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Appendix 3

Kopaigorod in the Lights {cont.}


The soul hurts and the heart cries, 2009


The same building, but from the side of B. Khmelnytskyi street


The same house. The Bunyak family lived on the first floor. E. Spector lived on the second floor. Our part of the house was in the back.
Photo from 1998


Mute witnesses of the former life, a sign can be seen: Lenin str, 19


A destroyed Jewish house


An abandoned Jewish house


This Jewish house is falling apart.


Part of Pershotravneva Street. Jews no longer live here.


A Jewish house on B. Khmelnytskyi Street


A Jewish house on B. Khmelnytskyi Street


There was a warehouse for recycled materials in the basement of this building. Photo taken by employees of the St. Petersburg Institute of Judaics, 1998.
Photo from 1998


The beginning of B. Khmelnytskyi Street which leads to the old Jewish cemetery
Photo from 1998


Another road to the old Jewish cemetery. A cemetery can be seen in the foreground.
Photo from 1998


The old Jewish cemetery, photo 1998, M. Hayfitz


Malka's grave painted in the colors of the Ukrainian flag, 1998.


Photos from 1998, of different types of gravestones in the cemetery

The translations of inscriptions on the tombstones follow. Top row, left to right, the first one - Moshe, son of Shmuel d. 1749, the third - Pesl, daughter of Meyer, d. 1748, the fourth - Manya, daughter of Yehuda, d. 1815. The second row from the left is Sehe, daughter of Shmuel, d. 1813,the first on the right - Leah-Feig, daughter of Abraham, d. 1796.


This is what you might see at the old Jewish cemetery

A poem by Alfred Margul-Sperber (1898-1967), a poet from Chernivtsi.

A little goat grazes on the grave of my ancestor,
and her beard sways in the wind here and there.
The wind gently sweeps the grass in different directions.
Her eyes look like Jewish eyes.
Maybe the white goat has the beard of my ancestor?
Her foreign eyes are sad.
Like an old Jew, the gravestone tilted,
and the wind flutters the beard, which is pulled by a goatee.


There used to be an atelier (sewing workshop) in this building on Central (Lenin) Street


The bread factory building above, in 2010, which has not been in use for many years


A house in which Jews used to live.


A Jewish House, and on the left is the library, in 1998


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