir M Gershon Leah Korets Korets SKLIR Israel SKLIR Pinchas Israel There is a photo; additional testimony provided by Yosef SKLIR of Russia 661
SKLIR Asher M Yenta Korets Korets SKLIR Israel SKLIR Pinchas Israel The brother of Gershon; additional testimony provided by Yosef SKLIR of Russia 661
SKLIR Gunia F Korets Korets SKLIR Israel SKLIR Pinchas Israel Additional testimony provided by Yosef SKLIR of Russia 661
SKLIR Leibish M Korets Korets SKLIR Israel SKLIR Pinchas Israel Additional testimony provided by Yosef SKLIR of Russia 661
SKLIR Yenta F Korets Korets SKLIR Israel SKLIR Pinchas Israel Additional testimony provided by Yosef SKLIR of Russia 661
SKLIR Teibel F Korets Korets SKLIR Israel SKLIR Pinchas Israel On the list it states (see YASOM); additional testimony provided by Yosef SKLIR of Russia 661
SKALPANIK Esther F Korets Korets 662
SKALPANIK Pesia F Esther Korets Korets On the list it states (see MARKISH) 662
SKALPANIK Rachel F Esther Korets Korets On the list it states (see KATZ) 662
SKALPANIK Charna F Esther Korets Korets 662
SKLETZKY Yitzhak M Married Shprintza Korets Korets SKLETZKY America 662
SKLETZKY Shprintza F Married Yitzhak Novograd Volynskiy, Ukraine Korets SKLETZKY America Located in Korzec, Poland during the war. 662
SKLETZKY Liyova M Yitzhak Shprintza Korets Korets SKLETZKY America 662
SKLETZKY F Yitzhak Shprintza Korets Korets SKLETZKY America 662
SKLETZKY Rivkah F Married Itzik Korets Korets SKLETZKY America On the list it states Aunt (of the provider of testimony); family relationship not clear 662
SKLETZKY Itzik M Married Rivkah Korets Korets SKLETZKY America On the list it states Husband (of the aunt of the provider of testimony); family relationship not clear 662
SKLETZKY F Itizk Rivkah Korets Korets SKLETZKY America On the list it states Daughter (of the aunt of the provider of testimony); family relationship not clear 662
SKLETZKY F Itizk Rivkah Korets Korets SKLETZKY America On the list it states Daughter (of the aunt of the provider of testimony); family relationship not clear 662
SKLETZKY Nachman M Married Rokhtze Korets Korets 662
SKLETZKY Rokhtza F Married Nachman Korets Korets 662
SERBER Dov M Married Chaya Korets Korets SERBER Israel 662
SERBER Batya Tziporah F Dov Chaya Korets Korets SERBER Israel There is a photo 662
SERNER Yosel M Married Zlata Korets Korets 662
SERNER Zlata FELDMAN F Married Yosel Korets Korets 662
Chava SERNER F Married Yosel Zlata Korets Korets 662
Azriel M Korets Korets Profession listed as Shochet 663
  Ayin   return
EKRA Sarah LINIK F Korets Korets 663
EKRA Leib M Sarah Korets Korets 663
  Peh   return
PARR Doba F Married Zvi Hershel Korets Korets PARR Israel 663
PARR Meir M Tzvi Hershel Doba Korets Korets PARR Israel 663
PARR Yehoshua M Tzvi Hershel Doba Korets Korets PARR Israel 663
PAVA Gensia FREIDIS F Married Ya'akov Korets Korets PAVA Israel PAVA Yehoshua Israel Additional testimony provided by Fania PAVA of Israel 663
PAVA Eliyahu M Ya'akov Gensia Korets Korets PAVA Israel PAVA Yehoshua Israel Additional testimony provided by Fania PAVA of Israel 663
PAVA David M Ya'akov Gensia Korets Korets PAVA Israel PAVA Yehoshua Israel Additional testimony provided by Fania PAVA of Israel 663
PAVA Etel AIZENVARG F Married Yehoshua Korets Korets PAVA Israel PAVA Ya'akov Israel Additional testimony provided by Fania PAVA of Israel 663
PAVA Esther SCHNEIDERMAN F Korets Rowne, Poland PAVA Israel PAVA Yehoshua Israel Additional testimony provided by Fania PAVA of Israel 663
PAVA Yosef M Married Esther Leah Korets Rowne, Poland PAVA Israel PAVA Yehoshua Israel Additional testimony provided by Fania PAVA of Israel 663
PAVA Leah FIRSTENBERG F Married Yosef Korets Rowne, Poland PAVA Israel PAVA Yehoshua Israel Additional testimony provided by Fania PAVA of Israel 663
PAVA M Yosef Leah Korets Rowne, Poland PAVA Israel PAVA Yehoshua Israel Additional testimony provided by Fania PAVA of Israel 663
PAVA Fania F Esther Korets Rowne, Poland PAVA Israel PAVA Yehoshua Israel On the list it states (see KATZKO); additional testimony provided by by Fania PAVA of Israel 663
Chaya PAVA F Married Esther Mordecai Korets Rowne, Poland PAVA Israel PAVA Yehoshua Israel Additional testimony provided by Fania PAVA of Israel 663
Mordecai M Married Chaya Korets Rowne, Poland PAVA Israel PAVA Yehoshua Israel Additional testimony provided by Fania PAVA of Israel 663
PAVA Posia F Esther Korets Rowne, Poland PAVA Israel PAVA Yehoshua Israel 663
FABRIKANT Golda Leah F Korets Korets FABRIKANT Israel 663
FABRIKANT Chaya Sarah F Golda Leah Korets Korets FABRIKANT Israel 663
FABRIKANT Zvi M Married Golda Leah Gittel Korets Korets FABRIKANT Israel 664
FABRIKANT Gittel F Married Zvi Korets Korets FABRIKANT Israel 664
FABRIKANT Manis M Zvi Gittel Korets Korets FABRIKANT Israel 664
FABRIKANT Chava F Golda Leah Korets Korets FABRIKANT Israel 664
FABRIKANT Shifra F Golda Leah Korets Korets FABRIKANT Israel 664
POLTURK Risel TZENTER F Married Leib Korets Korets POLTURK Israel POLTURK David Israel 664
POLTURK Sarah F Korets Korets POLTURK Israel POLTURK David Israel 664
Sheva POLTURK F Married Sarah Menashe Korets Korets POLTURK Israel POLTURK David Israel 664
Menashe M Married Sheva Sieliszcze, Poland Russia POLTURK Israel POLTURK David Israel Wife's maiden name POLTURK. Located in Korzec, Poland during the war. 664
Zvi M Menashe Sheva Korets Korets POLTURK Israel POLTURK David Israel Mother's maiden name POLTURK. 664
POLIVA Yitzhak Leib M Married Sheindel Korets Korets POLIVA Russia POLIVA Hershel Russia The brother of Pesach; additional testimony provided by Buma POLIVA of Russia 664
POLIVA Sheindel F Married Yitzhak Leib Korets Korets POLIVA Russia POLIVA Hershel Russia Additional testimony provided by Buma POLIVA of Russia 664
POLIVA Chaya F Yitzhak Leib Sheindel Korets Korets POLIVA Russia POLIVA Hershel Russia Additional testimony provided by Buma POLIVA of Russia 664
POLIVA Pesach M Married Korets Korets POLIVA Russia POLIVA Hershel Russia The brother of Yitzhak Leib; additional testimony provided by Buma POLIVA of Russia 664
POLIVA F Married Pesach Korets Korets POLIVA Russia POLIVA Hershel Russia Additional testimony provided by Buma POLIVA of Russia 664
POLIVA F Pesach Korets Korets POLIVA Russia POLIVA Hershel Russia Additional testimony provided by Buma POLIVA of Russia 664
POLIVA F Pesach Korets Korets POLIVA Russia POLIVA Hershel Russia Additional testimony provided by Buma POLIVA of Russia 664
POLISHOK Nechama F Korets Korets POLISHOK Israel 664
POLISHOK Berel M Married Nechama Frayda Korets Korets POLISHOK Israel 664
POLISHOK Frayda F Married Berel Huszcza, Poland Korets POLISHOK Israel Located in Korzec, Poland during the war. 664
POLISHOK Shimon M Berel Frayda Korets Korets POLISHOK Israel 664
POLISHOK Mina F Berel Frayda Korets Korets POLISHOK Israel 664
POLISHOK Chaya Etil F Berel Frayda Korets Korets POLISHOK Israel 664
POLISHOK Michael M Married Nechama Bat Sheva Korets Korets POLISHOK Israel 664
POLISHOK Bat Sheva F Married Michael Berezne, Poland Korets POLISHOK Israel Located in Korzec, Poland during the war. 664
POLISHOK Yenta F Michael Bat Sheva Korets Korets POLISHOK Israel 664
POLISHOK Mordecai M Michael Bat Sheva Korets Korets POLISHOK Israel 664
POLISHOK Ya'akov M Nechama Korets Korets POLISHOK Israel 664
POMERANTZ Yakir M Married Esther Korets Korets 665
POMERANTZ Esther GURALNIK F Married Yakir Korets Korets 665
POMERANTZ Dov M Yakir Esther Korets Korets 665
POMERANTZ M Yakir Esther Korets Korets 665
POMERANTZ Yasha M Married Roza Rowne, Poland Korets Located in Korzec, Poland during the war. 665
POMERANTZ Roza HERSCHENHORN F Married Yasha Korets Korets 665
POMERANTZ M Yasha Roza Korets Korets 665
PONDIA Chaika F Korets Korets The sister of Roza; on the list it states (see BERK) 665
PONDIA Roza F Married Korets Korets The sister of Chaika 665
F Roza Korets Korets Mother's maiden name PONDIA. 665
PONT Moshe M Married Sheintza Korets Korets The brother of Sarah; his profession is listed as tailor 665
PONT Sheintza F Married Moshe Korets Korets 665
PONT Sarah F Korets Korets The sister of Moshe 665
PONER Beika ZAFRAN F Married Avraham Korets Boczanica, Poland PONER Israel 665
PONER M Avraham Beika Korets Boczanica, Poland PONER Israel 665
PONER M Avraham Beika Korets Boczanica, Poland PONER Israel 665
PONER Yisrael M Married Gensia Korets Korets 665
PONER Gensia KATZMAN F Married Yisrael Korets Korets 665
FUCHS Ayzik M Married Miriam Korets Korets 665
FUCHS Miriam JORESH F Married Ayzik Korets Korets 665
FUCHS Blumka F Ayzik Miriam Korets Korets On the list it states (see LITVAK) 665
FUCHS Pesia F Ayzik Miriam Korets Korets 665
FUCHS Chasia KAISER F Married Yisrael Korets Korets FUCHS Israel FUCHS Azriel Israel 665
FUCHS Shalom M Yisrael Chasia Korets Korets FUCHS Israel FUCHS Azriel Israel 665
FUCHS Esther Perl F Yisrael Chasia Korets Korets FUCHS Israel FUCHS Azriel Israel 665
FUCHS Gisia F Korets Rowne, Poland FUCHS Israel FUCHS Azriel Israel The sister of Bracha; on the list it states (see KANOR) 665
FUCHS Bracha F Korets FUCHS Israel FUCHS Azriel Israel The sister of Gisia; on the list it states (see GURBEN); she died on the way to Kiev 666
FUCHS Sarah WEINER F Korets Korets FUCHS Israel FUCHS Azriel Israel 666
FUCHS Baila F Sarah Korets Korets FUCHS Israel FUCHS Azriel Israel 666
FUCHS Chaim David M Sarah Korets Korets FUCHS Israel FUCHS Azriel Israel 666
FUCHS Moshe M Sarah Korets Korets FUCHS Israel FUCHS Azriel Israel 666
FUCHS Yosef M Married Chaya Korets Korets 666
FUCHS Chaya SHEINKAR F Married Yosef Korets Korets 666
FUCHS Leah F Yosef Chaya Korets Korets 666
FUCHS Dina F Yosef Chaya Korets Korets 666
GLOZBAND FUCHS F Yosef Chaya Korets Korets On the list it states (GLOZBAND) 666
FUCHS Malka KAGAN F Married Chaim Korets Korets FUCHS Israel FUCHS Batya Israel 666
FUCHS Hershel M Chaim Malka Korets Korets FUCHS Israel FUCHS Batya Israel 666
FUCHS Esther F Korets Korets FUCHS Israel FUCHS Batya Israel 666
FUCHS Pesia F Esther Korets Korets FUCHS Israel FUCHS Batya Israel The sister of Eliyahu; on the list it states (see TAKTZ);There is a photo; 666
FUCHS Eliyahu M Married Esther Fruma Korets Berezne, Poland FUCHS Israel FUCHS Batya Israel The brother of Pesia; there is a photo; 666
FUCHS Fruma F Married Eliyahu Korets Berezne, Poland FUCHS Israel FUCHS Batya Israel 666
FUCHS Sarkah F Korets Korets FUCHS Canada 666
FUCHS Sheindel F Sarkah Korets Korets FUCHS Canada 666
FUCHS Eliyahu M Married Batya Korets Korets FUCHS Canada 667
FUCHS Batya F Married Eliyahu Korets Korets FUCHS Canada 667
FUCHS Roza F Eliyahu Batya Korets Korets FUCHS Canada 667
FUCHS Manya F Eliyahu Batya Korets Korets FUCHS Canada 667
FUCHS Rivkah F Married Chaim Eliezer Korets Korets FUCHS Canada 667
FUCHS Chaim Eliezer M Married Rivkah Korets Korets FUCHS Canada 667
PORTNOY Chaim M Married Bracha Korets Korets PORTNOY Poland 667
PORTNOY Bracha F Married Chaim Korets Korets PORTNOY Poland 667
PORTNOY Esther F Chaim Bracha Korets Korets PORTNOY Poland 667
PORTNOY Pesia F Chaim Bracha Korets Korets PORTNOY Poland 667
PORTNOY Avraham M Married Chaim Bracha Pesia Korets Korets PORTNOY Poland 667
PORTNOY Pesia F Married Avraham Korets Korets PORTNOY Poland 667
PORTNOY Akiva M Avraham Pesia Korets Korets PORTNOY Poland 667
PORTNOY Manya F Korets Korets PORTNOY Israel 667
PORTNOY Aidel F Manya Korets Korets PORTNOY Israel 667
FORSHPAN Chana F Korets Korets FORSHPAN Israel FORSHPAN Miriam Israel 667
FORSHPAN Menucha F Chanah Korets Kostopol, Poland FORSHPAN Israel FORSHPAN Miriam Israel 667
FORSHPAN Chava F Chanah Korets Korets FORSHPAN Israel FORSHPAN Miriam Israel 667
FORSHPAN Shifra F Chanah Korets Korets FORSHPAN Israel FORSHPAN Miriam Israel 667
FORSHPAN Riva F Chanah Korets Korets FORSHPAN Israel FORSHPAN Miriam Israel 667
FORSHPAN Chasal F Korets Korets FORSHPAN Israel FORSHPAN Miriam Israel On the list it states (see MELAMED) 667
FORSHPAN Chana F Korets Korets FORSHPAN Israel FORSHPAN Miriam Israel On the list it states (see GEIFMAN) 667
PATAT Ya'akov M Married Fima Korets Kostopol, Poland 667
PATAT Fima FELDMAN F Married Ya'akov Korets Kostopol, Poland 667
PATAT Vera F Ya'akov Fima Korets Kostopol, Poland 667
PIVIN Rivkah OBERSTERN F Married Shlomo Korets Huszcza, Poland 667
PIVIN Shlomo M Married Rivkah Korets Huszcza, Poland 667
PIVIN M Shlomo Rivkah Korets Huszcza, Poland 667
PIGOVAT Ya'akov M Korets Korets The brother of Moshe Mordecai and Nisel 668
PIGOVAT Moshe Mordecai M Korets Korets The brother of Ya'akov and Nisel 668
PIGOVAT Nisel M Korets Korets The brother of Ya'akov and Moshe Mordecai 668
PIVIN Ya'akov M Married Sarah Korets Korets 668
PIVIN Sarah NODLIR F Married Ya'akov Korets Korets 668
PIVIN Bella F Ya'akov Sarah Korets Korets 668
PIVIN Michla F Ya'akov Sarah Korets Korets 668
FINKEL Asher M Married Rachel Korets Korets On the list it states - der Tzibolnik (onion merchant) 668
FINKEL Rachel F Married Asher Korets Korets 668
FINKEL Etel F Asher Rachel Korets Korets 668
FINKELMAN Avraham M Married Korets Korets FINKELMAN Russia 668
FINKELMAN F Married Avraham Korets Korets FINKELMAN Russia 668
FINKELSTEIN Etel F Married Zev Velvel Korets Korets FINKELSTEIN Russia 668
FINKELSTEIN Chona M Zev Velvel Etel Korets Korets FINKELSTEIN Russia 668
FINKELSTEIN Riva F Zev Velvel Etel Korets Korets FINKELSTEIN Russia 668
FINKELSTEIN Leah F Zev Velvel Etel Korets Korets FINKELSTEIN Russia 668
FINKELSTEIN Moshe M Married Yocheved Yocha Korets Russia FINKELSTEIN Russia FINKELSTEIN Frieda Poland 668
FINKELSTEIN Yocheved Yocha F Married Moshe Korets Russia FINKELSTEIN Russia FINKELSTEIN Frieda Poland 668
FINKELSTEIN Grisha M Moshe Yocheved Yocha Korets FINKELSTEIN Russia FINKELSTEIN Frieda Poland Lost life in combat 668
FINKELSTEIN Moshe M Married Hinda Korets Korets FINKELSTEIN Israel FINKELSTEIN Aharon Israel The brother of Rachel and Batya; additional testimony provided by Vaveh FINKELSTEIN in Russia 668
FINKELSTEIN Hinda TABATCHNIK F Married Moshe Korets Korets FINKELSTEIN Israel FINKELSTEIN Aharon Israel Additional testimony provided by Vaveh FINKELSTEIN in Russia 668
FINKELSTEIN Sheindel F Moshe Hinda Korets Korets FINKELSTEIN Israel FINKELSTEIN Aharon Israel Additional testimony provided by Vaveh FINKELSTEIN in Russia 668
FINKELSTEIN Leah F Moshe Hinda Korets Korets FINKELSTEIN Israel FINKELSTEIN Aharon Israel Additional testimony provided by Vaveh FINKELSTEIN in Russia 669
FINKELSTEIN Rachel F Korets Korets FINKELSTEIN Israel FINKELSTEIN Aharon Israel The sister of Moshe and Batya; on the list it states (see WEINSTEIN) 669
FINKELSTEIN Batya F Korets Korets FINKELSTEIN Israel FINKELSTEIN Aharon Israel The sister of Moshe and Rachel; on the list it states (see Jaffe); additional testimony provided by Vaveh FINKELSTEIN in Russia 669
FINKELSTEIN Siyoma M Married Riva Korets Korets 669
FINKELSTEIN Riva HORENSTEIN F Married Siyoma Korets Korets 669
FINKELSTEIN M Siyoma Riva Korets Korets 669
FINKELSTEIN Shmuel M Married Feiga Korets Korets FINKELSTEIN Israel The brother of Tehillah, Roza, Mordecai, Yocheved and Sonia 669
FINKELSTEIN Feiga F Married Shmuel Korets Korets FINKELSTEIN Israel 669
FINKELSTEIN Tehillah F Korets Korets FINKELSTEIN Israel The sister of Shmuel, Roza, Mordecai, Yocheved and Sonia; on the list it states (see TZITRIN) 669
FINKELSTEIN Roza F Korets Korets FINKELSTEIN Israel The sister of Shmuel, Roza, Mordecai, Yocheved and Sonia; on the list it states (see MALER) 669
FINKELSTEIN Mordecai Motia M Married Sonia Korets Luck, Poland FINKELSTEIN Israel The brother of Shmuel, Tehillah, Roza, Yocheved and Sonia 669
FINKELSTEIN Sonia PATITZ F Married Mordecai Matia Korets Luck, Poland FINKELSTEIN Israel 669
FINKELSTEIN Norka F Mordecai Motia Sonia Korets Luck, Poland FINKELSTEIN Israel 669
FINKELSTEIN Yocheved F Korets Zdolbunow, Poland FINKELSTEIN Israel The sister of Shmuel, Tehillah, Roza, Mordecai and Yocheved; on the list it states (see GOCHMAN) 669
FINKELSTEIN Sonia F Korets Zdolbunow, Poland FINKELSTEIN Israel The sister of Shmuel, Tehillah, Roza, Mordecai and Sonia; on the list it states (see SHREIER) 669
FEINER Baruch M Married Bat Sheva Korets Korets FEINER Israel FEINER Sarah Israel Additional testimony provided by Leah FEINER in Israel 669
FEINER Bat Sheva F Married Baruch Korets Korets FEINER Israel FEINER Sarah Israel Additional testimony provided by Leah FEINER in Israel 669
FEINER Baila F Baruch Bat Sheva Korets Dabrowica, Poland FEINER Israel FEINER Sarah Israel Additional testimony provided by Leah FEINER in Israel 669
FEINER Golda F Baruch Bat Sheva Korets FEINER Israel FEINER Sarah Israel Died on the way to Russia; additional testimony provided by Leah FEINER in Israel 669
FEINER Liba F Baruch Bat Sheva Korets FEINER Israel FEINER Sarah Israel Died on the way to Russia; additional testimony provided by Leah FEINER in Israel 669
FEINER Hirsh Tzvi M Baruch Bat Sheva Korets Korets FEINER Israel FEINER Sarah Israel Additional testimony provided by Leah FEINER in Israel 669
FEINER Gensia F Korets Korets Aunt of KATZMAN 669
FEINER Yehuda M Married Malka Korets Gwozdow, Poland FEINER Israel FEINER Moshe Israel 669
FEINER Malka F Married Yehuda Korets Gwozdow, Poland FEINER Israel FEINER Moshe Israel 669
FEINER Gittel F Yehuda Malka Korets Gwozdow, Poland FEINER Israel FEINER Moshe Israel 670
FEINER Golda F Yehuda Malka Korets Gwozdow, Poland FEINER Israel FEINER Moshe Israel 670
FEINER Shalom M Yehuda Malka Korets Gwozdow, Poland FEINER Israel FEINER Moshe Israel 670
FEINER Rachel ABERT F Korets Korets 670
FEINER Moshe M Rachel Korets Korets 670
FEINER Avraham M Rachel Korets Korets 670
FEINER Raya KLIEFELD F Ita Korets Korets 670
FEINER Moshe M Raya Korets Korets 670
PINRAT Hershel M Married Yetta Korets Korets Profession listed as fruit merchant 670
PINRAT Yetta F Married Hershel Korets Korets 670
PINRAT Sarah F Hershel Yetta Korets Korets On the list it states (see BARTMAN) 670
PINRAT Reuven M Hershel Yetta Korets Korets 670
PINRAT M Hershel Yetta Korets Korets 670
FEINSTEIN HUBERMAN Baruch M Korets Korets FEINSTEIN Argentina There is a photo; on the list it states FEINSTEIN, Baruch (HUBERMAN) 670
FEIFER Zeidel M Married Chava Korets Korets 670
FEIFER Chava F Married Zeidel Korets Korets 670
FIXMAN Berel M Married Riva Korets Korets FIXMAN 671
FIXMAN Riva F Married Berel Korets Korets FIXMAN 671
FIXMAN Rachel F Berel Riva Korets Korets FIXMAN 671
FIXMAN Frima F Berel Riva Korets Korets FIXMAN 671
PIRKAS Nisan M Married Hinda Korets Korets PIRKAS Israel There is a photo 671
PIRKAS Hinda F Married Nisan Korets Korets PIRKAS Israel There is a photo 671
PIRKAS Baila F Nisan Hinda Korets Korets PIRKAS Israel There is a photo; on the list it states (see CHARBASH) 671
PIRKAS Batya F Nisan Hinda Korets Korets PIRKAS Israel There is a photo; on the list it states (see KATZ) 671
PIRKAS Liba F Nisan Hinda Korets Korets PIRKAS Israel There is a photo; on the list it states (see BASYUK) 671
PIRKAS Avraham M Married Nisan Hinda Ita Korets Korets PIRKAS Israel There is a photo 672
PIRKAS Ita ISRAELIS F Married Avraham Korets Korets PIRKAS Israel There is a photo 672
PIRKAS Riva F Avraham Ita Korets Korets PIRKAS Israel 672
PIRKAS Leibel M Avraham Ita Korets Korets PIRKAS Israel 672
PIRKAS Ita F Nisan Hinda Korets Korets PIRKAS Israel 672
PIRKAS Bracha F Married Arieh Korets Korets PIRKAS Israel PIRKAS Moshe 672
PIRKAS Asher M Arieh Bracha Korets Korets PIRKAS Israel PIRKAS Moshe 672
PIRKAS Meir M Arieh Bracha Korets Korets PIRKAS Israel PIRKAS Moshe 672
PIRKAS Zev Wolf M Married Penina Korets Korets PIRKAS Israel PIRKAS Moshe 672
PIRKAS Penina F Married Zev Wolf Korets Korets PIRKAS Israel PIRKAS Moshe 672
PIRKAS Chava F Zev Wolf Penina Korets Korets PIRKAS Israel PIRKAS Moshe 672
PIRKAS Pesia F Zev Wolf Penina Korets Korets PIRKAS Israel PIRKAS Moshe On the list it states (see GINZBERG) 672
PIRKAS Matil F Zev Wolf Penina Korets Korets PIRKAS Israel PIRKAS Moshe On the list it states (see CHARBASH) 672
PIRKAS Teibel F Korets Korets 672
PIRKAS Meir M Married Teibel Korets Korets 672
PIRKAS F Married Meir Miedzyrzecz, Poland Korets Located in Korzec, Poland during the war. 672
PIRKAS F Meir Korets Korets 672
PIRKAS F Meir Korets Korets 672
Riva PIRKAS F Married Teibel Korets Korets Her husband was from Miedzyrzecz 672
PIRKAS Liba F Korets Korets On the list it states (see BASYUK, Liba) 673
PIRKAS Mordecai M Married Doba Korets Korets PIRKAS Israel 673
PIRKAS Doba F Married Mordecai Korets Korets PIRKAS Israel 673
PIRKAS Chana F Mordecai Doba Korets Korets PIRKAS Israel 673
PIRKAS Paltiel M Married Chaya Korets Korets PIRKAS Israel The brother of Baruch 673
PIRKAS Chaya F Married Paltiel Korets Korets PIRKAS Israel 673
PIRKAS Siyoma M Paltiel Chaya Korets Korets PIRKAS Israel 673
PIRKAS Shmuel M Paltiel Chaya Korets Korets PIRKAS Israel 673
PIRKAS Meir M Paltiel Chaya Korets Korets PIRKAS Israel 673
PIRKAS Baruch M Married Korets Korets PIRKAS Israel The brother of Paltiel 673
PIRKAS F Married Baruch Korets Korets PIRKAS Israel 673
PIRKAS Ita F Baruch Korets Korets PIRKAS Israel 673
PIRKAS Malka F Baruch Korets Korets PIRKAS Israel 673
PIRKAS Shlomo M Baruch Korets Korets PIRKAS Israel 673
PIRKAS Zlata F Baruch Korets Korets PIRKAS Israel 673
PIRKAS Yechiel M Married Baruch Manya Korets Korets PIRKAS Israel 673
PIRKAS Manya F Married Yechiel Korets Korets PIRKAS Israel 673
PIRKAS F Yechiel Manya Korets Korets PIRKAS Israel 673
PIRKAS Nisan M Yechiel Manya Korets Korets PIRKAS Israel 673
PIRKAS Rachel F Korets Korets PIRKAS Israel 673
PIRKAS Liyova F Rachel Korets Aleksandrja, Poland PIRKAS Israel On the list it states (see FELDMAN) 673
FISHBEIN Monish M Married Bat Sheva Korets Korets 673
FISHBEIN Bat Sheva F Married Monish Korets Korets 673
FISHBEIN Feiga F Monish Bat Sheva Korets Korets 673
FISHBEIN Yosef M Monish Bat Sheva Korets Korets 673
FISHBEIN Berel M Monish Bat Sheva Korets Korets 673
PELL Ita DORFMAN F Married Motel Korets Berezne, Poland DORFMAN America DORFMAN Hershel America There is a photo 674
PELL Motel M Married Ita Korets Berezne, Poland DORFMAN America DORFMAN Hershel America There is a photo 674
PELL Chaya F Motel Ita Korets Berezne, Poland DORFMAN America DORFMAN Hershel America 674
PELL Elka F Motel Ita Korets Berezne, Poland DORFMAN America DORFMAN Hershel America 674
FELDMAN Arieh Leibel M Married Liyova Korets Aleksandrja, Poland 674
FELDMAN Liyova PIRKAS F Married Arieh Leibel Korets Aleksandrja, Poland 674
FELDMAN Rivkah F Arieh Leibel Liyova Korets Aleksandrja, Poland 674
FELDMAN David M Married Feiga Korets Lwow, Poland FELDMAN Israel FELDMAN Moshe Poland 674
FELDMAN Feiga ZUCKERMAN F Married David Korets Belzec FELDMAN Israel FELDMAN Moshe Poland 674
FELDMAN Fima F David Feiga Korets Kostopol, Poland FELDMAN Israel FELDMAN Moshe Poland On the list it states (see PATAT) 674
FELDMAN Yehoshua M Married Feiga Korets Korets The brother of Zusia, Genia and Chaya; on the list it states (Uncle of OTZINIK, Buzia) 674
FELDMAN Feiga F Married Yehoshua Korets Korets 674
Zusia FELDMAN F Korets Russia Sister of Yehoshua, Genia and Chaya 674
Chana F Zusia Korets Russia Mother's maiden name FELDMAN. 674
Buzia F Zusia Korets Russia Mother's maiden name FELDMAN. 674
FELDMAN Genia F Korets Korets The sister of Yehoshua, Zusia and Chaya; on the list it states (see STERNSCHIS) 674
FELDMAN Chaya F Korets Krylow, Poland The sister of Yehoshua, Zusia and Genia; on the list it states (see OTZINIK) 674
FELDMAN Yona M Married Esther Rowne, Poland Rowne, Poland Located in Korzec, Poland during the war. 675
FELDMAN Esther KAFTAN F Married Yona Korets Rowne, Poland 675
FELDMAN Hinda F Yona Esther Korets Rowne, Poland 675
FELDMAN Liza F Korets Korets 675
FELDMAN Shlomo M Married Charna Korets Serniki, Poland 675
FELDMAN Charna TZMUKLER F Married Shlomo Korets Serniki, Poland 675
FELDMAN Shmeril M Korets Korets FELDMAN Israel 675
PLOSHNAK Roza F Married David Korets Korets 675
PLOSHNAK David M Married Roza Korets Korets 675
PLOSHNAK Rivkah F David Roza Korets Korets 675
PLOSHNAK Yitzhak M David Roza Korets Korets 675
PLOSHNAK Chanala F David Roza Korets Korets 675
FLEISH Shmuel M Married Liba Korets Korets On the list it states (brother-in-law of SCHVETZ, Mordecai) 675
FLEISH Liba F Married Shmuel Korets Korets 675
Pesia FLEISH F Married Korets Kostopol, Poland Her husband was from Kostopol; On the list it states (sister-in-law of SCHVETZ, Mordecai) 675
Bracha FLEISH F Married Korets Korets On the list it states (sister-in-law of SCHVETZ, Mordecai) 675
FLEISHMAN M Married Matel Korets Korets 675
FLEISHMAN Matel KATZ F Married Korets Korets 675
FELMAN Shmuel M Married Breindel Korets Serniki, Poland 675
FELMAN Breindel SCHORIN F Married Shmuel Korets Serniki, Poland 675
FELMAN Nechama F Shmuel Breindel Korets Died in the forest 675
FELMAN Eliezer M Shmuel Breindel Korets Serniki, Poland 675
FELMAN Shmuel M Shmuel Breindel Korets Serniki, Poland 675
PASOV Ya'akov M Married Nina Korets Rowne, Poland PASOV Israel 676
PASOV Nina F Married Ya'akov Korets Rowne, Poland PASOV Israel 676
PASOV Sarah F Korets Korets PASOV Israel 676
PASOV Tanya F Korets Korets PASOV Israel 676
PRAGMANIK Meir M Married Korets Korets PRAGMANIK Poland The brother of Yisrael 676
PRAGMANIK F Married Meir Korets Korets PRAGMANIK Poland 676
PRAGMANIK Baruch M Meir Korets Korets PRAGMANIK Poland 676
PRAGMANIK Ya'akov M Meir Korets Korets PRAGMANIK Poland 676
PRAGMANIK Malka F Meir Korets Korets PRAGMANIK Poland 676
PRAGMANIK Yisrael M Korets Skidel, Poland PRAGMANIK Poland The brother of Meir 676
FREDMAN Babtzia F Married Yisrael Korets Korets FREDMAN Poland 676
FREDMAN M Yisrael Babtzia Korets Korets FREDMAN Poland 676
FREDMAN F Yisrael Babtzia Korets Korets FREDMAN Poland 676
PROL Yosef M Married Tziril Sarny, Poland Rowne, Poland Located in Korzec, Poland during the war. There is a photo 676
PROL Tziril BACHER F Married Yosef Korets Rowne, Poland 676
FROMIN Pinchas M Korets Korets FROMIN MILITIN Israel 677
FROMIN Yisrael M Pinchas Korets Russia FROMIN MILITIN Israel 677
PRIATAL Chisal F Korets Korets 677
PRIATAL Baila F Chisal Korets Korets 677
PRIATAL Sarah F Chisal Korets Korets 677
PRIATAL Mordecai M Married Lova Korets Rowne, Poland PRIATAL Israel 677
PRIATAL Lova F Married Mordecai Korets Rowne, Poland PRIATAL Israel 677
PRIATAL Yosef M Mordecai Lova Korets Rowne, Poland PRIATAL Israel 677
PRIATAL Golda F Mordecai Lova Korets Rowne, Poland PRIATAL Israel 677
PRIATAL Reizel F Korets Korets PRIATAL Israel 677
FREIDIS Gensia F Korets Korets FREIDIS Israel FREIDIS Simcha Israel 677
FREIDIS Pinchas M Married Perl Pilipovichi, Ukraine Korets FREIDIS Russia Located in Korzec, Poland during the war. 677
FREIDIS Perl F Married Pinchas Korets Korets FREIDIS Russia 677
FREIDIS Rachel F Pinchas Perl Korets Korets FREIDIS Russia 677
FRIEDMAN Aharon M Married Risia Korets Korets On the list it states - profession, had leather store 677
FRIEDMAN Risia F Married Aharon Korets Korets 677
FRIEDNIK Meir M Married Batya Korets Luck, Poland 677
FRIEDNIK Batya KATZ F Married Meir Korets Luck, Poland 677
FRIEDNIK Lusia F Meir Batya Korets Luck, Poland 677
FRIMERMAN Shmaryahu M Married Tzipa Korets Korets FRIMERMAN Israel 677
FRIMERMAN Tzipa F Married Shmaryahu Korets Korets FRIMERMAN Israel 677
FRIMERMAN Yitzhak David M Married Shmaryahu Tzipa Chaya Sarah Korets Korets FRIMERMAN Israel 678
FRIMERMAN Chaya Sarah F Married Yitzhak David Korets Korets FRIMERMAN Israel 678
FRIMERMAN Tzvia F Yitzhak David Chaya Sarah Korets Korets FRIMERMAN Israel 678
FRIMERMAN Chisia F Yitzhak David Chaya Sarah Korets Korets FRIMERMAN Israel 678
FRIMERMAN Avraham M Yitzhak David Chaya Sarah Korets Korets FRIMERMAN Israel 678
FRIMERMAN Yosef M Yitzhak David Chaya Sarah Korets Russia FRIMERMAN Israel 678
FRIMERMAN Chaim Yehuda M Shmaryahu Tzipa Korets Korets FRIMERMAN Israel 678
FRIMERMAN Ya'akov M Married Shmaryahu Tzipa Sarah Korets Korets FRIMERMAN Israel 678
FRIMERMAN Sarah F Married Ya'akov Korets Korets FRIMERMAN Israel 678
FRIMERMAN Dutzia F Ya'akov Sarah Korets Korets FRIMERMAN Israel 678
FRIMERMAN Mordecai Leib M Ya'akov Sarah Korets Korets FRIMERMAN Israel 678
FRIMERMAN Rachel F Ya'akov Sarah Korets Korets FRIMERMAN Israel 678
FRIMERMAN Mendel M Ya'akov Sarah Korets Korets FRIMERMAN Israel 678
FRITZPA Motel M Married Teibel Korets Korets 678
FRITZPA Teibel F Married Motel Korets Korets 678
FRITZPA Golda F Motel Teibel Korets Korets On the list it states (see GELLIS) 678
FRITZPA Malka F Motel Teibel Korets Korets 678
PRITZKER Baila JAFFE F Korets Korets 678
PRIKZANIA Leibish M Korets Korets 678
PERL David M Married Yenta Korets He was killed in his hiding place 678
PERL Yenta SCHNEIDER F Married David Korets She was killed in her hiding place 678
PERL Batya F David Yenta Korets She was killed in her hiding place 678
PERL Esther F Korets Korets The brother of David; on the list it states (see MELAMED) 678
PERL Golda F Korets Korets The aunt of David 678
PERLMUTTER Tova F Korets Korets PERLMUTTER Israel On the list it states (see BLANK) 678
PERLMAN Baila ZALTZMAN F Married Reuven Korets Korets PERLMAN Israel 679
PERLMAN Mamtzia F Reuven Baila Korets Korets PERLMAN Israel 679
PERLMAN Avraham M Korets Korets PERLMAN Israel 679
PERLMAN Baruch Mordecai M Married Avraham Esther Vagi [?] Korets PERLMAN Israel Located in Korzec, Poland during the war. On the list it states (MOGY); Klara supposes that it was LOZY 679
PERLMAN Esther F Married Baruch Mordecai Berezne, Poland Korets PERLMAN Israel Located in Korzec, Poland during the war. 679
PERLMAN Nonia F Baruch Mordecai Esther Korets Korets PERLMAN Israel 679
PERLMAN David M Baruch Mordecai Esther Korets Korets PERLMAN Israel 679
PERLMAN Sonia F Avraham Korets Korets PERLMAN Israel 679
PERLMAN Nisan M Married Ruth Korets Korets NETER NEITERMAN Israel NETER NEITERMAN Moshe Israel Additional testimony provided by Eliyahu NETER (NEITERMAN) of Israel 679
PERLMAN Ruth NEITERMAN F Married Nisan Korets Korets NETER NEITERMAN Israel NETER NEITERMAN Moshe Israel Additional testimony provided by Eliyahu NETER (NEITERMAN) of Israel 679
PERLMAN Yisrael M Nisan Ruth Korets Korets NETER NEITERMAN Israel NETER NEITERMAN Moshe Israel Additional testimony provided by Eliyahu NETER (NEITERMAN) of Israel 679
PERLMAN Avraham M Nisan Ruth Korets Korets NETER NEITERMAN Israel NETER NEITERMAN Moshe Israel Additional testimony provided by Eliyahu NETER (NEITERMAN) of Israel 679
PERLMAN Moshe M Nisan Ruth Korets Korets NETER NEITERMAN Israel NETER NEITERMAN Moshe Israel Additional testimony provided by Eliyahu NETER (NEITERMAN) of Israel 679
PERLMAN Shlomo M Korets Russia PERLMAN Israel The brother of David and Chava 679
PERLMAN Risia F Shlomo Korets Russia PERLMAN Israel 679
PERLMAN Chaim M Shlomo Korets Russia PERLMAN Israel 679
PERLMAN David M Married Bluma Korets Russia PERLMAN Israel Brother of Shlomo and Chava 679
PERLMAN Bluma F Married David Korets Russia PERLMAN Israel 679
PERLMAN Moshe M David Bluma Korets Russia PERLMAN Israel 679
PERLMAN Anshel M David Bluma Korets Russia PERLMAN Israel 679
PERLMAN Chava F Korets Russia PERLMAN Israel Sister of Shlomo and David 679
PERLSTEIN Yosef M Married Rachel Korets Rowne, Poland PERLSTEIN Israel 679
PERLSTEIN Rachel KAUFMAN F Married Yosef Korets Rowne, Poland PERLSTEIN Israel 679
FRENKEL Shalom M Married Rivkah Korets Korets 679
FRENKEL Rivkah F Married Shalom Korets Korets 679
FRENKEL Sonia F Shalom Rivkah Korets Korets 679
FRENKEL David M Shalom Rivkah Korets Korets 680
FRENKEL Meir M Shalom Rivkah Korets Korets 680
PRESS Chasia F Motel Yachna Korets Korets MELAMED Israel On the list it states (Chasia, Motel and Yachnas) 680
PRESS Ya'akov M Married Sheindel Korets Korets The brother of Niyoma, Shifra and Gittel 680
PRESS Sheindel F Married Ya'akov Korets Korets 680
PRESS Mendel M Ya'akov Sheindel Korets Korets 680
PRESS Niyoma F Korets Korets The sister of Ya'akov, Shifra and Gittel 680
PRESS Shifra F Korets Korets The sister of Ya'akov, Niyoma and Gittel 680
PRESS Gittel F Korets Korets The sister of Ya'akov, Niyoma and Shifra 680
PRESSMAN Yehuda Ber M Married Miriam Storozow, Poland Storozow, Poland PRESSMAN Israel Located in Korzec, Poland during the war. 680
PRESSMAN Miriam F Married Yehuda Ber Korets PRESSMAN Israel Died in the forest 680
PRESSMAN Meir M Married Yehuda Ber Miriam Tzvia Korets Miedzyrzecz, Poland PRESSMAN Israel 680
PRESSMAN Tzvia SHTENDEL F Married Meir Korets Miedzyrzecz, Poland PRESSMAN Israel 680
PRESSMAN Monya F Meir Tzvia Korets Miedzyrzecz, Poland PRESSMAN Israel 680
PRESSMAN F Meir Tzvia Korets Miedzyrzecz, Poland PRESSMAN Israel 680
PRESSMAN Liba F Yehuda Ber Miriam Korets PRESSMAN Israel Died in the forest 680
PARTZIK Chaya Rachel F Korets Korets PARTZIK Russia 680
PARTZIK Chaim Hersh M Korets Korets PARTZIK Russia 680
PARTZIK Alik M Married Ita Korets Korets PARTZIK Russia 680
PARTZIK Ita KLIEFELD F Married Alik Korets Korets PARTZIK Russia 680
PARTZIK Riva F Alik Ita Korets Korets PARTZIK Russia 680


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This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld

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Updated 9 Mar 2012 by LA