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[Page 553]



Names of the Korets Jews who perished in the Holocaust

Transliterated by Shalom Bronstein


Gender Marital
Name of
Residence Place of
Family name
of eulogizer 1
Residence of
eulogizer 1
Family name
of eulogizer 2
First name(s)
of eulogizer 2
Residence of
eulogizer 2
Remarks Page
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ABERT Rivkah F Korets Korets ABERT Israel 553
ABERT Rivkah F Korets Korets ABERT Israel 553
ABERT Rivkah F Korets Korets ABERT Israel 553
ABERT Ya'akov M Rivkah Korets Korets ABERT Israel 553
ABERT Ayzik M Ya'akov Korets Korets ABERT Israel 553
ABERT Rachel F Rivkah Korets Korets ABERT Israel On the list it states - (see FEINER) 553
ABERT Devorah F Rivkah Korets Korets ABERT Israel On the list it states - (see KRASS) 553
ADLER Yehoshua Leib M Korets Rowne, Poland The grandfather of ETROG Boris 553
ADLER Michael M Korets Korets 553
ADLER Yisrael M Korets Korets 553
OBERSTERN Leah KAISERMAN F Korets Kostopol, Poland OBERSTERN Israel OBERSTERN Shlomo Israel 553
OBERSTERN Rivkah F Leah Korets Huszcza, Poland OBERSTERN Israel OBERSTERN Shlomo Israel On the list it states - (see PIVIN Rivkah) 553
OBERSTERN Shmuel M Married Leah Korets Kostopol, Poland OBERSTERN Israel OBERSTERN Shlomo Israel 553
OBERSTERN F Married Shmuel Korets Kostopol, Poland OBERSTERN Israel OBERSTERN Shlomo Israel 553
OBERSTERN M Shmuel Korets Kostopol, Poland OBERSTERN Israel OBERSTERN Shlomo Israel 553
OBERSTERN Michael M Korets Korets OBERSTERN Israel OBERSTERN Shlomo Israel 553
OBERSTERN Meita F Korets Korets OBERSTERN Israel OBERSTERN Shlomo Israel 553
OBERSTERN Golda F Korets Korets OBERSTERN Israel OBERSTERN Shlomo Israel 553
OBERSTERN Yenta F Korets Korets OBERSTERN Israel OBERSTERN Shlomo Israel 553
OBERSTERN Chana F Korets Korets OBERSTERN Israel OBERSTERN Shlomo Israel 553
OBERSTERN Keila F Korets Korets OBERSTERN Israel OBERSTERN Shlomo Israel 553
SHAMASH Chava AUSTER F Married Dov Ber Baila Menachem Manis Korets Korets SHAMASH Israel The family relationships are according to the Page of Testimony 553
AUSTER Dov Ber M Married Baila Korets Korets SHAMASH Israel Profession was a Sofer ST"AM - Scribe 553
AUSTER Baila F Married Dov Ber Korets Korets SHAMASH Israel 553
AUSTER Batya F Dov Ber Baila Korets Korets SHAMASH Israel 553
AUSTER Avraham M Dov Ber Baila Korets Korets SHAMASH Israel 553
AUSTER Moshe M Married Dov Ber Baila Korets Korets SHAMASH Israel 553
AUSTER F Married Moshe Korets Korets SHAMASH Israel 553
AUSTER Kalman M Married Dov Ber Baila Korets Korets SHAMASH Israel 553
AUSTER F Married Kalman Korets Korets SHAMASH Israel 553
OCHER Yishayahu M Married Chaika Korets Korets OSHER OCHER America OSHER OCHER Esther America Additional testimony supplied by Baila OSHER (OCHER) in America; there is a photo; 554
OCHER Chaika F Married Yishayahu Korets Korets OSHER OCHER America OSHER OCHER Esther America Additional testimony supplied by Baila OSHER (OCHER) in America 554
OCHER Moshe M Yishayahu Chaika Korets Korets OSHER OCHER America OSHER OCHER Esther America Additional testimony supplied by Baila OSHER (OCHER) in America 554
OLITSKY Zalman M Married Korets Korets OLITSKY Russia 554
OLITSKY F Married Zalman Korets Korets OLITSKY Russia 554
OLITSKY Leibel M Married Rivkah Korets Korets OLITSKY Russia 554
OLITSKY Rivkah F Married Leibel Miedzyrzecz, Poland Korets OLITSKY Russia Located in Korzec, Poland during the war. 554
OLITSKY Henya F Korets Korets OLITSKY Russia 554
OLITSKY Fraydel F Korets Korets OLITSKY Russia 554
OLITSKY Zeidel M Korets Korets OLITSKY Russia 554
OSTER Ozer M Married Rachel Korets Korets OSTER America 554
OSTER Rachel F Married Ozer Shepetovka, Ukraine Korets OSTER America Located in Korzec, Poland during the war. 554
OSTER M Ozer Rachel Korets Korets OSTER America 554
OSTER M Ozer Rachel Korets Korets OSTER America 554
OSTER Rachel Leah F Korets Korets 554
OSTER Moshe M Married Rachel Leah Hentzi Korets Korets 554
OSTER Hentzi F Married Moshe Korets Korets 554
Bracha AUSTER F Married Rachel Leah Shmuel Korets Korets 554
Shmuel M Married Bracha Korets Korets Wife's maiden name AUSTER. 554
OSTROVSKY M Married Sonia Korets Korets 555
OSTROVSKY Sonia STILERMAN F Married Korets Korets 555
OTZINIK Meir M Married Chaya Korets OTZINIK Israel A soldier who fell in battle 555
OTZINIK Chaya FELDMAN F Married Meir Korets Krylow, Poland OTZINIK Israel 555
ORBUCH Moshe M Married Saraka Korets Korets 555
ORBUCH Sarakah GOLDBERG F Married Moshe Korets Korets 555
ORBUCH Pola F Moshe Saraka Korets Korets 555
ORBUCH Rivkah F Moshe Saraka Korets Korets 555
ORBUCH Sarah F Married Aharon Korets Korets 555
ORBUCH Hinda F Aharon Sarah Korets Korets 555
ORBUCH Esther F Aharon Sarah Korets Korets On the list it states - (see KIPERBAND) 555
ORBUCH Pinchas M Aharon Sarah Korets Korets 555
ORICHAR Yosel M Married Baila Reiza Korets Korets 555
ORICHAR Baila Reiza SCHNEIDER F Married Yosel Korets Korets 555
ORICHAR Moshe M Yosel Blulma Reiza Korets Korets 555
ORICHAR Bluma F Yosel Blulma Reiza Korets Korets 555
ORICHAR Necha F Married Zvi Korets Korets ORICHAR America 555
ORICHAR Bracha F Zvi Necha Korets Korets ORICHAR America 555
ORICHAR Chaya F Zvi Necha Korets Korets ORICHAR America 555
ORICHAR Zlata F Korets Korets ORICHAR America 555
ORICHAR Chaim M Zlata Korets Korets ORICHAR America 555
ORICHAR Malka F Zlata Korets Korets ORICHAR America 555
AZROV Breindel GURALNIK F Married Feivish Korets Korets AZROV Israel There is a photo 555
AZROV Feiga F Feivish Breindel Korets Korets AZROV Israel There is a photo 555
AZROV Sarah F Feivish Breindel Korets Korets AZROV Israel 555
AZROV Avraham M Married Leah Korets Korets AZROV Israel 556
AZROV Leah GELLER F Married Avraham Korets Korets AZROV Israel 556
AZROV Shlomo M Avraham Leah Korets Korets AZROV Israel There is a photo 556
Etel F Matel Korets Korets On the list it states - the daughter of Matal Chaya-Dodas 556
AIZENVARG David M Korets Rowne, Poland On the list it states - the father-in-law of PAVA 556
AIZENVARG Etel F David Korets Rowne, Poland On the list it states - (see PAVA) 556
AIZENVARG Batya F David Korets Rowne, Poland 556
ALBERT Yisrael M Married Chana Korets Korets 556
ALBERT Chana GURALNIK F Married Yisrael Korets Korets 556
ALBERT Nechama F Korets Korets ALBERT Israel On the list it states - (see DARLEICHTER) 556
ALTMAN Yitzhak M Married Tzipa Korets Korets 556
ALTMAN Tzipa F Married Yitzhak Korets Korets 556
ALTSTEIN Shlomo M Married Manya Korets Korets ALTSTEIN Israel ALTSTEIN Avraham Israel 556
ALTSTEIN Manya F Married Shlomo Korets Korets ALTSTEIN Israel ALTSTEIN Avraham Israel 556
ALTSTEIN Sheindel F Shlomo Manya Korets Korets ALTSTEIN Israel ALTSTEIN Avraham Israel On the list it states - (see GELLER) 557
ALTSTEIN Batya F Shlomo Manya Korets Korets ALTSTEIN Israel ALTSTEIN Avraham Israel There is a photo 557
ALTSPON Baila Reiza SCHNEIDER F Korets Rowne, Poland ALTSPON Israel 557
ALTSPON Avraham Buma M Married Baila Reiza Korets Rowne, Poland ALTSPON Israel 557
ALTSPON F Married Avraham Buma Korets Rowne, Poland ALTSPON Israel 557
ALTSPON Riva F Baila Reiza Korets Rowne, Poland ALTSPON Israel 557
ALTSPON Klara F Baila Reiza Korets Rowne, Poland ALTSPON Israel 557
ANOPOLSKY Berel M Married Feiga Korets Korets 557
ANOPOLSKY Feiga F Married Berel Korets Korets 557
ANOPOLSKY Leahla F Berel Feiga Korets Korets 557
ANOPOLSKY Vaveh M Berel Feiga Korets Korets 557
ANOPOLSKY Ayzik M Berel Feiga Korets Korets 557
ESTERMAN Efraim M Married Korets Korets ESTERMAN Russia 557
ESTERMAN F Married Efraim Korets Korets ESTERMAN Russia 557
ESTERMAN Bracha F Efraim Korets Korets ESTERMAN Russia 557
ESTERMAN Penina F Efraim Korets Korets ESTERMAN Russia 557
ESTERMAN Monya F Efraim Korets Korets ESTERMAN Russia 557
ESTERMAN Gittel F Korets Korets ESTERMAN America On the list it states only the family name of person providing testimony - ESTERMAN 558
ESTERMAN Chana F Gittel Korets Korets ESTERMAN America On the list it states only the family name of person providing testimony - ESTERMAN 558
ESTERMAN Motia M Gittel Korets Korets ESTERMAN America On the list it states only the family name of person providing testimony - ESTERMAN 558
ESTERMAN Yocha F Gittel Korets Korets ESTERMAN America On the list it states only the family name of person providing testimony - ESTERMAN 558
Gisia ESTERMAN F Married Gittel Korets Korets ESTERMAN America On the list it states only the family name of person providing testimony - ESTERMAN 558
ESTERMAN Avraham M Gittel Korets Korets ESTERMAN America On the list it states only the family name of person providing testimony - ESTERMAN 558
ESTERMAN Mendel M Married Korets Korets ESTERMAN America 558
ESTERMAN F Married Mendel Korets Korets ESTERMAN America 558
ESTERMAN Avraham M Mendel Korets Korets ESTERMAN America 558
ESTERMAN Hershel M Mendel Korets ESTERMAN America A partisan who fell on the front 558
ESTERMAN Perl F Mendel Korets Korets ESTERMAN America 558
ESTERMAN Raya F Married Yehoshua Korets Korets ESTERMAN Israel 558
ESTERMAN Mendel M Yehoshua Raya Korets Korets ESTERMAN Israel 558
ESTERMAN Moshe M Yehoshua Raya Korets Korets ESTERMAN Israel 558
ESTERMAN Esther F Yehoshua Raya Korets Korets ESTERMAN Israel 558
ESTERMAN Idel F Yehoshua Raya Korets Korets ESTERMAN Israel 558
EHRLICH Meir M Korets Korets EHRLICH Israel 558
EHRLICH Moshe M Married Meir Guta Korets Korets EHRLICH Israel 558
EHRLICH Guta F Married Moshe Warszawa, Poland Korets EHRLICH Israel Located in Korzec, Poland during the war. 558
EHRLICH Hinda F Moshe Guta Korets Korets EHRLICH Israel 558
ASHKENAZI Chana F Korets Korets ASHKENAZI Cuba The sister of Reiza 558
ASHKENAZI Reizel F Korets Korets ASHKENAZI Cuba The sister of Chana 558
ASHMAN Natan M Married Asil Korets Korets 559
ASHMAN Asil SHEINERMAN F Married Natan Korets Korets 559
ASHMAN Pesach M Natan Asil Korets Korets 559
ASHMAN Esther F Natan Asil Korets Korets 559
ETROG Simcha M Married Tzipora Korets Kostopol, Poland ETROG Israel 559
ETROG Tziporah F Married Simcha Korets Kostopol, Poland ETROG Israel 559
ETROG Pinchas M Simcha Tzipora Korets Kostopol, Poland ETROG Israel 559
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BOGOMOLNIK Ya'akov Yosef M Married Baila Korets Korets BOGOMOLNIK Israel BOGOMOLNIK Mendel America 559
BOGOMOLNIK Baila F Married Ya'akov Yosef Korets Korets BOGOMOLNIK Israel BOGOMOLNIK Mendel America 559
BOGOMOLNIK Yehuda M Married Ya'akov Yosef Baila Leah Korets Korets BOGOMOLNIK Israel BOGOMOLNIK Mendel America 559
BOGOMOLNIK Leah F Married Yehuda Korets Korets BOGOMOLNIK Israel BOGOMOLNIK Mendel America 559
BOGOMOLNIK Sarah F Ya'akov Yosef Baila Korets Korets BOGOMOLNIK Israel BOGOMOLNIK Mendel America 559
RIMERMAN Chaya BOGOMOLNIK F Married Ya'akov Yosef Baila Leibel Korets Korets BOGOMOLNIK Israel BOGOMOLNIK Mendel America 559
BOGOMOLNIK Hershel M Ya'akov Yosef Baila Korets Korets BOGOMOLNIK Israel BOGOMOLNIK Mendel America 559
BOGOMOLNIK Leibel M Korets Korets The brother of Tonia 559
BOGOMOLNIK Tonia F Korets Korets The sister of Leibel 559
BOOKBINDER Elazar M Married Chana Korets Korets 559
BOOKBINDER Chana F Married Elazar Korets Korets 559
BUCHBREINER Asher M Married Golda Korets Korets 559
BUCHBREINER Golda KLIEFELD F Married Asher Korets Korets 559
BUCHBREINER Zisel F Asher Golda Korets Korets 559
BUCHBREINER F Asher Golda Korets Korets 559
BOLBINSKY Moshe M Married Leah Wodnik, Poland Korets Located in Korzec, Poland during the war. 560
BOLBINSKY Leah BAR'AM F Married Moshe Korets Korets 560
BOLBINSKY Chisia F Moshe Leah Korets Korets 560
BOLBINSKY Tehillah F Moshe Leah Korets Korets 560
BOLBINSKY Yehoshua M Moshe Leah Korets Korets 560
BOFF Chaim M Married Perl Korets Korets BOFF ALISHKOVITZ Israel 560
BOFF Perl F Married Chaim Korets Korets BOFF ALISHKOVITZ Israel 560
BOFF Matel F Chaim Perl Korets Korets BOFF ALISHKOVITZ Israel 560
BOFF Meir M Married Sheindel Korets Korets BOFF ALISHKOVITZ Israel The uncle of Matel BOFF 560
BOFF Sheindel VIOAT F Married Meir Korets Korets BOFF ALISHKOVITZ Israel The aunt of Matel BOFF 560
BOFF Shlomo M Married Chiena Korets Korets BOFF Argentina 560
BOFF Cheina BORSTEIN F Married Shlomo Korets Korets BOFF Argentina 560
BOFF Golda F Shlomo Chiena Korets Korets BOFF Argentina 560
BUCKSBAUM Sarah F Married Avraham Korets Korets BUCKSBAUM Israel 560
BUCKSBAUM Yom Tov M Avraham Sarah Korets Korets BUCKSBAUM Israel 560
BUCKSBAUM Chaim M Avraham Sarah Korets Korets BUCKSBAUM Israel 560
BUCKSBAUM Leibel M Married Bella Korets Korets BUCKSBAUM Israel The brother of Hinda and Michla 560
BUCKSBAUM Bella F Married Leibel Korets Korets BUCKSBAUM Israel 560
BUCKSBAUM Yom Tov M Leibel Bella Korets Korets BUCKSBAUM Israel 560
BUCKSBAUM Hinda F Korets Korets BUCKSBAUM Israel The sister of Leibel and Michla 560
BUCKSBAUM Michla F Korets Korets BUCKSBAUM Israel The sister of Leibel and Hinda 560
BORD Yerucham M Married Sarah Leah Korets Berezne, Poland 560
BORD Sarah Leah WEINSHELBOIM F Married Yerucham Korets Berezne, Poland 560
BORD Azriel M Yerucham Sarah Leah Korets Berezne, Poland 560
BORD M Yerucham Sarah Leah Korets Berezne, Poland 560
BORSTEIN Berel M Married Chienia Korets Korets The brother of Leibel, Chiena, Yenta and Rachel 561
BORSTEIN Cheinia MOLIR F Married Berel Korets Korets 561
BORSTEIN Susil F Berel Chienia Korets Korets 561
BORSTEIN Leibel M Korets Korets The brother of Berel, Chiena, Yenta and Rachel 561
BORSTEIN Cheina F Korets Korets The sister of Berel, Leibel, Yenta and Rachel - on the list it states (see BOFF) 561
BORSTEIN Yenta F Korets Korets The sister of Berel, Leibel, Chiena and Rachel - on the list it states (see KOZOSHMAN ) 561
BORSTEIN Rachel F Korets Korets The sister of Berel, Leibel, Chiena and Yenta 561
BAZONOVA F Korets Korets The mother of Sonia; on the list it states (see GRIVE) 561
BAZONOVA Sonia F Korets Korets On the list it states (see GOLD) 561
BIDRAS Etel GROSSFAIS F Korets Korets BIDRAS Russia 561
BIDRAS Sonia F Pinya Etel Korets Korets BIDRAS Russia 561
BIDRAS F Pinya Etel Korets Korets BIDRAS Russia 561
BIDRAS Hershel M Pinya Etel Korets Korets BIDRAS Russia 561
BIDRAS Eli M Married Temma Korets Korets 561
BIDRAS Temma F Married Eli Korets Korets 561
BIDRAS Ben-Zion M Married Rachel Korets Korets The brother-in-law of DODKA Leibel 561
BIDRAS Rachel PARR F Married Ben-Zion Korets Korets 561
BIDRAS Fruma F Ben-Zion Rachel Korets Korets 561
BIDRAS Shmuelik M Ben-Zion Rachel Korets Korets 561
BIDRAS Levi M Married Rachel Korets Korets 561
BIDRAS Rachel BLANK F Married Levi Korets Korets 561
BIDRAS David M Levi Rachel Korets Korets 561
BIDRAS Chana F Levi Rachel Korets Korets 561
BIDRAS Mendel M Married Toiba Korets Korets BIDRAS Israel 561
BIDRAS Toiba TRIGER F Married Mendel Korets Korets BIDRAS Israel 561
Ita BIDRAS F Married Mendel Toiba Zeidel Korets Korets BIDRAS Israel 561
Zeidel M Married Aidel Korets Korets BIDRAS Israel Wife's maiden name BIDRAS. 561
BIDRAS Moshe M Zeidel Korets Korets BIDRAS Israel 561
BIDRAS Baila F Zeidel Korets Korets BIDRAS Israel 562
BIDRAS Reuven M Zeidel Korets Korets BIDRAS Israel 562
BIDRAS Risel F Mendel Toiba Korets Korets BIDRAS Israel 562
BIDRAS Simcha M Mendel Toiba Korets Korets BIDRAS Israel 562
BIDRAS Yenta F Mendel Toiba Korets Korets BIDRAS Israel 562
BIDRAS Leibel M Married Leahka Korets Korets BIDRAS Israel The uncle of Ita, Risel, Simcha and Yenta BIDRAS 562
BIDRAS Leahka F Married Leibel Romanow, Poland Korets BIDRAS Israel Located in Korzec, Poland during the war. 562
BIDRAS Berel M Leibel Leahka Korets Korets BIDRAS Israel 562
BIDRAS Hershel M Leibel Leahka Korets Korets BIDRAS Israel 562
BIDRAS Shmuel M Leibel Leahka Korets Korets BIDRAS Israel 562
BIDRAS Ya'akov M Married Machla Korets Korets BIDRAS Israel The aunt of Ita, Risel, Simcha and Yenta BIDRAS 562
BIDRAS Machla F Married Ya'akov Korets Korets BIDRAS Israel 562
BIDRAS Monya M Ya'akov Machla Korets Korets BIDRAS Israel 562
BIDRAS Chaya F Ya'akov Machla Korets Korets BIDRAS Israel 562
BIDRAS Reuven M Ya'akov Machla Korets Korets BIDRAS Israel 562
BIDRAS Michael M Married Mirel Korets Korets BIDRAS Israel The uncle of Ita, Risel, Simcha and Yenta BIDRAS 562
BIDRAS Mirel F Married Michael Polonowa [?] Korets BIDRAS Israel Located in Korzec, Poland during the war. Klara guesses that this was Pulchanow 562
BIDRAS Yehoshua M Michael Mirel Korets Korets BIDRAS Israel 562
BIDRAS Chana Ita F Married Mendel Korets Korets BIDRAS Israel The aunt of Ita, Risel, Simcha and Yenta BIDRAS; the family name is probably different from what appears here 562
BIDRAS Mendel M Married Chana Ita Korets Korets BIDRAS Israel On the list it states "Fun unter di milen;" the family name is probably different from what appears here 562
BIDRAS Michael M Mendel Chanah Ita Korets Korets BIDRAS Israel The family name is probably different from what appears here 562
BIDRAS Baila F Korets Korets BIDRAS Israel The aunt of Ita, Risel, Simcha and Yenta BIDRAS; the list states (see KARAMIMCHA) 562
BIDRAS Risel KARAMIMCHA F Korets Korets BIDRAS Israel 562
BIDRAS F Risel Korets Korets BIDRAS Israel 562
BIDRAS F Risel Korets Korets BIDRAS Israel 562
BIDRAS F Risel Korets Korets BIDRAS Israel 562
BIDRAS F Risel Korets Korets BIDRAS Israel 562
BIDRAS Yitzhak M Married Saraka Korets Korets BIDRAS Israel 562
BIDRAS Sarakah F Married Yitzhak Korets Korets BIDRAS Israel 562
BIDRAS Shmuel M Married Yitzhak Saraka Reizel Korets Korets BIDRAS Israel 562
BIDRAS Reizel F Married Shmuel Miedzyrzecz, Poland Korets BIDRAS Israel Located in Korzec, Poland during the war. 562
BIDRAS Meir M Married Yitzhak Saraka Chana Korets Korets BIDRAS Israel 562
BIDRAS Chana F Married Meir Korets Korets BIDRAS Israel 562
BIDRAS Fraydel F Yitzhak Saraka Korets Korets BIDRAS Israel On the list it states - (see LAZVANIK) 562
BIDRAS F Yitzhak Saraka Korets Korets BIDRAS Israel On the list it states - (see SHNEOUR) 562
BAIDEL Rachel RUDNICK F Korets Korets BAIDEL America 563
BAIDEL Leibtza M Korets Holownica, Poland BAIDEL America 563
BAIDEL Batya F Korets Korets BAIDEL America 563
BAIDEL David M Korets Rzyczka BAIDEL America Klara guesses that this was RZECZKI 563
BAIDEL Devosil F Korets Rzyczka BAIDEL America Klara guesses that this was RZECZKI 563
BAIDEL Manicha F Korets Rzyczka BAIDEL America Klara guesses that this was RZECZKI 563
BAIDEL Mordecai M Korets Rzyczka BAIDEL America Klara guesses that this was RZECZKI 563
BAIDEL Leizer M Korets Rzyczka BAIDEL America Klara guesses that this was RZECZKI 563
BAIDEL Leah F Korets Rzyczka BAIDEL America Klara guesses that this was RZECZKI 563
BAIDEL Gershon M Korets Rzyczka BAIDEL America Klara guesses that this was RZECZKI 563
BAIDEL Leah F Korets Rzyczka BAIDEL America Klara guesses that this was RZECZKI 563
BAIDEL Feiga F Korets Rzyczka BAIDEL America Klara guesses that this was RZECZKI 563
BAIDEL Sonia F Korets Rzyczka BAIDEL America Klara guesses that this was RZECZKI 563
BAITSMAN Ita KARAMIMCHA F Married Azriel Korets Korets BAITSMAN Israel BAITSMAN Eliezer Russia 563
BAITSMAN Simcha M Azriel Ita Korets Korets BAITSMAN Israel BAITSMAN Eliezer Russia 563
BAITSMAN Hinda F Azriel Ita Korets Korets BAITSMAN Israel BAITSMAN Eliezer Russia 563
BAITSMAN Leibel M Married Koral Korets Korets BAITSMAN Israel BAITSMAN Eliezer Russia 563
BAITSMAN Koral F Married Leibel Korets Korets BAITSMAN Israel BAITSMAN Eliezer Russia 563
BAITSMAN Frima F Leibel Koral Korets Korets BAITSMAN Israel BAITSMAN Eliezer Russia On the list it states (see ZABODNIK) 563
BAITSER Chaim M Married Sarah Korets Korets BAITSER Israel BAITSER David Israel There is a photo 563
BAITSER Sarah F Married Chaim Korets Korets BAITSER Israel BAITSER David Israel There is a photo 563
BICHBREIER Chaim M Korets Korets The brother of Moshe, Shlomo, Menucha and Fruma 564
BICHBREIER Moshe M Korets Korets The sister of Chaim, Shlomo, Menucha and Fruma 564
BICHBREIER Shlomo M Korets Korets The brother of Chaim, Moshe, Menucha and Fruma 564
BICHBREIER Menucha F Korets Korets The sister of Chaim, Moshe, Sholomo and Fruma 564
BICHBREIER Fruma F Korets Korets The sister of Chaim, Moshe, Sholomo and Fruma 564
BICHMAN David M Married Korets Korets On the list it states (cousin of KLIGERMAN) 564
BICHMAN F Married David 564
BICHMAN Meir M Married Pesia Korets Korets On the list it states (cousin of KLIGERMAN) 564
BICHMAN Pesia F Married Meir Korets Korets 564
BICHMAN Tzizia F Meir Pesia Korets Korets 564
BICHMAN Rivkah F Korets Korets On the list it states (see TZVIK), a cousin of KLIGERMAN 564
BICHMAN Genendel F Korets Korets Cousin of KLIGERMAN 564
BICHMAN Leah F Korets Korets Cousin of KLIGERMAN 564
BICHMAN Miriam F Korets Korets Cousin of KLIGERMAN 564
BACHER Itzik M Married Chava Korets Rowne, Poland ANGLOVITZ BACHER Israel There is a photo 564
BACHER Chava TEITELMAN F Married Itzik Korets Rowne, Poland ANGLOVITZ BACHER Israel There is a photo 564
BACHER Tziril F Itizk Chava Korets Rowne, Poland ANGLOVITZ BACHER Israel There is a photo; on the list it states (see PROL) 564
BACHER Pitzia M Itizk Chava Korets Russia ANGLOVITZ BACHER Israel There is a photo 564
BACHER Chava F Itizk Chava Korets Rowne, Poland ANGLOVITZ BACHER Israel There is a photo 564
BLAI Tuvia M Married Meita Korets Korets BLAI Canada 565
BLAI Meita F Married Tuvia Korets Korets BLAI Canada 565
BLAI Babel F Tuvia Meita Korets Korets BLAI Canada On the list it states (see GERSHMAN) 565
BLAI Shmuel M Married Matel Korets Korets 565
BLAI Matel F Married Chasia Shmuel Korets Korets 565
BLAI Alik M Shmuel Matel Korets Korets 565
BLAI Shifra F Shmuel Matel Korets Korets 565
BLAI Chasia F Korets Korets On the list it states (di Bidern) 565
BALDER Valia M Married Chaika Korets Korets BALDER America The brother of Malia and Shmaryahu 565
BALDER Chaika LAZVANIK F Married Valia Korets Korets BALDER America 565
BALDER M Valia Chaika Korets Korets BALDER America 565
BALDER Malia F Korets Korets BALDER America The sister of Valia and Shmaryahu 565
BALDER Shmaryahu M Korets Korets BALDER America 565
BLOVSTEIN Asher M Married Rivkah Rikel Korets Korets BLOVSTEIN Russia 565
BLOVSTEIN Rivkah Rikel F Married Asher Korets Korets BLOVSTEIN Russia 565
BLOVSTEIN Devorah F Asher Rivkah Rikel Korets Korets BLOVSTEIN Russia 565
BLIMAN Alik M Married Malka Korets Korets BLIMAN LINIK Israel 566
BLIMAN Malka F Married Alik Korets Korets BLIMAN LINIK Israel 566
BLIMAN Matel F Alik Malka Korets Korets BLIMAN LINIK Israel 566
BLIMAN Riva F Alik Malka Korets Korets BLIMAN LINIK Israel 566
BLIMAN Yisraelik M Married Manya Korets Korets 566
BLIMAN Manya F Married Yisraelik Korets Korets 566
BLIMAN Rivkah F Yisraelik Manya Korets Kostopol, Poland 566
BLIMAN Feiga F Yisraelik Manya Korets Korets 566
BLIMAN Mordecai M Married Yisraelik Manya Yocheved Korets Korets 566
BLIMAN Yocheved GOLDBERG F Married Mordecai Korets Korets 566
BLIMAN Shmuel M Korets Korets BLIMAN Israel BLIMAN Rivkah Israel 566
BLIMAN Miriam F Shmuel Korets Korets BLIMAN Israel BLIMAN Rivkah Israel On the list it states (see ROSENSTRUM) 566
BELMAN Feiga F Married Chaim Korets Korets BELMAN Israel BELMAN Dov Israel 566
BELMAN Abba M Chaim Feiga Korets Korets BELMAN Israel BELMAN Dov Israel 566
BELMAN Leibel M Chaim Feiga Korets Korets BELMAN Israel BELMAN Dov Israel 566
BELMAN Shmuel M Married Fania Korets Korets BELMAN Israel BELMAN Dov Israel The brother of Feivel, Chaya and Chana 566
BELMAN Fania F Married Shmuel Korets Korets BELMAN Israel BELMAN Dov Israel 566
BELMAN Leibel M Shmuel Fania Korets Korets BELMAN Israel BELMAN Dov Israel 566
BELMAN Hershel M Shmuel Fania Korets Korets BELMAN Israel BELMAN Dov Israel 566
BELMAN Feivel M Married Bracha Korets Korets BELMAN Israel BELMAN Dov Israel The brother of Shmuel, Chaya and Chana 566
BELMAN Bracha BLANK F Married Feivel Korets Korets BELMAN Israel BELMAN Dov Israel 566
BELMAN Mona F Feivel Bracha Korets Korets BELMAN Israel BELMAN Dov Israel 566
BELMAN Feiga F Feivel Bracha Korets Korets BELMAN Israel BELMAN Dov Israel 566
BELMAN Mordecai M Feivel Bracha Korets Korets BELMAN Israel BELMAN Dov Israel 566
BELMAN Yitzhak M Feivel Bracha Korets Korets BELMAN Israel BELMAN Dov Israel 566
BELMAN Chaya F Korets Ludwipol, Poland BELMAN Israel BELMAN Dov Israel The sister of Shmuel, Feivel and Chana, on the list it states (see LAKARNIK, Chaya) 566
BELMAN Chana F Korets Ludwipol, Poland BELMAN Israel BELMAN Dov Israel The sister of Shmuel, Feivel and Chaya, on the list it states (see GRUSHKA, Chana) 566
BLANK Chaya Malka F Korets Kostopol, Poland BLANK Israel 567
BLANK Bracha F Chaya Malka Korets Korets BLANK Israel On the list it states (see BELMAN) 567
BLANK Esther F Chaya Malka Korets Miedzyrzecz, Poland BLANK Israel On the list it states (see STERNSCHIS) 567
BLANK Chaim M Married Chaya Malka Tova Korets Korets BLANK Israel There is a photo 567
BLANK Tova PERLMUTTER F Married Chaim Korets Korets BLANK Israel There is a photo 567
BLANK Gitla F Chaim Korets Korets BLANK Israel There is a photo 567
BLANK Avraham M Chaya Malka Korets Korets BLANK Israel 567
BLANK Rachel BIDRAS F Chaya Malka Korets Korets BLANK Israel On the list it states (see BIDRAS) 567
BALNER Ayzik M Married Korets Korets 567
BALNER F Married Ayzik Korets Korets 567
BALNER Aharon M Ayzik Korets A soldier who fell in battle 567
BALNER F Ayzik Korets Korets 567
BALNER Devosia F Ayzik Korets Korets 567
BALNER Wolf M Married Chaya Korets Korets 567
BALNER Chaya LAZVANIK F Married Wolf Korets Korets 567
BALNER Ya'akov M Wolf Chaya Korets Korets 567
BASYUK Rachel Leah F Korets Korets BASYUK Israel 567
BASYUK Mordecai M Rachel Leah Korets Korets BASYUK Israel 567
BASYUK Meir M Korets Korets BASYUK Israel The brother of Yehoshua, Baila and Sima 568
BASYUK Yehoshua M Married Tonia Korets Wilno, Poland BASYUK Israel The brother of Meir, Baila and Sima 568
BASYUK Tonia F Married Yehoshua Korets Wilno, Poland BASYUK Israel 568
BASYUK Liontzik M Yehoshua Tonia Korets Wilno, Poland BASYUK Israel 568
BASYUK Yechiel M Yehoshua Tonia Korets Wilno, Poland BASYUK Israel 568
BASYUK Baila F Korets Korets BASYUK Israel The sister of Meir, Yehoshua and Sima, on the list it states (see BERNSTEIN) 568
BASYUK Sima F Korets Lodz,Poland BASYUK Israel The sister of Meir, Yehoshua and Baila, on the list it states (see HOFSTEIN) 568
BASYUK Dov M Married Zlata Korets Korets BASYUK Israel 568
BASYUK Zlata F Married Dov Korets Korets BASYUK Israel 568
BASYUK Yechiel M Dov Zlata Korets Korets BASYUK Israel 568
BASYUK Feiga F Dov Zlata Korets Korets BASYUK Israel 568
BASYUK Sarah F Dov Zlata Korets Korets BASYUK Israel 568
BASYUK Malka KLEINER F Married Pinchas Korets Korets BASYUK Israel BASYUK Dov Israel There is a photo 568
BASYUK Nonia M Pinchas Malka Korets Korets BASYUK Israel BASYUK Dov Israel 568
BASYUK Reizel F Korets Korets BASYUK Israel BASYUK Dov Israel There is a photo 568
BASYUK Nonia M Reizel Korets Korets BASYUK Israel BASYUK Dov Israel 568
BASYUK Liba PIRKAS F Married Dov Korets Korets BASYUK Israel BASYUK Pinchas Israel 568
BASYUK Nonia M Dov Liba Korets Korets BASYUK Israel BASYUK Pinchas Israel 568
BASYUK Fraydel F Dov Liba Korets Korets BASYUK Israel BASYUK Pinchas Israel 568
BASYUK Chaya Liba F Korets Korets BASYUK Israel 569
BASYUK Leibish M Married Chaya Liba Chasia Korets Korets BASYUK Israel The brother of Elka and Ita 569
BASYUK Chasia F Married Leibish Korets Korets BASYUK Israel 569
BASYUK Avraham M Leibish Chasia Korets Korets BASYUK Israel 569
BASYUK Bella F Leibish Chasia Korets Korets BASYUK Israel 569
BASYUK Elka F Chaya Liba Korets Korets BASYUK Israel The sister of Liebish and Ita, on the list it states (see KOPIKA) 569
BASYUK Ita F Chaya Liba Korets Korets BASYUK Israel The sister of Leibish and Elka 569
BAKON M Married Rivkah Korets Korets 569
BAKON Rivkah SILBERMAN F Married Korets Korets 569
BECKER Benni M Married Pesia Korets Korets 569
BECKER Pesia F Married Benni Korets Korets 569
BECKER Berel M Benni Pesia Korets Korets 569
BECKER Gershon M Benni Pesia Korets Korets 569
BECKER Chanina M Benni Pesia Korets Korets 569
BECKERMAN Riva F Topcza, Poland Korets Located in Korzec, Poland during the war. Cousin of MARKOVITZKY 569
BAKASH F Korets Korets BAKASH 569
BARGAD Aidel F Korets Korets BARGAD Israel 569
BARGAD Esther F Aidel Korets Korets BARGAD Israel 569
Malka BARGAD F Married Aidel Korets Korets BARGAD Israel Her husband was from Rovno 569
BARGAD Baila F Aidel Korets Korets BARGAD Israel 569
BARGAD Liyova F Aidel Korets Korets BARGAD Israel 569
BARGAD Feiga F Aidel Korets Korets BARGAD Israel On the list it states (see DARLECHTER) 569
BERGEL Roza F Married Dov Korets Korets BERGEL Israel There is a photo 569 , 570
BARDACH Ita F Married Chaim Yona Korets Korets On the list it states (wife of Itzik of Chaim Yona) 570
BARDACH Mirka F Itizk Ita Korets Korets On the list it states (see REIZBERG) 570
BARDACH Chasia F Itizk Ita Korets Korets 570
BARDACH Avraham M Itizk Ita Korets Korets 570
BARDACH Baila F Korets Korets Daughter-in-law of Ita 570
BARDACH David M Korets Korets Grandson of Ita 570
BARDACH Leah F Korets Korets Granddaughter of Ita 570
Tziril BARDACH F Married Itizk Ita Mendel Korets Korets 570
Mendel M Married Tziril Korets Korets Wife's maiden name BARDACH. 570
BARDACH Tzesia F Itizk Ita Korets Korets 570
BARDACH Moshe M Itizk Ita Korets Korets A soldier who fell in battle 570
BARDACH Zalman M Married Korets Korets A builder by profession 570
BARDACH Chaya F Married Zalman Yehoshua Korets Korets On the list it states (wife of Yehoshua der Berzbik) 570
BARO Berel M Married Leah Breindel Korets Korets 570
BARO Breindel GEIFMAN F Married Berel Korets Korets 570
BARO F Berel Breindel Korets Korets 570
BARO Leah F Korets Korets 570
BRODSKY Sarah Feiga KAMINSTEIN F Korets Korets BRODSKY Canada 570
BRODSKY M Hershel Sarah Feiga Korets Korets BRODSKY Canada 570
BRODSKY Avraham M Married Chaya Etel Korets Korets BRODSKY Canada 570
BRODSKY Chaya Etel F Married Avraham Korets Korets BRODSKY Canada 570
BRODSKY Devorah F Avraham Chaya Etel Korets Korets BRODSKY Canada 571
BRODSKY Mosik M Devorah Korets Korets BRODSKY Canada 571
BRODER Chayaka F Korets Korets BRODER Israel 571
BRODER Feiga Chasia LEIDERMAN F Korets Warsaw Ghetto BRODER Israel BRODER Chaya Israel There is a photo 571
BRODER Chaim M Feiga Chasia Korets Warsaw Ghetto BRODER Israel BRODER Chaya Israel There is a photo 571
BRODER Sarah F Chaim Korets BRODER Israel BRODER Chaya Israel There is a photo; on the list it states that she was born in Israel; a partisan who fell on the front 571
BRODER David M Feiga Chasia Korets Bialystok, Poland BRODER Israel BRODER Chaya Israel There is a photo 571
BRODER Hentzia F Korets Korets BRODER Israel BRODER Chaya Israel 571
BRODER Reizel F Korets Korets BRODER Israel BRODER Chaya Israel On the list it states (see Shochat) 571
BRODER Sarah F Korets Korets BRODER Israel BRODER Shimon Israel Additional providers of testimony - Shlomo and Yosef BRODER in Israel 572
BRODER Ya'akov M Married Sarah Ita Korets Korets BRODER Israel BRODER Shimon Israel The brother of Malka and Roza; additional providers of testimony - Shlomo and Yosef BRODER in Israel 572
BRODER Ita F Married Ya'akov Korets Korets BRODER Israel BRODER Shimon Israel Additional providers of testimony - Shlomo and Yosef BRODER in Israel 572
BRODER Fania Feiga F Ya'akov Ita Korets Korets BRODER Israel BRODER Shimon Israel Additional providers of testimony - Shlomo and Yosef BRODER in Israel 572
BRODER Malka F Sarah Korets Rowne, Poland BRODER Israel BRODER Shimon Israel The sister of Ya'akov and Roza; on the list it states (see STERNSCHUS); additional providers of testimony - Shlomo and Yosef BRODER in Israel 572
BRODER Roza F Sarah Korets Korets BRODER Israel BRODER Shimon Israel The sister of Ya'akov and Malka; additional providers of testimony - Shlomo and Yosef BRODER 572
BRODER Genia Gittel F Married Shimon Korets Ludwipol, Poland BRODER Israel BRODER Babil Israel Additional providers of testimony - Shlomo and Yosef BRODER in Israel 572
BRODER Zvi M Shimon Genia Gittel Korets Ludwipol, Poland BRODER Israel BRODER Babil Israel Additional providers of testimony - Shlomo and Yosef BRODER in Israel 572
BRODER Moshe M Shimon Genia Gittel Korets Ludwipol, Poland BRODER Israel BRODER Babil Israel Additional providers of testimony - Shlomo and Yosef BRODER in Israel 572
BARAZ Abba M Married Sheva Korets Berezdov, Ukraine BARAZ Russia 572
BARAZ Sheva F Married Abba Berezdov, Ukraine Berezdov, Ukraine BARAZ Russia Located in Korzec, Poland during the war. 572
BARAZ David M Married Chana Korets Korets 572
BARAZ Chana HELMAN F Married David Korets Korets 572
BARAZ Rachel F David Chanah Korets Korets 572
BARAZ Fania F David Chanah Korets Korets 572
BARAZ Chana Chasia GILMAN F Married Simcha Korets Korets BARAZ Israel There is a photo 572
BARAZ Mizia F Simcha Chanah Chasia Korets Korets BARAZ Israel 572
BARAZ David M Married Sarah Korets Korets BARAZ Israel There is a photo 573
BARAZ Sarah F Married David Korets Korets BARAZ Israel There is a photo 573
BARAZ Moshe M Married David Sarah Rachel Korets Sarny, Poland BARAZ Israel There is a photo 573
BARAZ Rachel F Married Moshe Korets Sarny, Poland BARAZ Israel 573
BARAZ Chaim M Moshe Rachel Korets Sarny, Poland BARAZ Israel 573
BARAZ Rivkah F Moshe Rachel Korets Sarny, Poland BARAZ Israel 573
BARAZ Yitzhak M Married David Sarah Korets Rowne, Poland BARAZ Israel There is a photo 573
BARAZ F Married Yitzhak Korets Rowne, Poland BARAZ Israel There is a photo 573
BARAZ Rivkah F Yitzhak Korets Rowne, Poland BARAZ Israel 573
BARAZ Miriam F Korets Korets BARAZ Israel BARAZ Rachel Israel Additional testimony provided by Bracha, Yitzhak and Bruria BARAZ in Israel 574
BARAZ Yosef M Married Miriam Zlatka Korets Korets BARAZ Israel BARAZ Rachel Israel Additional testimony provided by Bracha, Yitzhak and Bruria BARAZ in Israel 574
BARAZ Zlatka F Married Yosef Rafalowka, Poland Korets BARAZ Israel BARAZ Rachel Israel Located in Korzec, Poland during the war. Additional testimony provided by Bracha, Yitzhak and Bruria BARAZ in Israel 574
BARAZ Aharon M Yosef Zlatka Korets Korets BARAZ Israel BARAZ Rachel Israel Additional testimony provided by Bracha, Yitzhak and Bruria BARAZ in Israel 574
BARAZ Golda F Yosef Zlatka Korets Korets BARAZ Israel BARAZ Rachel Israel Additional testimony provided by Bracha, Yitzhak and Bruria BARAZ in Israel 574
BARZOV Binyamin M Korets Korets BARZOV ZAIKA Israel 574
BARZOV Mordecai M Binyamin Korets Korets BARZOV ZAIKA Israel 574
BARZOV Vaveh M Married Korets Korets BARZOV Russia Occupation was a blacksmith 574
BARZOV F Married Vaveh Korets Korets BARZOV Russia 574
BARZOV M Vaveh Korets Korets BARZOV Russia 574
BARZNIK Yehoshua M Married Korets Korets The brother of Simcha, Roza and Chuma 574
BARZNIK F Married Yehoshua Korets Korets 574
BARZNIK Simcha M Married Korets The brother of Yehoshua, Roza and Chuma 574
BARZNIK F Married Simcha Korets Korets 574
BARZNIK Roza F Korets Korets The sister of Yehoshua, Simcha and Chuma 574
BARZNIK Chuma F Korets Korets The sister of Yehoshua, Simcha and Roza 574
BARTMAN Malka F Korets Korets BARTMAN Israel 574
BARTMAN Yosef M Married Malka Sarah Korets Korets BARTMAN Israel There is a photo; the brother of Avraham, Sima and Sonia 574 , 575
BARTMAN Sarah PINRAT F Married Yosef Korets Korets BARTMAN Israel 574
BARTMAN Yitzhak M Yosef Sarah Korets Korets BARTMAN Israel 574
BARTMAN Avraham M Married Malka Shprintza Korets Korets BARTMAN Israel The brother of Yosef, Sima and Sonia 574
BARTMAN Shprintza NARBUS F Married Avraham Korets Korets BARTMAN Israel 574
BARTMAN Sima F Malka Korets Korets BARTMAN Israel The sister of Yosef, Avraham and Sonia; on the list it states (see WEINER) 574
BARTMAN Sonia F Malka Korets Korets BARTMAN Israel The sister of Yosef, Avraham and Sima; on the list it states (see DONDER) 574
BARTMAN Ya'akov M Korets Korets BARTMAN Israel 574
BARTMAN Yitzhak M Korets Korets BARTMAN Israel 574
BRITSKA Pesach M Married Henia Korets Korets 575
BRITSKA Henya F Married Pesach Korets Korets 575
BRITSKA Breindel F Pesach Henia Korets Korets 575
BRIK Esther F Korets Korets The aunt of SOLOMIANIK 575
BRIK Ita F Esther Korets Korets 575
BRIK Yisrael M Married Esther Tirtza Korets Berezne, Poland 575
BRIK Tirtza F Married Yisrael Korets Berezne, Poland 575
BRIK Pinchas M Yisrael Tirtza Korets Berezne, Poland 575
BRIK F Yisrael Tirtza Korets Berezne, Poland 575
BRIK Mordecai M Married Korets Berezne, Poland 575
BRIK F Married Mordecai Korets Berezne, Poland 575
BRIK David M Married Lantza Korets Korets BRIK Israel BRIK Eliyahu Israel 575
BRIK Lantza F Married David Korets Korets BRIK Israel BRIK Eliyahu Israel 575
BRIK Ita F David Lantza Korets Korets BRIK Israel BRIK Eliyahu Israel 575
BRIK Ben-Zion M Korets Korets BRIK Israel BRIK Eliyahu Israel 575
BRIK Chana F Korets Korets BRIK Israel BRIK Eliyahu Israel 575
BRIK Tova F Korets Korets BRIK Israel BRIK Eliyahu Israel On the list it states (see SOLOMIANIK) 575
BRIK Esther F Korets Korets BRIK Israel BRIK Eliyahu Israel 575
BRIK Yisrael M Esther Korets Korets BRIK Israel BRIK Eliyahu Israel 575
BRIK Mordecai M Esther Korets Korets BRIK Israel BRIK Eliyahu Israel 575
BRIK Ita F Esther Korets Korets BRIK Israel BRIK Eliyahu Israel 575
BRIK Chaim M Married Chaya Korets Korets 576
BRIK Chaya F Married Chaim Korets Korets 576
BRIK Shmuel M Chaim Chaya Korets Korets 576
BRIK Vala F Chaim Chaya Korets Korets 576
BRACH Yehezkel M Married Sheindel Korets Korets BRACH Poland 576
BRACH Sheindel F Married Yehezkel Korets Korets BRACH Poland 576
BRACH Sonia F Yehezkel Sheindel Korets Korets BRACH Poland 576
BRACH Feiga F Yehezkel Sheindel Korets Korets BRACH Poland 576
BRACH Shmuel M Yehezkel Sheindel Korets Korets BRACH Poland 576
BERMAN Moshe M Married Golda Novograd Volynskiy, Ukraine Korets Located in Korzec, Poland during the war. 576
BERMAN Golda F Married Moshe Novograd Volynskiy, Ukraine Korets Located in Korzec, Poland during the war. 576
BERMAN Slova GONIK F Married Mordecai Rowne, Poland Rowne, Poland BERMAN Israel Located in Korzec, Poland during the war. 576
BERMAN Leah KAGAN F Korets Korets BERMAN Israel 576
BERMAN Rachel F Korets Korets BERMAN ROTENBERG America 576
BERMAN Motel M Married Rachel Korets Korets BERMAN ROTENBERG America 576
BERMAN F Married Motel Korets Korets BERMAN ROTENBERG America 576
BERMAN Yosef M Rachel Korets Korets BERMAN ROTENBERG America 576
BREN Zvi M Korets Korets 576
BREN Shlomo M Married Kreindel Korets Dubno, Poland BREN Poland 576
BREN Kreindel F Married Shlomo Korets Dubno, Poland BREN Poland 576
BREN F Shlomo Kreindel Korets Dubno, Poland BREN Poland 576
BREN F Shlomo Kreindel Korets Dubno, Poland BREN Poland 576
BERNBAUM Yosef M Married Ita Korets Korets 576
BERNBAUM Ita ZALTZMAN F Married Yosef Korets Korets 576
BERNBAUM Sarah F Yosef Ita Korets Korets 576
BERNBAUM Machla F Korets Korets 577
BERNBAUM Chaika F Machla Korets Korets 577
BERNBAUM Hershel M Married Machla Korets Korets 577
BERNBAUM F Married Hershel Berezne, Poland Korets Located in Korzec, Poland during the war. 577
BERNBAUM Yosef M Machla Korets Korets 577
BERNBAUM Moshe M Married Rivkah Korets ZINMAN Israel Died near Warsaw 577
BERNBAUM Rivkah F Married Moshe Korets ZINMAN Israel Died near Warsaw 577
BERNBAUM Feiga F Moshe Rivkah Korets ZINMAN Israel Died near Warsaw; on the list it states (see STERN) 577
BRANDWEIN Chaya F Married Shmuel Korets Korets BRANDWEIN Israel 577
BRANDWEIN Noah M Shmuel Chaya Korets Korets BRANDWEIN Israel 577
BRANDWEIN Feiga F Shmuel Chaya Korets Korets BRANDWEIN Israel 577
BRANDWEIN Matel F Shmuel Chaya Korets Korets BRANDWEIN Israel 577
BRANDWEIN Leizer M Chaya Leah Korets Korets BRANDWEIN Israel 577
BRANDWEIN Chaya Leah F Korets Korets BRANDWEIN Israel 577
BRANDWEIN Meir M Married Leizer Sonia Korets Korets BRANDWEIN Israel 577
BRANDWEIN Sonia F Married Meir Korets Korets BRANDWEIN Israel 577
BRANDWEIN Riva F Meir Sonia Korets Korets BRANDWEIN Israel 577
BRANDWEIN Esther F Leizer Korets Korets BRANDWEIN Israel 577
BRANDES Eliezer M Married Sarah Korets Korets BRANDES Israel BRANDES Miriam Israel Additional testimony provided by Meir BRANDES in Poland 577
BRANDES Sarah F Married Eliezer Korets Korets BRANDES Israel BRANDES Miriam Israel Additional testimony provided by Meir BRANDES in Poland 577
BRANDES Yitzhak M Married Eliezer Sarah Korets BRANDES Israel BRANDES Miriam Israel Additional testimony provided by Meir BRANDES in Poland; died in the forest 577
BRANDES F Married Yitzhak Korets BRANDES Israel BRANDES Miriam Israel Additional testimony provided by Meir BRANDES in Poland; died in the forest 577
BRANDES Wolf M Korets Korets On the list it states (Wolf KOLAK) 577
BRANDES Golda F Wolf Korets Korets 577
BRANDES Miriam F Wolf Korets Korets 577
BRANDES Riva F Wolf Korets Korets There is a photo 577 , 578
BERNSTEIN Aharon M Married Chana Korets Olyka, Poland 578
BERNSTEIN Chana MIZIRITZSKY F Married Aharon Korets Olyka, Poland 578
BERNSTEIN Bat Sheva F Aharon Chanah Korets Olyka, Poland 578
BERNSTEIN Yitzhak M Married Baila Korets Korets 578
BERNSTEIN Baila BASYUK F Married Yitzhak Korets Korets 578
BERNSTEIN Reuven M Yitzhak Baila Korets Russia 578
BERNSTEIN Feiga F Yitzhak Baila Korets A partisan who fell at the front 578
BERNSTEIN Chayala F Yitzhak Baila Korets Korets 578
BAR'AM Zvi Neta M Korets Korets BAR'AM Israel 578
Esther BAR'AM F Married Tzvi Neta Korets Korets BAR'AM Israel The sister of Reuven, Rivkah, Miriam and Leah 578
BAR'AM Reuven M Married Tzvi Neta Sonia Korets Dubno, Poland BAR'AM Israel The brother of Esther, Rivkah, Miriam and Leah 579
BAR'AM Sonia KOFMAN F Married Reuven Dubno, Poland Dubno, Poland BAR'AM Israel Located in Korzec, Poland during the war. 579
BAR'AM Zelig M Reuven Sonia Korets Dubno, Poland BAR'AM Israel 579
BAR'AM Rivkah F Tzvi Neta Korets Korets BAR'AM Israel The sister of Esther, Reuven, Miriam and Leah; there is a photo 579
BAR'AM Miriam F Tzvi Neta Korets Korets BAR'AM Israel he sister of Esther, Reuven, Rivkah and Leah; there is a photo 579
BAR'AM Leah F Tzvi Neta Korets Korets BAR'AM Israel The sister of Esther, Reuven, Rivkah and Miriam; there is a photo; on the list it states (see BOLBINSKY) 579
BERK Yitzhak M Married Vichna Tuczyn, Poland Korets BERK Russia Located in Korzec, Poland during the war. On the list it states that the place of residence was Tuchin 579
BERK Vichna F Married Yitzhak Korets Korets BERK Russia 579
BERK Esther F Yitzhak Vichna Korets Korets BERK Russia 579
BERK Chaim M Yitzhak Vichna Korets Korets BERK Russia 579
BERK Moshe Hersh M Married Chaika Korets Korets 579
BERK Chaika PONDIA F Married Moshe Hersh Korets Korets 579
BARASH Sonia F Korets Korets The aunt of GILMAN Devorah 579
BARASH Devorah F Sonia Korets Korets 579
BARSHAK Noah M Korets BARSHAK Israel There is a photo; a soldier who fell in battle 580
BARSHAK Mendel M Korets BARSHAK Israel There is a photo 580
BASHKIN Rabbi Nisan M Married Guta Korets Korets Profession listed as Rabbi of the city; with photograph 580
BASHKIN Guta (rabbi's wife) LIDSKI F Married Nisan Korets Korets There is a photo; listed as rabbi's wife 580


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