Concentration Camp and Ghetto Prisoners {cont.}
Top row: I.Bilenky, Gedal Bilenky, Buzia Shcherb, Klara Bilenkaya Bottom row: Fania Belenkaya, S.G. Bilenky |
Top row: Sonia Sigal, Semen Sigal Bottom row: Mamtsia Royzen, A.I. Farber |
Top row: Ada Zus, Rulia Zus Rulia, Sh.Zus,Yankel Zus Bottom row: D. Moreynis, Moskalmik, D. Oblingorsky |
Top row: Buzia Sigal, Boris Gelin, Volodia Gelin, Dina Gelin Bottom row: Polina Gelin, Khaia Feyga Gelin |
Top row: Shteynman, Boris Shteynman Bottom row: Mikhail Shteynman, Olya Shteynman |
Top row: Polina Belfer, Blekhman, Semen Vasserman, D.Vasserman Second row: Boris Dragun, Boris Dukhovny |
Top row: Elia Kizner, Abram Gelin Bottom row: Yeva Shnayder, Ida Shvartsur |
Top row: Mikhail Griman, L. Koyfman, Aniut Kupershteyn, Boris Kupershteyn Bottom row: Lieva Mesonhyk, Ya. Grinman |
Top row: A. German, Buzia German, Etia German Bottom row: Roma German, Fishka German |
Top row: Yosif Shvarts, Kuka Shvarts, Riva Brunmshteyn, Rivka Bilenkaya Bottom row: Misha Rozenfeld, Palatnik |
Top row: Keyla Fishelevich, Leyzer Fishelevich, Roza Fishelevich, S. Fishelevich Bottom row: Ys. Foishelevich, Yasha Fishelevich, Samuil L. Fishelevich |
I was able to find the following list of Jews from Kopaigorod (excluding residents of Romania and Bukovina) who died in the ghetto in 1941-1944, among the resources of Yad Vashem. The dates indicate the year of birth: Golda Abovich (1891), Haya Avis (1922), Perla Eisinger (1898), Masha Baron, Ida Poor (1910), Fanya Poor (1940), Moses Binder, Naum Brager (1901), Esther Binstock (1924), Pearl Binstock (1922), F. Blitman (1928), Rosa Voloshyna (1938), Aron Handelman (1902), Polina Gelin (1914), Ida Gelin (1930), Gelin Haya (1909), Feiga Heliman (1924), Hayka Goldenberg (1924), Zelman Goldenberg (1918), Khana Horodetska (1932), Menakhim Horodetskyi (1911), Toibe Goldenberg (1878), Semen Horodetskyi (1917), Manya Grempel (1890), Shunya Groysman (1925), Motya Etizon, Kalman Seidman (1874), Avrum Zelezniak (1921), Itsko Sonenstein (1920), Meyer Rezentul (1910), Hershl Rezentul (1915), Riva Rezentul (1939), Moisei Yurchak (1905), Hayka Kaplan, Sonia Kaprynska (1934), Manya Kaprynska (1937), Golda Kaprynska (1906), M. Katz (1918), Ester Katz (1896), Isaak Kiperschlag, Yakov Kiperschlag (1928), Freema Kiperschlag (1909), Dina Kiperschlag (1915), Yitzhak Kiperschlag (1876), Khana of Krakopolska (1879), Joseph of Krakopolska, Usher Krieg (1862), Isaac Malamud (1892), Yitzhak Melamud (1852), Etya Nemirovskaya (1924), Polina Nemirovskaya (1922), Bluma Nischy (1875), Izya Raif, Buzya Reznik, Nesya Roif (1870), Rudy (1870), Zakhar Solovyanskyi, Niya Spector, Kolman Spector, Bailo Singer (1875), Zisya Singer (1875), Avraham Fresman (1925), Froiko Hasiuk (1912), Shika Hasiuk, Isaak Tzodikovich, Mira Sharum (1935), Feiga Sharum (1905), Alter Sharum (1901), Peisa Sharum (1933), Sara Sharum (1937), Khana Sharum, Peya Sharum, Rahel Sharum, Pinya Shvahman (1866), E. Shor, Manya Shor, David Shor, Volko Shuster (1882), Simha Shuster (1882), Nachman Schuster (1908), Haya Schuster (1891), Velv Schuster (1891), and many others whose names have already been forgotten.
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