The Story of Kopaigorod Was Written at Different Times
Kopaigorod, 1892. V. Guldeman Populated places of the Podolsk province. |
The town of Kopaigorod in the Mogilev Uezd, Kopaigorod volost. 282 families. 1,628 residents. It is located 487 km from the main town of the uezd. The nearest post office is Sharhorod. The nearest post office for official correspondence is Maryanovka. The nearest railway station is Serbinovtsy. The nearest station that leads to the gubernia town is Yaryshev.
Kievlyanin, 1901, № 166 |
The note states that K.D. Neyman from Kopaigorod, who worked as a doctor in the town, stayed at Gladenyuk's hotel on July 17.
The following people who came from: Odessa A.N. Ageyev; Moscow V.I .Guselmikov; Kremenets N.I. Dobroumov and K.I. Toropov; Piriaitnsk V.V .Katerinich; Chervonny I.I. Kovalsky; Kharkov - M. Lamm; Petersburg I.G. Linko; Kopaigorod K.D. Neyman; Chudnov A.R. Chetyrkin; Vinnitsa O.A. fon-Ern; stayed in the hotel of Gladyniuk
Greetings from the editor of the newspaper Kievlyanin, D. Pikhno, on the New Year from Justice of the Peace N. Beleskul (Kopaigorod) and the widow of Colonel E. Dvorzhitskaya (Popivtsi), published on January 8, 1906 |
We congratulate you on the New Year and ask G-d to save you for many years for the benefit of our dear Motherland and Russian people. We ask you to join our signatures to the letter #1, which was in #321 of your newspaper. Please accept the assurances of deep respect to you.
Honorable magistrate. Beleskul, widow of the colonel Yevgeniya Dvotzhitskaya.
January 1, 1906. Kopaigorod Podolye gubernia village of Popovtsy
About robberies in the Kopaigorod area, Rada, 1909. № 284 |
Sharhorod, 5. Not far from Kopaigorod some criminals attacked brothers Royzentul, beat them and stole 125 rubles. The criminals have been caught.
About robberies, Rada, 1909, № 252 |
From Podillia. Robbers. Not far from the village of Verliadka of Mogilev povit, several criminals attacked L. and Z. Rozentuls and stole several hundred rubles. The Rozentuls could hardly reach the first village house, where they let the police of Kopaigorod know about the incident. Several people have been arrested.
Kievlyanin, 1900, № 308. It is stated that the telegram to Ivanov from Kopaigorod was not delivered. |
The telegrams that were not delivered for November 4:
To: the Aliabyevs from Yekateriunoslav, Akhsumov from Sinelnik, Brodsky from Warsaw, Bernatsky from Zhmerinka, Inozemtsev from Putivl, Kliachko from Surazh, Kovalevsky from Kharkov, Konstantinovich from Smolensk, Kogan from Moscow, Klimov from Lubny, Kryzhnaya from Lysianka, Kopylov from Kharkov, Lozinskiy from Vendichany, Lesskiy from Novaya Ushitsa, Melnikov from Zhelannaia, Minerva from Zhmerinka, Rotshteyn from Chernigov, Slutskiy from Gomel, Troitskaya from Petersburg, Sheinkman from Chernobyl, Demchenko from Koriukovka, Ivanov from Kopaigorod, Krasovskiy from Verlin.
There was a warehouse in Kopaigorod that sold plows by the firm, I. Sukheni, 1911Kievlyanin, 1900, № 308. It is stated that the telegram to Ivanov from Kopaigorod was not delivered. |
Everybody knows about them. Plows!
One and two-share plows are 30% cheaper. They are better. Instead of the former iron bodies they have a forged body. They are in the warehouses of Kopaigorod, Kremenets, Lutsk and others. There are letters SUCHENI on them. The address is: I. Sucheni in Gidlia, Novoradomsk station, Petrokov. Gubernia.
Rada, 1909, № 189, about the murder in the city of Kopaigorod |
Murder for alcohol. In Kopaigorod a local guy came into the house of his friend and began to demand that she give him alcohol. She didn't want to give it to him. Then the man grabbed her throat, took ashes from the oven and filled her mouth with it. After some time the woman suffocated. Then the guy put her into the bed, covered her with the blanket and sat down to eat at the table. He then took all of her money and went to walk in the market, where the police arrested him.
Rada, 1907, № 201. The newspaper wrote about Bogutsky's cruel attitude towards people. |
Kopaigorod. Mogilev povit. Every night Bogurky walked along the fields trying to find those who grazed horses on his field. But he wasn't able to find them for a long time.
But one happy night, he and his armed servants caught a boy with horses on his field. The furious master attacked the boy and started beating his head and face.
The boy will remember the lesson forever. Maybe he will tell his grandchildren about it, if he stays alive.
Bogutsky went home after he calmed down. The boy was carried from the field on the next day. The boy's father came to the master to ask why he had beaten his son. The nervous master couldn't stand such a brazen question and he beat the father almost like his son. The father applied to the court.
Story about a child found in the Kopaigorod district, Rada, 1911, № 89 |
Mogilev povit. (at Podillia)
An abandoned child. Not long ago a woman left a small child in the carriage of the train that was going from Kopaigorod to Kotiuzhany. She got on the train in Kopaigorod and got off in Katiuzhany. She put the child to sleep and left it on the upper berth. The attendant says that he saw a woman who was crying in Katiuzhany and looking at the train. People found a card near the child on which it was written that the child was Catholic. The child was taken to the priest in Mogilev. Police are investigating and looking for the child's mother.
Story about phosphate mining near Kopaigorod in the Rada newspaper, 1909, № 289 |
Phosphorite. Phosphorite in Podillia is mined in the place that is located in the triangle Proskuriv Zhmerinka Mogilev. In this district 877-1328 poods of phosphorite are mined every year. Most of it is mined in the Derazhnia district (almost 41 %), then Mogilev (26%) and Proskurov (19%) district. In the districts of Bar and Kopaigorod and Suliatitskiy station, about 144-262 poods are mined, which amounts to 3-6% of the whole amount of phosphorite mined in Podillia. 84.5 % of Podillia phosphates are sold mainly to Poland, which buys them for its superphosphate factories. About 11% of phosphorite is brought to Austria and 5% to other markets. A large amount of phosphorite that is sold from Podillia is returned as super phosphate, so Podillia agriculture has to pay for the double transporting of this product. Now a manufacturing community has been organized in Podillia. It will develop the phosphorite mining and recycle them to phosphates.
Rada, 1913. The newspaper had an article about the export of bread through Kopay Station |
The exportation of grain abroad is very big. North-Western povits of Podillia export grain through the Black sea ports of Odessa and Mykolaiv. The Northern povits through Volochiysk, Gusiatyn and Isakivtsi. The following railway stations are the most important for loading grain: Mogyliv, Proskuriv, Kryzhopil, Hnivan, Popeliukhy, Chornyy Ostriv, Brailiv, Rakhny, Vinnytsia, Kopaigorod and others. For the last 5 years more than 65 mln poods of grain have been loaded on these stations.
A Rada newspaper article about fraudsters in the Kopaigorod area in 1907. № 182 |
Kopaigorod, Mogilev povit.
There are more and more robberies and attacks in our town. Society is terrified. People are afraid to go to the neighboring village and go outside in the evening. Three churches and cathedrals have recently been robbed. The robbers stole gold and rubles from the churches in Malchivtsi and Obukhiv. They didn't manage to steal anything in Matrynivsti, as somebody noticed them in the window and started to shout. However, the robbers have not yet been arrested. It is unknown what they stole from the cathedral. Recently two men grabbed money from a peasant from Malchivtsi. The peasant was leaving the station when some boy ran up to him and asked him where he was going. Hearing that the latter was heading to the market, the boy asked for permission to join him. After several minutes another boy came up to them and asked if they saw pigs. After learning that they had not, he ran farther on. After some time the boy who was going together with the peasant saw a wallet on the ground and picked it up. He was glad and asked the peasant to go to the forest to divide the money. At first, the peasant didn't want to go but then he agreed. As soon as they stepped aside, another boy ran up to them and asked if they had found money. The boy and the peasant didn't say anything. Then the boy asked them to show their pockets. The peasant took out his 24 rubles and showed them to the boy. No sooner had the peasant shown him the money, the boy seized it and both guys ran away. One of the boys was caught in the field. And the second one came to the station himself and gave the money back.
Describes the armed attack on merchants from Kopaigorod. Rada newspaper, № 231, 1911 |
Armed attack. On September 30, near the town of Kamenets-Podolsky, there was an armed attack on people who were traveling from Kopaigorod. There were about 100 shots. Then the robbers attacked the people with daggers and started to rob them. They stole more than 500 rubles, gold and silver items, and then ran away. The police are looking for them.
In 1912, an article in the Rada newspaper about a so-called doctor in order to warn people against treatment by such healers |
From Podillia. Doctor Our correspondent from Kopaigorod Yampok povit writes that there is a villager who, in his youth, wandered around the Bessarabia and Kherson region, earning money in various ways. Now, he has been treating people for diseases for several years. This so-called doctor is illiterate and doesn't even know how to read. He lives near the hospital and everybody in the neighborhood knows him. It saddens me when I come along this street and see one or two cabs standing near the hospital and seven or eight cabs near the house of the doctor with people waiting to see him. It's not a surprise that not only simple people, but also educated ones come here. Spinsters come to him frequently. He treats with various herbs and charges 5 rubles. His treatment consists of the following steps. He takes patients to the river and bathes them, then walks them around the house three times, taps them with a magic club while saying the words, Go to live on your bread. [Go and live alone.] The most popular of his magic is to part the thunderclouds. [He could prevent rain.]
IRada newspaper article № 290, from 1911 about the creation of a grain reception point at Kopaigorod Station |
From Podillia. Activity of the Podillia agricultural community. The Podillia agricultural community is soliciting shopkeepers to establish shops with machines for cleaning grain which will improve the condition of the grain exported from the gubernia. There are 8 places for these shops on the railway stations Zhmerinka, Vapniarka, Kopaigorod, Derazhnia, Nemiriv, Proskuriv, Mogilev, Goledry. Grain is sold widely in these districts.
State Duma deputy, Balashov, boasted that he could make Kopaigorod a county town if he wanted to. Rada newspaper, 1913, № 222 |
Almighty Balashov. Recently, the residents of Yampol were excited about the fact that the government wants to move all the Povit institutions from Yampol to Kopaigorod and make it a povit town. Because of this, the administration of Yanpol sent a request to the ministry of the home affairs asking for Yampol to stay a povit.
It was found out that the government didn't even intend to delete the Yampol povit center. It was the fault of the leader of nationalists Balashov, the deputy of the State Duma, who boasted everywhere that nationalists are all-powered and have a great influence on the government.
Here is an example, said Balashov. Today, the povit center is in Yampol, and if I wish, it will be in Kopaigorod tomorrow. Everything will be as I say.
It must be mentioned that Kopaigorod and its surroundings comprise the motherland for Balashov. When Balashov was told that it would be very expensive to move the povit center, he said, I will give half a million rubles of my own money for it.
Article about the election of representatives from small Polish landowners in Kopaigorod. Rada newspaper, 1914., № 151 |
Elections. The elections of the representatives from small Polish landowners, appointed on June 30 in Kopaigorod, didn't take place. Only one person came to the elections.
These elections took place in the town on July 1. There were three people who came there. S.I.Mikhalevsky was elected as a representative.
Article in The Rada newspaper, 1914, № 142, about the convening of a congress of small landowners in the town |
On June 30, July 1,2,3, in the Kopaigorod Mogilev povit, there will be meetings of small landowners and those who have their representatives to the povit meeting which will take place in Mogilev Podolsky on July 11 and 12. On July 11 they will elect the Polish people, and on July 12 non-Polish. The elections of the chairman and the members of the povit authorities will take place in September.
Article in the newspaper Chervony Kray, 1925, № 222, about the poor work of the tax inspector, Synkevich |
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