Appendix 3Kopaigorod in the Lights {cont.}
The house in which the Milhiker family lived |
Jewish houses, late 1970's. |
The house in which the Semyon Fishylevich family lived |
The Rosenblith family lived in this house |
The house in which the shoemaker Haskel lived with his family. In the early 20th century it was considered a good house in the town. |
An old Jewish house. The Liebman family once lived here. |
Columns such as these were installed in the streets of the town after the water pipes were laid. |
View of the observation window of the basement in the building that housed the library. The occupiers used this as a prison during the war.
Photo from 1998 |
Not far from the old Jewish storehouse there is an anti-freezing reservoir in which hundreds of rocks have been soaked in water. |
Drinking water reservoir for pumping station |
Pumping station for the town |
There was a power station in this building that supplied Kopaigorod with electricity during the evening and early part of the day. |
The former library building. Memory Square is to the left. |
View of the library building.
On the wall near the entrance there is a sign indicating that this is a library, and on the first floor there was a children's library.
Photo from 1998 |
Sidewalk on Central Street. More than one generation of people walked on these slabs. |
Crossing to Central Street |
New sidewalk on Central Street, spring 2020 |
The house in which the Vinokur family lived. There used to be a pharmacy on this site and a savings bank next to it. |
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Kopaihorod, Ukraine
Yizkor Book Project
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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
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Updated 13 Mar 2024 by JH