Nostalgia For the Shtetl. People From Kopaigorod.
The large family of Poor Eli, photo, 1915 (photo archive of L. Mintz) |
The names of these individuals are forgotten Photo of Jews of Kopaigorod from the early 1930's |
Front row: from left to right: S. Feferman and M. Grinman Back: left to right: Roza and Semyon Fishylevich, and F. Belenkaya, early 1950's |
Betya Isaakivna Bidna-Koifman from the war period |
The Jewish wedding of Misha and Fanny Greenman, 1951 |
Sitting from left to right: L. Fishylevich and S. Myaskivskyi Standing: S. Herman and Y. Schwartz |
Junior school teacher A.I. Farber, September 1, 1964 |
Kopaigorod residents, early 1960's Fourth from the left is J. Kramer |
On the right is Zhenya Vinokur and his wife Ida. On the left are Svitlana Muk from the city of Bar and Zhenya's mother, Klara Vinokur. |
Farewell, shtetl |
Dora Kramer was the last Jewish woman in Kopaigorod. She died in 2012. |
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Kopaihorod, Ukraine
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